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Group 1 : verbs ending in ew

Verb 1Verb2 (past simple)flyflewknowknew

Group 2 : verbs changing from i to a
Verb 1Verb2 (past
Group 5 : verbs ending in ought
Verb 1Verb2 (past
Group 3 :verbs in past ending in aught
Verb 1Verb2 (past
Group 4 : words with ee change to e!t
Verb 1Verb2 (past
Group ": the letter a changes to oo
Verb 1Verb2 (past simple)taketookstand
Group #: verbs ending with o!e
Verb 1Verb2 (past
Group $: verbs that don%t change&base form 'past
Verb 1Verb2 (past
simple)cutcuthithitputputreadread((((we pronounce read
li)e red (color) in the past
Group *: verbs that end in different forms
Verb 1Verb2 (past

1. Change the verbs into the past simple:
1. Yesterday I ________ sit! ne"t to my best friend in school.
#. $vi ________ know! all the answers.
%. &e ___________ sing! songs at the party last night.
'. &e ___________ swim! in the pool last (uesday.
). I ________ drink! dome milk early this morning.
*. Sam ___________ begin! to collect stamps a year ago.
+. I ______________ fly! to ,aris last month.
-. I _________ sleep! ten hours last night.
.. /y parents ____________ buy! me a great present last birthday.
10. /other _______ feel! sick1 so she stayed in bed.
11. (he teacher _________ bring! her little boy to school.
1#. I _____ think_ he was my friend.
1%. 2ast year I _______ teach! my sister how to walk.
1'. Somebody ______ steal! my money.
1). &hen we were in 3ngland we ______ hear! only 3nglish.
1*. I __________ speak! to my brother last night.
1+. (he bus driver ________ take! the children to school.
1-. 2ast month we _________ go! on a trip to the 4egev.
1.. I ________ see! a good movie on (5 last night.
#0. I __________ run! to catch the bus but I missed it6
#. 7ill in the correct form of the verbs.
&e __________celebrate! my birthday today. &e always
___________celebrate! birthdays in our family. 2ast year we __________have!
a lot of birthdays in the family. &e usually _________ go! on a picnic. I ______
always love! picnics. 3verybody is busy. (hey ________ prepare! for the birthday
party now. 2ast year we ____________ go! to a picnic in (el $viv. (oday we
_________ go! to 8erusalem.
/om _________ bake! a cake . 9ad ___________ make! the salad for the
picnic. 2ast month the family _________ buy! all the food stuffs. 4ow my
brother 3li _________ buy! the food stuffs. :e ________ be! in the
supermarket now. 3very day he _________drive! to the supermarket. 2ily1 my
sister1 __________ prepare! the music for the party. Yesterday she ________
pick! all the music and __________ take! the tape from her friend.
It is my birthday and I am very happy6666

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