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DreamDoers 2014

Social Enterprise
B-Plan Contest
EntirelySo is a platform that attempts
to identify, create opportunities and
nurture the social enterprise
DreamDoers 2014 is a Social Enter-
prise B-Plan contest conducted by
EntirelySo for Students (UG,PG in
Business Administration), Social
Enterprise and interested individuals.
A Social Enterprise is defined as a
business with a social cause. In order
for the social enterprises to be sustain-
able in the long run, we believe they
should be for-profit organizations but
with the primary purpose of improving
human and environmental well-being.
The top 25 teams that advance to the
semifinal round in the B-plan contest
develop their ideas with guidance from
top business leaders who serve as
mentors and judges
The B-plan Contest will culminate in a
conference in December 2014 where
successful social enterprises, angel in-
vestors, venture capitalists, participants
of the B-plan contest, corporates who
have undertaken CSR activities with high
social impact will all gather together to
brainstorm, network, identify promising
ideas and provide opportunities for the
establishment and support of social en-
After three rounds of Contest, the top
three finalists share Rs.1,75,000 in cash
prize and the opportunity to receive
funding from investors to help them
jumpstart their businesses
Teams must register a team leader, list team members (2 to 5 people), and enter
submissions through EntirelySo.

Team Registration Fee - Students: Rs.500
Team Registration Fee - Individuals: Rs.1000
B-plan teams from colleges should be from the same college studying post-graduation
or under-graduation in business administration/management
B-plans submitted should be either new business plans for social enterprises or
businesses (social enterprises) that have been in existence for not more than three
Last date for registration of teams and submission of Executive Summary: 30-Oct-2014
Last date for submission of Business Plan: 15-Nov-2014
Last date for submission of Final Business Plan: 25-Nov-2014
Business Plan Contest Finals: 14-Dec-2014
Prizes worth over INR 1.75 lakhs.
First Prize INR 1 Lakh; Second Prize INR 50,000; Third Prize INR 25,000
A chance to pitch your plan in front of leading angel investors, corporates, venture capitalists and
An opportunity to be mentored by seasoned entrepreneurs, experienced industry professionals and faculty
Networking opportunities with potential partners, freelancers, investors and world-class entrepreneurs
Assured Consultancy services: financial, legal, HR and IP
Fund-raising and incubation opportunities

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