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Date of Poll: 10/08/2014 Responses: 1051 Margin of error: 3.


Choice for Governor

Response Percentage
Pat Quinn 44.48%
Bruce Rauner 41.03%
Chad Grimm 6.95%
Undecided 7.53%

Candidate a Reformer

Response Percentage
Pat Quinn 26.12%
Bruce Rauner 37.38%
Chad Grimm 6.46%
All of Them 6.39%
None of Them 23.65%

Candidate Most Understands Everyday Concerns

Response Percentage
Pat Quinn 40.57%
Bruce Rauner 35.50%
Chad Grimm 5.87%
All of Them 2.40%
None of Them 15.66%

Poll conducted by We Ask America

Political v Business Background

Response Percentage
Political is More Important 24.11%
Business is More Important 41.65%
Both are Important 25.70%
Neither are Important 8.53%

Watch Debates

Response Percentage
Do Plan to Watch 63.85%
Do Not Plan to Watch 24.36%
Not Sure 11.79%

Party ID

Response Percentage
Republican 26.24%
Democratic 36.61%
Independent 37.15%

Crosstab: Choice for Governor by Gender

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm Undecided
Female 44.03% 39.39% 7.44% 9.14%
Male 41.95% 46.70% 6.27% 5.08%

Crosstab: Choice for Governor by Party ID

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm Undecided
Republican 12.07% 78.01% 6.05% 3.87%
Democrat 75.01% 11.66% 5.62% 7.71%
Independent 37.81% 43.49% 8.82% 9.88%

Crosstab: Choice for Governor by Location

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm Undecided
Chicago 69.21% 18.85% 4.41% 7.52%
Suburban Cook 52.22% 33.90% 7.08% 6.80%
Collars 35.78% 52.42% 4.63% 7.17%
Downstate 28.28% 53.76% 9.93% 8.03%

Crosstab: Candidate a Reformer by Gender

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm All of Them None of Them
Female 28.30% 33.64% 6.70% 5.55% 25.81%
Male 23.04% 42.64% 6.12% 7.58% 20.62%

Crosstab: Candidate a Reformer by Party ID

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm All of Them None of Them
Republican 6.55% 66.48% 6.39% 5.17% 15.41%
Democrat 49.36% 12.08% 4.06% 6.79% 27.71%
Independent 19.88% 38.39% 8.65% 6.95% 26.14%

Crosstab: Candidate a Reformer by Location

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm All of Them None of Them
Chicago 48.19% 18.02% 4.00% 7.84% 21.96%
Suburban Cook 31.32% 29.95% 4.79% 6.14% 27.79%
Collars 16.46% 50.20% 4.04% 5.82% 23.47%
Downstate 17.48% 43.69% 10.59% 6.17% 22.07%

Crosstab: Candidate Most Understands Everyday Concerns
by Gender

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm
All of
None of
Female 41.90% 32.47% 5.69% 2.83% 17.11%
Male 38.68% 39.78% 6.13% 1.79% 13.62%

Crosstab: Candidate Most Understands Everyday Concerns
by Party ID

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm
All of
None of
Republican 11.66% 68.15% 4.54% 1.34% 14.31%
Democrat 72.21% 9.36% 2.95% 3.17% 12.31%
Independent 33.77% 34.63% 9.46% 2.50% 19.64%

Crosstab: Candidate Most Understands Everyday Concerns
by Location

Demographic Pat Quinn Bruce Rauner Chad Grimm
All of
None of
Chicago 67.89% 16.79% 3.30% 1.98% 10.03%
Suburban Cook 47.95% 32.26% 3.78% 3.63% 12.38%
Collars 32.52% 45.12% 3.27% 3.20% 15.89%
Downstate 26.51% 41.06% 10.47% 1.27% 20.69%

Crosstab: Political v Business Background by Gender

Political is More
Business is More
Both are
Neither are
Female 23.33% 38.96% 28.17% 9.54%
Male 25.21% 45.44% 22.23% 7.12%

Crosstab: Political v Business Background by Party ID

Political is More
Business is More
Both are
Neither are
Republican 9.13% 71.14% 14.99% 4.75%
Democrat 44.46% 16.28% 32.45% 6.81%
Independent 17.06% 42.43% 27.62% 12.88%

Crosstab: Political v Business Background by Location

Political is More
Business is More
Both are
Neither are
Chicago 38.22% 21.21% 31.06% 9.51%
27.96% 34.92% 27.55% 9.56%
Collars 20.08% 49.03% 22.49% 8.40%
Downstate 16.74% 51.98% 23.85% 7.44%

Crosstab: Watch Debates by Gender

Demographic Do Plan to Watch Do Not Plan to Watch Not Sure
Female 67.13% 21.71% 11.15%
Male 59.24% 28.08% 12.69%

Crosstab: Watch Debates by Party ID

Demographic Do Plan to Watch Do Not Plan to Watch Not Sure
Republican 64.38% 26.15% 9.47%
Democrat 64.21% 23.59% 12.21%
Independent 63.15% 23.72% 13.13%

Crosstab: Watch Debates by Location

Demographic Do Plan to Watch Do Not Plan to Watch Not Sure
Chicago 68.02% 21.00% 10.98%
Suburban Cook 66.56% 24.74% 8.70%
Collars 64.79% 25.34% 9.87%
Downstate 59.16% 25.26% 15.58%

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