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Division of City Schools

City of Muntinlupa
District of Muntinlupa I
Tunasan Elementary School

SY 2012-2013

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify major parts of male and female reproductive system/ and their functions.

1. The union of egg cell from female organ and the sperm cell from the male organ is known as fertilization. Life
begins when fertilization takes place. In which part of the drawing below does fertilization happen?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

2. Which reproductive organ produces the hormone that develops the secondary characteristics of human female?
a. Uterus b. testes c. scrotum d. ovary

3. What hormone produced by the testes is responsible for the changes experienced by boys at the onset of
a. estrogen b. progesterone c. testosterone d. semen

4. Which is NOT a function of the female reproductive system?
a. Produce eggs c. house an unborn baby
b. Deliver sperm d. give birth

5. When does fertilization happens?
a. When the testes release sperm
b. When the ovary releases an egg
c. When a sperm cell enters the fallopian tube
d. When a sperm cell unites with an egg cell

OBJECTIVE: Explain how the respiratory system works.

1. Why are the lungs also considered as organs of excretion?
a. They remove nitrogenous waste from the blood.
b. They remove salts from the blood.
c. They remove carbon dioxide from the blood.
d. They remove oxygen from the blood.

2. How do respiratory and circulatory system work together?
a. Respiratory system brings in the oxygen and the circulatory
system transport it through the body.
b. Transport nutrients and oxygen and remove wastes from the cells.
c. Bringing oxygen into the body and removing carbon dioxide.
d. Carry nutrients and oxygen to the veins.

3. What happens when you breathe in?
a. The diaphragm expands and ribcage contracts
b. The diaphragm contracts and ribcage expands
c. The diaphragm explodes and ribcage contracts.
d. The diaphragm contracts and expands.

4. Which of these doesnt occur when air flows into the lungs?
a. The air is filtered.
b. The air is cooled.
c. The air is humidified.
d. The air is heated.

5. How does the respiratory system deliver oxygen to the different parts of the body?
a. Breathing
b. Circulation
c. Inhale carbon dioxide
d. Exhalation

OBJECTIVE: Identify parts of the urinary system and their function.

1. What is the function of the kidney?
a. It stores urine.
b. It carries urine out of the body.
c. It removes wastes from the blood.
d. It gives signal to the brain to expel urine from the blood.

2. What happens when the urethra is removed from the excretory system?
a. Amount of salts, minerals and vitamins in the blood will be regulated.
b. Urine will continue flowing.
c. Urine will not be formed.
d. Blood cannot be filtered.

3. Which is the correct pathway for the elimination of urine?
a. Kidneysbladderurethraureters
b. Kidneysurethrabladderureters
c. Kidneysuretersbladderurethra
d. Kidneysuretersurethrabladder

4. Justine felt that he needed to urinate, but somebody was in the comfort room. The person said, Please wait for
a while. Which part of the urinary system holds the liquid waste?
a. ureter b. bladder c. kidney d. urethra

5. The baby boy urinated in his shorts. Then he cried out loud! In which part of the urinary system did the urine
come out?
a. ureter b. bladder c. kidney d. urethra

OBJECTIVE: Classify vertebrate into: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians or fishes.

1. Which among the vertebrate animals are mammals?



a. I and IV b. II and III c. II and IV d. V and VI

2. A sea horse is a fish, not a horse or mammal. Why?
a. It lives and swims in deep sea.
b. It reproduces in water.
c. It has gills and fins.
d. It has gills and scales.

3. How do mammals different from other group of animals?
a. They are animals covered with feathers.
b. They feed their young with milk.
c. They spend part of their life in water and part on land.
crocodile whale snake
monkey shark chameleon
d. They are cold blooded animals with dry and scaly skin.

4. Platypus is different from other mammals. What is its distinct characteristic?
a. A duck-billed mammal that lays eggs.
b. It feeds its young with milk.
c. It has mammary glands.
d. It has hair or fur as its body covering.

5. Which of the following group of animals is a reptile, a fish and an amphibian respectively?
a. Snake, whale, crocodile
b. Turtle, dolphin, frog
c. Monkey, milkfish, eagle
d. Monitor lizard, shark, toad

OBJECTIVE: Describe characteristics that enable animals to survive in an environment.

1. Animals have adaptations that help them to survive. One example of this is the giraffes long neck. What primary
purpose does this adaptation serve?
a. Protection from heat c. protection from predators
b. Gathering of food d. increased speed

2. In some fishes, baby fishes are seen to come out of the males mouth. Which of the following explains this
a. Fertilization happens in the males body.
b. The male fish changes to female as it matures.
c. The male has male and female reproductive organs.
d. The male keeps the fertilized eggs in its mouth until they hatch.

3. The veins in a dragonflys wings provide both rigidity and flexibility, which are necessary for flight.

The veins in a dragonflys wings most likely provide
a. Propulsion for the dragonfly in flight
b. Streamlining of the dragonfly wing
c. Stability for the dragonfly wing
d. Lift for the dragonfly wing

4. Which of the following phrases best describes adaptation of organism?
a. Thick covering to conserve water.
b. Fast movements to escape its enemies.
c. Blending of color so that it cannot be easily seen by its enemies
d. Structure of behavior of an organism to help it survive in its environment.

5. Here are the different beaks of birds

Which are best for catching food from the water?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

OBJECTIVE: Describe characteristics of different kinds of plants.

1. Two leafy branches I and II were covered, one with clear plastic bag and the other with a paper bag.

After two weeks, the two leafy branches were wilted and dying. What are missing in I and II that caused the
leafy branches to wilt and die?

A. Sunlight in I, air in II c. Air in I, air in II
B. Sunlight in I, sunlight in II d. Sunlight and Air in I and II

2. What special structures do pomelo and camachile trees have that keep animals away from them?
a. They have hooks c. They have sharp thorns.
b. They have pleasant smell d. They have sticky juice.

3. Rose, cactus and makahiya plants cannot be easily touched and eaten by some animals because of
a. Unpleasant smell c. thorns
b. Hard stems d. needle like leaves

4. What characteristics does cactus have to survive the long,, hot dry summer months?
a. Long roots c. short roots
b. Watery stem d. thin leaves

5. Here are the two groups of living things.

With what group will you put a mushroom and why?
a. I, because it is a plant.
b. I, because it can make food.
c. II, because it has no chlorophyll.
d. II, because it has roots, stems and leaves.

OBJECTIVE: Differentiate physical from chemical changes/ processes by giving examples.

1. Which of these processes brings about a physical change?
a. Rusting of knife c. melting butter
b. Cooking adobo d. bread becomes stale

2. In which process is heat removed from the material undergoing a change in state?
a. Changing water to ice (freezing)
b. Changing ice to water (melting)
c. Changing water to water vapor (evaporating)
d. Changing water to steam (vaporizing)

3. Which of these processes brings about a chemical change?
a. Grinding cacao seeds c. drilling holes
b. Exploding a firecracker d. pounding rice

4. Aling Teresita brought kilo raw mangoes from the market. She placed them in a basket. After 3 days, the green
mangoes turned yellowish in color. What change took place?
a. Physical change c. energy change
b. Chemical change d. electrical change

5. A child pours water into a plastic container in the freezer. After an hour it turned into ice. What change took
a. Physical change c. energy change
b. Chemical change d. electrical change

OBJECTIVE: Describe the distinctive characteristics of planets in the solar system.

1. Which of the following statements can be made based on the data in the chart?
a. Mercury is the closest planet to Venus.
b. Earth is the coldest of the inner planets.
c. Mars has the shortest day of the inner planets.
d. Venus is the closest planet in diameter to Earth.

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the orbits of planets around the sun?
a. The orbits are in the form of a circle.
b. Some planets revolve in a clockwise direction.
c. The planets move in a counterclockwise direction.
d. The planets move around the Sun at the same speed.

3. After many space explorations and using space satellites, many studies have been made. Which of the following
members of the solar system can be considered geologically alive?
a. Venus, Mercury, Mars c. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars
b. Mercury, Neptune, Pluto d. Saturn, Venus, Earth

4. Which description is TRUE about some planets?
a. Earth and Mars have almost the same mass.
b. Venus and Earth are almost of the same size.
c. Uranus is bigger and heavier than Neptune.
d. Jupiter is the biggest planet but lesser in mass than Saturn.

5. What could be TRUE of Earths characteristics as compared to other planets?
I. It has a temperature lower than Mars.
II. It has presence of water
III. It has atmosphere that supports life.
IV. Its atmosphere has clouds of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.

a. I and II b. II and III c. I and IV d. III and IV

OBJECTIVE: Identify major parts of the nervous system and their functions.

Refer to the diagram of the brain below to answer questions 1 to 2.

1. A basketball player dribbles the ball while walking. Which part of the brain enables him to coordinate his
a. I b. II c. III d. IV

2. The baby is sleeping, still he is breathing, and his heart is beating. Which part of the brain is responsible for this?
a. I b. II c. III d. IV

3. Trace the normal path of message form the stimuli to the interpreter.
a. Sense organspinal cordbrain
b. Spinal cordbrainsense organ
c. Brainspinal cordsense organ
d. Sense organnervesbrain

4. All of the following are functions of the nervous system EXCEPT
a. senses changes c. predict changes
b. analyzes changes d. respond to changes

5. What is most important function of the nerves?
a. They are all over the body.
b. They carry messages from one part of the body to another.
c. They are connected to the spinal cord.
d. They are connected to the brain.

OBJECTIVE: Identify major parts of the circulatory system and their functions.

1. Based on the diagram of the circulatory system, which of the following statement is correct?

A. From the intestine, digested food flows first to the heart for
distribution to all parts of the body.
B. From the intestine, digested food goes to all parts of the body
where it is needed.
C. The right ventricle pumps blood to the head.
D. The left ventricle pumps blood to the lungs.

2. How does the blood flow from the heart through the blood vessels?
a. Arterycapillaryvein
b. Veinarterycapillary
c. Capillaryveinartery
d. Arteryveincapillary

3. How does the circulation of the blood help the cells?
a. It brings food and oxygen to the cells.
b. It collects carbon dioxide from the cells.
c. It contains WBCs that attract microbes that may harm the cells.
d. It does a, b and c.
3 4

4. How does the body react, when germs enter the body through an open wound?
a. The red blood cells kill the harmful microorganisms.
b. The platelets tend to clot and engulf the harmful microorganisms.
c. The white blood cells engulf or kill harmful microorganism.
d. The plasma thickens and surrounds the harmful microorganisms.

5. Mr. Barredo is a very fat and an overweight man. What might happen to his heart?
a. The heart will work harder.
b. The heart will pump blood.
c. The heart is heavy.
d. The heart is big, so the person is big.

OBJECTIVE: Present through a diagram the feeding interrelationship among living organisms

1. Shown above is a simple food web in a grassy community. The arrow symbol ( ) means eaten by.
What would happen if all snakes are killed?
a. Grasshopper population would increase.
b. Bird and frog population would increase.
c. Grasshopper and bird population would increase.
d. Grass population would decrease.

2. Here is a simple food web in a lake.

Which animals feed on algae and another animal?
a. Duck and big fish c. small fish and big fish
b. Snail and duck d. snail and small fish

3. Along a food chain, the role of __________________________ is to help return or recycle the primary chemical
compounds of organisms back to the chain: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and other minor compounds.
A) decomposers (bacteria, fungus)
B) consumers (lions, tigers)
C) prey (deer, water buffaloes)
D) producers (plants, trees)
4. Which of the following shows energy transfer in a food chain?
a. Energy is lost in the air.
b. Energy is transferred from producer to consumer.
c. Energy is transferred from consumer to producer.
d. Energy is increased from one consumer to another consumer.
5. What will happen if there is overpopulation of organism in a habitat?
a. It will help the ecosystem.
b. It will harm the ecosystem.
c. It will not affect the habitat.
d. It will not affect the ecosystem.

OBJECTIVE: Illustrate the interdependence of plants and animals for gases through the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle.

1. Study the flow of gases in the aquarium during the day.
What gas does I represent? What gas does II represent?

a. I- oxygen, II- carbon dioxide
b. I- carbon dioxide, II-oxygen
c. I- carbon dioxide, II other gases in the atmosphere
d. I-other gases in the atmosphere, II-carbon dioxide

2. Using the diagram, what would happen if the gas in arrow 1 is not released by the fish?
I- Decrease of oxygen
II- Decrease of food production
III- Increase of oxygen
IV- Increase of food production

a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4

3. Tropical rainforests have many trees and other plants that photosynthesize. What happens when huge areas of
tropical rainforests are destroyed?
a. Oxygen increases and carbon dioxide increases.
b. Oxygen increases and carbon dioxide decreases.
c. Oxygen decreases and carbon dioxide increases.
d. Oxygen decreases and carbon dioxide increases.

4. Study the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle.

Here are the statements from pupils about the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle.
I. During the day, plants produce oxygen and use carbon dioxide.
II. At night, animals use oxygen and produce carbon dioxide.
III. At night, plants use oxygen and produce carbon dioxide.

Which statement is correct?
a. I and II only b. I and III only c. II and III only d. I, II, III

5. During daytime, plants manufacture their food. The raw materials are sunlight, water, soil minerals, and carbon
dioxide. In this process, what is the by-product?
a. Nitrate c. nitrogen
b. Oxygen d. carbon dioxide

OBJECTIVE: Explain the effects of change in materials on health and the environment.

1. A lake was thickly covered with waste materials. Then, many dead fish were found floating on the water. What
could have caused the death of the fish?
a. Waste materials blocked sunlight.
b. Waste materials lessened the amount of water in the lake.
c. Decaying waste materials produced a foul smell.
d. Decaying waste materials used up most of the oxygen dissolved in the water.

2. Why do oil wastes kill aquatic organisms?
a. The oil is absorbed by the leaves and it affects photosynthesis.
b. The oil covers the surface preventing oxygen to get into the river.
c. The oil mixes with the liquid in the bodies of living organism.
d. The oil poisons the cell of the plants and animals living in the water.

3. Naphthalene or mothballs decrease in size when placed inside the closet. This illustrates ______.
a. Condensation c. evaporation
b. Deposition d. sublimation

4. Copper is used in making electrical wires because it can drawn into wires of very small diameters without
breaking. This property of copper is called ______.
a. Conductivity c. ductility
b. Density d. malleability

5. Acid rain is caused by certain gases emitted into the air when fossil fuels are burned. Which gases cause acid
a. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide
b. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
c. Sulfur dioxide and ozone
d. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and hydrocarbons

OBJECTIVE: Identify energy forms and their uses.

1. Why is nuclear fusion less harmful than nuclear fission?
a. Nuclear fusion produces very little radioactivity and less dangerous waste products.
b. Nuclear fusion has an abundant supply of radioactive wastes.
c. Nuclear fusion can supply energy to homes.
d. None of the above.

2. What is always produced when there is energy transformation?
a. Heat b. chemical c. electrical d. radiant

3. What form of energy do muscles, wind and running water show when they do work?
a. Mechanical energy c. nuclear energy
b. Sound energy d. potential energy

4. A big mango fruit is on the edge of a table. What kind of energy does it have?
a. Mechanical energy c. nuclear energy
b. Sound energy d. potential energy

5. Which sequence of energy transformation takes place when you switch on an electric bulb?
a. Lightheatelectrical
b. Electricalheatlight
c. Electricallightheat
d. Heatelectricallight

OBJECTIVE: Identify factors that affect the motion of an object

1. What force causes a ball that rolls on a level surface to slow down and stop?
a. Friction b. inertia c. gravity d. electricity

2. The speed of a ball thrown upward decreases until it stops and moves downward. What force acts on the
moving ball?
a. Friction b. inertia c. gravity d. electricity

3. Why does a bus going uphill travel more slowly than one going downhill?
a. It is helped by gravity.
b. It is moving against gravity.
c. There is more friction going up.
d. The cold wind pulls it down

4. You see a flag waving on a pole. A force is acting on the flag. What is exerting that force?
a. Wind b. water c. gravity d. magnet

5. Truck A is loaded with good, while truck B is empty. Which truck can accelerate faster?
a. Truck A b. Truck B c. Truck A and B d. none

OBJECTIVE: Describe characteristics of the earths interior layers

1. Men have explored the moon and space. Can we explore the interior of the Earth?
a. No, because the interior of the Earth is very far away and very hot.
b. Yes, because the interior of the Earth is solid.
c. No, because it is liquid.
d. Yes, because the interior of the Earth is very cold.

2. People and other living things live here. They build their houses, buildings and even do most of their activities in
this part of the Earth. Which is it?
a. Crust b. mantle c. core d. guttenberg discontinuity

3. Which region of the Earth
consists primarily of solid iron and nickel?
a. Region A
b. Region B
c. Region C
d. Region D

4. Which of the following statements about the Moho (Mohovoricic discontinuity) is false?
a. Seismic waves speed up as they pass down through the Moho.
b. The Moho separates denser rocks below from less dense rocks above.
c. The Moho separates the crust from the mantle.
d. The Moho separates the crust from the mantle.

5. Which of the following statements about the Earths core is TRUE?
a. The inner core and the outer core are both liquid.
b. The inner core and the outer core are both solid.
c. The inner core is liquid and the outer core is solid.
d. The inner core is solid and the outer core is liquid.

OBJECTIVE: Describe characteristics of stars and how group of stars are useful to people

1. Which of the following lists orders the components of the universe from the component with the largest
diameter to the component with the smallest diameter?
a. Galaxies, stars, comets, planets
b. Galaxies, stars, planets, comets
c. Planets, comets, stars, galaxies
d. Comets, planets, stars, galaxies

2. Why stars dont twinkle but as seen in the sky seems to twinkle? It is because of the ________.

OBJECTIVE: Differentiate the different theories about the Universe.

1. The following statements explain the Big Bang Theory EXCEPT
a. All matter in the galaxies were once packed into one big ball.
b. The stars moved so far that they could not be seen anymore.
c. The universe expanded and would soon expand over again.
d. The stars came from the materials that exploded and thrown outward and moved farther away from each

2. What would happen to the universe in the future according to the Big Bang theory?
a. New galaxies will form.
b. The universe will come to an end.
c. Galaxies will continue moving away from each other.
d. Galaxies will move forward each other then form a single galaxy.


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