9-4-13 General Meeting Minutes

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September 4, 2013

Jeanie Osburn (W5 resident and Facilities Committee Chair), Jonathan Kass (W1-BAC), Ellen
Jones (W-BAC), Jameel Alsalam (W!-BAC), "che# Arin$eh (W%-BAC), &andall '(ers (A) *
Catania-BAC), Joshua +ha,,ari (-CO.), /ilas +rant (W5-BAC), Ja( /te0art (W1-BAC), Eric Ku2ler
(A) * +rosso-BAC), Joshua +ha,,ari (-CO.), All(son Criner Bro0n (A)- Oran2e-BAC), +erald
Fitti3aldi (W! resident), -a4e /alo4esh (W5 resident), Katie )ee (W5 resident), Jim Werner (W!
resident), An2ela &obinson (W5 resident), /hane Farthin2 (W5 resident)6

DC O""#$e %" &'(nn#n) B#$*$'e &(r+#n) ,%n#n) Up(te
7he u3date 0as 2i4en b( Joshua +ha,,ari6 8e0 code is bein2 3ro3osed9
.ro3osin2 a residential re:uirement 0here there 0as none be,ore6
)on2-term 4s6 short term 3ar;in2 s3aces6 )on2 term ,or residents and em3lo(ees and
short term ,or 4isitor 3ar;in26
Federal buildin2s not sub<ect to $onin26
8o re:uirements ,or sho0er and chan2in2 ,acilities in buildin2 code6
o =, lon2 term bi;e s3aces e>ist and a lar2e enou2h o0ner (mid-si$e o,,ices or
lar2er retailers) or ne0 construction, sho0er and chan2in2 ,acilities ma( be
/tandards ,or bi;e 3ar;in2 also set in ,ederal com3 3lan6
=, e>cess 4ehicle 3ar;in2 is 3ro4ided, 0ould ha4e to be miti2ated 0ith 3otentiall(
additional bi;e 3ar;in26
B#+e &(r+#n) A$t - Re).'(t#%n!
7his u3date 0as 2i4en b( Jonathon Kass6 For the 3ro3osed re2ulations9
--O7 ma;es a distinction bet0een a residential and commercial re:uirements
For residential structures o, more than 1 units9
o .ro4ide 1 bi;e s3ace ,or each units or s3aces as needed6
o =ncludes an en,orcement element, 3robabl( e>ecuted b( --O76
o 'ust be acti4el( a33ro4ed b( council6
o E>3ected b( end o, the (ear6
o E>3ect to ha4e some re:uirements ,or bi;e rac;s6
For commercial structures9
o 70o tiers in council la06 7ier 19
5 months a,ter la0 is 3assed, must 3ro4ide bi;e 3ar;in2 s3aces
e:ui4alent to 5? o, car 3ar;in2 s3aces6
8eed re2ulation o, ,ines ,or 4iolations6
/ome con,usion about 0hether a re2ulation is re:uired at all because 5?
bi;e 3ar;in2 re:uirement can be en,orced no06
Waitin2 on clari,ication ,rom council
o 7ier @9
Where 5? is not meetin2 demand, must do 1A? o, car 3ar;in2 s3aces6
--O7 did not tac;le in residential re2ulation6
For a3artment buildin2s the 3ro3osed re2ulation states9
o 1 short-term s3ace 3er @A units6
/hort-term 3ar;in2 can be on 3ublic s3ace ad<acent to buildin2, sub<ect to
--O7 3ermit6
Wai4er 3rocess ,or re:uirement i, --O7 does not 3ro4ide 3ermit6
.er Ellen Jones9
o Business communit( is installin2 bi;e rac;s at rate o, @5A 3er (ear in do0nto0n
B=- (,rom B
/t to ' /t)6
Jonathan 0ill send out a ,ull set o, the 3ro3osed re2ulations to the BAC 2rou36
Each indi4idual in attendance at the meetin2 introduced himChersel, and Ward or
or2ani$ationCde3artment a,,iliation6

Appr%/(' %" M#n.te!
Ellen Jones noted that 0e submit our minutes e4er( (ear to the council#s o4ersi2ht committee6
A motion 0as made to a33ro4e the Jul( 1A minutes 0ith a ,e0 minor chan2es (3rimaril( to
miss3ellin2 o, names)6 A motion 0as made an a33ro4ed to acce3t the minutes 0ith

B*'(0! (menment t% $re(te O""#$e %" Tre(!.rer
Ellen Jones led the discussion ,or the 3art o, the a2enda9
8eed to create a 3osition o, DO,,ice o, 7reasurerE in our b(la0s6
o Fundin2 ,or this 3osition becomes a4ailable in FF1!6
o .osition 0ould be held ,or one (ear6
o 7reasurer to be elected b( BAC committee members6
'otion made and a33ro4ed to create the o,,ice o, 7reasurer6

E'e$t#%n %" 1Y14 O""#$er!
Elections 0ere held ,or three 3ositions (With Jonathan Kass as actin2 chairman)9
/ecretar( * "che# Arin$eh6
Chairman .erson * Ellen Jones6
7reasurer * Jameel Alsalam6

1($#'#t#e! Up(te
7he u3date ,or the Jul( ride 3ro4ided b( Ellen Jones9
&ide scheduled ,or June but 3ost3oned till Jul(6
o Jeanie not a4ailable so ride 0as led b( Ellen Jones6
o /tarted at Ca3ital Crescent 7rail (-C se2ment)6
)oo;ed at Washin2ton Garbor im3act6
)oo;ed at ram3 under ,ree0a( to connect to &oc; Cree; .ar;6
)oo; ,or D0a( ,indin2E ,or ho0 to connect &oc; Cree; to Washin2ton
)oo;ed at 8orton A4e 0hich is onl( access to trail in +eor2eto0n6
8eed si2na2e on 'acArthur Bl4d indicatin2 entrance to trail6
7he Au2ust ride 0as led b( Jeanie Osburn6 &ide 0as attended b( Ellen Jones, +erald
Fitti3aldi, -a4id Kalter and Geather -eutsch (--O7)9
o Chec;in2 out connecti4it( bet0een 'et Branch 7rail and the 8orth0est Branch
7rail (connectin2 <urisdictions)6
8ot much district 2o4ernment can do6
At 'onroe and 1
de4elo3er has 3laced a lar2e concrete bloc; on
side0al; that should not be there6
8e0 3ath alon2 ne0 buildin2 at end o, 'onroe b( train station is
4irtuall( in4isible unless one ;no0s it is there6 Best 3lace to 3lace si2n
0ould be on ne0 buildin2 but o0ners are adamantl( o33osed6
)oo;ed at o3tion to 3aint si2n on 2round6
)oo;ed at entrance to trail at +allatin6
.ro3ert( o0ned b( 8ational .ar; /er4ice and dela(in2 installation
o, entrance at +allatin6
7rail ,eeds into Chillum in .+ but Chillum is challen2in2 to ride6

MBT Rep%rt 2(b%.t Met Br(n$3 Tr(#'4
Jim Werner shared some in,ormation about other issues related to the 'B76 Jim is citi$en
resident o, Ward !9
'B7 is an 1 mile trial6
7here ha4e been 4iolent attac;s 3er3etrated on the trail6
o -e3endin2 on 0here, can ta;e as much as A minutes ,or aid to arri4e on scene6
o )i2htin2 needs to be im3ro4ed on the trail6
o &oc; Cree; is the onl( national 3ar; in countr( that allo0s commercial
accessC,acilities in 3ar;, but not much done ,or bi;e access6
o --O7 not doin2 much to im3ro4e bi;e access in 3art because o, communit(
3ush bac;6
Ellen Jones su22ested that the BAC tr( to en2a2e the 8ational .ar;s /er4ice at a hi2her
le4el to address bi;in2 issues in 3ar;s and trails6

Le)#!'(t#/e $%mm#ttee .p(te
7his u3date 0as 2i4en b( &andall '(ers H Jonathon Kass6 At the last le2islati4e committee
meetin2, these to3ics 0ere discussed9
Bic(cle ,acilities demand on the Federal 2o4ernment6
-iscussed bell re:uirement on bic(cles6

S("et* $%mm#ttee Up(te
Ellen Jones and Jameel Alsalam led this discussion9
7he BAC is still loo;in2 ,or someone to ste3 u3 and ta;e on the 3osition o, committee
chair currentl( occu3ied b( Jameel Alsalam6
Jameel s3o;e about the ' /t discussion at last sa,et( committee meetin26
o 8eed more trans3arenc( in 3rocess and broader 3artici3ation6
o Ellen in4ited to tal; to council member Cheh and others about the DBi;e )a0E
issues6 /he re3orted9
Council member Cheh 0as 4er( interested in 0hat '.- is doin26
Cheh added that she thou2ht hearin2s 0ould be counter3roducti4e6
Jameel and Jonathan su22ested that tar2eted hearin2s could be hel3,ul6
o A discussion 0as had about best 0a(s to ha4e tar2eted education initiati4es ,or
-C (and not <ust broader re2ion)6
o One idea su22ested 0as that 3eo3le 0ho 2et bic(cle related tic;ets could 2et
them e>3un2ed b( attendin2 a trainin2 class6
o .er Ellen, Cheh seems to su33ort in,rastructure im3ro4ements as means to
im3ro4e bic(clin2 access and sa,et(6
7he 2rou3 had a broader 2eneral discussion about inconsistent en,orcement (tic;etin2)
o, bic(clin2 tra,,ic la0s b( '.-6

D(n#e' 5%()'(n %" 6ABA
-aniel Goa2land o, WABA in,ormed the 2rou3 about WABA initiati4es9
WABA is 0or;in2 a tra,,ic en,orcement stud(6
WABA 0ill 0or; 0ith BAC on ne0 bic(clin2 education initiati4es 2oin2 ,or0ard6

Tre(!.rer .p(te
Jameel 2a4e an u3date on actions he has ta;en in ne0 role as 7reasurer o, the BAC9
/3o;e to treasurer o, .AC and council CFO6
.AC hired an administrati4e su33ort 3erson6
Jameel 0ill tr( to ha4e a bud2et ,or the BAC to 4ote on at the 8o4ember meetin26
Chec;s must be si2ned b( t0o, a 2o4ernment re3resentati4e A8- a BAC member6
o Jameel su22ested that the BAC si2nin2 authorit( reside 0ith the 7reasurer and
the BAC chairI either can si2n6
Jameel solicited the 2rou3 ,or su22estions on ho0 bud2et dollars could be s3ent9
o -aniel Goa2land o, WABA su22ested that some o, BAC ,unds be used ,or
tar2eted education initiati4es in small communities o, 5AA * 1,AAA residents6
o Jonathan su22ested a stud( to identi,( ho0 3eo3le 2et to stores to sho36
o Allison su22ested a bud2et item ,or data collection the BAC could do6

Ne7t meet#n) %n 6ene!(*, N%/ember 89

T3e meet#n) 0(! (:%.rne (t ;<02&M6

D(/# Cr(n%r m(e (n (ppe(r(n$e #mme#(te'* ("ter meet#n) 0(! (:%.rne9

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