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Individuality, Change, and Society

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. George Orwell, aka Eric Blair
The word changeis commonly misused. Changehas become just another slogan the word means everything
to everyone. Commercialized. And commercialization is the most insidious of psychological weapons if you
cannot suppress an idea, make the idea seem cool.You can also flood people with so much information they
will not know what is real anymore. Disinformation field works every time there is no better way to control a
population than information overload which causes critical thought processes to shut down.
Pop-culture, where profundity gets trivialized ad nauseam.
Our mind is flooded with cues on a subliminal, liminal, and supraliminal level.
Matters of crucial importance, i.e. who are we and where are we going? are no longer relevant if there is no
quick buck involved.Humans are supposed to be just pieces of temporarily conscious meat. Consciousness?
Everyone (sic!)who is educated knows consciousness is a set ofcomplex neuronal interactions. Right? Right.
While religions acknowledge a spiritual dimension humans are bound by rigid principles which virtually
eliminate free will. It is a black-versus-white, binary opposition type of thinking. From one extreme to another,
we are unwilling (unable?) to look for a golden mean. Social interaction is reduced to playing the roles of
victims, rescuers, and perpetrators.
If we allow a particular thought to be fossilized in our mind, then just like a vortex the thought is going to
entrench itself within our psyche. Just look at the education system worldwide and its left-brain-hemisphere
obsession with rote learning. As Einstein said: the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
A global employment system is merely an extension of the global education system, where teachers become
employers.We are discouraged from being who we want to be you simply cannot make it as a writer, painter,
what have you. These are good hobbies, but they will not pay the bills. If you are highly intelligent, you will find
it even more difficult to interact with society. And yet, we are encouraged to embrace the creative spark.
Is this dichotomy a deliberate act of mental sabotage or a remnant of the Industrial Era? Scholastic
SWOT analyses, personal branding and product lifecycles dominate our thinking.
Seemingly trivial questions, such as: why do we say diaods are a girls best fried? Or breakfast is the most
important meal of the day? are actually crucial if we want to understand the processes governing our thoughts
(see: noosphere, speculative).
We must look at the details first and - then and only then - at the grand scheme of things. Otherwise we will
lose the plot (see: inductive versus deductive reasoning).
The left-brain world is what psychopaths in power (see: ponerology, pathocratic mechanisms) love. Robert Hare
calls them intra-species predators and that is exactly what they are. Lacking creativity, they are masters of
mimicry. They are neither delusional, nor psychotic. Corporate environment is particularly attractive to the
psychopathic mind. The problem is, psychopaths do not understand loyalty and will walk away smiling when
their eloved orporatio is i shales.
Understanding the psychopathic mind is the sine qua non of understanding the consciousness in control of
humanity today.
Political correctness is yet another - dangerous layer of thought control that would make Orwell
wince.Political correctness creates an artificial environment where everyone is equal, just different. Artificially
supported notions of equality do more harm than good in the long run. In a crisis scenario, there will be no
artificial support mechanisms available and the idea of political correctness is going to come crashing down,
leaving bewildered minds to cope with harsh reality. Political correctness allows all sorts of thought-controllers
to hide their real intentions behind euphemisms. Lack of political correctness does not equal rudeness.
Politically correct discourseought to be used in moderation, and not as a thought-policing
mechanism.Intelligent people are perfectly capable of walking a fine linguistic line.
We are not, nor will we ever be, the same. Reductio ad absurdum.
In English, the line separating offensive language fromacceptable languageis as thin as it gets. In certain circles,
you can no longer write women, as the word contains men; rather, you must spell it womyn. When faced with
such politically correct contortionism, it is best to remain differently abled.
There are real-life examples of discrimination which the politically-correct crowd does not seem to notice. Our
society is filled with not only in-your-face explicit discrimination, but also with subtle discrimination.Subtle
discrimination is more difficult to spot, because it is not even seen as discrimination in the first place.
Assuming the 1 (mainstream society, daily interaction) 2 (the buffer zone) 3 (the elite sphere) social control
model is accurate, then the powers that be would themselves be geniuses, albeit with the wherewithal to
surreptitiously impose their agenda of Orwellian control on the world. The powers that be would not interact
with the mainstream; rather, they would use think-tanks, blackmail, puppet politicians, etc., to influence global
thought processes/events.
As Eric Blair pointed out: freedomwould be impossible to conceive of, therefore it would no longer exist;
without freedom, there would be no individuality. Linear thinking is encouraged, while lateral thinking is
Microchips could be used as a thought control mechanism but first, a Hegelian dialectic (crisis?) would have
to convince the population microchips are good for them. That panopticon dystopia is the answer.
In mainstream society, we can conject there are individuals who understand the powers that be and their
modus operandi. TPTB uses society to target these individuals as they are a potential threat to the status
quo. Society is unaware of their complicity, of course, and merely responds to stimuli provided by TPTB. Highly
intelligent individuals are less likely to be attached to what we collectively call the system; intelligence is
inversely proportional to the attachment.

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