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Optimal Angular Movement of Laser Beam in SPR

Using an Embedded Controller

, S.Ananthi
and K.Padmanabhan
1 Cental Instumentation Research and Service Laboratory
1 Uni versity of Madras
Chennai, India.
Abstact-This paper proposes and implements the PIC
microcontroller based Surface Plasmon resonance analysis of bio
molecular interaction. Surface Plasmon resonance [SPRj has
becoming an important optical bio-sensing technology in the
areas of medical, biological , biochemistry, pollution detection,
aircraf and laboratory research. The SPR works on the
principle of TIR, that when the stepper motor mounted laser
beam moving back and forth is focused on the hypotenuse of the
gold coated BK-7 prism at an angle greater than the critical
angle, hence the laser beam gets refected back and SPR is
generated outward side of the gold coated surface is measured
using LDR. The generation of SPR is measured in terms of
Refractive index, the refractive index changes with respect to the
applied sample (Dielectric 10ading).Hence even for a small
change in molecular interaction can be found using SPR. The
laboratory prototype of PIC microcontroller based SPR was
characterized in terms of refectance and intensity with respect to
the incident beam. In the design of instrument PIC 16F73
microcontroller is used to control the laser movement back and
forth through stepper motor to increase the fastness and
accuracy. This paper explains and demonstrates the importance
of PIC microcontroller in the design and control of the
Index Terms-PIC microcontroller, Embedded systems,
surface Plasmon resonance, Sensors and Instrumentation.
Surface Plasmon resonance [SPR] plays a vital role in the
areas of medical, biological, pollution detection, and
laboratory research etc., [1]. The SPR device is real time,
more sensitive device and it can detect even small changes in
the molecular behavior [2,3]. In this work, the Surface
plasmon resonance is generated based on the ketschmen
confguration for the detection of bio molecular interaction
[4, 5]. As the SPR instument is mostly used in the medical
feld, it should be fast and accurate [6,7]. Hence PIC
microcontroller is preferred for its low cost, fastness and
accuracy [8]. So PIC 16F73 microcontroller is used in the
development of the SPR instument [9]. In this work, PIC is
programmed using OSHAN PIC simulator sofware in
assembly language and then it is fsed in the PIC Ie. Then the
bured PIC IC is placed in the circuit board for the contol of
laser movement for the purpose of the generation of Surface
Plasmon resonance. This work intended to make fast and
accurate instment for measuring the bio molecular
interaction at affordable cost for the benefciary of the society.
One such a work is this aimed at the development of PIC
microcontroller based SPR device.
The general operation of the instment fows like as shown
in the below fgure. The fgure 1, explains the fow of signals
in the contol of the instment trough PIC microcontoller.
Normally, Alterating voltage supply of 5V is given to the IC,
hence the PIC, stepper motor and Laser beam is given 5V AC
supply. The PIC microcontoller is programmed and connected
with stepper motor trough the ULN 2003 driver, so that the
stepper motor moves back and forth. The laser beam IS
mounted over the stepper motor moves back and forth.
Fig I.Shows the Proposed model of PTC microcontroller based SPR
Hence the moving laser beam is directed over the
hypotenuse of the prism with fowing sample in a capillary
tube in adjacent. Based on the TTR principle the surface
plasmon generated across the surface of the prism is
measured using the CRO trough the PV cell or Light
Depended Resistor.
In general the SPR is generated based on two methods
namely the ketschmen confguration and Otto confguration.
But the most commonly used method is ketschmen
confguration, since this work is carried based on the
Kretschmen confguration. The fgure 2 shows the SPR setup
based on the ketschmen confguration for the generation of the
SPR and Figure 3 explains the generated SPR curve varies with
respect to the dielectic sample. According to the Kretschmen
principle that if laser beam is directed over the surface of metal
coated prism at angle greater than the critical angle TlR will
take place at the same time the surface plasmon is generated
over the surface of the metal coated surface. Hence the surface
plasmon generated over the surface of the metal prism is
measured in tems of dip. Hence among the refected light few
amount was absorbed by the metal molecules, which generates
the surface plasmon resonance. Therefore the surface plasmon
generated in terms of dip in the output measured across the
LDR or Photo voltaic cell. Depends on the dielectic sample
loading the SPR curve shifs will occur. Thus the SPR device is
real time, more sensitive device and it can detect even small
changes in the molecular behavior.
Glass Prism
Laser beam
Gold coating
Dielectric sample
Fig 2.Shows the SPR Setup based on the Kretschmen confguration.
Angle at which SPR generated
Fig 3.Shows the SPR curve changes with respect to the dielectric
Tn order to generate SPR, the polarized laser beam
should be varied along the surface of the gold coated BK-7
prism over which dielectic sample is placed, whose
refactive index is to be measured with respected to the
incident light. As the dielectic sample is allowed to pass
trough a small capillary tube placed near to the gold
coated prism and there is a problem in the quantity of
measurement. So the average of the different points of
sample will be taken and this process will be made easy
with the help of PIC microcontoller. Therefore the PIC is
programmed so as to move the laser beam back and forth
and this will average different points of the sample. But in
the present work, the laser beam is rotated back and forth
by stepper motor using PIC microcontoller, so it is made to
coincide with the cente of hypotenuse of prism. Hence fast
and accuracy in the measurement of output is made through
PIC microcontoller. Figure above explains the
experimental setup used for the generation of SPR. The
Fig 4.Shows the Experimental setup for the generation of SPR using PV
cell and CRO.
generated is measured using the PV cells and CRO.
The following sofware tools were used for the
development PTC microcontoller based SPR.
1. Oshan PTC Simulator IDE v 6.91: is very easy and best
tool to view the programmed outut trough provided
Fig 5.Shows the PIC program simulated using PIC simulator.
graphical interface without the need of hardware. The fgure 5
above shows the print screen shot of simulated program.
2. Basic compiler: Best and simple tool for calculating
purpose. T the present work it is used for the laser beam
meeting point at the cente of the prism afer back and forth
PIC 16F73
ULN 2003
Inl out I
In2 out 2
In3 out 3
In4 out 4
Fig 6.Shows the PIC Microcontroller Interfce using ULN2003.
The above fgure 6 Shows PTC 16F73 microcontoller
interface with the stepper motor using ULN 2003 . The output
of the PTC microcontoller will drive the stepper motor back
and forth. Stepper motor which carries laser beam on its shaf.
PTC microcontoller whose output is taken fom the Port B
of RBO, RB I, RB2, and RB3is fed as input to the ULN 2003
TC of Tn I, Tn2, Tn3, and Tn4 respectively. Output of ULN2003
is fed as input to the stepper motor fom out I, out 2, out 3 and
out 4 to the stepper motor's teminal. Port A will be taken as
input ports.
Pin 9 & 10, is used as exteral clock, 12MH crystal is
used as exteral clock.
Pin 8 & 20, is V dd and it is grounded.
AC Voltage source of 5V is applied to pin 19 (Vss) for PTC
The Figure 7 shows the circuit board developed based on
the PTC microcontoller for the contol of laser beam mounted
on the Stepper motor. I is programmed to move the laser beam
back and forth over the sample which is placed in adjacent to
the BK7 prism.
Fg I. Shows the circut board de\'eloped baedon PIC mcro contoller i
the laboratory forthe control oflaser:mouted on the stepper motor
Otput to
This paper has covered the methods, and design of SPR
based on the PIC microcontoller. Thus, the SPR prototype
was made and the resulted dip assures the generation of
Surface plasmon resonance. In the measurement it is found the
output is repeated and dip curve varies for different samples.
The dip curve clearly illustated the molecular interaction
through absorption. The work describes the method and
presents the advantages of this design set up based on PIC
[t is worked out, that for a prism with an R.I. of [.4; the
position of the shaf cente of the stepper motor carrying the
laser beam is moved the back and forth over the prism for
measuring the instantaneous value using PTC microcontoller.
The SPR prototype was developed based on the SPR and it was
evaluated. The accuracy and sensitivity of the SPR has to be
increased frther. This present work gives the useflness of the
PTC microcontoller in the development of an instment in
electonics and instrumentation feld.
This research work is caried out fom the DST -TDP fnded
project fnds and the authors thanks the Departent of
Science and Technolog, New Delhi for their fnancial
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Mr.M.Rajavelan was born in Villupuram, India in 1984. He
received his Bachelors of Engineering degree fom the depmiment of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering fom Anna University,
Chennai, India and Masters Degree in Power Electronics and Drives
fom Anna University, Chennai in 2006 and 2009 respectively. Afer
he worked as Lecturer in Sri Andal Alagar College of Engineering
and Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management , he is
currently working as Senior Research Fellow in Central
Instrumentation ,University of Madras under DST Prect. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D degree in Electronics and
Instrumentation at University of Madras,Chennai. His research
interests includes Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation. Control
Systems and Power Engineering, and Embedded Systems.
Dr.S.Ananthi was born on 29.4. 1959 at Thalainayar, Tamil Nadu
state. India. She has received the Electronics and
Communication fom the Anna University. She did M.Tech at the
I.I.Sc. , Bangalore and later did Doctorate fom the Instrumentation
Centre of Madras University where she is presently working as a
Professor and Head. Her areas of specialization are in Electrical and
Electronic Instrumentation, Advanced /P//Cs & Biomedical
technology. She is a Member of LE.T.E., LE.E.E., T(I. She was
awarded the Environmental Tamil Nadu national award fr i c
Instrumentation, Advanced /P//Cs & Biomedical technology. She is
a Member of LE. T.E., LE.E.E.,T(I). She was awarded the
Environmental Tamil Nadu national award fr the year 2004. She
received Jawaharlal Nehru Award by T (India) in 2009.
Dr.K.Padmanabhan was born on 14/0911939 at Ramnad. T.N .. did
his engineering and Doctorate fom the Madras University in 1965 in
Elec. Engg., served as Professor and Head of the Instrumentation
Centre till 2000. Afer retirement. he is A.LC.T.E. Emeritus Profssor
in the Anna University. He is a Fellow of TTE, Senior Member
TEE and Fellow TE. His areas of specialization range fom
Electrical Machines. Applied Electronics. microprocessors,
Instrumentation, Process control and so on. His current interest is on
the Pollution control instrumentation using Ozone generation
techniques of novel kinds.

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