Level / Class Course Title Instructor's Name Textbook

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Al Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University

Center of Community Services and Continuing Education

) Class 1 , Class 2
Level /
!eading 2) Course Title
Ms" #ayda$a Alrumaih Instructor's Name !ead %his& 'ascinating
Stories from the Content
Areas 2
( hrs Course Credit Hours English )anguage Department
*i+loma ,rogram
I. Course Objectives :
Strengthening the students$ s-ills in the follo.ing /
1 " Understanding the .ritten te0t at the intermediate and advanced levels "
2 " Increasing the students$ vocabulary and e0+ressions "
( " Increasing the students$ ability in reading com+rehension "
II. Learning Outcomes :
%o train students to read and com+rehend .ritten te0ts through studying carefully
selected te0ts to achieve the follo.ing /
1 Understanding the main in the te0t "
1 Understanding the main idea in each +aragra+h "
1 S+ecifying the main sentence "
1 Understanding the meaning of .ords from the conte0t "
1 Understanding the meaning of .ords by analy2ing them "
1 S+ecifying the -ey conce+ts in the te0t "
1 Understanding the inferences, details and the structure of the te0t "
1 S+eed reading "
1 *ifferentiating bet.een facts, theories and o+inions "
1 Inferring the conte0t from titles, subtitles, dra.ings and charts "
III. Course Regulations :
Students are e0+ected to /
1 Attend classes on time "
1 #e active3 i"e" interact .ith the instructor and .ith fello. classmates "
1 As- 4uestions .hen something is not clear "
1 ,ractice reading the +assages at home, the audio version of the te0tboo-
is available at
IV. Assessment and Grading :
1 " Attendance and ,artici+ation 67
2 " 8ral 9ui2 1:7
( " Assignments 1:7
; " Mid %erm 267
6 " 'inal E0am 6:7
V. Course Calendar :
Chapter Date ee!
Introduction "#$%%$%&'( ) * %($#+$"#%& A.D . %
Chapter %: ,he orld-s .est /elling
"1$%%$%&'( ) * ""$#+$"#%& A.D . "
Chapter ": 2ighting Disease 3ith Disease %+$%"$%&'( ) * %'$%#$"#%& A.D . '
Chapter &: Dolphins to the Rescue "4$%"$%&'( ) * "#$%#$"#%& A.D . &
Chapter (: ,he Gentle Giant 5rom A5rica #"$#%$%&'4 ) * "1$%#$"#%& A.D . (
Chapter 1: )o3 the 6i3i Got Its 7ame #8$#%$%&'4 ) * #'$%%$"#%& A.D . 4
0id ,erm %($#%$%&'4 ) * %#$%%$"#%& A.D . 1
Chapter 8: ,he 2i5th ,aste ""$#%$%&'4 ) * %1$%%$"#%& A.D . 8
Chapter %#: ,eenage Con 0an "+$#%$%&'4 ) * "&$%%$"#%& A.D . +
Chapter %%: 2ingerprints Don9t lie * Or
Do ,he: ;
#4$#"$%&'4) * #8$%"$"#%& A.D . %#
Chapter %': Death b: Internet %'$#"$%&'4) * %($%"$"#%& A.D . %%

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