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Crain, K.C. (2008). 50 years of great cars. Autoweek, 52-68.

 The popular car buff magazine takes the common automobile to an artful level. This issue
dedicated to looking at the past, present, and future of the great American icon: the car. In the
article by Sheila Ronis entitled The Next 50 Years strives to foresee how a normal commuter’s day
will be different in the future.
 I plan to use this as an example of a common imagination into the future. While dealing mostly with
the large scale political implications of future travel, the ideas and creativity is useful. Images also
speak to the architecture in a great way.

Hirth, K.G. (1982). “Transportation Architecture at Xochicalco, Morelos, Mexico”. Current

Anthropology, 23(3), Retrieved from

 This is a fun fact article about how an ancient civilization used transportation to dictate the city
 I will use this study to show the magnitude of this trend and how long it has been in use.

Jones, W. (2006). New transport architecture. London, England : Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.
 This book runs through dozens of different case studies of how architecture literally touches
transportation. The studies range from a ten million square foot airport to a simple bus stop. The
visual relationships are outstanding as well as the analysis of the structures.
 This is a great resource for not only current trends on this subject but also points to where the
future might lead. Also, the images are stunning.
Meyhofer, D. (2003). Motortecture. Ludwigsburg, Germany: avedition GmbH.
 This book is the inspiration for the project. Expanding from Meyhofer’s ideas, I can reach further
into the future. This also goes into detail about the rise of this “genre” of architecture.
 I may be able to use some interviews provided within the pages. Two of the German designers
discuss the relationships between transportation design and architecture. I also intend on using the
case studies for more examples of past and present works.
Seamans, J. (Writer), Seamans, J. (Director). (2008). Car of the future [Television series
episode]. In J.D. Smith (Executive producer), Nova. Boston: WGBH Educational Foundation.

 This episode of the popular PBS series NOVA looks into rising technologies in transportation. Tom
and Ray Magliozzi, two radio hosts, look into the many new energy sources and ideas about what
transportation is during their search for Tom’s new car.
 I can use this along with Siddall’s work to look at how these two speak to architecture.

Siddall, W.R. (1987). “Transportation and the experience of travel”. Geographical Review, 77(3),
Retrieved from

 This article focuses upon the many different types of transportation and how the experience has
changed as the technologies are developed. It spans from an engaging stroll through the park to
the secluded airplane thousands of feet above.
 This can be used to explore the different modes of transportation link a city together. To take these
ways of moving and apply them all to a city will be an interesting analysis of two seemingly
unrelated elements speaking to each other.

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