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1 physics
Force is that which changds a bodys state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight
The weight of a body with respect to the earth is that force which the body exerts on
anything which freely supports it.
Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
Hookes law
When a spring is fixed at one end and a force is applied at the other, the extension
of the spring is proportional to the force applied provided the force is not large
enoggh to stetch the spring permanently.
Scalar quantity and Vector quantity.
A scalar quantity is one which has onl y maggitude or size. A vector quantity has both
magnitude and direction.
The parallelogram of forces
If two forces acting at s point are represented bboth in magnitude and direction
by the adjacent side of a parallelogram, their resultant will be represented both in
magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from the point.
Triangle of forces
If three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, they can be represented in
magihitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle taken oin order.
Pr&nciple of moments
When a body is in equilibrium: the sum of the anticlockWise moments about any point
is equal to the sum of the clockwise moments.
Equal and opposite forces form what is called a couple.
Centre of gravity
The centre if gravity of a body is defined as the point of application of the resultant
force due to the earts attraction on it.
Speed is defined as the rate of change of distance moved with time.
Velocityis defined as the rate of change of distance moved withtime in a specified
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity moved with time.
A simple pendulum is defined as a small heavy body suspended by a light inextensible
Parallelogram of velocities
If a body has two component velocities which are represented by two adjacent sides of
a parallelogram then the resultant velocityis represented
by the diagonal of the
parallelogram drawn from the inersection of the two sides.
2 physics
Relfltive velocity
The velocity of a body A relative to a body B is obtained by combining the velocity of
A with the velocity of B reversed.
First Law
Every body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless
compelled by some external force to act otherwise.
The momentum of a body is defined as the product of irs mass and its velocity.
Change of momentum
The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the applied force and takes
place in the direction in which the force acts.
The SI unit of force is called the Newton and is the force which produces an aceelratiol
of 1 ms-2 when its actson a mass of 1 kilogramme.
Third law
To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Conservation If Momentunn
When two or more bodies act upon one another their total momentum remains constant,
providing no external forces are acting.
Work is said to be done when the point of application of a force moves and is measured
by the product of the force and the distance, moved in the direction of the force.
rnergy is the capacity to perform work
The SI unit of work is called the . Joule and is the wok done when the point of app
lication of a force 1 newton moves through 1 metre in the direction of the force.
Mechanical energy
Kinetic energy is the energy which a body possesses by reason of its motion
Potential energy is the energy which a body has by reason of its position or state.
Heat is defined as energy which flows from one place to another owing to a temperature
difference between them.
Powere is defined as the rate of doing work.
The SI unit of power is called the watt and is the rate of working of 1 joule per
Mechanical advantage
The mechanical advantage of a machine is defined ss the ratio of the load to the effort
page 3 physics
Essentially a machine is any devive by means of which a force applied at one point
may be used to overcome a force at some other point.
Velocity ratio
The ratio of the distance moved by the effort to the distance moved by the load in the
same time
is called the velocity ratio of the machine.
tts the raton of the useful work done by the
iTachine to the total work put into the m
Density is defined as mass per unit volume.
Relative density
The relative density of a substance is tin ratio. of the mass of any volume of the
of it to the mass of an equal volume of water.
The SI unit of pressure is Newton metre -2.
Archimedes primciple
When a body is wholly or partillly immersed in a fluid
it experiances anupthrust
equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
A floating body displaces its own weight of the fluid in which it floats.
The tempersture of a substance is a number which expresses it s degree of hotness on a
chosen scale.
Upper fixed point
The upper fixed point issteam from water boiling under standard atmospheric pressure
of 760mmhg.
Lower fixed point
The lower fixed point is the temperature of pur melting ice.
Coefficient of linearexpansion
The coefficient of linear expansion id the fraction of origianl length by which a rod
of the substance expands per degree rise in temperature.
Boyles law
The volume of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure providing
the temperature remains constant.
Charles Law
The volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure is proportional to its
absolute temperature.
pressure Law
The pressure of a fixed mass if gas at a constant volume is proportional to its
absolute temperature.
," so,)
Page 1+.
Heat capacity
The heat capacity of a body of any kind is defined as the heat required to raise its
temperature by 1 degree centigrade.
Specific Heat Capacity.
The specific heat capacity of a substance is defined as the heat required to raise
the unit mass through 1 degree centigrade.
Latent heat of vapourisation
the specific latent heat of vapourisation of a substance is the quantity of heat
required to change the unit mass of the substance from liquid to vapour state
without a change in temperature.
Latent heat of fusion
The specific latent heat of fusion of a substance is the quantity of heat required to
convert the unit mass of the substanee from solid to liquid state without a change in
A saturated vapour is one which is a state of dynamic equlibrium with its own liquidor
Boiling point
The boiling point of a substance is defined as the temperature at which its saturation
vapour pressure becomes equal to the external atmospheric pressure.
Dew point.
The dew point is defined as the temperature at whichthe water vapour pressure present
in the air is just sufficient to saturate it.
Laws of reflection
The incedent ray the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incedence all lie
on the dame plane. The angle of incedence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Principle focus
The principle focus of a spherical mirror is that point on the principal
axis to which
all rays originally parallel and close to the principal axis converge
, or from which
they appear to diverge after reflection from a mirroe.
Conjugate foci are any pair of points such that an object placed at one of them gives
rise to a real image at tie other.
Snells law.
The ratio of the sine of the angle of incedence to the sine of the angle of refraction
is a constant.
Focal length
The focal length of a lens is the distance between the optical centre and the principal
The maximum displacement of a particle from rest position is called the amplitude of a
, - - W P
5. physics
The wavlen*th is defined as the distance between two
sucessive particles which are
at exactly the smae point in their paths and are moving in the same direction.
Any line or section taken through an advancing wave in which all the - particles
are in the same
pahse is called the wavefront.
The number oft complete oscillations per .second is called the frequency.
Neutral point
A neutralp point id defined at which the resultant
magnetic flux densityis zero.
The ampere
is the current which if flowing in two straight prallel wires of infinite
length placed 1 metre apart in a vacuum will produce
on each of tic wires a force kof
2 X 10 -7 newton per metre length.
A coulomb is the quantity of electricity which passes any point in a circuit in 1 secon
a steady current of 1 ampere is flowing.
The volt
Two points are at a potential difference of 1 vlo volt if 1 joule of work is done per
coulomb of electricity passing from one point to another.
The emf
of a cell in volts is therfore :defined as the total work done in joules
per coulomb of electricity convey int the citcuit in which the cell is connected.
Ohms 39aw
The current passing througha wite at constant temperature is proportional to the pot-
ential differnece
between its ends.
TIT resistance of a conductor is the ratio of. potential difference across it to the
current flowing through it.
The ohm is the resistance of a conductor such that when a potential difference of 1
volt is applied to its ends a current of 1 ampere flows through it.
Right hand grip rule
Imagine the wire to be grasped in the right hand with the thumb pointing along the wire
in the direction of the current. The direction of the fingers will give the direction
of the magnetic flux.
Flemmings left hand rule
place the forefinger , seconft finger and thumb of the left hand mutually at right angles
Then if the Forefinger points in the direction of the field and the seCond finger in
the direction of the Current then the thumb will point in the direction of the Motion.
Page 6 Physics
The resistivity of a material expressed in ohm metre units is numerically equal to the
resistance of a conducter of the materail of length 1 metre and of cross sectional
area 1 metre squared.
Fardays law of electromagnetic inductiom
Whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux linked with a circuit an electromagnetic
force is induced, the strength of which is proportional to the rate of change of the
flux linked with the circuit.
Lenzs law of electromagnetic induction
The direction of the induced current is always such as to oppose the change producing
Mass number
The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus is called the mass number and is
denoted by A.
Atomic number
The atomic number is defined as the nimber of protons in a nucleus and. is denoted by Z,
Isotppes of an element are atoms which have the same atomicnumber but different mass
When an element disintegrates by the emission of an alph particle it turns into an
element with chemical properties similar to those of an element two paces earlier in
the periodic table.
When an element disintegrates by the emission of a 1'ata particle it turns into
an elemen
with similar properties to that of an element one p3 ace later in the periodic table.
P hysics at Cidina t.ivei
The following papers will be set:
Physics I
Physics 1 1
2 hrs.
iksper I will be set, largely, on the thermal and molecular properties of matter and on wave motion, light
and sound; Paper 11 on the mechanical properties of matter and on electricity and atomic structure.
Each paper will consist of one short answer question of ten parts each carrying equal marks and six questions of a
trrtui`onal kind. Candidates must attempt the short answer question in both papers and should answer three other
questions on each paper.
The Awarders will assume that an experimental approach to the subject has been followed. Candidates will
be expected to have had an adequate amount of individual laboratory experience as well as the opportunity to watch
experimental demonstrations. Questions may be set requiring accounts of experimental procedures.
The formal statement of laws not mentioned in the syllabus will not be required.
"" In answers to numerical questions the degree of accuracy obtainable by use of a 5" slide rule or three figure
. rtes Is sufficient. The use of electronic calculators is not permitted.
Graphical solutions are acceptable , wherever appropriate.
SI units in the most general sense (that is, including units with any combination of prefixes , such as g/cm3) will
be used with the addition of the litre (I) and the kilowatt hour (kWh). In addition some other non-SI units , particularly
millimetre of mercury (mmHg)
and atmosphere (atml'may be used where this is more natural . Problems will not be
set involving conversion from SI to non-SI units (or vice versa).
Symbols and abbreviations will comply in general with British Standards 1991 and with the booklet'Sl Units,
Signs, Symbols and Abbreviations as published by the
Association for Science Education (1974).
The portions of the syllabus whichare underlined will appear in italic in the Regulations for Certificate Examinations
and these portions are to be omitted for Physics-with-Chemistry.
Notes on the syllabus are appended . These are simply intended to indicate the range of topics on which
questions may be set; they in no way suggest a teaching order nor are theyintended to restrict the subject matter which
schools may wish to teach . They arenot to be considered as an exhaustive set of limitations . Questions may be set
n points not specifically mentioned ir. thesyllabus or in the notes but in suck cases sufficient information will be
,o-t, on in the questions to enable c andidates to apply principles covered in the syllabus.
Syllabus Topic
Notes and Comments
Mess, length, time and their units. The SI units, brief indications of their bases e.g. the facts that the kg is
based on a prototype, the metre on a number of wavelengths. Commonly
used multiples and submultiples.
(Precise definitions of the SI units are not required).
Use of micrometer screw gauge Practical use including use of vernier calipers. Theory of operation of
and vernier. vernier scale . (Types other than 10 division forward-reading are excluded).
Volume measurement, density, Densities of regular solids by weighing and mensuration . Densities of
relative densi y Irregular solids by weighing and liquid displacement . Densities of liquids by
weighing a standard volume. (Density calculations involving alloys or
mixtures of liquids will not be set). Rlative densities of l i q u i d s by hydrometer
{sec_intcr_ unci c Arcl^i^^^ ^Ics` PiinciplO)..
rectors,, the composition
ar.Jof vectors.
Mass and weight
Moment of a force about an axis
Centre of gravity . Equilibrium
The relation between moss,
acceleration and force. The
W ork . The J oule . Energy Its
transformation and conservation
my (without proof)
Qualitative behaviour of
frictional forces.
P ower; the watt, the k ilowatt- hour
Momentum. The relationship
enforce and momentum.
rvation momentum.
The principles of machines and
their application to the lever,
.simple pulley blocks and the
screw J ack .
The choracterlstics of fluid
pressure, and their application to
the hydraulic press and the U-
tubs; manometer.
The principle of Archimedes
and applications.
Atmospheric pressure and its
measurement by simple mercury
and aneroid barometers.
Thermal expansion of solids and
liquids. Measurement of the linear
e^ansivit(cocfficicnt of linear
ex nsiat ) of rncrtc:ial in t:,a form
of a rod or tuba, i''.I iI c Of )s
and consequences of expjii;iion.
Some common examples of scalar and vector quantities . Parotlelgrom
law and experimental verification for forces. Ads!+.tion and su`.trc Lion of
vectors with particular erf;plrasis on force and velocity. Resviution into
componeots at right angles. Equilibriumof three forces.
(Relative v elocity is excluded).
Weipht as force, mass in relation to standard kilogram (see later under
mass, acceleration and force).
The principle of moments and equilibrium of a body under a system of parallel
forces . Reaction at a fulcrum . Recognition of pairs of forces c^siving rise
to couples in simple cases.
Centre of gravity treated experimentally; relationship between change in
its position in small displacements and stability of equilibrium.
Concept of force. Experimental study of changes in motion caused by forces.
Massas inertia . Definitions of acceleration and force.
`Equations of uniformly accelerated motionare not required to be memorised
but problems on uniformly accelerated motion soluble from first principles
from energy conservation or by graphical methods may be set).
P roblems on potential and kinetic energy and on work = force x distance
Various forms of energy. Mass and energy (qualitative only, E = m,
is not expected).
Friction as a force, molecular in origin, opposing relative
Force = rate of change of momentum. Experimental verification of conservation
aw Ap ication to simple two-bod collisions , to systems exploding into
two or three P arts, and rock ets.
ems wi r tl tot beset inyglvipa use of kinem ical giatians).
Definitions of and relationship between mechanical advantage, velocity
ratio and efficiency exemplified by pulley systems of velocity ratio not
greater than 4, screw jack and lever. Causes of inefficiency.
force (thrust)/area in pascal (N/mz) or in mmHg or in
atmosphere. (see preamble to syllabus). Hydrostatic pressure =Pgh
experimental verification. Experimental evidence that hydrostatic pres, ' V W
the some in all directions . Hydrostaticpress as simple machine; princIp....
only in its applications e.g. hydraulic brake. U-tube method for comparing
densities of Immiscible liquids.
Simple experimental demonstration and explanation by considering thrusts
on horizontal faces of immersed regular solid (or by some other method).
Flotation. Calculations of upthrusts in simple cases. Applications to
relative density measurements for liquids . (Detailed descriptions of hydrometers
are not required).
Demonstration of existence of atmospheric pressure; decrease with height.
Use of p = pgh for small height changes . Principle and construction of
simple mercury barometer . Aneroid barometer, principle and construction,
application as altimeter.
Effects and applications of thermal expansion e.g. provision for expansion
of bridges , natural convection (qualitative only),bimotailic strip. -A-
knowledge of on acceptable method of measuring exponsion will be
reau i rod .
Expansion of gases. Contrast with expansion of solids andliquids both as to orders of magnitude
Scof is of temperature. "the Celsius
scal._ . The lc .tory mercury
timni,.ar-etr and clinical
& - x y ":e' s low. The idea of
cs`es;.1 ute zero and absolute
temperature. The ideal gas
lkx^wnlan motion. Kinetic model,
or s gas, molecular movement, the
idea of the origin of pressure and the
Idea of temperature (as distinct from
scale of temperature).
Specific heat capacity.
. Elementary calorimetry based on
constant flow or constant rate
of heating (Problems may be set
. heat exchanges between bodies).
, sion, evaporation, boiling.
Specific latent heat and its
determination . Vo our pressure.
Behaviour of saturated and unsaturated
va r.
Heat transfer by convection conduction
and radiation. Simple applications
and consequences.
Use of expansion of liquids for measuring temperature over a limited range.
Use of ice and steam points for purposes of setting up a practical scale of
(Questions will not be set on maximum thermometer; apart from the clinical
thermometer, or on minimum
Experimental investigation
of p, V relationship (T constant ) for a gas.
Effect of changes
of temperature on p (V constant) on V (p constant) and on
pV for fixed mass
. Concept of the ideal gas leading to absolute scale of
. (Derivation of the ideal gas equation from the laws of Boyle and
Charles is not required).
Experimental demonstration
for suspended particles in gas or liquid,
interpretationas evidence
for existence of molecules in thermal agitation.
Kinetic explanationof gas pressure , its dependenceon molecular densities
and on temperature (qualitatively). Changesin average K.E. of a gas
molecule and changes in temperature.
Experimental descriptions to include precautions to reduce errors . (Details
of cooling corrections not required). Problems may be set on constant flow
and constant rate of heating method as well as on the method of mixtures.
Experimental study of changes of state, determination of specific latent heats
and variation of s.v .p. with temperature. Simple qualitative kinetic
t eeryexp ana lt of of atentleat&and s.v.p. (Questions will not be set
on relative humidity and dewpointT.
Demonstration of conduction iii good and bad conductors . Qualitative
explanation of conduction in gases and in metals.
Natural convection as a consequence of densitydifferences and gravity . Simple
examples of natural and of forced convection e. g. central heating
P roperties of thermal radiation and simple radi ation detectors.
P rinciples underlying operation of Dewar flask .
Simple observations implying the existence of cohesive and adhesive
forces, e . g. shape of solids, viscosity and surface tension of liquids.
Elementary treatment of surface film phenomena.
Effects of molecular attraction
treated qualitatively. Upper limits
- 4 mo_ lecular size by the surface
.^. n method.
Characteristics of progressive waves
illustrated experimentally. Longitudinal
and transverse waves.
Relation between velocity, wavelength
and frequency.
Measurement of frequency of
sounds and of vibrating objects.
Use of stroboscopic methods
Effect of changes in pitch, loudness
and quality on the wave formof a
Measurement of wavelength of sound
in a asthe resonance tubc.
by sound waves with microphones and CRT, ripple tanks , springs
and mechanical models : the meaning of amplitude, frequency
, wavelength, period,
phase . The distinctionbetween longitudinal andtransverse waves and
examples of each type.
The deriviotion of v = f). and simple
numerical examples in which the
relation is applied.
Any reasonable method of frequency measurement will be accepted e.g. by
comparison with a tone from a source of controllable frequency or by microphone
and oscilloscope with calibrated time-base. Familiarity with more than one type
of stroboscope will not be " expected
Simple qualitative ideas of the relation between these sensations and the
frequency ,
amplitude and complexity of the wave form (Questions involving
harmonic analysis will not be asked).
One method of measurement of wavelength in air (including resonance tube
method) ill a acccpord. Simple e,cplcnsution of ctx ration of resonance tube
Closed at en. (:ncl ,.,rf. i'v annicnv wi.h vaoiic'n of cs i; Iicol stpringl clc.i.sspcd
of one usu.l. ' uttc 'stc . will c xl)crted to have tound more than the resonant
length for a particulur,en .
Description of reflection and
refraction of plane and spherical
waves incident on pl,)^e ard spherical
surfaces; image formatioiy. _
Echoes and their use in measurement
of speed of sound in air.
Interference and diffraction, illustrated
by waves M a ripple tank and by sound
Rectilinear propagation of light and
use of ray concept in graphical treat-
ment of reflection and refraction.
Refraction as a consequence of veiac
e a a and derivation of Snell's law
in terms of velocities.
Critical angle and total internal
ref t ee ref tee i ^ ion.
Formation of real and virtual images
by converging lenses and concave
mirrors . Use of a converging l ens as.
a simple magnifier.
Optical principles of the camera, the
slide projector and the eye.
Diagrams showing reflection of plane and spherical waveswith explanation of
basis of construction (formation of point images only). Refraction of plane
and spherical waves at plane boundaries only.
Echoes as a result of the finite speed of sound in air ^ind other media e. g. sea
water. Simple problems may be set on time delays between direct and reflected
sound for air and other media and for anglesof incidence other thor. zero.
Superposition of waves. Interferen5j_po _fterns due to tw_ _point sources
emitting coherent wave trains . Diffraction at a slit. Qualitative effect of
changes in wavAlength and in slit width^
Simple practical tests and some consequences of rectilinear propagation e. g. the
pinhole camera, shadows . Ray diagrams illustrating reflection at a plane mirror
and refraction at a plane boundary between transparent media.
Wave-front drawings illustrating refraction at a plane boundary.
sin r s n r vi Tv y simplegeometry.
Ray diagrams showing partial reflection and refraction for angles of incidence
l Glowthee^cririticar-angle and F ThTroifection for i> i
' Derivotion osin i_ rare /J . dense.
The meaning of principal axis , pole, principal focus, focal length of a
converging lens and aconcave mirror . Radius of curvature of a mirror. Ray
diagrams showing the formation by a converging lens end a concave mirror of
images of near and distant point objects both on and off the principal axis.
(Problems requiring memorisation of $ +J= f will not be set).
Questions (qualitative only) may be set on the method of focusing, the effect of
varying the lens aperture on the image brightness ( camera and eye),the adjustment
of exposure time (camera ) and the function of the condenser (slide projector).
Range of accommodation of the normal eye . (Aknowledgeof the defects of the
eye and their correction is not expected).
The simple theory of Young's slits Young' s slits and the diffraction grating as applications of diffraction at e
and the diffraction grating and their single shit and interference'bbet_ween diffracted br ams fromadjocentiTits '
use for the a proximate measurement qualitative a where wavelength calculations are called for the appropriate
of thewavelength of light . formula will be supplied }. Qualitative effects of changes in wavelength and I
s lit separation on the interference patterns.
E.m.f. , Internal resistance and
p. d. of sources of d. c.
The meaning of ampere, coulomb,
volt, ohm, watt and joule and
their interrelations (Formal
definition of the ampere is not
P roblems on current, p.d. and
power in simple circuits. Simple
calculations on shunts and
P ower loss in transmission by dc.
Measurement of resistance by ammeter
and voltmeter or by substitution methods
Magnetic flux pattern due to current
in a straight wire, plane coil , solenoid
and toroid.
E.m.f. as work done on unit charge in moving it once around a circuit;
equivalence to definition as open circuit p.d. by use of EA i (R+r)
or otherwise . Simple problems involving e.m.f. and internal resistance.
(Candidates will not be ask ed to describe methods of comparing e.m.f' s
or measuring internal resistance).
The existence of a force between parallel , current-carrying conductors in
terms of which the ampere may be defined . (P recise definition not expected).
Current as rate of flow of charge . (See section on electrostatics).
Importance will be attached to the abilityto solve problems fromfirst principles
rather than application of memorised formulae, Calculationsmay be required
of the cost of supplying electrical energy. The relation between the joule and
the kwh will be assumed to be known.
The advantages of transmission at high voltage.
Either method will be accepted . Calculations may be set an either method.
The distinction between resistivity of a material and resistance of a wire.
Calculation of resistance , given resistivity and linear dimensions.
Experimental studyof magnetic fields by iron filings
and by small compass
needles. (Effects of oorth' s.field to be neglected), Patterns due to equal currents
in two parallel straight wires
. Conventions for indicating direction of
field and magnitude of flux density (qualitatively).
El :ctromognets and permanent
magnets; simple applications.
Force on a straight cur:ent-
ci+rying wire and couple on a coil
in o magnetic field.
The moving - coil galvanometer and
the d. c. motor.
Electromagnet c induction descriptively.
Effect on e.m.f. of rate of flux cutting.
The transformer.
Simple a. c. and d. c. generators.
.se r!ald-Lcpf electrode and its
use for denionstrctinq elementary
electrostat ic phenomiena.
Electric current as a flow of charge.
Thermionic emission; experimental
furretnt-volttaLe relation for a diode.
Deflection of a beam of electrons bv
gleetric or- macir;etic field, ,reated
qualrtai'tvely1 _pr;ncie card s^mole
lases of Cathode- ray o,cii;o e
auk la descri ption of nuclear atom.
Radio activi_y;haif .life _aipha, beta.
and gamma radiations, their nature
and simple means for their
Quo itotive understanding of the at
^ raCtls C of iron by a magnet . (Derr llad
magnetic p apertiesof materials not regt4rcct).
Experimental demonstration of the force hot'-co
n two pnrnilol
wires carrying
the some current; its application to the driirtillon of tie ampere (qualitative only).
demonstration of couple ott a c;,111 zrarry;ng a current in o urtitorm
magnetic field.
Diagrams of construction. Factors affectirtg tan1 tivity and linearlty of scale
of galvanometer. Use of simple commutolor to produces continuous rotation
in motor.
Experimental demonstrations of factors
dcrtermining magnitude and direction of
induced e.m.f.
Practical examples
of the effect of electrortiovfetic induction e. g. domping of
coil, eddy r:wr'ntm,lowrunning cwrent of d.c,
motor compared with starting current.
Primary/secondaryvoltage for
ideal trant(cc.rnar and primory/secondary current
ratio for resistive loads . Causes of loss ir1 -:kficl,sncy In the react transformers and
. attempts to reduce losses.
Diagrams of single rotating
-coil types. A comrr1 vtotor or a bridge rectifier
is expected for converting a. c. to d.c.
Use for detecting
charae and diistinguishin.t tsrstwb`n different signs of charge.
Faraday's ice- poi e eriment and onali.+ftfe to
comport csn.
P ractical uses of electroscope as d'etectr.)r cif f3[aerr rc;diaticrz.
f. Jemonstrati.orr^using, for exampiediscl n^,f eiintrasG_on
through highresistance, measurement of,ha^ef^e tatr .n^in a t:R.Y
Mainlyexperimental ; qualitative
account of Qle..true emission and its tarp-
erraature dependence
. Saturation. Use e46 halt wave ractifi er_ i'IIhe;
effect of space charge on diode current is , r,;l^,d
treatment usin_^CRT or otlmmI el,:rer^ z-bensn tube. Dia amof a
modern formof CRT functions of the , 0rr;rrcludincr rhalrnnetian
to external
circuits when di: la inn way' t ',. s fl-" L tir;" le -basentsd tiara
voltage woveform of a linear time
-base: ')t'r.7ds of limo-iase circuit are: not
ex^@Gted r .
Neutrons and protons as constituents
of tu- fl U lt,.ss,axtra nuclear electrons (no
account of their arrangement is expected): (vti,,s nurnbar and atomic number,
The meaning of 'isotope
'. .,-.
Random nature of radioactive decal th^ ^tr+^at f F^c^lf-life. 5 __ impis nut^eri i
problems may be set on the decay of a itVV+ toSjrcu too stable j product, Q,^nar. l
ideas fromexpenmerro:Cthe penctratir^ t ^- ^^t
t andb'raYj..
Qualitative picture of ionisation e,g: fire''
static and magnetic deflection ofa and f p'7,
e c{;ratni7er pltor.raphl. lactro^
i No specific
" 3 6
of pUr icie
:tici,clorps writ be expect aa to ka.3 ;
able to describe and explain any one
detector will be asked for in a question 'u
- 2 -
fi i r.4 vectors, the composition
^.as: of vectors.
Mass and weight
Moment of a force about an axis
Centre of gravity . Equilibrium
The relation between mass,
acceleration and force. The
W ork . The joule. Energy its
transformation and conservation
KE=I mv' (without proof)
Qualitative behaviour of
frictional forces.
P bwer; the watt, the k ilowatt- hour
Momentum. The relationship
tween force and momentum.
tFn-wrvation of momentum.
The principles of machines and
their appimation to the lever,
simple pulley blocks and the
screw jack .
.;like Characteristics of fluid
pressure and their application to
the hydraulic press and the U-
tube, manometer.
The principle of Archimedes
and applications.
Atmospheric pressure and its
measurement by simple mercury
and aneroid barometers.
Thermal expansion of solids and
liquids. Measurement of the linear
exponsivity cocffick.,nt of linear
expansion) of mute: iol in he foim
of a rod or
and consequences of exiimn;ion.
Some common examples of scalar and vector quantities . P araflcingram
law and experimental verification for forces. Adeltion and suction of
vectors with particular er+,phasis on force and velocity. Resoit tion into
componesitt at right an)les. Equilibrium of three forces.
(Relative velocity is excluded).
Weipht as force, mass in relation to standard kilogram (see inter under
mass, acceleration and force).
The principle of moments and equilibrium of a body under a system of parallel
forces. Reaction at a fulcrum . Recognition of pairs of forces giving rise
to couples in simple cases.
Centre of gravity treated experimentally; relationship between change in
its position in small displacements and stability of equilibrium.
Concept of force. Experimental study of changes in motion caused by forces.
Mossos inertia.
Definitions of acceleration and force.
(Equations of uniformly accelerated motion are not required to be memorised
but problems on uniformly accelerated motion soluble from first principles
fromenergy conservation or by graphical methods may be set).
Problems on potential and kinetic energy and on work = force x distance
Various forms of energy. Mass and energy (qualitative only, E = m,
is not expected).
Friction as a force, molecular in origin,opposing relative motion.
Force = rote of change of momentum . Experimental verification of conservation
tow . App ication to simple two -body collisions , to systems exploding into
two or t h ree P arts, and rock ets.
(Problems wi1i tzot beet involving use of kinemgticai equationsl.
Definitions of and relationship between mechanical advantage, velocity
ratio and efficiency exemplified by pulley systems of velocity ratio not
greater than 4, screw jack and lever. Causes of inefficiency.
Pressure = force (thrust)/oreo,in pascal (N/m2) or in mmHg or in
atmosphere . (see preamble to syllabus). Hydrostatic pressure =pgh 11.0.
experimental verification. Experimental evidence that hydrostatic pres,
the some in all directions . Hydrostaticpress as simple machine; princtt.-
only in its applications e.g. hydraulic brake. U-tubemethod for comparing
densities of immiscible liquids.
Simple experimental demonstration and explanation by considering thrusts
on horizontal faces of immersed regular solid (or by some tither method).
Flotation. Calculations of upthrusts in simple cases . Applications to
relative density measurements for liquids. (Detailed descriptions of hydrometers
are not required).
Demonstration of existence of atmospheric pressure; decrease with height.
Use of p =pgh for small height changes . Principle and construction of
simple mercury barometer . Aneroid barometer, principle and construction,
application as altimeter.
Effects and applications of thermal expansion e. g. provision for expansion
of bridges , natural convection (qualitative only),bimetal liestrip. A_
knowledneof on acceptable method of measuring expansion will be
Expansion of gases . Contrast with expansion of solids and liquids both as to ordersof magnitude
airs at x wiidinary L vei
The following papers will be set:
Physics 1 2 hrsc.
Physics 11 2 hrs.
Power 1 will be set, largely, on the the
rmal and molecular properties of matter and on wave motion, light
and sound; Paper 11 on the mechanical properties of matter and on electricity and atomic structure.
Each paper will cons:;t of one short answer question of ten parts each carrying equal marks and six questions of a
trr.ciNonal kind. Candidates must attempt the short answer question in both papers and should answer three other
questions on each paper.
The Awarders will assume that an experimental approach to the subject has been followed
. Candidates will
be expected to have had an adequate amount of individual laboratory experience cs well as the opportunity to watch
experimental demonstrations .
Questions may be set requiring accounts of experimental procedures.
The formal statement of laws not mentioned in the syllabus will not be required.
In answers to numerical questions the degree of accuracy obtainable by use of a 5" slide rule or three
Aes Is sufficient . The use of electronic calculators is not permitted.
Graphical solutions are acceptable, wherever appropriate.
SI units in the most general sense (that is , including units with any combination of prefixes , such as g/cm3) will
be used with the addition of the litre ( I) and the kilowatt hour (kWh). In addition some other non-SI units , particularly
millimetre of mercury (mmHg)
and atmosphere (atm)'may be used where this is more natural. Problems will not be
set involving conversion from SI to non-SI units (or vice versa).
Symbols and abbreviations will complyin general with British Standards 1991 and withthe bookletSl Units,
Signs , Symbols and Abbreviations aspublishedbythe Association for Science Education (1974).
The portions of the syllabus which are underlined will appear in italic in the Regulations for Certificate Examinations
and these portions are to be omitted for Physics-with-Chemistry.
Notes on the syllabus are appended. These are simply intended to indicate the range of topics on which
questions may be set; they in noway suggest a teaching order nor are they intended to restrict the subject matter which
schools may wish to teach . They are not to be considered as an exhaustive set of limitations . Questions may be set
points not specifically mentioned in thesyllabus or in the notes but in suck cases sufficient information will be
on in the questions to enable cnndidates to apply principles covered in the syllabus.
Syllabus Top: c
Notes and Comments
Mmes, length,- time and their units . The SI units , brief indications of their bases e.g. thefacts that the kg is
based on a prototype, the metre on a number of wavelengths. Commonly
used multiples and submultiples.
(P recise definitions of the SI units are not required).
Use of micrometer screw gauge Practical use including use of vernier calipers. Theory of operation of
and vernier. vernier scale . (Types other than 10 division forward-reading are excluded).
Volume mreasurement , density, Densities of regular solids by weighing and mensuration . Densities of
relative density Irregular solids by weighing and liquid displacement . Densities of liquids by
weighing a standard volume. (Densitycalculations involving alloys or
mixtures of liquids will not be sat). Relative densities of lic _,_uids by hydrometer
_j I
Description of reflection and
refraction of plane and spherical
waves incident on pl,,'.,e and spherical
surfaces, !mega formation.
Echoes and their use in measurement
of speed of sound in air.
Interference and diffraction, illustrated
wavns sn o rippletank and sound' ^
Rectilinear propcgation of light and
use of ray concept in graphical treat-
ment of reflection and refraction.
Refraction as a consequence of veioc
c .e and derivation of Snell's low
in terms of veracities.
Critical angle and total Internal
reef1 ection.
Formation of real and virtual images
by converging lenses and concave
mirrors . Use of a converging lens as.
o s imple magnifier.
Optical principles of the camera, the
slide projector and the eye.
The simple theory of Young's slits
and the diffraction grating and their
use for the approximate measurement
of light. -^ of the wavelength
E.m.f. , internal resistance and
p.d. of sources of d.c.
The meaning of ampere, coulomb,
volt, cam, watt and joule and
their interrelations (Formal
definition of the ampere is not
Problems on current, p.d. and
power in simple circuits. Simple
calculations on shunts and
Power loss in transmission by L. C.
Measurement of resistance by ammeter
and voltmeter or by substitution methods
Magnetic flux pattern due to current
In a straight wire , plane coil, solenoid
and toroid.
Diagrams showing reflection of plane and spherical waves with explanation of
basis of construction ( formation of point images only ). Refraction of plane
and spherical waves at plane boundaries only.
Echoes as a result of the finite speed of sound in air rind other media e.g. sea
water. Simple problems may be set on time delays between direct and reflected
sound for air and other media and for angles of incidence other that, zero.
Superposition of waves. Interference patterns due to two Point sources
emitting coherent wave trains. Diffraction at a slit Qualitative effect-of
changes in wavelength and in slit width.
Simple practical tests and some consequences of rectilinear propagatione.g. the
pinholecamera, shadows. Ray diagrams illustrating reflectionat a plane mirror
and refractionat a plane boundary between transparent media.
Wave-front drawings illustrating refractionat a plane boundary,
sin i sin r = Tv by si mpTe geometry.
Ray diagrams showing partial reflection and refractionfor angles of incidence
of blowthe- ces-tical angle an^totaTro^Tectnnfor i> " ~i
Deriivv^xtion o stn i more J1 dense.
The meaning of principal axis, pole , principal focus, focal length of a
converging lens and a concave mirror . Radius of curvature of a mirror. Ray
diagrams showing the formation by a converging lens vnd a concave mirror of
images of near and distant point objects both on and off theprincipal axis.
( Problems requiring memorisation of ? +it =
r will not be set).
Questions (qualitative only) may be set on the method of focusing, the effect of
varying the lens aperture on the inage brightness (camera and eye), the adjustment
of exposure time (camera ) and the function of the condenser (slide projector).
Range of accommodation of the normal eye . (A knowledge of the riefects of the
eye and their correction is not expected).
Young'sslits and the diffraction grating as applications of diffraction at a
singjes tt an anZl inter(ersncs b'erween diffraetcdReams from adjacent slits
7alitattve only Where wavelength calculations -air-e- called For the approprIate
formula will be supplied). Qualitative effects of changes in wavelength and in
slit separation on the interference patterns.
E.m.f. as work done on unit charge in moving it once around a circuit;
equivalence to definition as open circuit p.d. by use of E= I (R+r)
or otherwise . Simple problems involving e. m. F. and internal resistance.
(Candidates will not be ask ed to describe methods of comparing e.m.f' s
or measuring internal resistance).
The existence of a force between parallel , current-carrying conductors In
terms of which the ampere may be defined . ( Precise definition not expected). '
Current as rate of flow of charge . (See section on electrostatics).
Importance will be attached to the ability to solve problems fromfirst principles
rather than application of memorised formulae. Calculations may be required
of the cost of supplying electrical energy. The relation between the joule and
the kwh will be assumed to be known.
The odvantages of transmission at high volt
Either method will be accepted. Calculations may be set on either method.
The distinction between resistivity of a material and resistance of a wire.
Calculation of resistance, given resistivity and linear dimensions.
Experimental study of magnetic fields by iron filings and by
small compass
needles. (Effects of earth's.field to be neglected), Patterns due to equal currents
in two parallel straight wires. Conventions for indicating direction of
field and magnitude of flux density (qualitatively).
Scol s of temperature. the Celsius
scat... The Ic :. story mercury
tt;era, :ar' ter or;; clinical
ny" e's low. The idea of
o` st'4ute zero and absolute
terra eiature. The ideal gas
Brownian motion. Kinetic model,
of n cfies, molecular movement, the
Idea of the origin of pressure and the
idea of temperature (as distinct from
scale of temperature).
Specific heat capacity.
Elementary calorimetry based on
constant flow or constant rate
of heating (Problems may be set
heat exchanges between bodies).
. lion, evaporation, boiling.
Specific l atent heat and its
determination , 1 /a pour ressure.
Behaviour of saturated and unsaturated
Heat transfer by convection conduction
and radiation . Simple applications
and consequences.
Effects of molecular attraction
treated qualitatively, Upper limits
of molecular size by the surface
Characteristics of progressive waves
illustrated experimentally. Longitudinal
and transverse waves.
Relation between velocity wavelength
and frequency.
Measurement of frequency of
sounds and of vibrating objects.
Use of stroboscopic methods
Effect of changes in pitch, loudness
and quality on the wave formof a
Measurement of wavelength of sound
in a as: the resonance tube.
of expansion of liquids for measuring temperature over a limited range.
Use of
ice and steam points for purposes of setting up a practical scale of
(Questions will not be set on maximum thermometer ;
apart from the clinical
thermometer, or on minimum thermometers).
Experimental investigation of p V relationship ( T constant) for a gas.
Effect of changes of temperature
on p (V constant) on V (p constant)
and on
pV for fixedmass . Concept of the ideal gas leading to absolute scale of
temperature . ( Derivation of the ideal gas equation from the laws of Boyle and
Charles is not required).
Experimental demonstration for suspended particles in gas or liquid,
interpretation as evidence for existence of molecules in thermal agitation.
Kinetic explanation of gas pressure , its dependence on molecular densities
and on temperature (qualitatively). Changes in average K.E. of a gas
molecule and changes in temperature.
Experimental descriptions to include precautions to reduce errors
. (Details
of cooling corrections not required). P roblems may be set on constant flow
and constant rate of heating method as well as on the method of mixtures.
Experimental study of changesof state, determinationof specific latent heats
and variation of s.v.p. with temperature. Simple qualitative kinetic
theory explanation o -latent heat, and s.v.p. (Questions will not be set
on relative humidity and dewpoint).
Demonstration of conduction iii good and bad conductors. Qualitative
explanation of conduction in gases and in metals.
Natural convection as a consequence of density differences and gravity . Simple
examples of natural and of forced convection e. g. central heating
P roperties of thermal radiation and simple radiation detectors.
P rinciples underlying operation of Dewar flask .
Simple observations implying the existence of cohesive and adhesive
forces, e.g. shape of solids, vis'osity and surface tension of liquids.
Elementary treatment of surface film phenomena.
Illustrations by sound waves with microphones and CRT, ripple tank s , springs
and mechanical models: the meaning of amplitude, frequency,
wavelength, period,
phase. The distinction between longitudinal and transverse waves and
examples of each type.
The deriviotion of v = f .X and simple numerical examples in which the
relation is applied.
Any reasonable method of frequency measurement will be accepted e.g. by
comparison with a tone from a source of controllable frequency or by microphone
and oscilloscope with calibrated time-base .
Familiarity with more than one type
of stroboscope will not be expected
Simple qualitative ideas on the relation between these sensations and the
frequency, amplitude and complexity of the wave form(Questions involving
harmonic analysis will not be asked).
One method of measurement of wavelength in air (including resonance tube
method) will a acccp:cd. Simple e,cplanutiooof cp(ratfon of resonance t ba
closed at ono t..t9,l rt. 1-/ nntiilc iv with r rv)tic,n of ct i;,licctl sprint clc'. ixcd
at 011a` unLi . U1ric{^43tt will to hove tound n
larq than the resotmnt
ength tar a tuiticulur tl'v^ l.cnG

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