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Evaluation of physical capacities of strength and speed of different competition level young

football players.
The purpose of this study is to access the ability of physical strength and speed of a football
player in every aspects. 48 players have been divided into 3 group , each groups ith !"
players.These groups ere divided according to their co#petition levels, elite class football players
ho co#peted in a higher division cha#pionship, #iddle class division players ho co#peted in a
#iddle class cha#pionship and the loer class division players ho co#peted in a football
acade#y. All groups ere evaluated for #a$i#al iso#etric force, e$plosive force at !%% #sec,
pea& force relative to body #ass, rate of force develop#ent, s'uating and drop (u#p heights of )%,
drop (u#p heights of 4% # and sprint ti#e and pedaling rate of !% #.
The purpose of this study is to access the abilities of strength and speed of a football players
of different co#petition level to prepare for a higher division cha#pionship. This observation
shoed a statistically significant differences in selected variables beteen the groups. /lite class
football players presented significantly higher #a$i#al iso#etric force, vertical (u#p height,
pedaling rate and loer sprint ti#e in co#parison to the #iddle class to football players and loer
class football players.These strength and speed #easures can be used for strength and speed
diagnosis and for designing and evaluating training progra##e.
The #ethods used is physical tests2 iso#etric force verfical (u#p ability, #a$i#u# speed and sprint
+o significant differences ere found a#ong the 3 groups in their anthropo#etric
characteristics4 age, body, #ass and height. Significant differences ere observed in training
e$perience and training bac&ground a#ong elite class footballer players of higher division and
#iddle class footballer players of #iddle division. Significant found ere effects of the group on
#a$i#al iso#etric force , pea& force rate of force develop#ent, s'uat and drop (u#p, pedaling rate
and !% 0 sprint ti#e.
1igher class football players need strength and speed values. They need syste#i5ed and
specific training progra##e. -iagnosis tests should be carried out constantly to &eep the players
#eet the re'uire#ents of a football player and perfor# their best in higher level co#petitions.
Besides, coaches should be ell infor#ed about his players abilities and &no the principles in
coaching a guide to evaluate further training progra##e.
*t see#s that young football players of higher division present high strength and speed values
due to the chronic syste#ati5ed soccer training and the specific strength and speed training
progra#s in co#parison contrast #iddle class young football players of #iddle division and loer
class young football players of loer division. These strength and speed #easures #ay provide
useful infor#ation for attaining high soccer lever and designing and evaluating training progra#s,
hile previous studies suggest that strength and speed #easure#ent can be used for talent
identification in co#bination ith several other factor. 6urther research is re'uired to identify these
factors responsible for high level soccer perfor#ance.

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