Corporate Slut

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Josh kissed his mother on the cheek, tucking away his instinctive reactions to
her constant nagging. Implications of forgetfulness and inadequacy tossed in
the air so playfully before he left, mashed up insinuated truths, bullshit and her
genuine belief. It was enough to destroy a young man, the way a socially
powerful woman could. A man who had always lived with his mother.

Josh tried to feel love as they parted and he headed towards the car, but as
he searched, he could find no definite emotions. No thoughts he could grasp
to vocalise or write about. There was just a tense impression of venturing into
an opponent’s territory and Josh had a rush of realisation that he may be
becoming too much like his father, someone he hadn’t seen in years, to feel at
ease with his own mother. As he grappled for the seat belt, started the engine
and eased the car out of the driveway with a final cursory wave towards his
mother’s home, he considered it reasonable to assume that all offspring vow
not to make the same mistakes their parents made. Josh raised the engine
revs to something that he knew his mother would “tut, tut” at, as he started the
journey down her street. It is a cliché but he had to find and prove himself to
his mother. Better yet, to himself first. Enough of the shallow relationships
and resentment. He would fight his father’s curse and live.

“I feel like a bitch on heat Jim”

Jim was perched on the edge of a leather chair likely to engulf him if he leant
back. The hotel reception was the norm, sparse décor, just enough to occupy
the eyes while you wait. The print on the wall a wishy washy haze of yellows
and blue, a possible seascape or drug induced vision. Jim, the atypical advert
businessman, was looking trim and smug. His blue eyes flashed over at Josh
as he caught the comment and chuckled. Brushing his mop of brown hair to
one side he was confident in his knowledge that he was usually the one to
instigate conversations and lead the hunt at the bar. A pack of dogs and he
was the only greyhound. Josh was blatantly a terrier.

After a pause, Josh continued “The time has come my brother, I’ve left home
and she doesn’t even know it”. Sitting opposite his work-mate, the business
development tag-team caught each others stare and held it, as they
attempted to judge the other’s wavelength. Josh generally reflected Jim when
seen from afar but up close there was something aloof about his physical
attitude, and veiled contempt in his green eyes. When meeting Josh for the
first time, a stranger would not feel like an equal, rather a challenger. Josh’s
face trickled wisdom in it’s stillness but on animation, took on everything that
can be called youth. His few grey hairs among the hastily brushed mass
hinting at an understanding beyond his years, if not stress and the approach
of death.

Jim broke the stare once he knew this was not a hoax. “Why now? And what
has changed?”
Josh pondered and blinked in an attempt to kick-start his thoughts “I feel like
I’ve been repressed for the past thirty years…” Josh paused as he snatched
another look at Jim before looking at the table between them and continuing.
“...and my reasons for all this are failing me. I mean, what are my reasons for
this?” He gestured to the immensely inoffensive surroundings with two
outspread arms, palm up.

Jim considered his answer whilst attempting to understand his companion’s

turmoil. Attempting to sound playful “Perhaps now isn’t the best time for this
conversation....surely the bar in about 1 hour 23 minutes? Haha?” and tagged
on just in case “Anyway you’re good at this stuff! You can’t quit on me if that’s
what you are thinking”

Josh cut in. “It has to end, I feel like a dead man walking. Always
rationalising, considerate, diplomatic, the friend, a new man, metro-sexual or
whatever the fuck people in men’s fashion magazines call it.” Josh waved his
hands at each attempt to describe his frustrations with himself. “It was
pathetic.” And to specify “I was pathetic.”

“Perfect for the business world though, hey?” At a loss, Jim considered this a
bad time. Before a meeting with money at stake. He needed to cut him off
before he brought down his jovial mood.

“I don’t give a shit about the job Jim. I’ve lived it for three years now, saved
money and pretended I was content. I know what I need at last….a...” how
could he say it without sounding completely mental ”….a revolution. A voice
for the discontent in my mind.”

A female voice drifted over from the rear of the reception area. “We’re ready
if you’d like to come through.” A blonde girl with the look of an American teen
soap star smiled at them with the brief intensity of a solar storm. Straight
blonde hair, green eyes, perfect smile, a body so slim and arse so tight that
Josh was certain he’d be able to see a triangle of sunlight between her legs if
she stood naked before him. “Buffy needs my cock” was the resonant thought
in Josh’s mind as the tag team stood and followed her through to the meeting

Sitting opposite Monica, Josh could hardly control the boner he’d developed
beneath the desk when he dared to take another fleeting look at her FHM
cover face. His thoughts rampant, his discontentment scattered. Any nerves
or ideas of diminished self worth that he was feeling before this meeting were
non-existent. Whichever gland it was, suddenly produced testosterone and
Red Bull for the first time.

The dogs were loose and he’d picked up her scent. With a start Josh realised
he’d been staring at her from under half closed eyelids and the grey man to
his right was asking how the journey was. Josh was blatantly looking like a
stereotypical corporate pervert but there are forces in the mind that spin and
sling rational thoughts when you get the scent of a woman on fire.
“Pheromones” Josh thought.

“The journey was OK thanks. It’s just the early starts that really get to me
so....” and a tactical pause here ” may be an early night for me.” With a
cheeky look across the table Monica didn’t even flinch. Just a rustle of paper
in her folder as she found something more interesting than polite banter.

The truth was that Josh didn’t give a shit about the journey or any other he’d
made in his life up to this point. He just wanted to bend the girl over the table
and fuck her. Josh decided to take the blatant yet indirect approach by
asking the guy where they were staying.

“O God!” He started with a hand wave, making Jim and Josh both think that
they were about to be wowed with tales of some sophisticated haven,
Something unlike their motorway chain hotel which made Josh feel like
becoming an arsonist. Unless he was about to fuck a girl of course and then
these places were a sanctuary. S&M quietly. Anonymous home-lives erased
and the people just like their rooms, characterless. All slap, filth, and smells.
Their faces dimly lit, hardly flickering in memory.

The grey man continued “This place is poor, and I mean POOOOR. Of
course I’ve stayed in worse but the wallpaper is flaking off, I’d swear there is
dandruff on the pillow, there was stale piss in the toilet, and to round it off
there is that crusty white and yellow stuff round the plug-hole in the bath that
makes you just know someone’s been pissing in there as well!”

“Well, we’ve all done it” Josh chuckled and bobbed his eyebrows at Jim who
had just caught the comment, fixed his permanent grin and hardened his stare
in a discreet slap-down across the grey man’s front.

Josh ignored him. “The least they could do is clean the stuff up and let us all
think we’re being a little rebellious.” Josh didn’t care about the polite laughter.
Not even about Monica’s thoughts. He just wanted to fuck her senseless, to
come on her tits. To have her peel off her wet panties in front of his face,
slipp her fingers into her cunt and then hold them under his nostrils. Teasing
him before pushing him back, straddling his face and making him inhale her,
taste her, feel her pubic hair rub his face. He did want that.

A short silence broken by the angel herself “To sum it up, the place is a shit
hole.” With a start, Josh looked fully into those blazing eyes for the first time
as her cappuccino voice transcended. “Where are you guys staying?” Aiming
the question squarely at Josh. He was sure he could smell her. This was not
business anymore.

“I strongly suspect that it’s the same place you’re on about....” Josh knew it.
He could feel it. He didn’t know what he was thinking or why he was in the
meeting anymore but continued anyway. “I must admit, I quite like some
aspects of these hotels though. There’s nothing like discontent to bring out
the artist in a man. The passion. The will to succeed and get those things
you really want.” He realised this was probably too far and attempted to claw
back some respectability “Or at least that’s what the training guy said in the
motivation course module.” A final round of polite laughter followed and the
grey man coughed the way someone does when they want to say something
that breaks the flow of a conversation that doesn’t involve them. Playing with
the ring on his finger a sign of his nerves and items at stake. Or sexual
frustration thought Josh as he considered his rivals. “Poker” he thought and
chuckled to himself at the wit of the potential innuendo.

Business followed and Jim took the leads. And follow ups. And completed
the details with satisfactory nods all round the table. Josh played no part as
his eyes stroked the neck of the girl opposite and imagined her lips pressed
against his and her body in contortions of passion. Pure spasms of wet lust.
And the meeting was over.

Passing out through reception Josh considered how he would get her room
number. How he would act when they met in the hotel bar. Or her room. He
considered how deftly he’d managed to slip his cock under his belt whilst at
the meeting. The boner was still attempting to break free and he was sure his
brain wasn’t functioning at full speed with so little blood up there. He waited in
reception as Jim finished the banter and the grey man passed out the lobby
door with a cursory nod at Josh. Jim looked relieved as he walked slowly
towards him and a stony expression took hold.

“I think you really do deserve a break…..You need to get something out of

your system.” Jim started.

“What do you mean?” Josh knew what he meant.

“You fucking know what I mean…” He hissed out “What sort of a meeting was
that?” Jim upturned his hands and shrugged his shoulders as if waiting for a
football, or answers. “That was more like a fucking peep show.” An
exasperated gasp “I may as well have being passing you tissues back there.”
Josh was watching the reception’s rear door as Monica breezed through.
Composed. Hips swaying in step. Looking at him. “A hard fuck” thought

He edged away from Jim to give the illusion of privacy as he attempted to find
a way to shaft her tonight. Being an alpha male capable of catching Josh’s
line of thought, Jim wandered over to the seats and nestled himself. A
defensive posture. This was all too blatant, too crude for his style.

“That went pretty well, hey?” He asked, and with a knowing look and dirty
smile, chin raised, she opened herself up, dropping her hands to her sides
and squared up, face to face.

Josh wasn’t a terrier anymore; he was a wild African Hunting Dog.

Jim pushed his luck. “I’d say everybody got what they wanted….possibly.”
She nodded her agreement and in pause, a thought passed behind her eyes.
She let him see it. “You forgot about the women though.”

Josh puzzled and opened his mouth slightly, drawing more of her in, tasting
the air, viper style. Waiting for her to continue.

“113” she said with a smile half masked, and she folded her arms under her
breasts and drew them up as if to emphasise Josh’s reasons for being born.
She turned and began a slow pace for the lobby door.

Before she passed through she turned once to catch the deep stare of a man
who needed to fuck her and who treated her like a dirty hotel fuck. More than
a simple flirt. An object of desire, glands sweating at the very presence of
her. She could almost smell his semen leaking out of his engorged cock at
the table. This was a woman’s power and influence, a useful business skill if
you know how to utilise it. “People get what they deserve.” She announced in
a whisper with a moist lipped grin as she left the building, taking her power
with her.

Josh breathed in fresh air, just a whisp of her remaining and considered his
relationship with Jim this fine evening.

Jim watched with amusement as he witnessed his friend’s adventures. His

technique was shit but it had worked, and for a girl that good it was probably
worth risking your career. Especially if you had recently admitted it was
destroying you.

“No green eyed monsters in the lobby then?” asked Josh, testing the ground.
Waiting for a fury to behold.

“You seem to have to have done well for yourself my friend” Jim stood and
patted him on the back before guiding him towards the door and hotel.

“She said I forgot the women.”

“I heard. Well, lip read anyway”

“And? What did that mean?” Massive inflection indicated his desperate desire
to solve her riddle.

“Well, you are not married so it can’t be your wife and..... I doubt she’s a
lesbian. Or I’d think it the worst indictment of men if God had made
something that good just for girl’s licks.”

“That’s great. Thanks.” Josh’s words leaked sarcasm.

“Or ....perhaps it could be the knob-head statement about discontent you

made, bringing out the artist in a man, passion and success, etc. etc.”
A haze of white swamped Josh’s vision as he rapidly churned out the words
“Oh fuck, staring at the ceiling. She’s the greatest woman I’ve ever met.” And
began repeating “113” over and over.

In the shower Josh considered his fortune at being placed on the same floor
as his beauty and took extra care to pull his foreskin back and gently wash
away the film that may or may not have been stale semen. Running his
fingers through his pubes to prise free the strays that might get caught in her
mouth, he imagined his opening sequence. Slow, demure and intelligent
conversation shown in sixties style films, an art of seduction, or the fast and
ragged fuck required of an independent modern woman? “Perhaps both” He
thought. Dressing in the striped business shirt he hadn’t already worn on this
trip, open collared, he opened his room door, forgiving its décor and lack of
reference to anything that might be considered nice, and stepped out into the
corridor. Padding gently away across easy wipe, non-stain nylon carpets, his
face was lit alternately by harsh and dim lights along the route. Something
like The Shining he wondered.

Outside 113 he felt calm, but fast. Coursing adrenaline increasing his
certainty that he was the strongest. A dominant alpha male. Josh clenched
his fists and flexed his wrists to release his last outward signs of tension “A
Spartan” he complemented himself. Then he knocked firmly and quietly. He

He was so close, he could almost feel her succulent tits in his hands, almost
grasping her nipples between his teeth and sensing her pulse as they firmed
up in her arousal. His hand lifting her skirt and tearing down her knickers,
plunging his two fingers into her cunt as he pushed her against the wall
prising her legs apart. He would fuck her beyond belief and his dick already
bulged. The door opened a crack.

“Yes” She said as the door opened slightly and her head and half a body
appeared. Her white towel dressing gown only half tied. Hair still wet. A
glimpse of soft thigh.

Josh could not hold back and placed one hand on the door to ease it open.
“I need to fuck you.” He paused as the door swung open “Badly. And now.”
The words throbbed with emphasis as he stepped inward.

Monica blinked as something like mock surprise crossed her face, and she
stepped back as if to allow his entry. The door swung back and behind the
door stood the grey man. Josh halted his movement forward getting breath
stuck in his throat. Monica’s scent too powerful now, choking him.

“I…I…” and stopped with a look at Monica then back at the grey man. His
face was stone. Josh hadn’t even considered him.
The grey man’s stare was solid and contained the sort of power only Monica
could give.

“My wife and I are busy. My company will be in touch.” and with a slow
movement pushed the door back to its latch leaving Josh standing out in the
corridor. In the light.


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