Active Air Defender

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Active Air Defender

Lab Report

Q 1): Given frequency range between 0 and 12.8 KHz.
a) Between frequency range 0 and 12.8 Khz we have noise reduction
region with attenuation amplitude of 3 dB. It can be seen that this is
uncompensated system which has a face crossover at 400 Hz.
b) The phase crossover frequency occurs when the open-loop phase
angle reaches the critical value of 180
. Between 0 and 12.8 Kz, as
seen from Fig Lab 2-A we have two face crossover frequencies at 399
Hz and 401 Hz (because the plot is not within the drawing range).
c) For the system to be stable the value of the magnitude at the phase
crossover frequency should be less than Zero.
Hence from the Fig Lab 2-A we analyse stability for all the phase
400 9950
2.5 -5.5
Remarks Unstable Stable

Q 2): Given compensated open-loop frequency response between 0 and 6.4 Kz.
a) With introduction of compensator the very good attenuation was
obtained over the given frequency range.
b) From plot Lab2-B,

c) For the system to be stable the gain margin, the value of the
magnitude at the phase crossover frequency should be less than
Zero. Hence from above table we get,
Critical Phase
150 3300 4050 5150
10 -18 -33.5 -20
Remarks Unstable Stable Stable Stable
Clearly, the system will be stable for frequency range 250 Hz to
6.4 Khz as magnitude is less than zero.

Q 3): Given open-loop frequency response as in Q 2) over a frequency range of
0 to 800 Hz
a) From Plot2-C
b) Gain Margin:
Gain Margin
Phase Margin (found out by calculating gain crossover frequency and the
corresponding phase difference)
63 305
Phase Margin
-95 97
c) Gain Margin required = 6 dB
In open-loop magnitude gain level of -2 dB to 4 dB will be required.
d) With increase in gain, there will be more noise reduction area and hence
better system response. At lower gain there are unwanted frequencies
affecting the performance of our system.
Q 4): Given gain margin set to 2 dB

Q 6)
a) An active noise control (ANC) system is based on a destructive
interference of an anti-noise, which have equal amplitude and opposite
phase replica of primary noise, with wanted noise (primary noise).
Following the superposition principle, the result is cancellation or
reduction of both noises (S. M. Kuo and D. R. Morgan 1999). It requires
a closed loop so that the signal is fed back to the desired audio signal
input as an error correction for the noise.


The amount of noise reduction in a closed-loop system can be calculated

Larger the value of H
, the greater the noise reduction.
The stability of such system can be verified from the Nyquist stability criterion

For systems which are stable in open-loop, Nyquist criterion states that the
system whose open-loop loci do not encircle the (1, 0) point in the complex
plane will be stable in closed-loop.
i) Feedback Control
Advantages Disadvantages
1) The feedback control obtains data at the
process output hence, it takes into
account unforeseen disturbances such as
frictional and pressure losses.
2) Requires little knowledge
about the process (a process
model is not necessary for
3) Feedback controls can be easily duplicated
from one system to another.
1) The process deviation occurring near the
beginning of the process (due to lag) will not
be recognized until the process output is
2) Feedback control does not take predictive
control action towards the effects of known
3) Theoretically not capable of
achieving perfect control.
ii) Feedforward control
Advantages Disadvantages
1) Takes corrective action
before the process is upset
(predicts output to control
2) Does not affect system
3) Theoretically capable of
"perfect control"
1) Requires more knowledge of
the process to be controlled
(process model)
2) Disturbance must be
measured (capital, operating

c) Active noise control v/s Passive Noise control
Active noise control

Passive Noise control

1) Active noise control is sound
reduction using a power source.
2) Active noise cancelling is best suited
for low frequencies.
3) They are more expensive so as to
compensate for batteries and
electrical equipments.

1) Passive noise control is sound
reduction by noise-isolating materials
such as insulation, sound-absorbing
tiles, or a muffler rather than a power
2) At higher frequencies, Passive
control provides an adequate solution
without the need for active control.

S. M. Kuo and D. R. Morgan, Active noise control: a tutorial review, Proc. IEEE,
vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 943973, Jun. 1999
A simplified adaptive feedback active noise control system . 2014. A simplified adaptive
feedback active noise control system . [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 04
October 2014].
Active Noise Reduction Headphone Systems | HeadWize. 2014. Active Noise Reduction
Headphone Systems | HeadWize. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 October 2014]
Lab 2 pre-reading and lab questions 2014 [ONLINE] Available at
pdf. [Accessed 04 October 2014].

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