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May 2013
Chasing new horizons
Page 4
Start of a new era in Turkey!
Page 5
An efcient new way of working
Page 6
Surface Drilling For internal use only
Abhijeet Kokane
Responsible Publisher
Goran Popovski
Just a few weeks ago I came back from the pan-African confer-
ence where I came across one of the most profound proverbs
I have heard recently: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you
want to go far, go together.
We, as a division aim for both - to move fast and establish ourselves
on markets and segments where we were either not present or not
strongly present as well as to go far and reach businesses that were
out of our reach due to the lack of products for such applications.
The contemporary Surface Drilling division is proud owner of three
different product lines: rigs, crushers and screeners and dimensional
stone industry (DSI) products.
With over 100 different machine models (aprrox. 70 rig models, apr-
rox. 20 crushers and screeners models and more than 10 DSI prod-
ucts) we are the only supplier with such a versatile portfolio offering
in the industry. Additionally, in close cooperation with ACF and MRS,
we can offer packages and solutions that not many companies in the
industry can match. We shall always point these arguments when
meeting our customers.
We always say that we, as division, are present in Mining and Con-
struction industry. Is that statement enough or shall we take a step
forward and segment the market so that we assure better reach and
strategy for our products and services?
Our large product portfolio gives us opportunities to compete
in the following segments:
a. Volume mining
b. Selective mining
c. Cement and limestone
d. Aggregates
e. Urban infrastructure development
f. Civil infrastructure development
g. Recycling
h. Dimension stone industry applications
Of course, even though all those segments share many similarities,
every segment have their own rules of the game, success fac-
tors, models of doing business etc. We, as a division have ambitious
targets and want to be First in Mind - First in Choice and have
dominant market shares in all those applications. We are aware that
in most of those segments we actually walk the talk and have a
dominant global position. However, when it comes to specifc mar-
kets, we have some more homework to do and assure that our pres-
ence is strong in all or most of the segments locally.
The positive experiences have proved that the best way to start this
exercise is to re-asses the territory management and investigate
on each market if all segments as above are present locally. Some
markets have potential in all segments, and some in just a few. Each
BLM in coordination with the RBM shall re-assess the territory and
check what the potentials are for us in each segment. Once the po-
tential is identifed, we need to focus on identifying the competitors
offer in that segment (products and services), segment key success
factors and fnally create a competitive local product mix that shall
win the market shares for us.
Of course, during this exercise the additional resources and resourc-
es utilization question will rightfully appear many times. Yes, some
segments need to be attacked with direct sales channels and might
require hiring new resources. However, in some of the segments
above, the rules of the game are indirect sales channels such as:
dealers, distributors, sales agents and business fnders, so you can
consider utilizing those channels for reaching selected group of cus-
tomers or segments. Also, making successful indirect sales chan-
nels have a lot to do with dealers management and dealers devel-
opment strategy.
Finally, why am I saying all of the above? I know that many of you
know all those things much better than me. The answer is very sim-
ple. I am saying all these things; as I have a huge belief that we, as a
division, are sitting on a great potential to grow. Even though some
segments are more challenged than others in terms of slower busi-
ness, there are still many segments that are vibrant and have a huge
hidden potential for us. If we are honest to each other, on every
market there are one or more segments that have been slightly ne-
glected and if addressed properly, we can grow the business even
in tough times like these.
Better focus and better follow up, always gives better results. SDEs
April numbers have come stronger than any other month in more
than a year. YES, there are hidden potentials on each market out ther
e. YES, there is light at the end of the tunnel. YES, we can grow the
business even in the times like these when global business outlook
does not look too bright.
We, the global divisional marketing team, offer you support and
guidance and suggest better focus on better Territory Management,
better Segment Management and Sales Channel Management for
maximum performance.
Finally, SDE wants to go fast and go far, as in the proverb in the
beginning of this text, divisional team is hand in hand with our col-
leagues in the CCs, as ONE team. TEAM SDE!
Lets DRIVE the business together!!
Goran Popovski
VP Marketing, Surface Drilling
Utilizing the full market potential
May 2013
PAGE 3 ........................................Top performers
PAGE 4 ............................ Chasing new horizons
PAGE 5 .................... Start of a new era in Turkey
PAGE 6 ........... An efcient new way of working
PAGE 7 ........................................ Digitally yours
PAGE 8 .... Marketing communications material

Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 3
Orders invoiced March 2013

1. Australia
2. USA
3. Norway
4. China
5. Turkey
6. Saudi Arabia
7. Brazil
8. Russia
9. France
10. South Africa
Orders received March 2013

1. South Africa
2. China
3. Russia
4. USA
5. Australia
6. Sweden
7. Turkey
8. Japan
9. United Arab Emirates
10. Brazil
Orders invoiced April 2013

1. Australia
2. China
3. South Africa
4. Norway
5. USA
6. Turkey
7. India
8. Russia
9. Canada
10. France
Orders received April 2013

1. Norway
2. South Africa
3. Malaysia
4. Australia
5. China
6. Sweden
7. USA
8. Colombia
9. Turkey
10. South Korea
Chasing new horizons
Given this, in order to further expand the existing business in this area we should learn the ap-
plication in greater detail and try to meet the customers as frequently as possible. We should
also think a bit different than usual and consider having dealers in regions where we used to
work directly. Some Customer Centers have completed their territory management, dened
sales channels and already doing active marketing, like for example India, Sweden and Turkey
- well done! Some other Customer Centers still have a lot to do.
We continue facing competition from global and local suppliers yet it might be noted that
Atlas Copco Stonetec is the only global supplier that has full range of specialist DSI products.
This means that we denitely have a big opportunity to expand our business globally. But on
the other hand, we do have big challenges as well - in the near future we will be spending a lot
of resources on engine and safety legislation to fulll the global requirements. Also, we will be
developing new models to increase our offerings and market presence.
Although we have had many achievements in 2012, there are still many things that we need to
do to integrate Atlas Copco Stonetec in the greater organization; this will be my biggest chal-
lenge in 2013. We have an ambitious target to fulll for 2013. Without doubt, in the near future
DSI will provide us opportunities with different economical dynamics that may also help some
Customer Centers to survive in these tough times. We have a very good portfolio and we ap-
preciate them who have already started introducing the products to their markets. Atlas Copco
Stonetec - runned by a dedicated and experienced team will always strive to give our CCs ev-
ery support to meet greater success. We welcome you to this new business area!
Hakan Aytekin
Regional Business Manager, Surface Drilling and
Acting Marketing Manager, Atlas Copco Stonetec
The drilling equipment manufactured by Atlas Copco Stonetec are very close to our
core business of blasthole drill rigs. Yet, we are well aware that the DSI (dimension
stone industry) customers are quite unlike our existing customers in many ways. We
do meet DSI customers for their requirements in portable air, hydraulic breakers and
mostly with rock tools, but, as far as surface drilling equipment is concerned, the cus-
tomers and the application is new to Atlas Copco.
Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 4
Girodrill VH (top pic) and SpeedCut (bottom pic) in action at Modong
Industrys quarry.
In the past, Bahceli Mining has been operating the ROC D7 C
and ROC F7. However, the rising oil prices were proving to be a
challenge. The new SmartROC T40 is a sophisticated machine
known to reduce fuel consumption dramatically. Given this fact
and the mutual goodwill, we managed to convince the custom-
er to buy the SmartROC. This was the frst SmartROC sold in
Turkey and almost 10 unit sales have followed since then.
The SmartROC T40 has revolutionized the operational param-
eters of Bahceli Mining. It has decreased fuel consumption per
engine hour by 50% and increased the production by approxi-
mately 30%. The customer has also been reporting better rock
tool life. Yuksel Tuten the owner of the company is very satis-
fed with the performance and fuel consumption. No wonder
that he is a proud owner of the frst SmartROC in Turkey. In fact
he is so pleased that he has ordered a second unit too!

The ball has been set rolling with the sale of frst SmartROC
unit in Turkey and with this, the market demand for these ma-
chines is set to scale up. With new contracts, Turkey surely is in
for SmartROC sales competition.
For this path breaking success I would like to thank and congra-
tulate Gurkan Buyurgan SDE Business Line Manager, Turkey
and his team.
Hakan Aytekin
Regional Business Manager, Surface Drilling and
Acting Marketing Manager, Atlas Copco Stonetec
Start of a new era in Turkey!
Bahceli Mining of Turkey, a manganese mining com-
pany has been a loyal customer of Atlas Copco drilling
At the customer mining site, from left to right: Hakan Aytekin (RBM,
Surface Drilling), Yuksel Tuten (Owner - Bahceli Mining), Emre Kantarci
(MR Sales Engineer, Turkey), Gurkan Buyurgan (BLM - Surface Drilling/
ADS, Turkey)
Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 5
Girodrill VH (top pic) and SpeedCut (bottom pic) in action at Modong
Industrys quarry.
Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 6
Modong Industry has a yearly produce of around 500,000~
600,000 m
of granite. To achieve this daunting volume of pro-
duction, a team of over 100 workers and around 5 managers
are functional. The shifts vary according to the machines em-
ployed; a wire saw machine would usually have 2-3 shifts of
work being put in.
Mondong Industry currently has a Girodrill VH and SpeedCut
100 working in the quarry. Before employing Atlas Copco ma-
chines in the quarry, the company used pneumatic hand drills
and wire saw machines made by local manufacturers.
Inclusion of Atlas Copco machines has truly revolutionized the
way of working in the quarry. As the Quarry Manager, Kang
Jonghee puts it, We are very satised with the performance
of the Girodrill VH and the SpeedCut 100. These machines give
us condence as they are capable of increasing the productiv-
ity. The machines help in keeping the operational costs down to
the minimum, thus savings are increased too.
The ultimate workhorse
Girodrill VH replaces a minimum of 6 hand drills
The Girodrill VH is so efcient that it can cover work equiva-
lent to that produced by a minimum of 6 pneumatic hand drills
work. says Kang Jonghee.
Park Seokju, the operator of the machines also seems to be
equally impressed, I like to operate the Girodrill VH. It is faster
to drill and is absolutely safe during the operation thanks to
the presence of a cabin. The Girodrill VH is also very easy to
steer and maneuver, even while negotiating some tough and
uneven ground conditions.
SpeedCut 100 Operator friendly, highly productive and safe
The SpeedCut 100 is a fantastic performer for instance,
while taking a horizontal cut, production has increased by 10%,
An efcient new way of working
Modong Industry is one of the major players in South Koreas granite mining industry. The company has a
quarry located at Geochang-Gun, Kyoungsangnam-Do, approximately 300 kms. away from Seoul. Inclusion of
specialized drilling and cutting equipments from Atlas Copco has helped improve the efciency levels in the
Modong Industry quarry.
as cutting can now literally be started from almost 1~2 cm.
above the ground. Earlier, using pneumatic hand drill we could
only start 5 ~10 cm. above the ground level. says Kang Jonghee
Park Seokju explains further, Compared to the locally manu-
factured wire saw, the Speedcut 100 is easier to operate. With
the operation being controlled remotely through a PMI (Panel
Machine Interface) and the automatic tensioning control, the
machine is a whole lot safer to operate compared to the local
ones. One more reason I like it is because of the reliable and
quick service support provided by Atlas Copco.
With SpeedCut 100 by their side, the performance fgures have
seen a quantum leap, The SpeedCut 100 is much faster com-
pared to the local machines. The cutting speeds have increased
up to 11.9 m
/h. This is phenomenal and has helped increase
our productivity manifolds. says Kang Jonghee.
Satised customer
The increased value of using Atlas Copco machines is quite evi-
dent to the customer now. It is no wonder that Modong Indus-
try will order one more Girodrill VH. The company has also de-
cided to gradually replace all the local wire saw machines with
the SpeedCut 100.
With machines tailor-made for DSI and a reliable and effcient
service support network, Atlas Copco has certainly helped ce-
ment exponential growth for its valued clients.
Inputs by: HanSung Oh,
Senior Sales Engineer - South Korea
Article preparation and editing: Abhijeet Kokane,
Communications Professional
Above: Atlas Copco USAs facebook page.
Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 7
Digitally yours!
Having a Facebook page has now become a pre-
requisite for every corporate entity. A Facebook
page helps a company to informally interact with
its customers. It is also a platform to share the
latest happenings and information about the
Atlas Copco offces around the world make use
of this social media platform to come closer to
its customers. Two of the Customer Centers
that are active in Social media are USA and Tur-
key. As Jennifer Bishop, Marketing Communica-
tions Coordinator at Atlas Copcos USA offce
puts it, Using Facebook, the ability to engage
with our dealers, end-users, vendors, associa-
tions, publications, current, past and future em-
ployees is immeasurable. Were able to keep our
ear to the ground about upcoming events and
milestones that are shared within our various
markets. Additionally, since launching social me-
dia, our website trafc has increased by 25%!
The value of using the tool is clear to see. Jen-
nifer continues, Facebook has helped us have
several initiatives to engage with our users, in-
cluding the Show us your Atlas Copco Classic
contest held prior to our 140th anniversary. It
helped generate a deeper connect with our cus-
Duygu Evrankaya from our Turkey offce elabo-
rates further, I like to focus on local activities
and share them on the Facebook page. I share
global news, videos and photos. But my main
target is to create a local page which gathers our
customers, university students, employees alto-
gether in a welcoming atmosphere. This helps
us connect better.
Facebook is a great platform to share local ac-
tivities such as trade shows, special events held
at the CCs, PCs and company stores, trainings
and company milestones. Although the medium
does not generally carry heavy, technical infor-
mation about our products, links to our product
movies or product launch microsites help in pro-
moting them effectively.
As Jennifer says, We nd that activity increas-
es considerably when product pictures and vid-
eos are posted. Also, its pleasing to see that
posts about our employees and local events are
also well received.
Even though the media is an informal one, pre-
cautions to be taken while handling the page
are paramount. Jennifer explains, Although it
is a given - basic etiquette and common sense
needs to be displayed while interacting with the
customers. We never underestimate the impor-
tance of it, which is why we even created proce-
dures and guidelines specically for administra-
tors of our Facebook page.
Facebook has thus emerged as a great alterna-
tive to promote our products and business ef-
fectively and will continue to be one of the im-
portant social advertising tools for Atlas Copco.
Inputs by: Jennifer Bishop,
Marketing Communications Coordinator - USA and
Duygu Evrankaya,
Communications Specialist - Turkey
Article preparation and editing:
Abhijeet Kokane,
Communications Professional
In the last few years the popularity of Facebook has been growing. Started initially as
a platform for personal social networking, Facebook has quickly evolved into being
an important tool to connect closer with stakeholders for a company.
Surface drill rigs Atlas Copco branded brochures
PowerROC D40 9851 3190 01
FlexiROC T30 R, Swedish 9851 3046 09
FlexiROC T30 R, Finnish 9851 3046 02
SmartROC T35/T40, French 9851 2815 03
All brochures are available on
Sales/training Atlas Copco branded ppt presentations
FlexiROC T30R, Available on SDE products d/b
Dimension stone equipment Atlas Copco branded brochures
Rock Buggy, Turkish 9851 3084 38
SpeedCut, Turkish 9851 2959 38
SpeedCut, Swedish 9851 2959 02
SpeedCut, German 9851 2959 04
All brochures are available on
Flash presentation Perfora branded
Available on SDE products d/b
Dimension stone equipment Perfora branded brochures
Girodrill, South American Spanish 9851 2936 56
Girodrill, German 9851 2936 04
Rock Buggy, South American Spanish 9851 2935 56
16 Page Pneumatic drilling equipment 9851 3204 01
All brochures are available on
Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 8
Choose your favorite wallpapers!
New SDE wall papers/desktop backgrounds for both rigs, crushers and
DSI machines in following resolutions/pixel sizes: 280 x 800, 1600 x 1000,
1680 x 1050 and 1920 x 1200
Available on SDE Products d/b under:
Surface drill rigs/ General/ Miscellaneous/ SDE Wallpapers 2013
Surface News No. 2 - May 2013 9

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