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Cambodia International Cooperation Institute

Cultural Studies

Cambodia international cooperation institute

Lecturers name: prean sopheak subject: cultural studies
Students name: _______________ shift: _______________
Courtship and Marriage
I. Vocabulary section (15 Pts)
Match the words in column a with defnitions in column b
1. Courtship (n)
2. Marriage (n)
3. Affair (n)
4. Slip back
5. Bolt (n)
. !"le chat
#. $laborate (%)
&. 'ran" (a"()
). Marr* off
1+. Broker (n)
11. ,o-r* (n)
12. Astrologer (n)
13. .ro/inent (a"()
14. 0e(ect (%)
15. Back off
a. 1he relationship bet-een t-o people -ho are /arrie"
b. 2ock3 a /etal bar that sli"e across a "oor or -in"o- to lock it
c. Chat -ithout useful or specific purpose
". Sb -hose (ob is to bu* an" sell propert*4 insurance or stock
for sb
e. 5a%ing a lot of s/all "etails or parts that are connecte" to
each other in a co/plicate" -a*
f. 1he perio" of ti/e "uring -hich a /an an" a -o/an ha%e a
ro/antic relationship before getting /arrie"
g. !f parents /arr* off their son or "augher4 the* -ill fin" a
husban" or -ife for the/
h. .roperties or /one* that a -o/an gi%e to her husban" -hen
the* get /arrie" in so/e societ*
i. Sb -ho uses astrolog* to tell people about the character4 life4
or future
(. 1o /o%e 6uickl* back-ar"
k. A secret se7ual relationship bet-een t-o people4 -hen at
least one of the/ is /arrie" so/eone else
l. 8ell kno-n an" i/portant
/. Big an" %er* i/pressi%e
n. 1o refuse to accept an offer or suggestion
o. 1o stop supporting or being in%ol%e" in sth
rite your answers here!
1 2 ! " # $ % & 1' 11 12 1 1! 1"
II. "rue or #alse $tatements (1% Pts)
1( Courtship is the time )hen people ha*e a romantic relatioship )ith intention
of +ettin+ marria+e(
2( ,arria+e is a le+all- accepted relationship bet)een a man and a )oman in
)hich the- li*e as husband and )ife(
( A courtship ma- start b- a -oun+ man or )oman( An-)a- a -oun+ man ma-
ha*e a.airs )ith se*eral +irls before decidin+ )hom he )ill marr-(
/repared and 0au+ht b- /rean Sopheak /a+e 1
Cambodia International Cooperation Institute
Cultural Studies
!( In man- tribal +roups in Asia1 people do not look do)n on unmarried mother(
"( In most Asian countries courtship before marria+e is not allo)ed2 moreo*er1
ha*in+ se3 before marria+e is considered a sin(
#( 0he process of courtship and marria+e:
a( A -oun+ man ma- send a lo*e letter to the +irl he admires(
b( 0he +irl +i*es a si+n to a+ree b- repl-in+ the letter(
c( A man *isits and talk to the +irl directl-(
d( 4amilies of both sides meet each other
e( Arran+e the )eddin+ part-
$( In 0hailand and Burma a )eddin+ is a reli+ious a.air )hile some countries
such as in 5urope and American is not reli+ious a.air(
%( 6eddin+ part- usuall- takes place at bride+rooms house( 0he couple sit in
the corner of a room sometimes a lar+e tent is put up or a hall is rented for
the )eddin+ part-(
&( In other parts of Asia1 marria+es are not onl- arran+ed b- the parents but the
bride or +room is chosen b- themsel*es as )ell(
1'( 7o)ada-s1 more and more -oun+ Asians prefer to choose their o)n
partners1 but parents are still in*ol*ed in marria+e ne+otiations(
1 2 3 4 5 # & ) 1+
/repared and 0au+ht b- /rean Sopheak /a+e 2

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