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Topanga Sunrise

Journey into the Light

Published by Saddle Peak Press
Copyright 2014 Trixy Kahn
All "ights "eser#ed
$S%&' ()*+1+,11+,-,2-+*
Although .any aspe/ts o0 its plot are deri#ed 0ro. real e#ents1 this book still
re.ains a 2ork o0 0i/tion3 &a.es1 /hara/ters1 pla/es1 and in/idents are either the
produ/ts o0 the author4s i.agination or are used 0i/titiously3 Any rese.blan/e to a/tual
persons1 li#ing or dead1 business establish.ents1 e#ents1 or lo/ales is entirely
&o part o0 this publi/ation .ay be reprodu/ed or trans.itted in any 0or.1 by any
.eans1 ele/troni/1 .e/hani/al1 photo/opying1 re/ording1 or other2ise 2ithout the
per.ission o0 Trixy Kahn3
Meet the Author
Chapter 1' !ntrada
Chapter 2' $nspiration Trail
Chapter ,' Paradise Co#e
Chapter 4' !den "oad
Chapter 5' Shi. "un
Chapter -' The ookout
Chapter )' Sunken Trail
Chapter *' Mirage
Chapter (' Shady ane
Chapter 10' Cold Creek
Chapter 11' Crooked Trail
Chapter 12' Penny "oad
Chapter 1,' 6appy Trail
Chapter 14' Sunset ane
Meet the Author
Trixy Kahn is an A.eri/an author o0 0i/tion3 Many o0 her 2orks explore the 7eneration
8 pheno.enon and its persistently /hanging attitudes to2ard 0a.ily #alues and ethni/
di#ersity3 As a .e.ber o0 this o0ten .isunderstood so/ioe/ono.i/ group hersel01 .any
o0 Ms3 Kahn4s 2orks are dire/tly in0luen/ed by personal experien/es gro2ing up in a
se#erely dys0un/tional 0a.ily setting3
Ms3 Kahn is an only /hild 2ho 2as raised in a lo2er .iddle+/lass household in 9ueens1
&e2 :ork3 She gre2 up in a one+bedroo. apart.ent and 2as exposed to se#ere
do.esti/ #iolen/e at a #ery young age3 Ms3 Kahn bore 2itness to the 0re;uent
psy/hologi/al and physi/al abuse her al/oholi/ 0ather in0li/ted on her .other3
<espite di00i/ulties at ho.e1 Ms3 Kahn graduated third in her high s/hool /lass o0 .ore
than 400 students1 and a0ter2ard1 ;ui/kly abandoned her 0ather4s abusi#e household
along 2ith her .other3 She supported hersel01 and her .other1 by 2orking a 2ide+
#ariety o0 part+ti.e ser#i/e se/tor =obs3 &e#ertheless1 she still 0ound ti.e to attend and
graduate 0ro. &e2 :ork >ni#ersity3 A0ter /ollege1 she .o#ed to Southern Cali0ornia
and has adopted os Angeles as her ne2 ho.e3
Chapter 1
A0ter 0aking one last s.ile at Mo.4s 2rinkled and de/repit 0a/e1 $ 0inally rea/hed the
pinna/le o0 .y 0rustration 2ith her rapidly degrading physi/al and .ental /ondition3 My
ritualisti/ .orning #isits to see .y .other?no2 a disgusting .onster in an assisted
li#ing 0a/ility?had be/o.e a boring ne/essity o0 li0e3 And it suddenly da2ned on .e
that $ 2as longer interested in pro#iding any /o.0ort 2hatsoe#er to this 2rinkled serpent
2ho4d done nothing but /urse .e 0or as long as $ /ould re/all3
6o2e#er1 this #isit to the &a#idad 6o.e 0or de.entia patients took an unexpe/ted
and .agni0i/ent turn1 2hen in a da@@ling exhibit o0 rare lu/idity1 Mo. suddenly asked1
A:ou4#e done so .u/h 0or .e an/e3 $s there so.ething /an do 0or you1 .y 2onder0ul
little boyBC
$ looked straight into the eyes1 and heart o0 the lady 2ho dedi/ated her li0e to .e1 and
silently shouted1 ADust dieE Dust go ahead and dieEC
!#elyn arsen1 or really =ust Mo.1 as $ al2ays /alled her1 didn4t drop dead on the
spot3 "e#olted by .y silent outburst1 $ looked do2n at the 0loor and said1 A&o1 Mo.3
:ou /an relax3 $4ll take /are o0 e#erything3C
AFhat in the 2orld 2ould $ do 2ithout youBC she /ontinued3
A$ kno21 Mo.1 $ kno23C
Although this .orning 2as di00erent1 .o. had de#eloped a rather 0oul disdain 0or
.y /o.pany o#er the past 0e2 2eeks1 and it 2as /ertainly 2ell deser#ed3 6onestly1 $4d
been a proble.ati/ son o#er the years1 and in her old age1 routinely used her as an ATM
.a/hine?=ust so.eone to help 0und .y #i/es3 6o2e#er1 de.entia /aused all o0 it to be
0orgotten1 0or /on#enien/e sake3 So.e 0olks .ight /onsider .y beha#ior elder abuse1 but
$ /on/luded that .ilking her 0inan/es 2as 0air restitution 0or tolerating her nasty health
Fhen $ looked at her sho/kingly thin body spontaneously shaking on the bed1 $
suddenly 0orgot about .oney and re.e.bered the tragi/ /hain o0 e#ents 2hi/h brought
us together in this dungeon o0 death in the 0irst pla/e3 And it took e#ery oun/e o0 .y sel0+
/ontrol to keep 0ro. up and 0iring a pistol point+blank at her head to end the
.isery1 0or both our sakes3
Thank0ully1 a kno/k on her roo. door interrupted that sadisti/ train o0 thought and
a 2o.an4s harsh #oi/e /alled out1 A"apidoE Mrs3 arsen1 you need to get you up no23
$4. #ery busy1 so don4t gi#e .e any trouble today3C
$ =u.ped up to open the door and dire/ted .y sel0+loathing at the 2a/ko 2ith the
bad attitude1 ACould you possibly be any .ore obnoxiousBC $ belted out3
A$ didn4t kno2 you 2ere there1 stupido1C the said de0ensi#ely3
Mo.4s /aretaker1 Serena1 had arri#ed to bring Mo. to the .ess hall 0or break0ast1
and $ 2as there to .ake sure the &a#idad 6o.e4s ex;uisite /uisine a/tually .ade it into
her 2ithering body3 Serena barged her 2ay to Mo.4s bed and barked at .e1 A<on4t =ust
stand there like a useless gaba/ho3 7i#e .e a hand3 Sit her up3C
AFhate#er1C $ sighed1 exhausted3
Fith a little guilt o#er .y earlier thought patterns1 and high hopes o0 /at/hing a
gli.pse o0 Serena4s #oluptuous /lea#age1 $ roused .ysel0 to the task o0 li0ting Mo. to
the edge o0 the bed3 %ut .y ad.iration 0or her 2onder0ul 0ull+0igure 2as shattered 2hen
she said1 AS.ells like she hasn4t sho2ered 0or a 2eek3 <id you e#er think about hosing
her o00BC
A:ou4#e got 2onder0ul bedside .anners1 Serena1C $ said1 helping her get Mo. to
her 0eet3 A$sn4t sho2ering a patient one o0 the .any ser#i/es this illustrious 0a/ility
A:eah1 right1 but it4ll /ost extra dinero1C she said under her breath3
%oth o0 us got Mo. to her 0eet and began 2alking her through a .a@e o0 long1
narro2 hall2ays lined 2ith dilapidated /lassi/ .o#ie posters1 until 2e rea/hed the
institution4s .ess hall3 Fe sat Mo. in her dinette /hair1 and she i..ediately started
using her bony1 2rinkled 0ingers as knitting needles to knit non+existent yarn into an
i.aginary s2eater3 <uring her ho.ebound1 de.entia+stri/ken years1 prior to being
institutionali@ed1 Mo. used habitual knitting to pass the ti.e3 Conse;uently1 this exer/ise
in 0utility didn4t surprise .e all that .u/h3
A0ter $ pulled up a /hair and =oined her at the dinette1 it 2as i.possible not to noti/e
the long looks and sneers 0ro. the other in.ates ga2king a/ross their tables 0or god
kno2s 2hat reasons3 $n ti.e1 $ reali@ed .ost o0 these literal @o.bies 2eren4t really
staring at us at1 but rather1 straight through our bodies and into e.pty spa/e3 They 2ere
a/tually the 0ortunate ones 2ho 2eren4t una2are o0 their tasteless surroundings 2hi/h
in/luded .any dilapidated dining hall de/orations probably obtained 0ro. lo/al
restaurants long sin/e gone bust3
Then1 a skinny .ess hall ser#er 2ith attra/ti#e breasts 2alked o#er to our table 2ith a
break0ast plate in hand1 and said1 A%uenos dias3 6o2 is the .ost beauti0ul in
&a#idad doing todayBC
Mo. ignored the ser#er until she dropped a tray o0 glori0ied dog 0ood on the table3
Then she yelled1 A7et that /rap a2ay 0ro. .eE $4. not hungryEC
APor 0a#or Madre3 :ou need to eat1C the ser#er replied1 li0ting the 0ood tray to Mo.4s
nose in an to sti.ulate her appetite3
A7o a2ay1 and lea#e .e aloneEC Mo. yelled again3
Mo. had been here long enough 0or all the sta00 to reali@e eating 2as her least
0a#orite a/ti#ity3 They kne2 that teasing Mo. by 2a#ing 0ood under her nose 2ould =ust
rile her up3 So in the na.e o0 hu.ility1 $ si.ply 2at/hed their /harades 0or .o.ent or
t2o1 be0ore suddenly into a/tion and physi/ally 0or/ing one spoon0ul o0 purGed
/ho2 a0ter another into Mo.4s .outh until she nearly aspirated3
!#ery /han/e she got1 Mo. s/ree/hed1 A6elpE 6elpE 7et this idiot a2ay 0ro. .eE $4ll
tell your dad about thisE 7et hi. a2ay 0ro. .eEC
The institution4s sta00 dis.issed Mo.4s pleas as i0 they 2ere uttered 0ro. a /ra@ed
hereti/1 and $ /ontinued to stu00 her .outh as though $ 2ere 0or/e+0eeding an in=ured
ani.al3 Although sadisti/ in .ethodology1 $ kne2 that e#ery spoon0ul o0 0ood 2hi/h
.ade it into her sto.a/h1 no .atter ho2 it got there1 2as probably a blessing 0ro. the
ord in the hea#ens3
As i0 0eeding Mo. 2eren4t torturous enough1 the stainless+steel .edi/ine /art
suddenly arri#ed1 re.inding .e $4d also need to /oer/e her into s2allo2ing a hand0ul o0
pills1 supposedly 0or her o2n good3 The burly drug+dealing nurse 2ho pushed this
phar.a/y on 2heels plopped a plethora o0 /apsules and tablets on the table?enough
.edi/ine 0or e#ery ail.ent kno2n to hu.ankind1 and said to .e1 A6ere you go1 ho.ey3
<o you 2anna 0or/e the. do2n her throat1 or should $BC
$ suspe/ted .ost o0 this dope 2as either a pla/ebo or /o.pletely unne/essary1 but $
looked up and .u.bled1 AFhate#er1 2hate#er3C
A0ter the /art pulled a2ay to ser#i/e the next #i/ti.1 $ /are0ully hid the pills inside a
spoon0ul o0 the purGed slop $4d been 0eeding Mo.3 %ut she 2as 2ell+#ersed in .y
/hi/anery1 and as soon as $ looked a2ay1 she i..ediately spit out e#ery one o0 .y tiny
Tro=an horses onto the 0loor belo23
My inability to enti/e Mo. to eat ser#ed as a #i#id re.inder that $ 2as a .iserable
0ailure in this e00ort1 and =ust about e#erything else $4d atte.pted in li0e3 %ut a0ter taking a
/lose look ba/k at .y existen/e o#er the past t2o de/ades1 gi#e or take1 $ /an honestly
say none o0 this .is0ortune is really .y 0ault at all3 $0 Mo. 2ere her sel01 she4d
#ou/h that the tragedy 2hi/h led both o0 us to this elder =ail began years earlier1 and 2as
really the 0inal plunge o0 a dys0un/tional 0a.ily into ruins3
a/k o0 /o..uni/ation set aside1 $4. sure Mo. 2ould also agree that 2e si.ply
didn4t .entally /li/k as a 0a.ily1 and the hands+o00 parenting style both she and .y dad
e.bra/ed 2as an absolute 0ailure3 $0 Mo. 2ould ha#e 0ast+0or2arded the #ideotape o0
.y li0e 0ro. in0an/y on2ard1 and better yet1 /aught a gli.pse o0 2here she4d spend her
0inal days1 she 2ould ha#e /ertainly .ade the extra e00ort to /hange her /hild rearing
2ays3 So 2ithout better guidan/e1 $ gre2 up to be an out+o0+/ontrol1 spoiled1 only /hild1
2ho /arried these traits into his teenage years and ran 2ild in sear/h o0 his nu.ber one
target?easy women3
This las/i#ious =ourney to2ard un/he/ked i..orality began 2hile .y .o. and dad
atte.pted to ;uell their .id+li0e /rises 2ith ne2er and 0an/ier .aterialisti/ things3 e0t to
0end 0or .ysel0 2hile they grappled 2ith their en/roa/hing .ortality1 $ turned to the
streets to get an edu/ation about li0e3 In/e there1 $ learned to use sex as a drug to
suppress .y per/ei#ed inade;ua/ies1 and .ake .e 0eel better about .ysel03 ike2ise1 $
began to physi/ally and psy/hologi/ally abuse 2o.en1 2here#er $ 0ound the.1 0or the
sole purpose o0 using their bodies to a/hie#e a sexual high3 $t be/a.e an obsession 2hi/h
sno2balled into a 0ull+blo2n addi/tion1 and ulti.ately stunted .y e00orts to be/o.e a
sel0+su00i/ient and independent .an in .y o2n right3 As $ insinuated1 .aybe a good dose
o0 parental guidan/e at an early age /ould ha#e spared .e so.e .isery1 but sin/e la/k o0
.eaning0ul /o..uni/ation 2as the arsen 0a.ily4s .odus operandi1 it ne#er happened1
/ase /losed3
Jro. the earliest days o0 .y /hildhood1 $ al2ays /onsidered .ysel0 di00erent 0ro.
.ost li#ing on Midas ane1 the street 2hi/h 0or.ed the 2estern border o0 Foodland
6ills1 a bedroo. /o..unity in the 2estern San Jernando Kalley suburbs o0 os Angeles
during the 1(-0s3 >nlike the other boys and girls 2ho li#ed in .y neighborhood1 $ 2as
one o0 the 0e2 /ursed 2ith a disease /alled shyness3 That /o.bined 2ith an unattra/ti#e
appearan/e exa/erbated by protruding < ears1 and rather large <a00y <u/k
0eet1 .ade 0inding a//eptan/e .y peers an insur.ountable task3 $ spent se#eral
agoni@ing years trying to .ake 0riends 2ith the neighborhood kids1 2ho also happened to
be .y /lass.ates in s/hool3 %ut their response /onsisted o0 ruthless perse/ution in/luding
/onstant poking 0un at .y appearan/e and belittling .e at e#ery turn3 Fithout a 0riend in
the 2orld1 .y so/ial a/ti#ities a0ter s/hool and during #a/ation 2ere largely
/on0ined to staying inside and 2at/hing tele#ision1 or .aking hal0+hearted atte.pts to
/o.plete /hores 0or .y stay+at+ho.e .o. 2ho le0t the 2ork0or/e i..ediately a0ter she
<espite .y /o..unal outlook1 $ 0ound so.e .inis/ule /o.0ort in getting to
kno2 .y 0ather3 Many an e#ening a0ter dinner1 $ #entured into the .agi/al pla/e /alled
his garage to 2at/h hi. repair and polish his .any /herished auto.obiles3 $ 0elt that .y
dad1 or AChu/k arsenC as all the lo/als /alled hi.1 ga#e parenting his best e00ort3
6o2e#er1 his idea o0 bonding 2ith his sole o00spring /onsisted o0 glan/ing up at .e 0ro.
underneath one o0 his /ars1 and o00ering a short s.ile be0ore ;ui/kly popping ba/k into
the darkness3 This /ontinued 0or .onths1 i0 not years1 on end 2hile $ slid do2n the
slippery slopes o0 poor sel0+estee. and /hroni/ inse/urity3
%ut on one .ar#elous night1 2hen $ 2as on the brink o0 turning the grand old age o0
ele#en1 $ .ade another trip into the garage and1 unkno2ingly1 into destiny itsel03 This tall1
.us/le+bound and 2ell+de/orated Forld Far $$ #eteran 0inally de/ided it 2as ti.e to
ha#e a .ore substantial /on#ersation 2ith his antiso/ial son3
Aan/e1 hand .e that so/ket 2ren/h on the 2orkben/h1 and hey1 ho24s it going in
s/hool1 buddyBC he belted out1 as i0 2e did this all the ti.e3
&oti/eably sho/ked 2hen he a/tually appeared to /are1 $ said1 APretty good1 <ad1C
and handed hi. the 2ren/h3
A6a#e you .ade any 0riends1 and ho2 are those 0oxy girls treating youBC
$ thought he 2as out o0 his .ind 2hen he asked about those nasty /reatures /alled
girls1 but $ 2anted hi. to think $ 2as /ool1 so $ said1 A$ ha#e lots o0 0riends1 and so.e are
girls tooEC
<ad .ust ha#e kno2n $ 2as lying through .y teeth3 6o2e#er1 he returned to his
usual .ethod o0 bonding?0e2 spoken 2ords1 a//o.panied by a ;ui/k glan/e and a
short s.ile?then rolled hi.sel0 ba/k under the /ar3
$ stood there looking at his 0eet protruding 0ro. underneath the #ehi/le and 0elt both
elated and dis.ayed at the sa.e ti.e3 The 0a/t that he4d brought up s/hool re.inded .e
=ust ho2 .u/h $ hated the torture /ha.ber /alled !denhurst !le.entary1 one o0 .any
grade s/hools 2hi/h popped up like shanty to2ns in .ost Fest Kalley bedroo.
/o..unities3 Jro. the #ery 0irst day $ set 0oot on its /ra/ked bla/ktop1 $ be/a.e the
pre0erred #i/ti. o0 an intense barrage o0 bullying lea#ing .e /onstantly looking o#er .y
shoulder in 0ear3
Jor se#eral agoni@ing years1 $ endured endless hu.iliation 0ro. nearly all o0 .y
/lass.ates1 boys and girls alike3 They de.onstrated their #iolent hostility to2ard .e by
su/ker+pun/hing1 spitting in .y 0a/e1 and stealing 2hate#er $ had?all in plain sight o0
the tea/hers1 2ho turned a blind eye to the /arnage3 My torturers also labeled .e the
s/hool doo0us1 and nobody 2anted to be seen 2ith .e1 or e#en 2ithin a store thro2 o0
.y shado23 As the result1 $ 2alked all 0our /orners o0 the s/hool playground alone at
re/ess1 ki/king stones and tasting 2eeds to pass the ti.e3
Although .ost o0 the s/hool 0a/ulty sa2 absolutely nothing 2rong 2ith the 2ay $
2as being treated or 2orse yet1 the resultant antiso/ial beha#ior1 .y sixth grade tea/her1
Miss !llerbee1 e#entually took noti/e o0 .y dile..a3 6o2e#er1 she 2as a 0ull+blo2n
bully in her o2n right and /ondu/ted her /lass like Marine Corps basi/ training3 !#ery
.orning1 this but/h o0 a tea/her /alled out the roll1 drill+sergeant style1 and .ade
it a point to pa/e around the /lassroo. in her daily uni0or.1 2hi/h eerily rese.bled
.ilitary 0atigues3
Ine .iserable .orning a0ter 2at/hing her pa/e a solid .ile inside the /lassroo.1 the
0irst re/ess bell rung and the entire /lass bolted out the door as i0 they 2ere es/aping 0ro.
a PIF /a.p3 Fhen $ .ade .y o2n sprint a/ross no .an4s land and headed 0or the exit1
Miss !llerbee said1 A&ot so 0ast1 arsen3 7et your skinny butt ba/k in here1 right no2EC
$ da2dled ba/k to her inti.idating oak desk1 and said in a /ra/kly #oi/e1 A:es1 Miss
A0ter pulling do2n her glasses1 she s;uinted and said1 A$4#e been 2at/hing you all
se.ester1 arsen1 and $ think you4#e got a big proble.3C
A0raid to /ontradi/t her1 $ said1 A"eally1 Miss !llerbeeBC
She leaned 0or2ard re#ealing the 0u@@ on her /re2 /ut1 then said1 A:es1 and don4t be
so agreeable3 &obody likes so.eone 2ho4s a0raid to disagree3 %ut that4s not 2hat $ 2ant
to talk to you about3C
AThen 2hat do you 2ant to talk aboutBC $ asked1 .ysti0ied3
A:ou4re a 2i.p 2ith no 0riends1 and this is not a//eptable 0or a sixth grader1 arsen3C
A#oiding eye /onta/t 2ith .y snarling serpent 0or a tea/her1 $ said1 A$4. sorry1 Miss
She looked .e s;uare in the 0a/e and said1 AThe 2hole da.n s/hool kno2s you don4t
ha#e a 0riend in the 2orld1 and that tells .e a lot about your parents3 <idn4t your .o. or
dad tea/h you ho2 to .ake 0riendsBC
Trying to 2iggle out o0 her 2rath1 $ said1 A&ot really1 Miss !llerbee1 but $ /an
A<on4t get thi/k 2ith .eE $ don4t 2ant to hear your ex/uses1 young .an3C
A%ut 2aitL31C $ said3
%e0ore $ /ould speak another 2ord1 she =u.ped to her 0eet1 grabbed .e by the ne/k1
and belted out1 A:ou4ll ne#er .ake it in =unior high s/hool i0 you keep going like this3
:ou4ll be in 0or big proble.s3 Are you hearing .e1 young .anBEEC
Standing there shaking like a lea01 $ 2as /on#in/ed Miss !llerbee 2as about to phone
.y .o. and gi#e her a pie/e o0 her .ind3 To .y surprise1 her .ood suddenly so0tened
and the raging =etting 0ro. her nostrils turned to gently blo2ing stea.3
Fith so.e ele.ent o0 /o.passion1 she said1 Aarsen1 $ ha#e a good idea3 $4. going
to re/ruit a super /ool kid1 2ith real guts to sho2 you ho2 to .ake 0riends and get
She dragged .e outside to the bla/ktop by the ear1 and to .y horror1 stopped in 0ront
o0 a kid $4d already had the displeasure o0 .eeting3 A6ere4s the great young .an 2ho4ll
tea/h you all about li0e1 arsen3 6is na.e4s Mi/hael3C
A:es1 Miss !llerbee1C $ said1 looking only at Mi/hael4s 0eet3
A>ntil you get 2ith the progra.1 both o0 you 2ill be atta/hed at the hip during re/ess
and lun/h3 %y the 2ay1 Mi/hael1 $4ll expe/t a 0ull report 0ro. you e#ery day1 and i0
arsen gi#es you any trouble1 /o.e to .e straighta2ay3C
AFill do1 Miss !llerbee1C Mi/hael said3
A&o2 get out o0 .y sight1 the both o0 you1C she snarled3
$roni/ally1 Miss !llerbee had =ust Ahelp0ullyC reintrodu/ed .e to Mi/hael Kossler1 the
sa.e de#il 2ho took su/h loathso.e pride in religiously su/ker+pun/hing .e on the
playground1 spitting in .y 0a/e1 and /hasing .e ho.e 2ith a baseball bat3 $4d also seen
hi. singing in the /hur/h /hoir on those Sundays 2hen .y .o. snookered <ad into
taking us3 %ut in .y eyes1 this altar boy 2as the Anti/hrist and used religion as a ruse to
.ask his de.on+like a/ti#ities the re.aining six days o0 the 2eek3 %eing told to spend
.y lun/h and re/ess ti.e 2ith this idiot 2as a big pill to s2allo23 %ut 0or the ti.e being1
$4d need to take it on the /hin 2ith the hopes that Mi/hael 2ouldn4t say anything to .y
goose ne/king tea/her3
As soon as Miss !llerbee .ar/hed ba/k into the /lassroo.1 Mi/hael said1 ASo ho24d
you get !llerbee on your tail1 buttheadBC
AFhy do you /areBC $ .u.bled3
A< !ars1 $4. not the one 2ho4s in the hot seat1 so don4t gi#e .e gu003 Fhy are
you su/h a 0riggin doo0us any2ayBC
AShut upEC $ yelled3
A6e grabbed .e by the shirt and said1 ACo.e 2ith .e3C
Mi/hael 2alked .e to the boun/e ball /ourt1 pi/ked up a ball1 and said1 A6ere1
doo0us1 hold this3C
$ rea/hed .y ar.s out to take the ball and Mi/hael pro.ptly su/ker+pun/hed .e
straight to the gut as hard as he /ould3 Fhen $ 0ell onto the bla/ktop /hoking and gasping
0or breath1 t2o o0 his best 0riends1 the s/hool to.boys1 /a.e o#er and =oined the a/tion
by t2isting .y ar.s and ki/king .e in the groin3
The to.boys looked .ore like boys in drag than girls1 and 2hen $ tried to 0ight ba/k
by yanking at their hair1 Mi/hael unexpe/tedly pulled do2n .y pants3 Then he started
singing1 Aarsen4s a 0riggin 0aggotE arsen4s a 0riggin 0aggotEC
All o0 the other kids nearby =oined Mi/hael in his sing+along1 and e#en a 0e2 o0 the
tea/hers 2ho 2ere s.oking /igarettes by the /hain+link 0en/e see.ed to .outh the sa.e
rhy.e in unison3 &o one1 neither kid nor adult1 li0ted so .u/h as a 0inger to stop the
unholy onslaught3
Jro. that day 0or2ard1 $ 2ould endure a si.ilar 0ate at the hands o0 Mi/hael Kossler
on a near daily basis3 !#entually he added ne2 ele.ents o0 torture to his routine like
0or/ing .y head into a toilet in the boys4 roo. and stabbing .y ar.s 2ith sa0ety pins
during /lass3 Fhile the entire s/hool see.ed to be 2onder0ully a.used by .y
predi/a.ent1 the hatred $ 0elt against .y asinine perpetrator1 and those 2ho re0used to
help .e1 /ontinued to 0ester3 &aturally1 $ began to /on=ure up plans to get e#en 2ith
e#eryone in the poor ex/use 0or a s/hool1 on/e and 0or all3
%y the ti.e #a/ation neared1 hatred 0or !denhurst !le.entary per.eated
e#ery part o0 .y soul3 $4d 0or.ulated a .illion ideas about ho2 to exa/t re#enge against
Miss !llerbee1 the s/hool1 and parti/ularly1 Mi/hael Kossler 0or the inhu.ane 2ay $ 2as
treated3 My plans ranged 0ro. getting a /an o0 gasoline 0ro. the garage and burning the
s/hool to the ground 2ith e#eryone lo/ked inside the /lassroo.s1 to boiling oleander
0lo2ers in a toxi/ ste2 and poisoning their lun/hes3 >n0ortunately1 $ =ust didn4t ha#e the
guts to turn any o0 those thoughts o0 .ass destru/tion into reality3 %ut the prospe/t o0
.o#ing on to =unior high s/hool1 and enduring .ore o0 Mi/hael4s brutal bullying1 si.ply
o#er2hel.ed .e3 There0ore1 $ thought about doing the unthinkable?asking .y dad 0or
Ither than <ad4s one /o..ent on the .agi/al e#ening 2hen he spoke to .e1 .an+ style1 he hadn4t sho2n .u/h interest in .y s/hool li0e 2hatsoe#er3 A/tually1 <ad
had ne#er set a single 0oot on the asphalt parking lot o0 !denhurst !le.entary3 6o2e#er1
the /on#ersation 2e had in the garage .ade .e think he .ight be the only person $ /ould
trust to help .e 2ith .y dile..a3 $ 0igured that =ust .aybe1 he .ight tea/h .e ho2 to
0ight dirty and get those bullies o00 .y ba/k3 So one day a0ter running ho.e under the
7inkgo trees 2ith Mi/hael and his baseball bat right behind .e1 $ darted into .y
dri#e2ay deter.ined to ask <ad to sho2 .e ho2 to ki/k the /rap out o0 those grade+
s/hool bullies3 ooking again at his legs sti/king out 0ro. underneath the /ar1 $ got do2n
on the ground and stuttered1 A<ad1 /an $ ask youL3you kno2L3a ;uestionBC
ASure kid3 Fhat is itBC he said 0ro. underneath the /ar3
A<ad1 $ 2as 2onderingL32ere there any kids you didn4t like 2hen you 2ent to
A:eah1 lots1C he sighed3
A<id so.e e#er .ake you .adBC
A:eah1 and i0 they did1 $ =ust pun/hed their 0riggin lights outE Proble. sol#ed3 FhyB
$s so.ebody bugging youBC he asked1 rolling hi.sel0 out into the open3
A&o sir1C $ lied3 A%ut ho2 do you pun/h so.ebody4s lights out1 <adBC
<ad stood+up o00 0loor1 /losed his hands into 0ists1 and said1 A:ou =ust .ake the. eat
knu/kle sand2i/hesEE That4s ho2EEC
ACan you sho2 .e1 <adBC
<ad de0lated the ;uestion like popping a balloon3 A$4d like to1 but $ pro.ised your
.o. $ 2ouldn4t3C Then his eyes began to dri0t a2ay to a di00erent 2orld1 and ob#iously a
di00erent ti.e3 %ut he suddenly shook hi.sel0 out o0 it and said1 A&o2 let4s /hange the
sub=e/t to so.ething .ore interesting3 Tell .e no2?ho2 are those 0oxy girls treating
you in s/hoolBC
$ 2as too e.barrassed to tell <ad $ 2as being terrori@ed1 in part1 by a /ouple o0 73$3
Doe to.boys3 So $ lied and said1 ADust great1 <ad3 They4re all treating .e =ust great3C
A7ood1 kid3 :ou gotta keep those girls happy all the ti.e1C he said1 staring at Mo. in
her lo2+/ut blouse through the kit/hen 2indo23
A:eah1 $ suppose so1 <ad1C $ said in disgust3
A$s there anything else1 kidBC he asked i.patiently3 A$4. sort o0 busy3 Fhy don4t you
go inside and 2at/h TK 0or a 2hileBC
<ad rolled ba/k under his /ar and /ontinued 2orking as i0 $4d ne#er been there1 so $
2alked into the house and sat do2n in his re/liner to eat potato /hips and 2at/h reruns o0
dete/ti#e sho2s3 A0ter 2at/hing one 0ist0ight and .urder a0ter the other on the boob tube1
$ drea.t about s.ashing Miss !llerbee4s 0a/e up against a stu//o 2all and ki/king the
li#ing shit out o0 Mi/hael1 and the to.boys3 Although $ sin/erely 2anted to 0inish the.
o00 0or good 2ith Aknu/kle sand2i/hes1C $ 2as si.ply too under2eight to get the =ob
done3 %ut 2hen $ looked up and sa2 Mo. putting a2ay /lothes in her dresser1 $ had a
sudden 0lash o0 genius and kne2 exa/tly ho2 $4d be able to e#en the s/ore on the
perpetrators o0 .y .isery3
ater in the e#ening1 2hen Mo. and <ad assu.ed their positions in the 0a.ily roo.
to laugh hysteri/ally at the @any es/apades o0 Benny Hill on TK1 $ e.barked on a /o#ert
.ission1 s/urrying along the 0loor on .y hands and knees into their bedroo. under the
/o#er o0 darkness3 %oth o0 the. assu.ed $ 2as 0ast asleep in .y roo.1 but $ 2as running
on pure adrenaline1 ;uietly going through e#ery dra2er in <ad4s dresser looking 0or
so.ething $4d seen only on/e as a really young kid3 Keeping one eye trained on the.
through a /ra/k in the door1 $ 0inally 0ound .y pri@e' a s.all but %eretta pistol
nestled his old pants and a 0e2 tarnished Forld Far $$ .edals3 Jilled 2ith
ex/ite.ent1 and hardly able to /ontrol .y shaking hands1 $ .anaged to /on/eal the
2eapon in .y pa=a.as1 /lose the dra2er1 and return to .y bedroo. undete/ted3
All night long1 $ slept 2ith <ad4s pistol at .y side and held it as though $ 2ere
/uddling a brand+ne2 toy3 $n the .orning1 $ surreptitiously slipped it into .y lun/hbox
be0ore starting .y daily death .ar/h to s/hool3
%y the ti.e $ passed the spot near a .assi#e oleander thi/ket all the kids /alled
A.bush Alley1 Mi/hael 2as hot on .y heels hurling dirt /lods at the ba/k o0 .y head3
%ut this ti.e1 $ denied hi. the satis0a/tion o0 2at/hing .e run 0or .y li0e3 $ slo2ly
2alked on2ard to s/hool1 and into Miss !llerbee4s /lassroo. 2ith an unshakable glo2
e.anating 0ro. .y 0a/e3
A0ter the /lass 2as seated1 the nastiest tea/her in the Fest Kalley began to
syste.ati/ally /all roll as she did e#ery single day3 Although $ sat in the 0ront ro21 Miss
!llerbee still looked do2n at .e and yelled at the top o0 her lungs1 AarsenE arsenEC
$nstead o0 slou/hing do2n in .y seat and so0tly a/kno2ledging .y presen/e1 $
looked up at her 2a/ko 0a/e 2ith .y 0ingers on the lat/hes o0 .y lun/hbox and said1
A"ight here1 Miss !llerbee3 $4. right here3 Please1 there4s no need to yell3C
AFhat did you sayB Are you poking 0un at .eB :ou4re being insubordinate1 aren4t
you1 Mister arsenBC
Although $ seriously /onsidered pulling out <ad4s pistol and popping this 2i/ked
.onster bet2een the eyes1 right then and there1 $ stared at her repulsi#e 0a/e and uttered1
ASo sorry3C under .y breath3
A:ou4d better be sorry1 Mister arsen3 $ don4t 2ant to hear another da.n 2ord 0ro.
you all day3 As a .atter o0 0a/t1 you =ust bought yoursel0 a0ter+s/hool detention3C
The entire /lass burst into laughter a0ter .y silly ex/hange 2ith Miss !llerbee1 but
honestly1 $ /ouldn4t ha#e /ared less3 All day long1 the entire student body .o/ked and
reena/ted .y dra.ati/s in the /lassroo.3 And ironi/ally1 Miss !llerbee4s a0ter+s/hool
detention session /onsisted o0 ha#ing .e 2rite+out a do@en 2ays Mi/hael Kossler had
helped .e o#er/o.e .y shyness on the bla/kboard3 A0ter e#ery lie s/ribbled in /halk1 $
/onte.plated rea/hing 0or <ad4s gun and 0iring e#ery round into her protruding 0orehead3
6o2e#er1 $ kept .y /ool3 Then 2hen Miss !llerbee 2as satis0ied 2ith the out/o.e o0 .y
punish.ent1 she booted .e out o0 the /lassroo. and into the 2aiting hands o0 Mi/hael
playing 2ith his /rony 0riends on the bla/ktop3
!#en though Miss !llerbee held a high spot on .y shit list 0or the day1 $ /onsidered
Mi/hael the root /ause o0 all .y proble.s3 There0ore1 $ 2asted no ti.e sneaking a/ross
the street to lie in 2ait 0or that =a/kass to begin his 2alk ho.e alone3 Fhen $ sa2 hi.
pass through the gate1 $ started running up the /ur#e in the road as 0ast as $ /ould to get a
good head start3 Then $ hid by A.bush Alley 2at/hing hi. slo2ly pa/e up the /ra/ked
side2alk3 Mi/hael 2as /o.pletely obli#ious to the 0ate a2aiting hi.1 and =ust be0ore he
passed1 $ took <ad4s pistol out o0 .y lun/hbox and held it in .y hands3 The street 2as
e.pty1 and not a soul1 not e#en a dog or a /at1 2as any2here to be 0ound3 $ 0o/used .y
/o.plete attention on the idiot 2ho represented all $ despised in li0e3
Jinally in .y sights1 $ sprang out o0 .y hiding pla/e1 pointed the pistol at his ugly
head and shouted1 A6ey1 MikeyEC
6e eyed the pistol1 but he see.ed un/on/erned3 AFhat4s up1 doo0usBC he said3
A$4#e got a present 0or you1 asshole1C $ said3
AIh arsen1 $4. shaking like a lea03 ooks like you got a toy gun 0ro. Cra/ker Da/ks3
A. $ supposed to be s/aredBC
$ 2alked straight up to hi. and pressed the barrel1 point blank to his skull1 right
bet2een the eyes1 and shouted1 Aet see 2ho the doo0us is no2EC
A7o aheadE Pull the trigger on your plasti/ toyE $4. so s/aredEC he said in sar/as.3
!#en 2ith a loaded pistol =a..ed against his head1 that =a/kass didn4t 0lin/h a bit3
And his arrogan/e .ade .e angrier3 Fithout any hesitation1 $ s;uee@ed the trigger as
tight as possible3 %ut instead o0 hearing a glorious gunshot 2hi/h 2ould ha#e sounded an
end to .y .isery1 $ heard nothing but a /li/k3 $4. not sure i0 it 2as a blessing 0ro.
hea#en or hell1 but <ad4s stupid pistol didn4t 0ireE !#en .ore stunning than the
e.barrass.ent o0 a broken gun1 Mi/hael si.ply laughed in .y 0a/e1 and then slo2ly
2alked a2ay3
A&i/e going1 arsen1C he said as he le0t3
$ re+ai.ed the pistol and pulled the trigger o#er and o#er again1 s/rea.ing1 A7et ba/k
here1 assholeE 7et ba/k hereEC
Mi/hael ne#er did gi#e .e the dignity o0 a pro0anity+la/ed response3 So $ ended up
running ho.e 0earing a nosy neighbor .ight ha#e 2itnessed .y atte.pted exe/ution and
/alled the poli/e3
A0ter arri#ing at .y Midas ane sa0e+ha#en1 $ rushed past Mo. 2ashing dishes and
;ui/kly returned <ad4s pistol to its right0ul resting pla/e in his dresser3 Then $ 2ent into
the garage and listened 0or any sign o0 trouble su/h as a poli/e siren or an unanti/ipated
phone /all to the house3 6o2e#er1 nothing broke the .onotony o0 the ordinary a0ternoon
Fhen dinner ti.e arri#ed and the three o0 us sat do2n at the round table to eat1 .y
paranoia told .e <ad 2as probably in0or.ed o0 2hat happened3 $ a#oided looking at the
perennial 0ro2n on his 0a/e1 0ull expe/ting to hear his 2rath at any .o.ent3 %ut
astoundingly1 he didn4t .ention a solitary thing3 A0ter polishing o00 .y .eatloa01 $ ran
o00 to .y roo. in a .ental state o0 disarray not kno2ing i0 <ad kne2 .y se/ret1 or i0
Mi/hael had 0inked about the happenings at A.bush Alley this 2onder0ully 2i/ked
Jro. that day on2ard1 Mi/hael su..arily a#oided .e at s/hool and by
#a/ation his presen/e in the neighborhood 2as so rare $4d al.ost belie#ed he4d .o#ed
a2ay3 6a#ing this =a/kass o00 .y ba/k 2as a great relie01 but .y other torturers1 those
to.boys 2ho =ust happened to li#e do2n the road 2here Mo. said /i#ili@ation turned to
hippie trash1 2ere still hot on .y tail3
Ine s2eltering Kalley day1 those t2o husky girls .ade the trek up to .y house and
loudly de.anded that $ /o.e outside1 threatening to 2ait there all a0ternoon i0 need be3
Fhen they sa2 .y 0a/e in the 2indo2 peeking ba/k at the.1 they be/a.e enraged and
began /alling .e a /o2ard loudly enough 0or all the neighbors to hear3 I0 /ourse1 $ 2as
ne#er going to /o.ply 2ith their de.ands1 and 2hen Mo. 2ent out to /hase the. a2ay
2ith a broo.sti/k1 they had the auda/ity to taunt and /hallenge her1 right there on the
0ront la2n3
Iut o0 anger and 0rustration1 Mo. grabbed a garden hose and sprayed those bullies1
soaking the. 0ro. head to toe3 Iddly enough1 2hile $ stood by the 2indo2 and ga2ked
at the. running around in their 2et1 skin+tight T+shirts1 a 2ar. and in#iting 0eeling
engul0ed .e 2hi/h $ had de0initely not experien/ed be0ore3 $n addition to #ie2ing the.
as the brutal tor.entors they 2ere1 $ also noti/ed they 2ere no2 going through puberty1
and sprouting the beginnings o0 those 0e.ale .a..ary glands /alled breasts3 My =a2
dropped 2ide+open 2hen $ sa2 their s.all nipples protruding 0ro. their 2et T+shirts3
Then 0or =ust a brie0 .o.ent1 or t2o1 $ a/tually tried to en#ision 2hat those girls looked
like 2ithout their /lothes at all3 6o2e#er1 .y 0antasy 2as short+li#ed a0ter re.e.bering
the #i/ious 2ay they treated .e in s/hool3 So $ 2alked a2ay 0ro. the 2indo2 and out o0
habit1 slipped into <ad4s garage to 0ind so.ething .ore entertaining to do3
The garage 2as a 2onder0ul pla/e to get a2ay 0ro. it all during the years $ 2as
bullied1 and $4d gro2n to lo#e its pea/e0ul solitude3 $t be/a.e .y =unior .an /a#e o0
sorts3 There 2ere hundreds o0 tools hanging on the pegboard 2alls1 and to a kid 2ith no
0riends1 $ 0ound great satis0a/tion in taking out .y 0rustrations 2ith poor so/ial skills by
using the. to 0abri/ate s/rap 2ood into a #ariety o0 use0ul and ornate ob=e/ts3 A0ter .o.
/hased those punk girls a2ay1 she /a.e out to the garage to /he/k on .y 2hereabouts
and re.inded .e to /lean up .y .ess and put a2ay the tools exactly 2here they
belonged?i0 $ didn4t 2ant trouble 2ith <ad 2hen he /a.e ho.e 0ro. the o00i/e3
Fith Mo.4s stern 2arning in .ind1 $ de/ided to 0orgo 2ood2orking 0or the day1
and opted to ru..age through the .ass o0 boxes 2hi/h rested on a dusty 2ooden shel0
along the ba/k 2all3 $ 2asn4t really 2orried about getting /aught snooping through their
/ontents be/ause Mo. 2as the only stray #isitor to the garage3 %ut 2hen $ trespassed
into a nearly rotted+out /ardboard .o#ing box tu/ked bet2een so.e /ans o0 paint1 $
2ished she 2ould ha#e 2alked in that day and stopped .e /old3
$ brushed o00 the box4s thi/k /oat o0 dust and dirt1 and a0ter opening it1 0ound a
de/ades+old paradoxi/al side o0 the garage4s past 2hi/h .ade .y hor.ones boil and
/hanged .y young li0e 0ore#er3 other things1 it 2as 0illed 2ith enough titillating
/lose+up snapshots o0 a 2o.an4s naked body to stop a young boy4s heart /old3 A//ording
to the 2riting on the ba/k o0 the photos1 the 2o.an4s na.e 2as Kerni/e1 and although
2e4d ne#er .et1 $ 2as /ertain she 2as .y kind o0 babe3 Jor reasons unkno2n at the ti.e1
$ began to 0antasi@e about 0ondling her in a #ariety o0 sin0ul 2ays3 Kerni/e4s photos 2ere
so #i#idly sedu/ti#e that $ instin/ti#ely laid the entire /on0e/tion on the 2orkben/h and
organi@ed it into a kaleidos/ope3
Fhile standing there rapidly 0lipping through the photos in a /ra@ed 0ren@y1 .y heart
began ra/ing out o0 /ontrol3 Then $ started to hyper#entilate 0or reasons $ si.ply didn4t
understand3 %ut that 2as only the beginning1 and a0ter a 0e2 .ore .inutes o0 absorbing
all that nudity1 .y /hildhood abruptly ended 0ore#er3 Jor better or 0or 2orse1 the .o#ing
box and its sultry /ontents had 0or/ed .e into the grips o0 puberty1 and there 2as no
possibility o0 e#er looking ba/k3
Chapter 2
Inspiration Trail
No2 that !denhurst !le.entary and its relentless bullies 2ere redu/ed to the status o0
bad .e.ories1 $ started =unior high s/hool 2ith great aspirations o0 o#er/ shyness
and be/ a popular student3 $t 2as a 2onder0ul thing to .o#e on to another s/hool
?hoping to see 0resh 0a/es in a ne2 en#iron.ent 2hi/h .ight re=u#enate .y battered
My grand torturer1 Mi/hael Kossler1 also .ade the =u.p to the se#enth grade1 but
thank0ully1 he paid .e little or no attention1 and didn4t e#en look .y 2ay 2hile passing
in a hall2ay3 &e#ertheless1 $ soon dis/o#ered there 2ere plenty o0 other =a/kasses1
exa/tly like hi.1 2ho did take noti/e o0 .y skinny /ar/ass1 and see.ed .ore than
eager to step in and start bullying exa/tly 2here Mi/hael le0t o003
$t /ertainly didn4t take long 0or these ne2 tor.entors to si@e .e up as an easy target
0or their daily session o0 ki/k the /an3 %eginning on the 0irst day o0 s/hool1 they started
engaging .e 2ith a /onstant barrage o0 se#ere physi/al abuse and ridi/ule 2hi/h
see.ed designed to de.ean .e as a being3 %e0ore1 during1 and a0ter /lass1 they
relentlessly 0li/ked and pulled .y ears1 spit in .y 0a/e1 ki/ked .e in .y pri#ates1 and
publi/ally /alled .e a Asausage s.okerC and a A0riggin 0aggot3C
6o2e#er1 as an a0ters/hool re2ard 0or enduring su/h s/athing abuse 0ro. .ale and
0e.ale students alike1 $ al2ays #isited Kerni/e4s photos in the pri#a/y o0 <ad4s garage3
6er breasts and #oluptuous /ur#es 2ere #astly .ore sedu/ti#e than any 0e.ale $4d seen
on /a.pus1 and $ used her i.ages as .y se/ret 2eapon to 0orget about s/hool and
/o.bat poor sel0+2orth3
As ti.e 2ent by1 /uriosity got the best o0 .e and $ de/ided to .ake it an
extra/urri/ular pro=e/t to learn .ore about the history behind the photos3 $ began
in#estigating the /ontents o0 other dusty .o#ing boxes in the garage and inad#ertently
stu.bled onto a 0e2 sta/ks o0 hard+/ore pornographi/ .aga@ines sand2i/hed bet2een o0
all things1 e#en .ore photos o0 Kerni/e3
The .a=ority o0 the s.ut $ 0ound 2ould be /lassi0ied as puritan by today4s standards1
but ne#ertheless1 it 2as pure exhilaration at the ti.e3 The graphi/ pi/torials de0initely
ga#e .e a .ore in+depth tour into the 2orld o0 kinky 0orni/ation than any sex edu/ation
0il. 2ould e#er ha#e #entured3 $ ulti.ately spent .any hours sali#ating o#er e#ery shred
o0 it1 but al2ays returned to Kerni/e 0or the / to .y a0ternoon entertain.ent3
Most boys .y age probably 2ouldnMt ha#e /ared about 2here the photos or s.ut
/a.e 0ro.3 They 2ould ha#e /ontinued drooling o#er e#ery page it as i0 nu/lear 2ar 2as
about to break out to.orro23 6o2e#er1 $ had a burning desire to learn .ore about the
garage4s dirty little se/ret3 $ /are0ully exa.ined all o0 the boxes 0or /lues about Kerni/e4s
identity1 and e#en 2ent snooping through <ad4s desk and phone book in the house 2hen
Mo. 2asn4t looking3 >n0ortunately1 those initial e00orts still le0t .e ba00led and
sear/hing 0or ans2ers3
Iut o0 0rustration1 $ /ontinued 2orking the /ase like so.e sort o0 a.ateur pri#ate
in#estigator1 but still /ouldnMt pie/e the pu@@le together3 Sin/e all o0 the boxes 2ere in
<ad4s garage1 $ assu.ed that the best 2ay to sol#e this .ystery 2ould be to ask hi.
dire/tly3 %ut sin/e he 2as the .aster non+/o..uni/ator1 $ /on/luded this .ight be dead
lead3 So1 one day a0ter s/hool1 $ 2ent out to the garage1 grabbed the .ost .odest photos
o0 Kerni/e $ /ould 0ind1 then did the unthinkable and brought the. into the house to sho2
.y .other3
Mo. 2as in the kit/hen preparing dinner 2hen $ 0ound her1 and 2hile pot roast
si..ered in the o#en1 $ /asually set the pi/tures on the /ounter3 Then $ blurted out1
Aook 2hat $ 0ound in the garage1 Mo.3C
$ hal0+expe/ted her to erupt in anger at the sight o0 the pi/tures1 but oddly enough1
Mo. =ust thu.bed through the. as i0 they 2ere /oupons in the ne2spaper3 She looked
do2n at .e1 and said1 AThis stu00 is really none o0 your business an/e3C
AFhyBC $ asked3
A%e/ause it doesn4t /on/ern you1C she said1 handing the pi/tures ba/k to .e3 APut
the. ba/k 2here you 0ound the.3C
A$4. =ust /urious 2ho she is1C $ said3 <eter.ined to get an ans2er1 $ asked her1 AFhy
are they in <adMs stu00 in the garageBC
AShe 2as your dad4s 0irst 2i0e1 okayB She passed a2ay be0ore your dad and $ .et3
&o2 put the. ba/k and get your ho.e2ork done3C
AFait1 <ad 2as .arried be0oreBC $ asked in/redulously3
A$t 2as a long ti.e ago1C she replied1 sti00ly3 AFe donMt like to talk about it3C
$ 2as 0reaked out that $4d been 0antasi@ing o#er a 2ho 2as on/e .arried to
.y dad o0 all people3 AFhy didnMt you e#er tell .e about thisBC $ persisted3
Mo. see.ed un/o.0ortable1 so she said1 A<rop the sub=e/t1 no2EC
Fhile starting to 2alk a2ay1 $ said1 ASorry Mo.3C
ooking like $4d =ust had the 2ind ki/ked out o0 .e1 Mo. sensed .y pain3 Then1
be0ore $ /ould es/ape ba/k to the garage1 she grabbed .y ar. and said1 ADust so you
kno21 Kerni/e 2as di00erent type o0 2o.an3 She really liked to sho2 o00 her body and
.ake it 2ork 0or her3C
AFhat do you .ean1 Mo.BC $ asked1 2ondering 2hy she suddenly de/ided to tell all3
AKerni/e 2as an exhibitionist1C Mo. explained1 Aand part o0 that .eans she liked to
be photographed in the nude3C
AIh1 $ get it Mo.3C Although $ 2as a little stu.ped by the 2ord Aexhibitionist1C $
0igured it .ust ha#e also .eant that Kerni/e en=oyed being nude in 0ront o0 .en3
Astounded that Mo. re.ained relati#ely /al. 2hen presented 2ith 2hat $ 0igured
2as the ra/iest expose in the 2orld1 $ 2ondered 2hat 2ould happen i0 $ sho2ed her one
o0 the dirty .aga@ines3 So $ de/ided to go 0or the gusto and bring one o0 the porno rags
inside as 2ell3 $ 2ent ba/k to the garage and started ri0ling through the .o#ing boxes1
deliberately sear/hing 0or the nastiest s.ut in that 2onder0ul library o0 0ilth3 $ 0ound
so.ething that 0it the bill1 and then proudly 2alked it inside the house3
AMo.1 /an $ ask you about so.ething elseBC $ asked3
ASure1 2hat is it no2BC
$ ;ui/kly handed her the .aga@ine and said1 A$t4s about this1 Mo.BC
She took the .aga@ine 0ro. .y hands1 and a0ter taking a ;ui/k glan/e at the /o#er1
said3CFhat is it you 2ant to kno2BC
$ said1 A$4. =ust /urious 2hy these are in the garage3C
Fhile $ stared at her 0ro. a0ar1 Mo. a/tually started slo2ly through the
.aga@ine4s pages1 one+by+one3 She su..arily ignored .e 2hile it see.ed to ignite so.e
pri.iti#e desire buried deep inside her3 Fhen Mo. 0inally noti/ed that she 2as #isibly
sali#ating at the .outh1 she tossed the s.ut rag on the /ounter to sa#e+o00 e.barrass.ent
and said1 APut this ba/k 2here you 0ound it and stop ru..aging around in your dadMs
stu00E These things are none o0 your businessEC
AIkay1 Mo.1C $ said1 auto.ati/ally3
AAnd don4t bring this up 2ith your dad3C
AIkay Mo.1C $ said again on autopilot3
!#en though she a#oided ans2ering .y ;uestions1 $ abided by Mo.Ms orders and
returned the .aga@ine to its right0ul resting pla/e in the garage3 $ 2as still #ery /urious1
so $ de/ided to 2at/h tele#ision and 2ait 0or <ad to arri#e ho.e 0ro. 2ork3 !#en though
Mo. had asked .e not to say anything1 $ planned to ask hi. 2hat he kne2 about the
.o#ing boxes any2ay3
Fhen $ heard his /ar pull into the dri#e2ay1 .y heart started to pound 2ith
anti/ipation3 Then 2hen he got out and 2alked in through the ba/k door1 .y anxiety
turned to do2nright 0ear3 $ kne2 darn 2ell that $ 2as headed into un/harted 2aters3
&e#ertheless1 $ kept .y /ool and 2aited 0or hi. to /hange out o0 his 2ork /lothes and
=oin .e in 0ront o0 the tele#ision 2ith a glass o0 /rea. sherry in his hand3
A6o24s s/hoolBC he asked3 A6o2 are all those 0oxy girls treating youBC
I0 /ourse1 $ al2ays needed to lie 2hen he asked .e that1 so $ said1 ADust great1 <ad1
=ust great3C
AJantasti/1C he said1 2hile sipping his sherry3 A7lad to hear it3C
$ stared at the tele#ision set 0or a 0e2 tense .o.ents be0ore .anaging to build up
enough /ourage to e#en think about asking hi. the ;uestion o0 the /entury3 Fe
ne#er said anything .ore than si.ple pleasantries1 so $ 2asnMt exa/tly sure ho2 to begin3
%ut $ de/ided to =ust start talking and see 2hat happened3
A:ou kno21 <ad1C $ said1 interrupting his sho2 during a / A$ really1 really
like spending ti.e in the garage a0ter s/hool3C
AThatMs great kid1 glad you like it1C he ans2ered1 absently3 A<id you /lean up your
.ess on the 2orkben/h todayBC
A:eah <ad1 $ did3C
AJantasti/1C he said1 be0ore gulping so.e .ore o0 his drink3
6e 2as already 2at/hing TK again as i0 2eMd ne#er spoken1 and $ de/ided to 2ait
until the al/ohol had a /han/e to /al. his 0ra@@led ner#es a0ter a tough day at the o00i/e3
<uring the next / break1 $ took a deep breath and sei@ed .y opportunity3
A:ou kno2 <ad1 2hen $ 2as out there in the garageL3$ opened up one o0 the .o#ing
boxes on the ba/k shel03C
&o21 $ suddenly had his undi#ided attention3 6e 2as looking at .e oddly1 but 2aited
0or .e to 0inish 2hat $4d started3
AFhen $ opened it1 $ sa2L3C
ASa2 2hatBC he asked3 ADust spit it out an/e3C
AThere 2ere pi/tures o0 a naked 2o.an1C $ blurted out ungra/e0ully3
<ad s.iled1 then held his /hin 2ith one hand and said1 AFell1 2hat4d she look likeBC
AShe 2as blonde1 and the 2riting on the ba/k said her na.e 2as Kerni/e1C $ said
2hile staring straight at the TK3
A$0 you really need to kno21 they4re =ust shots o0 .y 0irst 2i0eN the one $ .arried
2hen $ got out o0 the &a#y3C
AIh Lokay <ad1C $ said1 A$ ne#er kne2 you had a 0irst 2i0e3C
AFell1 $ did1 but $ don4t talk about it .u/h3 Any2ay1 $4. a/tually glad you ran a/ross
that stu003 She 2as a real looker1 2asnMt sheEEBC
$t 2as perplexing to hear hi. say that he 2as glad $ dis/o#ered the photos o0 Kerni/e3
And $ sin/erely 2anted to .o#e on to the sub=e/t o0 the s.ut .aga@ines1 but as usual1
/ouldn4t see. to get the 2ords out o0 .y .outh3
Seeing 0rustration and e.barrass.ent 2ritten all o#er .y 0a/e1 <ad took o#er and
said1 A$s there so.ething else you 2ant to ask .e aboutB Perhaps so.ething you must
ask .e aboutBC
A&o <ad1 noC $ said out o0 0ear3
A:ou don4t need to bullshit .e1C <ad said3 Then1 in a burst o0 un/hara/teristi/
/andor1 he said1 A$ think you 0ound .y .aga@ines too3 :ou need to ask .e about those1
AFhat .aga@inesBC $ said in an e00ort to di00use the situation3
ACo.e on no23 $0 you4#e been nosing through those .o#ing boxes1 you /ouldnMt
ha#e .issed the.3C Then a0ter noti/ing Mo. ea#esdropping 0ro. the kit/hen1 his loud
#oi/e dropped to a so0t tone1 and he 2hispered into .y ear1 Aook1 $ need to get so.e
/hlorine at the pool store1 so 2hy don4t you tag along3 Fe4ll talk in the /ar3C
As soon as 2e got outside1 $ 0ully expe/ted a stern repri.and and a 2arning to stay
the hell out o0 his stu001 but <ad did the opposite and gently put his hand on .y shoulder
as he es/orted .e out into the station 2agon 0or our dri#e do2n to the store3 $t 2as
exhilarating to be in the /ar /o..anding <ad4s 0ull attention3 A0ter <ad hit the pa#e.ent
and turned onto Ki/tory %oule#ard1 he put the pedal to the .etal and 2hen the K+*
engine roared1 $ 2as pushed ba/k2ards into the seat like an astronaut being laun/hed into
AThere 2e go1 kidEC he shouted1 2hile the /ar sped do2n the road3 AThat4s the best
2ay to blo2 the /arbon o00 the #al#esEEC
A:eah1 <ad1 2hat a rush1C $ gasped1 holding onto the door handle3
About hal0 2ay to our destination1 <ad slo2ed the /ar do2n to the speed and
suddenly pulled into the pool store4s parking lot3 6e said1 ASo1 you need to kno2 2hy $
keep dirty .aga@ines in the garageBC
$ sat there /o.pletely silent 0or a long se/ond or t2o1 then said1 A:eah1 $4. =ust
/urious1 <ad3C
AFell to explain that1 $ need to gi#e you a talk about the 0e.ale persuasion 0irst3C
In/e $ heard that1 $ reali@ed that the in0a.ous Abig talkC about sex that e#ery kid
dreads 2as =ust around the /orner3 &aturally1 $ looked o#er to see i0 .y dad4s 0a/e had
turned stoplight red as he prepared to explain 2hat $4d seen in the .aga@ines3 %ut to .y
astonish.ent1 <ad didn4t blush at all3 6e dug his 0ingernails into the steering 2heel 0or a
.o.ent1 and then started speaking to .e as i0 $ 2ere another .an1 and not his son3
Aan/e1 $ popped a lot o0 2o.en be0ore your .o.N too .any to /ount3C Then he got
a 0ara2ay look in his eyes as he began to re.inis/e3 AIh yeah baby1 $ e#en got so.e
a/tion during the Dapanese o//upation3 ots o0 those island girls 2ere a good roll in the
AIkay1C $ said 2hile <ad s.iled and en=oyed his .e.ories3
Jor so.e dads1 that .ight ha#e been .ore than enough 0or a 0irst dis/ussion about
sex1 but .ine 2as deter.ined to .ake sure $ en=oyed it as .u/h as he did3 6e looked
o#er at .e and /ontinued1 ASin/e you4#e been looking through .y stu001 there4s no need
to tell you about ho2 to use your boy get the =ob done 2ith a girl1 rightBC
A"ight1 <ad1C $ said1 thrilled 2hile he a/tually talked to .e about sex3
AFay to go kidEC he said3 ASo you already kno2 the best positions1 rightBC
ASure thing1 <ad1C $ said1 horri0ied that he .ight ask .e 2hi/h ones those 2ere3
A7reatE $4. glad you learned so.ething 0ro. .y stash3C <ad pulled into the pool
storeMs parking lot and /ontinued1 A&o2 $4. gonna tell you 2hat the dirty .aga@ines
can't do 0or you3C
AFhat is it1 <adBC
6e turned to look .e straight in the eye be0ore he spoke3 AS.ut rags /an4t hold your
sausage and get your ro/ks o003 :ou need a real girl get that done1C he said #ery
seriously3C Fith that said1 a 0e.ale is really no di00erent than a tool hanging in the
garage3 And all tools ha#e their uses3 <on4t 0orget it3C
AIkay1C $ said 2hile nodding .y head in agree.ent3
AAlso1 don4t be inti.idated 2o.en1 $ .ean any 2o.en3 Fhen you take one out on a
date1 it4s usually a trade+o003 The gets a 0ree .eal1 and in return1 she helps the
.an get his =ollies3 Fhile you4re young1 0eel 0ree to date1 pu.p1 and du.p as .any
2o.en as you 2ant3C
A:es sir1C $ said1 as though $ 2ere a student in <ad4s /lassroo.3
A%ut there4s .ore1C he said as his le/ture /ontinued3
AFhat1 <adBC
ATo be a real .an1 you gotta s/ore as .any /hi/ks as possible3 Play the 0ield1 and
don4t get hung+up on any parti/ular 2o.an3 Most i.portantly1 don4t any girl pregnant1
no .atter 2hat3 $0 you do1 $4ll ki/k your ass 0ro. here to the Kre.linE 7ot itBC
A:es sir1C $ ans2ered again1 2ondering ho2 long $4d need to sit in the /ar and hear
his 2ell+intentioned 2rath3
Jor the 0inale1 <ad pulled his keys 0ro. the ignition and said1 A&o2 0or the best part
o0 all3 %londes are the best in the sa/k3 That4s 2hy $ .arried your .o.3 <on4t 2aste too
.u/h ti.e 2ith brunettes1 /arrot tops1 or anything else3C
Then dad slipped out o0 the /ar and le0t .e sitting there on the ben/h seat 2ith .y
.ind running a road ra/e3 Jor better or 2orse1 that .an altered 2hate#er per/eption $ had
o0 girls prior to our talk1 0ore#er3 %ased on 2hat .y hor.ones understood at the ti.e1 it
see.ed as though <ad really .eant to say that #ie2ing 2o.en as sexual ob=e/ts 2as
nor.al1 and /on;uering their bodies 2ould be .y personal re;uire.ent 0or entering
.anhood3 There0ore1 out o0 respe/t1 $ endorsed his philosophy .y o2n holy grail3
<ad4s 0a.ous talk re.ained per.anently et/hed into the /ir/uitry o0 .y teenage
brain throughout .y absolutely deplorable =unior high s/hool experien/e3 Sin/e $
ulti.ately spent .ore ti.e e#ading bullies than /hasing /hi/ks1 $ needed to 2ait until
entering the likes o0 Foodland 6ills 6igh S/hool to put the old .an4s ad#i/e about girls
to the test3 %eginning the 0irst day $ 2alked through its tall 0ront gate 2hi/h al.ost
rese.bled a prison 0aOade1 $ began si@ing+up all o0 the busty and sparsely dressed blonde
girls 2ho /rossed .y path3 $t 2as surreal to .entally undress e#ery in/h o0 their sultry
bodies and /o.pare the. to those $ sa2 in <ad4s adult .aga@ines3 A0ter 0antasi@ing
about these #ixens 0or 2eeks on end in a sexual drea.s/ape o0 /ra@ed proportions1 .y
hor.ones 0inally got the best o0 .e3 So $ began plotting a strategy o0 hunt and seek to
/at/h at least one o0 the. in .y nasty 2eb3
!#en though .ost o0 the blonde bi.bos $ en/ountered didn4t appear to ha#e a single
operational brain /ell in their heads1 they kne2 ho2 to su/k up attention 0ro. boys and
use it as the daily bread that nourished their bodies3 They kne2 that e#ery one o0 us1
in/luding .e1 2anted a pie/e o0 the. at any /ost1 and 2ere o#erly 2illing to use their
bodies as le#erage to 0eed their sel0 estee.3 This attention+2hore .entality 2as probably
best exasperated by .y band .ate1 Karen %erger1 2ho 2as also a third+seat
player3 She had a sli. build1 but huge breasts1 and .ade it a point to 0lash her .assi#e
/lea#age at anyone 2ho4d /are to look1 .ale or 0e.ale alike3
Although Karen /ould hardly keep the beat1 she had the per0e/t song and dan/e that
teased all the boys until they drooled at their .ouths3 Jor 2hat 0elt like an eternity1 $
2at/hed KarenMs breasts do the =iggle+=iggle1 and on se#eral o//asions1 she e#en pushed
the. into .e 2hen 2e passed in a door2ay3 $n short ti.e1 $ 2as tossed into a state o0
hor.onal insanity and de/ided that Karen 2as the perfect girl to put <ad4s .ethodology
about 0e.ales to the ulti.ate test3
%y .id+se.ester1 $4d drea.t about asking that #oluptuous /hi/k out a .illion ti.es1
but ne#er had the /ourage to .ake a single .o#e3 6o2e#er1 one day a0ter 2e 2rapped up
rehearsals on the 0ield and retired to the pra/ti/e roo. to put a2ay our instru.ents1 $
purposely pinned Karen1 and her big boobies1 in a door2ay 2hen she tried pass3
$n a so0t1 #oi/e1 $ said1 ACanL32eL3talk1 KarenBC
A7et the hell out o0 .y 2ay1 an/e3 %ut i0 you ha#e so.ething to say1 get the god
da. ro/ks out o0 your .outh1C she said3
AFould youLsort o0Llike to do so.ething on Jriday nightBC
A"eally1 2ith youBC she said1 in/redulously3
A:es1 2ith .e1C $ ans2ered3 A6ey1 $ e#en ha#e .y dri#er4s li/ense no2E $ /an dri#e
one o0 .y dad4s /ars3 Fe /ould go out and /ruise together3C
&ot i.pressed1 she said1 A:ou 2ant .eL3 to go rideL 2ith youB That4s nuts3 ike $
said1 get the hell out o0 .y 2ay3C
$ al2ays kne2 she /ould hardly play a note1 and no21 $ 2as beginning to 2onder i0
she 2as blind to .y good looks as 2ell3 Continuing to pin her in the door2ay1 $ said1
A:eah1 2ith .e3 Perhaps 2e /ould get so.ething to eat and /ruise Kentura %oule#ard3C
Aook1C she said1 unenthusiasti/ally3 A$ .ight go out only i0 $ /an4t 0ind so.ething
else to do3 $4ll let you kno23 &o2 let .e passEC
AFhen1 Karen1C $ asked3
AThat4s hard to say1C she said 2ith a sigh3 Then she ;ui/kly es/aped out o0 the
door2ay Kalley 7irl style as i0 nothing had been said at all3
>nsatis0ied 2ith her hal0+2itted ans2er1 $ be/a.e e#er .ore deter.ined to lo/k
do2n a date 2ith that pinhead3 %y the ti.e band pra/ti/e 2rapped up the 0ollo2ing
a0ternoon1 $ 2as upset enough to suppress .y 0ears and ask Karen out on/e again3
Fhile she .ade a sprint 0or the door1 $ /ut her o00 and used .y ar. to blo/k the 2ay3
AIh no?not you againEC she said3
A:es1 it4s .e3 6a#e you thought about 2hat $ said yesterdayBC $ asked3
A$ told you an/e1 2e4ll go out this Jriday only i0 $ ha#en4t 0ound so.ething else to
ASo 2hen 2ill you kno2 i0 you4#e 0ound something else to doBC $ insisted3
A$ don4t kno23 $4#e got one hell o0 a lot o0 0riends to /all3C
ACo.e on1 Karen3 Dust gi#e .e a yes or no ans2er3 <o you 2ant ride together1 or
notBC $ asked3
Jinally1 she /a#ed in and said1 A:ou4re super1 super persistent 0or a pen/il ne/k geek3
$4ll tell you 2hat3 $0 you4ll stop harassing .e1 $4ll .eet you at the i/e /rea. parlor?the
one on the /orner o0 Topanga Canyon and Kentura %oule#ard1 around eight o4/lo/k on
Jriday3 Are you satis0ied no2BC
A:eah1 no2 you4re talkingE Fhat ti.e should $ pi/k you upBC
AAre you dense1 an/eB $ said 2e4ll .eet there?at the parlor3C
AIkay1 IkayEC $ said 2ith a =ubilant s.ile3
Aside 0ro. being born1 o0 /ourse1 /oer/ing Karen %erger to go out on a date 2as the
.ost i.portant and ex/iting thing $4d e#er a//o.plished in .y entire li0e3 Fhen Jriday
0inally arri#ed1 $ ran ho.e 0ro. s/hool then started to 2ash and #a/uu. dad4s
auto.obile 2ith a /a#ernous ba/k seat1 the 4-) Che#y $.pala3 This /ar 2ould be the
per0e/t pla/e to get it on 2ith .y #ery 0irst 0e.ale /on;uest3
A0ter the /ar 2as all gussied up 0or the o//asion1 $ 2ent inside and put on .y best
pair o0 para/hute pants and a polyester polo shirt to .at/h3 Then $ loaded the /ar 0ull o0 *+
tra/k tapes 2ith the hopes that all this .eti/ulous preparation 2ould gi#e this rising
super+stud o0 Foodland 6ills 6igh the sel0+/on0iden/e to be a .an and get the =ob done3
Fhile $ dro#e do2n to the i/e /rea. parlor to pi/k up .y #ixen in 2aiting1 .y heart
beat 2ildly like a Pulu4s dru.3 A0ter running a red light1 or .aybe e#en t2o1 along
Kentura %oule#ard1 $ pulled into the parking lot a 0e2 .inutes early and de/ided to hang
out in the $.pala1 s/anning the inside o0 the parlor 0or any sign o0 Karen3
%y the ti.e the eight o4/lo/k hour arri#ed1 Karen 2as no2here to be 0ound and $
i..ediately /on/luded she4d stood .e up3 &e#ertheless1 $ kept /ontrol o0 .ysel0 and
de/ided to 2ait a2hile longer3 %ut a0ter another hour passed1 $ de/ided to head inside and
grab a seat at an e.pty booth3
As soon as $ sat do2n1 the 2aitress a//osted .e and said1 A6ey dude1 the booths are
0or t2o or .ore3 7o ahead and sit at the /ounter3C
A$4. expe/ting a date3 Can $ hang 0or a 0e2 .inutesBC
A&ope1 rules are rules1C she said 2hile ripping the sti/ky .enu out o0 .y hands3
$ .igrated o#er to the /ounter 2ith a pissed+o00 0ro2n on .y 0a/e and 2aited at least
hal0+hour longer3 Then as $ 2as =ust about to de/lare .y night a 0ailure and lea#e 0or
ho.e1 a /ar 0ull o0 .y band .ates pull into the parking lot3 They all piled into the i/e
/rea. parlor like an unruly street .ob1 and to .y =oy1 Karen 2as part o0 the /ro2d3 She
sat do2n at a long table 2ith the.1 opened a 0e2 buttons at the top o0 her shirt1 and to .y
disgust1 began to .assage the leg o0 the 0irst+seat tro.bone player and nibble on his ear3
ooking at her in disbelie01 $ 2alked o#er and kneeled in 0ront o0 her table3 A6i
Karen1C $ 2hispered3 ACan $ talk to you outside 0or a .inuteBC
AFhyBC she said in her Kalley 7irl #oi/e3
A$ thought 2e had a dateBC
Karen slo2ly stood1 and a0ter 2e .ade our 2ay out to the parking lot1 she said1 AA
dateB Fhat the hell are you talking about an/eBC
A:ou kno23 $ thought 2e 2ere going to get so.ething to eat then ride together3C
A"ide 2ith you1 dudeBC she said as i0 she 2as talking to the #illage idiot3
A:eah Karen1 that4s 2hat you said3C
A:ou kno2 that4s de0initely not 2hat $ saidE %ut whatever1 dude3 So 2here4s your
/arB $4ll bet you don4t e#en ha#e any 2heels3C
$ pointed to the $.pala under a tree and said1 ASure $ do3 There4s .y /ar1 o#er there3C
AFell1 sin/e 2e4re out here1 let4s /he/k out your ride1C she said1 slo2ly strolling o#er
to the $.pala3
She 2alked around the /ar and ran her 0ingers a/ross the hood and do2n the sides1
then glan/ed ba/k at .e and said1 AThis is so1 so /ool3 $t4s a lo2 riderE Can 2e get
Fhile shaking 2ith anti/ipation about 2hat .ight happen next1 $ said1 AAbsolutely3C
Karen opened the /oupe4s door and slipped into the ba/k seat3 &aturally1 $ stared
do2n at her /lea#age1 and then she s.iled up at .e and said1 AFell don4t =ust stand there1
stupid3 7et in3C
$ slo2ly /ra2led into the ba/k seat and subtly sat do2n beside her3 A0ter settling into
.y pla/e1 gasped as Karen slo2ly opened the last re.aining buttons on her shirt3 My
eyes 2ere lo/ked on her 0ull+0igured breasts1 and $ hardly noti/ed 2hen she slipped o00
her top and tossed it on the 0ront seat3 The sight o0 those #oluptuous =ugs rendered .e
instantly and 0ully aroused3 Ither than a sneak peek at .y .o. in a .irror1 this 2as the
0irst ti.e $4d e#er seen real breasts in the bu001 and $ 2as physi/ally ready 0or a/tion3 %ut
.entally1 $ didn4t ha#e the slightest idea 2hat to do next3
6o2e#er1 Karen didn4t see. to ha#e a proble. 2ith sex+ed3 She thrust her /hest a bit
/loser to .y goggling eyes and said1 A<ude1 is this 2hat you 2anted to seeBC
A:+y+yes1C $ said in a shaken #oi/e3 $ 2anted to tou/h her1 but .y ra/ing heart and the
adrenaline rushing through .y #eins paraly@ed .e 2ith 0ear3 My 2ere 0ro@en sti00
as a board3
AFell1 sin/e $4#e sho2n you .ine1 gi#e it up and sho2 .e yoursEC she said 2hile
/upping her breasts3
&e#er taking .y eyes o00 those a.a@ing boobs1 $ .anaged to slo2ly rea/h 0or the
belt on .y pants and unbu/kle it on autopilot3 Then1 $ pulled e#erything?in/luding .y
brie0s1 do2n to .y ankles3 Fhile $ looked into Karen4s eyes1 $ noti/ed that she 2as
intently 0ixated 2ith staring do2n at .y /rot/h3
AFell1 that4s big1C she said 2ith a sni/ker3 AMaybe it4s too big 0or .eEC
AFhatBC $ said in disbelie03
AAre you a dea0 .uteB $ said $4#e seen big ones be0ore1 but not like yours3 $t4s long1
and /ur#ed like a 0at bananaE That4s a ne2 t2istEC she laughed out loud3
$ suddenly reali@ed that Karen 2as being /on/eded1 and she had no intentions o0
engaging .e in inti.a/y3 There0ore1 $ ;ui/kly pulled up .y pants and sat there on the
seat in shell+sho/k 0or a .o.ent or t2o3
Suddenly1 Karen reali@ed the =ig 2as up1 and she lunged to2ards the 0ront seat and
;ui/kly grabbed her shirt 2ithout the /ourtesy to /on=ure up a 0e2 2ords o0 re=e/tion3 She
slipped it on then =u.ped out the /ar and said1 ADust 2ait until $ tell .y 0riends about your
Karen sprinted to2ards the i/e /rea. parlor as though she4d =ust es/aped the /lut/hes
o0 a per#erted =erk3 6orri0ied and in a pani/1 $ hastily /li.bed into the 0ront seat and
burned rubber all the 2ay out o0 the parking lot be0ore dri#ing non+stop ba/k to .y sa0e
harbor1 the ho.e on Midas ane3
Chapter 3
Paradise Coe
In the days and 2eeks a0ter .y e.barrassing liaison 2ith Karen %erger in the i/e /rea.
parlor4s parking lot1 she kept her 2ord and publi/ly 0ingered .e as the dude 2ith the
0unny looking penis3 %y the ti.e the holiday re/ess neared1 the 2hole da.n
s/hool1 students and sta00 alike1 2ere 2ell+#ersed in details o0 .y reprodu/ti#e anato.y3
!#en .y 0e.ale biology tea/her .entioned it indire/tly during a /lassroo. le/ture3 Then
2hen $ 0ound a pi/togra. o0 .y pri#ates s/ribbled on .y lo/ker door 0or all to see1 $
i..ediately de/ided to re#ert ba/k to .y ti.e+tested .ethod o0 .aintaining sanity?
physi/ally steering /lear o0 .ost e#eryone1 boys and girls alike3
Turning .y ba/k on the student body 2as a good re.edy be/ause it physi/ally
separated .e 0ro. .y relentless torturers1 but on the 0lip side1 it didn4t ;uell a po2er0ul
sex dri#e or re#erse .y adoles/ent depression3 To so/ially sel0+.edi/ate1 $ de/ided to
seek out lo2er /o.panions 2ho 2ere see.ingly 2orse o00 than $1 and syste.ati/ally use
the. to .ake .e 0eel better about .ysel03 $n no ti.e at all1 $ 0ound t2o high s/hool
untou/hables1 7erald >nder2ood and Kenny Da.es1 2ho1 =ust like .ysel01 2ere s/hool
out/asts and al2ays exiled to eat at the 0ar end o0 the lun/h tables3
Jor all pra/ti/al purposes1 7erald1 or 7erry as 2e /alled hi.1 2as probably a
de#elop.entally /hallenged indi#idual 2ho possessed an intelle/t that ho#ered
so.e2here bet2een patheti/ and asinine3 6e o0ten /o.plained about li#ing /heek+to+
/heek 2ith his .aternal grand0ather in a /ra.ped t2o+bedroo. apart.ent3 And a0ter
hanging around 2ith hi. 0or a 0e2 days1 $ deter.ined that he 2as in/apable o0 any task .ore di00i/ult than opening a /an o0 tuna 0ish3
In the other hand1 his longti.e buddy sin/e =unior high s/hool1 Kenny1 appeared to
ha#e a so.e2hat greater .ental /apa/ity1 but had 0e.inine .anneris.s 2hi/h see.ed to
render hi. a perpetual patsy3 %oth o0 these gents spoke o0 not ha#ing any brothers or
sisters and 2ere also byprodu/ts o0 nasty di#or/es3 !#en though .y 0olks ne#er split up1 $
/o.pletely related to their dread0ul stories o0 dys0un/tional 0a.ilies and parents .issing
in a/tion3 Sin/e the three o0 us shared that /o..on thread and 2ere seldo. dis/iplined
0or truan/y or bad grades1 2e de/ided to sidestep the s/hoolyard and begin 2reaking
ha#o/ in our ne2 playground1 the entire San Jernando Kalley3
$ ;ui/kly assu.ed the leadership role o0 the 2ol0 pa/k1 and nearly e#ery day1 2e
piled into .y $.pala and hit the streets in sear/h o0 .is/hie0 to 2ard o00 the ene.y /alled
boredo.3 I0 /ourse1 the piss+poor allo2an/es our parents paid us 2ouldn4t buy so .u/h
as a hal0+tank o0 gasoline1 or e#en a ti/ket into a slea@y porno theater1 so $ needed to get a
=ob1 ;ui/k3 u/kily1 2ith .y <ad4s endorse.ent1 $ .anaged to obtain a 2ork and
started a .ini.u.+2age gig as a 0ry /ook at a lo/al bran/h o0 the Kalley 0ast+0ood /hain
/alled "o/ket %urger1 2hose na.esake 2as probably deri#ed 0ro. the lo/al
aerospa/e industry3 Al.ost i..ediately a0ter $ started1 the night .anager1 2ho.
e#eryone =okingly /alled Mister Dohn1 enlisted .e to 2ork the /losing shi0t at least three a 2eek3 !#ery single night a0ter 2e shut the =oint do2n1 he al2ays told the /re2 to
go into the 2alk+in re0rigerator and grab a beer to drink 2hile /leaning the kit/hen and
.opping+up the dining roo.3
The 2hole /re21 in/luding .ysel01 looked up to Mister Dohn as i0 he 2as the 0ather
2e ne#er had3 6e bought us beer and s.okes1 treated us like adults1 and insisted that that
i0 you4re old enough to 2ork1 you4re old enough to get ha..ered3 A0ter the /re2
0inished our /leanup 2ork1 2e sat do2n around the break roo. table /ontinuing to su/k
do2n suds and s.oke3 Mister Dohn al2ays =oined us and took the ti.e to elaborate about
all the exoti/ pla/es he4d tra#elled to 2hen he 2as in the Ar.y3 6e also bragged about
the 2ide #ariety o0 2o.en he4d /on;uered along the 2ay as 2ell3 Although 2e thought
Mister Dohn4s tales 2ere e.bellished and unbelie#able at best1 the /a.araderie he /reated
.ade us 0eel as i0 2e 2ere part o0 a spe/ial /lub o0 sorts3
Jor 2eeks on end1 $ 2as ha#ing the ti.e o0 .y li0e getting bu@@ed 2ith the "o/ket
%urger /re23 !#entually1 $ in#ited .y buddies 7erry and Kenny to .eet .e at the
restaurant on hu.p day a0ter 2ork to =oin in the 0un3 $ 2asn4t really sure ho2 Mister Dohn
2ould re/ei#e .y 2a/ky 0riends unannoun/ed3 %ut a0ter he sa2 their thirsty eyes ready
0or a/tion1 he in#ited the. into the 2alk+in to get a bre2 as i0 they 2ere on the
/o.pany4s payroll3 Dudging by the exuberan/e on their 0a/es1 they ;ui/kly e.bra/ed this
party at.osphere =ust as .u/h as .e3
A0ter Mr3 Dohn split the s/ene 0or ho.e1 the party spilled out into "o/ket %urger4s
parking lot and only stalled 2hen 2e puked+up e#ery oun/e o0 beer against the du.pster
at the ba/k o0 the building3 &e#ertheless1 2e 2ere deter.ined not to let a little nausea
/rash our party and de/ided to bite the dog that bit us and start do2ning beers again3 &o2
on our se/ond 2ind1 2e began s/ obs/enities at the top o0 our lungs1 .ooning our
bare asses to passing /ars1 and e#en staging .o/k 0ights in the dri#e+thru3 That @any
a/ti#ity 2ent on 0or hours1 and 2hen our 0irst party 0inally /rashed in the early hours o0
the next .orning1 $ piled .y passed+out buddies into the $.pala and headed o00 to their
perspe/ti#e ho.es3
At that ti.e1 $ didn4t kno2 exa/tly 2here both o0 .y 2eird 0riends li#ed3 Forse yet1 $
2asn4t sure 2hat sort o0 trap .ight .e a2aiting .e 2hen $ deli#ered the. ho.e in an
inebriated bla/kout3 A0ter pulling out their 2allets and reading the addresses on their
s/hool identi0i/ation /ards1 $ dis/o#ered that 7erry stayed at an apart.ent in Foodland
6ills1 and Kenny apparently li#ed in Topanga Canyon =ust south o0 the #alley3 %eing so
/lose1 Kenny 2ould be the 0irst on .y list to be du.ped o003
A0ter arri#ing at his residen/e =ust be0ore sunrise /arrying his beer+breath /ar/ass
do2n the dri#e2ay1 a 2onder0ully buxo. in sexy o00i/e attire /a.e out and said1
ADust bring hi. in1 and lay hi. on the /ou/h3C
AIkay1C $ said 2hile dragging Kenny through the door2ay3
ASo 2hat4s your na.eBC she asked3
A$4. an/e3C
AFell1 $4. Mrs3 Da.es1 and you /an /all .e Sharon i0 you 2ant3 %ut $ kno2 you
ASure thing1C $ said 2hile politely ad.iring her /lea#age3
ASo you guys got blasted last nightB
A:eah1 sort o01C $ said3
AFell1 that4s not the 0irst ti.e Kenny4s got drunk3 6ey1 you should ha#e /alled .e3 $
probably 2ould ha#e =oined you guys3C
A$4. sorry Mrs3 Da.es3 Sorry1 $ .ean Sharon3C
A&o need 0or apologies1 but $4. =ust glad so.eone dro#e hi. ho.e in one pie/e3 $
suppose you guys aren4t going to s/hool today1C she said 2hile looking do2n at .y 0eet3
AProbably not1C $ .uttered3 AMaybe $ better go3 $4#e got so.ebody else to drop o00
At that .o.ent1 she pi/ked up .y hand and said1 AFhy don4t you stay 0or a /up o0
/o00eeB $t4ll be good 0or you to sober up be0ore dri#ing any2here else3C
Fith Kenny lying there on the /ou/h passed out /old1 and 7erry in a si.ilar
predi/a.ent in the ba/k seat o0 the $.pala1 $ a//epted the o00er to sip /o00ee 2ith this
superbly attra/ti#e1 brunette+haired 2o.an3 $ also #o2ed to keep an in/onspi/uous1 but
/onstant look at her partially unbuttoned business blouse3 Apparently1 she 2asn4t bash0ul
in the least about exposing her /lea#age to a high s/hool kid she4d =ust .et3 Fhile 2e
talked1 this 2ho appeared to be approa/hing 401 or so1 ;ui/kly re#ealed to .e that
she 2as a legal se/retary and di#or/ed 0ro. Kenny4s 0ather a 0e2 years ba/k3 She also
ad.itted to being the instigator o0 that di#or/e and took responsibility 0or its detri.ental
e00e/ts on Kenny4s 2ell+being3 %ased on those #ery open /on0essions1 $ ;ui/kly
/on/luded that she 2as the .ost up0ront parent $4d e#er .et in .y entire li0e3
Jollo2ing a 0e2 .ore .o.ents o0 ga@ing at her /hest1 she slo2ly /losed her shirt1
one button at a ti.e1 and then said1 A%y the 2ay1 did you like /o00ee1 2hat you sa21 or
Iut o0 respe/t 0or her /andor to2ard .e1 $ de/ided to be honest and said1 A:es1 $ did1
Mrs3 Da.es3C
Then she stared at .e and said1 A$4#e gotta head o00 to 2ork3 $0 you 2ant to stay
a2hile1 you /an3 Dust lo/k the door on the 2ay out3C
A0ter that bi@arre but arousing en/ounter 2ith Kenny4s .o.1 $ 0ollo2ed her out the
door and dro#e o00 in the $.pala bound 0or 7erry4s address3 6e 2as =ostled a2ake 0ro.
the dead 2hile the /ar 2ea#ed up the 2inding /anyon road to2ard the #alley3 Then he
slo2ly /li.bed into the 0ront seat and said1 AMan1 $4#e got a ripping heada/he3 Fhat
happened1 and 2here are 2e goingBC
AFe got blasted1 that4s 2hat happened3 $ =ust dropped Kenny o001 and no2 2e4re
headed to your apart.ent3C
A0ter $ .entioned our destination1 7erry looked at .e in terror and said1 AShit1 $ /an4t
go thereE $ stink like beers3 6e4ll ki/k .y 0riggin ass 0or getting drunk and not going to
AFho 2illBC $ asked3
AMy grandpa 2ill3 6e4s a re/o#ering al/oholi/1 and i0 he s.ells beer on .e1 $4.
ACo.e on .an1 he /an4t be that bad1 and besides1 you /an4t go ho.e 2ith .eEC
7erry looked disgusted as 2e approa/hed the interse/tion o0 Kentura %oule#ard and
Topanga Canyon 2ith his grandpa4s apart.ent .erely a .ile a2ay1 or so3 6e suddenly
burst out loud1 AFait1 $ got a better idea3C
AFhat4s thatBC
A<rop .e o00 at .y .o.4s house3 She4s /ool and .ight be drinking a beer right no2
hersel0E 9ui/k1 turn here 2hen you hit Kentura3C
$ hung a s/ree/hing right turn onto Kentura1 and a0ter a short =aunt east on the
%oule#ard1 pulled onto a pea/e0ul side street3 And a0ter a .inute o0 dri#ing along a
narro2 road lined 2ith the pepper trees1 2e arri#ed at his .o.4s s.all but trendy south
o0 the boule#ard ho.e3 A0ter shutting the engine o00 and sitting in the /ar 0or a .o.ent
or t2o listening to the sounds o0 the preda2n sparro2s /hirping a2ay1 2e got out and
2alked up to the s/reen door3
A$t4s .e1 .o.1 are you in thereBC 7erry yelled through the s/reen3
A<on4t stand there1 =ust /o.e on in1C a 2o.an4s #oi/e / said ba/k3
7erry led .e into a li#ing roo. that looked like a gypsy 0ortune teller4s den3 $ 0ully
expe/ted to step inside and see an old .aid sitting in an ar./hair by the tele#ision3 %ut
instead1 2as sho/ked to 0ind a stunningly attra/ti#e .editating on the /ou/h1 ar.s
/rossed1 and looking straight 0or2ard 2ith her eyelids shut3
AFho4s your 0riend1 7erryBC she asked1 2ith her eyes still /losed3
AMy na.e4s an/e1C $ ;ui/kly inter=e/ted3
A:our /ologne s.ells like beer3 6a#e you been drinkingBC
A:eah .o.1 2e had a 0e21C 7erry said3
A$ think you4#e had .ore than that3 Fell1 do you guys 2ant so.e .oreB 7erry1 2hy
don4t you grab so.e bre2s 0ro. the 0ridge1C she said3
A0ter 7erry headed o00 to the kit/hen1 his .o. slo2ly opened her eyes and said1
A7erry4s spoken o0 you be0ore3C
A6ope it 2as all good Mrs3 >nder2ood3C
AFhatB Mrs3 >nder2oodB $4. not that old3 Dust /all .e 7ina1C she said 2hile staring
into .y eyes 0or a .o.ent1 then glan/ing do2n at .y 0eet3
7erry4s .o. i..ediately engaged .e in a gentle and in#iting /on#ersation3 The
longer 2e talked1 it be/a.e easier to tune out 7erry4s nonstop dribble and 0o/us .y
/o.plete attention on this 2ho had kinky sex appeal oo@ing out o0 e#ery pore o0
her body3 Physi/ally1 she 2as a stunning and petite brunette 2ho stood about t2o+hands
shorter than .e3 Fith eyes as dark as night and ruler+straight1 bla/k hair to .at/h1 it 2as
#irtually i.possible to a#oid lo/king eyes 2ith her at e#ery opportunity3 She pro#oked a
.ysti/al attra/tion that $4#e not dupli/ated 2ith any other sin/e3 Supple.enting
her outer beauty1 she see.ed to be at pea/e 2ith her inner sel01 and that /o.bined 2ith a
@ealot4s @est 0or li0e1 attra/ted .e to her like a .agnet3 $ kne2 right then and there that $
2anted to de#ote .ore ti.e to being in her presen/e3
A0ter 7erry had another beer or t2o1 he e#entually passed out /old in a /hair like a
dead li@ard3 Then $ relu/tantly ex/used .ysel0 and le0t 7ina4s ho.e in a heightened state
o0 arousal3 $n 0ear that <ad .ight /at/h 2ind that $4d dit/hed s/hool and gotten bo.bed
all night long1 $ de/ided to 0ind a ;uiet ba/k street and to /rash out in the $.pala3
That e00ort pro#ed e#er so 0utile sin/e $ /ouldn4t stop lusting o#er e#ery in/h o0 7ina
>nder2ood4s body3
That a/ute restlessness /ontinued all a0ternoon1 and into 2eekend1 0or that .atter3 $
2as obsessed 2ith 0antasi@ing about 7ina >nder2ood4s body e#ery single .inute3 %y
Monday night1 $ 2as 2orked+up into an eroti/ 0ren@y and de/ided to skip the traditional
beer bash at "o/ket %urger and head dire/tly o#er to her house 0or an unannoun/ed #isit3
A0ter slo2ly trolling the $.pala up her pea/e0ul street1 $ parked it dire/tly a/ross 0ro. her
house under a pepper tree1 and spied on her 0or a good long 2hile3 Jinally1 7ina noti/ed
.e sitting in the /ar1 and /uriosity /o.pelled her to /o.e out and lean a head into the
dri#er4s 2indo23
AFhat brings you to here tonightBC she asked3
ASorry1 but $ don4t kno2 2hy $4. here3C
AThat4s okay1 $ do3 Co.e inside 0or a 2hile3C she said3
Fithout hesitation1 $ le0t the sa0ety o0 the /ar and 0ollo2ed her inside the house like a
lost dog 2ho4d 0inally 0ound his 2ay ba/k ho.e3 A0ter 2e sat do2n on the /ou/h1 she
said1 A$ /ould ha#e /alled the poli/e1 you kno23 :ou looked like a burglar /asing .y
A:eah1 $4. sorry3C
ASin/e you4re here1 do you 2ant a beerBC
ASure1C $ said3
AFell1 go get one1 and grab one 0or .e too1 baby1C she said3
$ headed to the kit/hen 2hile 7ina leaned o#er and lit a /andle along 2ith so.e
in/ense to add 0la#or to the roo.4s psy/hedeli/ /olors and 0loral /ou/h3 A0ter $ returned
2ith our beers1 she slo2ly s/anned .y body 0ro. head to toe3 In/e $ .et her seal o0
appro#al1 she held out both o0 her hands and asked .e to ha#e a seat right next to her on
the so0a3
A$ don4t kno2 .u/h about you an/e1 but $ 0eel as though $4#e kno2n you 0ore#er1C
she said 2hile drinking her suds3
A$4. not sure 2hat you .ean3C
A$t .eans $ think 2e4re on the sa.e .ental 2a#elength together3 $ know exa/tly 2hat
you need1C she said 2hile staring into .y eyes3
%e0ore that night1 $4d ne#er heard a utter su/h enti/ingly sedu/ti#e 2ords to
.e1 e#en in passing3 Although $ 2anted to re/ipro/ate 2ith so.e sort o0 eroti/ response
o0 .y o2n1 the 2ords si.ply 2ouldn4t /o.e out o0 .y .outh3 My heart 2as about to
beat out o0 .y /hest1 and $ 2as paraly@ed to do anything else but hyper#entilate and ga@e
into her dark alluring eyes3 Thank0ully she took pity on .e and broke o00 our staring
/ontest so $ /ould resu.e breathing nor.ally3
AFhat ha#e your parents told you about sexBC she said a0ter beginning to .assage .y
A&ot too .u/h1 but .y <ad said that 2o.en are good at getting your ro/ks o001C $
7ina burst into laughter and said1 ATruer 2ords 2ere ne#er spoken3 %ut girls expe/t
you to get their ro/ks o00 too3C
AFhat do you .eanBC
ASex needs to be .utually pleasing3 $t needs to be a po2er0ul experien/e bet2een
.an and 2o.an1 and .ost i.portantly1 you4d better ha#e so.ething good to talk about
a0ter it4s o#er3C
AFhyBC $ said 2hile ;ui#ering3
ASex is a both a physi/al and a .ental a/t3 $t4s .ore en=oyable i0 you a/tually like
your partner1 and e#en ha#e a /on#ersation 2hen you4re done3 %y the 2ay1 are you a
ASort o01C $ said3
AThat4s silly3 !ither you are1 or you aren4t3 et .e ask that ;uestion a di00erent 2ay3
6a#e you e#er penetrated be0oreBC
ASin/e you put it that 2ay1 no1C $ said3
AThen you4re a 0lat+out #irgin1 .y 0riend1C she said3
A0ter our brie0 but dire/t /on#ersation about .y sexual inexperien/e1 it da2ned on
.e that 0or the #ery 0irst ti.e in .y li0e1 $4d 0ound a being 2ho 2as able to tear
do2n the 2alls o0 .y shyness about sex3 6a#ing that done by a #ery attra/ti#e
2as i/ing on the /ake1 and in al.ost no ti.e at all1 she began slo2ly liberating .e 0ro.
the /hains o0 inno/en/e3
%e/ause $ didn4t ha#e .u/h experien/e in the art o0 /on#ersation1 7ina took /ontrol
and 2ent on to tell .e one story a0ter another about the exoti/ pla/es she4d tra#elled to
2ith her ex+husband3 She also spoke o0 2orshiping the Ka.a Sutra as the bible to
a/hie#ing a #astly .ore pleasurable and longer+lasting1 sexual experien/e3 &aturally1
7ina4s #i#id des/riptions 0or/ed .e to 0antasi@e about ha#ing her right there on the spot3
Then 2hen she pi/ked up a 0at /andle sti/k and began to slo2ly stroke it up and do2n
2ith her hands1 .y i.agination 2andered beyond the point o0 no return3 The only thing
keeping .e 0ro. surrendering .y #irginity 2as the guts to .ake the 0irst .o#e3
Jinally1 2hen 2e ran out o0 any intelligible dialogue1 7ina said1 A$sn4t it ti.e $
sho2ed you ho2 to satis0y a an/eBC
$ looked into her eyes and said1 ASure1 .aybe that4s 2hy $4. here tonight3C
In/e $ 0inally ad.itted .y true intentions1 7ina stood up and teased .e by slo2ly
re.o#ing 2hat little /lothing she 2as 2earing1 one gar.ent at a ti.e3 Then she began
deeply .assaging .y shoulders1 and 2hen her hands slo2ly 2orked their 2ay do2n
belo2 the 2aistline1 .y eyes nearly popped out o0 their so/kets3 %ut she 2as patient and
/ontinued her eroti/ 0oreplay until the ti.e 2as right3
Jinally she said1 A$t4s ti.e 0or you to be a .an no2 an/e3C
Fhen 7ina spoke those si.ple but po2er0ul 2ords1 $ /rossed the boundary bet2een
boyhood and .anhood by rea/hing out and tou/hing the sa/red spot on her body that
2ould ulti.ately end .y inno/en/e3 Al.ost i..ediately1 her .outh opened agape a0ter
$ ele#ated her to so.e state o0 higher e/stasy3 %ut then1 7ina knelt in 0ront o0 the /ou/h
and began to sti.ulate .e 2ith .y 0irst experien/e o0 0ellatio3 $ 0ound that to be the .ost
pro0oundly arousing thing anyone had e#er done 0or .e1 and $ didn4t 2ant it to stop 0or
any reason 2hatsoe#er3 6o2e#er1 nature had its o2n ideas about that1 and her ex;uisite
te/hni;ue brought the a/t to a /on/lusion in a #ery disappointingly short a.ount o0 ti.e3
ooking ba/k in hindsight1 7ina 2as terri0i/ at 0ellatioN perhaps e#en too
good 0or a south o0 the boule#ard di#or/ee 2ho had only been .arried on/e3 That night1
she 2ent on to say that it 2as so en=oyable to her1 that she /ould ha#e her
o2n / during the pro/ess3 &e#ertheless1 $ 2as e.barrassed that our 0irst sexual
experien/e together had been a one+sided a00air3 Thank0ully1 7ina 2asn4t too
disappointed1 and a0ter 2aiting an hour1 or so1 0or .e to re/o#er physiologi/ally1 she
began another session on the 0loor in 0ront o0 .e3 This ti.e1 she stopped short1 and ga#e
.e the opportunity to re/ipro/ate and please her3 I0 /ourse1 $ 2as /o.pletely
inexperien/ed in that real. be/ause $4d ne#er engaged a real be0ore3 So 7ina
.eti/ulously read aloud 0ro. her paperba/k sex .anual1 the Ka.a Sutra1 and guided .e
through e#ery position as i0 she 2ere tea/hing a toddler to 2alk 0or the 0irst
That night 2as a truly 2onder0ul 0irst sexual experien/e 0or a young .an barely
entering adulthood1 and $ sin/erely 2anted it to go on 0ore#er3 %y the ti.e the early
.orning hours arri#ed and the 0irst hint o0 daylight peeked its 2ay through the blinds in
the 0ront 2indo21 $ 2as 2inded and exhausted3 Then guilt o#ershado2ed the gla@e o0
a0terglo2 on .y 0a/e1 and $ rea/hed 0or .y /lothes and said1 AMaybe $ better get going
AAre you sureB $ /an go 0or .ore1 i0 you 2ant1C she said3
A$4. sorry1 but $ don4t think .y e;uip.ent 2ill 2ork any.ore3C
She sat do2n on the 0loor in 0ront o0 .e and said1 A$ /an get you ready again3C
A$4. sorry3 Can $ /o.e ba/k to.orro2 nightBC
AThat4d be great1C she said1 and started handing .e .y /lothes3
%e0ore $ had a /han/e to dress1 7ina pulled out a Polaroid /a.era3 Then she
unexpe/tedly asked .e to turn around1 and ;ui/kly snapped a pi/ture o0 .e in the bu003
A6eyE Fhat4s that all aboutBC $ asked3
A$ 2anna keep your pi/ture by .y bed1 baby3 $t4ll keep .e turned on until you /o.e
A$ guess that4s okay3C
A%y the 2ay1 don4t tell anyone about 2hat happened1 espe/ially 7erry3 Please s2ear
you4ll ne#er tell anybody3C
ASure1 $ keep it under 2raps1C $ said3
Fith hor.ones still saturating .y bloodstrea.1 $ hugged her goodnight and then
headed ba/k to Midas ane 2ith the relentlessly sunrise beating in .y rear#ie2 .irror3
Throughout that dri#e1 $ 2as snake bit about losing .y #irginity to o0 all people1 7erry4s
.o.3 %y the ti.e $ pulled into <ad4s dri#e2ay1 and a #astly di00erent #ersion o0 reality at
that1 he had =ust 0inished his Saturday .orning ritual o0 .o2ing and edging the 0ront
la2n3 $ tried to sneak in through ba/k door to es/ape his inti.idating sneers1 but he 2as
too ;ui/k on his 0eet to let that to happen3
AFhere the hell ha#e you been all nightBC he barked3
A&o2here1C $ said 2hile 2alking a2ay3
AFell1 $ /an s.ell the beer on your breath1 0ro. nowhere1 all the 2ay o#er here3 $
2ant an ans2er1 da.n youEC
ADust lea#e .e alone1C $ said in de0ian/e3
A&obody talks to .e like that on .y property1 espe/ially not you3 7et your ass in the
garage right no21C he said3
At that instant1 $ kne2 that trouble 2as headed .y 2ay 0ast3 6e dragged .e by the
/ollar inside the garage and /losed the door behind hi.3 $ expe/ted hi. to gi#e .e the
lip+lashing o0 a li0eti.e1 boot /a.p style3 %ut <ad e.barked on di00erent path by
hopping up on the 2orkben/h and gi#ing .e a long stare 0or a .inute or t2o3
6e began his ser.on1 A%eer drinking at your age is illegal3 :ou kno2 that1 rightBC
A$ kno2 <ad3C
AThen 2hy the hell are you doing itBC
A$t4s so.ething that sort o0 happened1C $ said3
ASo1 beer sort o0 du.ped itsel0 do2n your throatBC
!.barrassed to tell the truth that $4d been 2ith a 2o.an1 $ lied1 and said1 AIkay1 $
had a 0e2 beers at a 0riend4s house3 $s that all1 <adBC
6e pointed his 0inger at .e and said1 A$ think you4re too young 0or boo@ing3C
ASorry <ad3C
ASorry doesn4t /ut it3 %y the 2ay1 your report /ard says you4re short on /redits3 :ou
.ight not graduate3C
A:eah1 $ kno2 dad1C $ said 2hile a#oiding eye /onta/t3
AFell do so.ething about itEC he yelled3
AIkay <ad1C $ said3
A$0 you 0lunk out1 ho2 /an you expe/t to get a good =obB $ 2on4t tolerate you staying
out all night1 and / ho.e stinking drunk3C
ASorry1 <ad1C $ said like a broken re/ord3
A%y the 2ay1 $ hope your 2as 2orth it3 &o2 get in the house and sleep it o003C
$..ediately1 $ s/urried out o0 the garage and 2ent straight to bed 2ith .y /lothes
still on3 Fhile laying a2ake on the bed replaying <ad4s subtle lip+lashing in .y .ind1 $
2ondered ho2 in the hell he kne2 $ spent the night 2ith a 2o.an3 %ut ulti.ately1 it
.ade no di00eren/e 2hatsoe#er to .e1 and .y teenage sex dri#e 2ould ulti.ately /o.pel
.e to repeatedly #isit 7ina >nder2ood .any .ore ti.es1 o#er and o#er again3
Chapter !
Eden "oad
For 2eeks on end a0ter .y 0irst en/ounter 2ith 7ina1 $ /ra#ed her body like a /rea.y
a0ter dinner dessert3 And the blessing o0 the sex gods allo2ed .e to /onsistently satis0y
that lust 0or her during nu.erous .idnight #isits to her ho.e3 Thank0ully1 .y <ad kept
o.inously ;uiet about .y habit o0 returning ho.e at da2n4s 0irst light1 and aside 0ro.
that one un/o.0ortable talk in the garage1 he ne#er said another 2ord to .e about .y
no/turnal a/ti#ity3 $t see.ed as though he so.eho2 understood ho2 .y physi/al need to
penetrate .y 2as an o#erpo2ering 0or/e 2hi/h e#en his inti.idation /ouldn4t
$nterestingly enough1 7erry ne#er /aught so .u/h as a subtle hint about .y ongoing
sexual relationship 2ith his .other3 %ut as the .ost glorious year o0 .y existen/e headed
to2ards the 0inish line1 it be/a.e e.barrassing to look hi. dire/tly in the eyes3 Jor this
strange reason1 and sin/e partying in the $.pala li.ited the ti.e $ /ould spend naked 2ith
7erry4s .other1 $ began slo2ly distan/ing .ysel0 0ro. hi. all together3
!#en though $ purposely .ade .ysel0 una#ailable .ost days o0 the 2eek1 one
a0ternoon $ /autiously a//epted an in#itation to /o.e o#er to his apart.ent and bro2se
through the .assi#e /olle/tion o0 porno .aga@ines he stored in his bedroo.3 Fhile
bored to tears 2hen turning the pages o0 those sti/ky s.ut rags 2hi/h /ertainly didn4t
portray any o0 the sensuality 0ound in the Ka.a Sutra1 an unlikely ally /a.e to .y
res/ue3 6is grand0ather Martin kno/ked on the door and asked 0or a 2ord 2ith .e
out in the /ourtyard3
A0ter 2e 2alked outside1 Martin began the /on#ersation1 A7erry talks a lot about
A6e doesBC $ asked 2hile s.iling3
A:es1 he does3 Fipe the s.ile o00 your 0a/e3 $t4s not .eant to be a /o.pli.ent1C he
A0ter being insulted1 $ stru/k ba/k1 ASo1 2hat /an $ do 0or you1 sirBC
ATell .e ho2 .u/h beer you guys drink1 you kno21 2hen you hit the to2n3C
A&ot #ery .u/h1C $ said3
AThat4s a lie3 7erry4s /o.e ho.e so drunk he /ould hardly stand up3C
AAre you /alling .e a liarBC $ said in de0ian/e3
A!xa/tly1C he said3
A0ter hearing the anger in his tone o0 #oi/e1 $ took a step ba/k2ard and said1 AFe4re
not al/oholi/s1 or anything3C
A:ou .ight say that no21 but $ think you guys are getting in o#er your head3 6e4s
0lunking s/hool and .ight not graduate3C
ASorry1 but 2hat /an $ sayBC
AProbably not .u/h be/ause you4re too young and du.b1 but $4. a re/o#ering
al/oholi/ .ysel01 and $4#e seen ho2 boo@e slo2ly su/ks the li0e out o0 a .an3C
AIkay1C $ said3
A&oE $t4s not okayE $t4s a slo2 death1 like /an/er1 and e#ery ti.e you drop hi. o00
drunk1 $ see hi. die a little .ore e#ery day1C he said3
AFhat do you 2ant 0ro. .eBC $ blurted out3
A$ 2ant you to stop getting hi. drunk1C he said3
A7erry4s an adult no23 6e /an .ake his o2n de/isions1C $ rebutted3
Martin =ust stood there and glared at .e 2ith s;uinting eyes3 And by no21 our
/on#ersation had attra/ted the attention o0 his neighbors 2ho 2ere peering at us through
their 2indo2s3 So $ de/ided to start 2alking ba/k to2ard the apart.ent holding .y tail
bet2een .y legs3
6o2e#er1 be0ore $ /ould .anage to get so .u/h as a 0e2 0eet a2ay1 he said1 AStop3
$4. not done 2ith you3C
AFhatBC $ sni/kered3
6e 2alked up to .y 0a/e1 point+blank1 and 2hispered1 A$ kno2 you4re been su/king
0a/e 2ith .y daughter3 $0 you don4t stop getting 7erry drunk1 $4ll be happy to dis/uss that
.atter 2ith your parents3 :ou 2ouldn4t 2ant that1 2ould youBC
A&o sir1C $ said 2hile desperately trying to keep .y /o.posure3
Martin kne2 that his 2ords rattled .y ner#es1 but $ still did .y best to stare do2n
that .iserable old .an do2n in de0ian/e3 My eyes t2it/hed as $ s/o2led at his 2rinkly1
old 0a/e3 Then $ suddenly bolted a2ay 0ro. hi. and 2ent out to .y $.pala1 and sat there
brooding on the ben/h seat in anger1 be0ore speeding o00 into the night3
Jor the lo#e o0 7od1 $ ne#er 0igured out ho2 7erry4s grand0ather kne2 $ 2as getting
it on 2ith his daughter1 and he 2as /orre/t in that $ didn4t 2ant .y parents
in#ol#ed 2ith .y inti.ate li0e at all3 %ut he 2as dead 2rong in that 7erry1 or
e#en Kenny and $ 0or that .atter1 2ould 0lunk out o0 high s/hool3 Fhen the glorious
a0ternoon o0 our graduation day arri#ed1 $ .ade it a personal point to 2alk straight past
that old gee@er sitting in the 0ront ro2 o0 the blea/hers and stare hi. do2n 2ith
daggers in .y eyes3
$ had =ust graduated Magna Cu. ousy?dead last in .y /lass1 and a0ter paying hal0+
ass respe/ts to Mo. and <ad 0ollo2ing the /ere.ony1 pro.ptly dit/hed the. be0ore
rushing o00 /a.pus and speeding a2ay in the $.pala3 Jor so.e strange reason1 $ 0elt a
yearning need to be alone and de/ided to spend ti.e getting bu@@ed 2hile /ruising to all
0our /orners o0 the San Jernando Kalley3
A0ter a 0e2 hours o0 solo partying in the $.pala until night0all1 $ pulled onto a side
street in Kan &uys and suddenly reali@ed the stupidity o0 .y a/tions3 $ 2as drinking beer
alone 2hen there 2as an ex/ellent possibility o0 getting laid3 There0ore1 $ turned the /ar
around and pointed it in the dire/tion o0 .y sex partner4s ho.e1 7ina >nder2ood3
Jollo2ing a ;ui/k sprint do2n the 0ree2ay1 $ pulled up in 0ront o0 7ina4s ho.e then
stepped out o0 the /ar and kno/ked on her s/reen door3
She slo2ly opened it1 and said1 A$ kne2 you4d stop by tonight3C
ACan $ /o.e inB $ really need to see you3C
ASure1C she said a0ter pushing open the door3
7ina see.ed a bit out o0 /hara/ter that night1 but a0ter $ entered the house1 she
;ui/kly put .y unease to rest1 slo2ly guiding .e o#er to her li#ing roo. sex /ou/h3 She
2asted no ti.e pulling o00 her T+shirt and began the sedu/ti#e 0oreplay o0 .assaging .y
/hest 0ro. behind1 2orking her hands do2n 2ell belo2 .y 2aistline1 and e#entually into
.y pants3 $ 2as paraly@ed 2ith arousal and /ould hardly utter a 2ord1 but $ had one
nagging ;uestion that /ouldn4t 2ait until the .ind blo2ing sex 2e 2ere about to engage
in 2as o#er3
A:ou kno21 $ didn4t see you at the graduation /ere.ony this a0ternoon3 Fere you
thereBC $ asked3
A$ don4t usually get up that early1C she said /ontinuing her 0oreplay3
A:eah1 but it 2as late a0ternoon1 and our last day in s/hool1C $ said in disbelie03
AFell1 $4. #ery happy 0or all o0 you3 et .e re2ard you by doing 2hat $ do best3 As
a .atter o0 0a/t1 do you 2ant to go into .y bedroo. to /elebrateBC she said3
>ntil this night1 7ina prohibited us 0ro. ha#ing sex in her bedroo.3 &o21 she
2alked .e into the depths o0 that .ysterious /ha.ber1 and 2ithout saying a 2ord1 pulled
.y pants o00 and slo2ly kissed e#ery sensiti#e part .y body 2hile $ lay on .y ba/k3
Fhen 7ina 0inished1 she pro/eeded to engage in a long1 deep session o0 0ellatio as she
looked up into .y eyes3 In/e again1 she nearly 0or/ed .e to a pre.ature /li.ax1 but
stopped short and allo2ed .e to re/ipro/ate and please her in the positions she en=oyed
the .ost3 She repeatedly .oaned in e/stasy1 and that alone told .e $ 2as satis0ying her
needs3 This .ade our en/ounter the .ost intense and .e.orable o0 all3
Dust be0ore daybreak1 7ina /li.bed atop .y /hest one last ti.e and 2hispered1 ATell
.e1 2hat you4re thinkingBC
AI0 /ourse1 about you1C $ said3
ACo.e on3 Fhat are you really thinkingBC
AFell1 the truth is $4#e ne#er experien/ed sex like that be0ore3 $ don4t 2ant it to stop3C
A$ kno2 baby1 $ kno21C she said3
Fhile she 2alked her 0ingers through .y hair1 the intensity o0 our en/ounter slo2ly
0aded into a0terglo23 And 2hen the rising sun .ade its appearan/e in 2indo2 shade1 .y
guilt suddenly engul0ed the bedroo.3
$ looked o#er at 7ina and said1 A$ need to go ba/k ho.e no23C
A$ understand baby3 $t4s okay3C
7ina 2as the per0e/t .istress o0 the night3 Then =ust as she4d done a0ter all o0 our
pre#ious sexual en/ounters1 she helped .e dress1 and put on her 0lo2ered bathrobe be0ore
2aking .e to the 0ront door3 &othing about her a/tions see.ed out o0 the ordinary1
ex/ept this ti.e1 7ina looked .e in the 0a/e and so0tly spoke the 2ords that no sex
partner 2ants to hear3
A$4. sorry baby1 but this 2ill be our last ti.e3C
AFhyBC $ asked in dis.ay3
Aan/e1 you4#e got your 2hole li0e ahead o0 you3 :ou don4t need .e any.ore3C
A%ut $ doQ$ really do3C
A:eah1 you think you do1 but that4s si.ply not true3 $ hope 2hat $ taught you about
sex lasts a li0eti.e3C
ASo1 2as this =ust a training sessionBC $ said in dis.ay3
A&o baby3 :ou4#e got it all 2rong3 Fe 2ere pleasing ea/h other1 but no2 you4re
ready 0or other /hi/ks3 $t4s all good3 7o out and 0ind ne2 girls to hone your skills on3C
Fith these 2ords e/hoing in .y head1 she kissed .e on the 0orehead like a .other
sending her kid o00 to s/hool3 $ 2alked outside to the $.pala1 and 0elt like a stray dog that
2as =ust ki/ked to the /urb3 I0 /ourse1 her ex/use 0or .e 2asn4t belie#able in
the least1 and during the entire dri#e ho.e1 $ spe/ulated about 7ina4s real .oti#ation 0or
ending 2hat see.ed to be a per0e/t relationship3 %y the ti.e $ 2heeled into <ad4s
dri#e2ay on Midas ane and s/ree/hed the /ar to a halt1 $ reali@ed the taboo o0 s/re2ing
=ailbait s/hool boys is 2hat really turned 7ina on3 Sin/e $ 2as no2 a legal adult1 .y
.ysti;ue 0aded and she yearned to /at/h 0resh prey in her 2eb3
My /on/lusion about 7ina4s true nature a/tually angered .e to .y /ore1 but $4d
be/o.e psy/hologi/ally and physi/ally dependent on her 0or sex3 There0ore1 $ started
.aking nu.erous1 subtle dri#e+by trips to her house a0ter /losing up "o/ket %urger1 =ust
to sneak a peek at her sleek body though her li#ing roo. 2indo23 %ut so.e unkno2n
0or/e pre#ented .e 0ro. getting out o0 the /ar and kno/king on her s/reen door3
6o2e#er1 one night 2hen .y hor.ones boiled like Jren/h 0ries in a 0ryer1 $ dro#e to her
house 2ith the intentions o0 persuading that #ixen to engage .e 2ith 0ellatio3 A0ter
pulling to the /urb and opening the $.pala4s door1 $ began 2alking the longest yard to
7ina4s s/reen door3 Then $ hesitated 2hen so.ething unusual startled .e3 A guy about
.y dad4s age suddenly pulled into her dri#e2ay1 and 2alked to the threshold o0 the door
2ith eagerness 2ritten all o#er his 0a/e3 7ina ;ui/kly es/orted hi. to the in0a.ous li#ing
roo. sex /ou/h as i0 he 2ere so.e sort o0 business /lient1 and then /losed the shades to
keep prying eyes a2ay3
$ ;uietly snu/k up to the li#ing roo. 2indo2 and peeked through a tiny /ra/k in the
shades like a peeping To.3 To .y a.a@e.ent1 she had already stripped /o.pletely
naked and 2as kneeling in 0ront o0 that old gee@er 0ellatio 2ith the sa.e
enthusiasti/ te/hni;ue she4d al2ays used on .e3 Dudging by the look on the .an4s 0a/e1
he see.ed to be o#erly i.pressed 2ith 7ina4s and although $ 2asn4t the
lu/ky one being ser#i/ed1 =ust 2at/hing her bring hi. to a / 2as a real
sho2stopper3 A0ter the sex/apade ended1 the dude pulled up his pants and le0t a 2ad o0
/ash on the end table3 &aturally1 a0ter 2itnessing that barter o0 the 0lesh1 $ /on/luded that
7ina 2as in 0a/t a prostitute3
7ina4s /lient 2alked out to his /ar then sped+o00 into the darkened1 .oonless e#ening
as ;ui/kly as he arri#ed3 Dust 0or /uriosity4s sake1 $ obser#ed 7ina4s business operation
0or the re.ainder o0 that night1 and e#ery ti.e a ne2 patron pulled up to her house and
;ui/kly entered through the s/reen door1 $ ;uietly snu/k up to her li#ing roo. 2indo2 to
2at/h3 $t 2as #ery arousing to 2at/h her strip naked and per0or. 0ellatio1
0ollo2ed by 0ull sex1 2ith ea/h o0 those guys on her /ou/h3 In/e their session 2as o#er1
they al2ays le0t .oney on the end table as a holy donation to the Kalley4s Aphrodite 0or
ser#i/es rendered3
Jro. that e#ening on1 $ .ade it a nightly habit to get .y ro/ks o00 by spying on 7ina
as she ser#i/ed an endless string o0 gray+dog gee@ers on her li#ing roo. sex /ou/h3 That
slut4s 2as superbly titillating and 2at/hing it 2as .u/h .ore en=oyable
than getting bu@@ed on /heap beer 2ith 7erry and Kenny3 There0ore1 $ a#oided both o0
.y high s/hool buddies as i0 they had a #enereal disease3 %ut a0ter they .ade nu.erous
phone /alls to .y house pleading 2ith .e to take the. /ruising on the boule#ard in the
$.pala1 $ 0inally relented3
Fhile 7erry4s .o. 2as probably busy s/re2ing the brains out o0 one =ohn a0ter
another on her /ou/h1 2e hit the road 2ea#ing do2n the Kalley4s .ain street 0ro.
Foodland 6ills to Studio City3 Fe blasted /lassi/ <oors on the radio1 tossed ba/k one
beer a0ter another and /hoked do2n .enthol /igarettes as a /haser 0or reality3 The three
o0 us dro#e ba/k and 0orth along the road shouting slurred obs/enities at pedestrians1
hurling e.pty beer /ans at passing /ars1 and o0 /ourse1 o//asionally .ooning attra/ti#e
Jinally1 our drunkenness rea/hed /riti/al .ass 2hen Kenny snagged our last /an o0
suds out o0 the i/e /hest and gu@@led it do2n3 AFhat the hell did you do that 0orB That
2as our last beer and li;uor stores /losed at one1C 7erry said3
A:eah1 2hat4s your proble. KennyBC $ said in agree.ent3
AMy proble. is1 you guys are /ouple o0 0riggin assholes3 &one o0 us ha#e s/re2ed a in our entire godda.n li#es1C he said3
A6ey .an1 2o.en aren4t that easy to s/ore1C $ said 2hile .entally re.inis/ing about
7ina 0ellatio on .e 0or the 0irst ti.e3
AThat4s bullshit1 and 2e need to start s/oring /hi/ks1C Kenny shouted in a drunken
AStop arguing like a /ouple o0 alley /ats3 $4#e got an idea that4ll get our beer and
pussy proble.s sol#ed1C 7erry said3
A$ /an4t 2ait to hear it1 you asshole1C Kenny said 2ith laugh3
Aet4s head o#er to .y .o.4s house3 She4ll gi#e us so.e beers and help us get laid1C
7erry said3
My =a2 dropped 2ide open and probably all the 2ay do2n to the 0loor .ats in the
$.pala a0ter hearing 7erry4s solution to our dile..a3 $ al2ays assu.ed he 2as
/o.pletely obli#ious to his .o.4s business enterprise o0 running a brothel
out o0 her house1 but it no2 appeared he .ight kno2 .ore than he4d been letting on3 %y
the ti.e $ 2as able to physi/ally /lose .y agape .outh and regain so.e ele.ent o0
/o.posure1 a .illion per#erted i.ages o0 7ina ha#ing sex passed a/ross the lands/ape o0
.y .ind3 6o2e#er1 $ re0used to belie#e that she 2ould sexually engage anyone in the
presen/e o0 her son3
$ 2as extre.ely ner#ous about .aking a reappearan/e at 7ina4s pad gi#en the 2ay
she ended our sexual relationship1 but sin/e 2e 2ere all bone+dry thirsty 0or .ore beer1 $
agreed to dri#e the $.pala in the dire/tion o0 7ina4s digs3 %e/ause $ really didn4t kno2
2hat expe/t1 .y heart pounded 0aster as 2e in/hed /loser to our destination3 %y the ti.e
2e arri#ed and parked the /ar1 $ nearly passed out 0ro. /ardia/ arrest3
Fe sat here 0or a .o.ent t2o in 0ront o0 7ina4s house1 and suddenly1 a /reepy1 hippy
dude /a.e bursting through her s/reen door1 then =u.ped into his sedan
and ;ui/kly peeled out do2n the street3 Kenny said1 AThat 2as really 2eird3 Fho in the
hell 2as that guy3C
A6e4s probably =ust one o0 her /lients1C 7erry said3
A:ou .o. has strange /usto.ers1 and strange business hours tooE Fhat does she
sellBC Kenny asked3
$ nearly laughed out loud1 al.ost letting on 2hat $ kne21 but 7erry sa#ed the day
2hen he said1 AFhy don4t 2e head inside1 and you4ll see3C
This 2as perhaps the .ost a2k2ard situation $4d 0a/ed in .y entire li0e1 thus 0ar1 and
$ struggled to retain so.e ele.ent o0 sel0+/ontrol3 A0ter 2e le0t the /ar and started to
.ake our 2ay o#er to 7ina4s s/reen door1 .y knees tre.bled 2ith 0ear3 $ /ould hardly
stand 2ithout /linging onto a 0en/e post3 Fhen 2e arri#ed at this gate2ay to paradise1
7erry did the honors o0 popping open the door and sho#ing both Kenny and .e inside3
In/e in the li#ing roo.1 2e sa2 7ina sitting on the so0a in /uto00 shorts /ounting a
hand0ul o0 /ash3
ASo 2hat brings three good+looking .en to .y pala/e this ti.e o0 nightBC she said
2hile sho#ing the s/rat/h into her po/ket3
AFell1 2e 2ere in the area and sa2 your lights on1 but 2e4re kind o0 lo2 on beer too3
Can 2e ha#e a 0e21 Mo.BC 7erry said3
A:ou kno2 2here they are1 so =ust grab so.e3C
7ina looked at Kenny1 2hose eyes @oo.ed in at her open /lea#age and said1 A6o24s
your .o.1 Sharon1 doingB The last ti.e $ sa2 her 2as at a paper dri#e in =unior high
AShe4s doing real 2ell1 Mrs3 >nder2ood1C Kenny said 2hile /ontinuing to stare at
7ina4s perky breasts3
AIh /o.e on no21 =ust /all .e 7ina1C she said3
That ex/hange o0 2ords i..ediately re.inded .e o0 the 0irst night $4d set eyes on
7ina4s .agni0i/ent body1 and 0or so.e strange reason1 $ suspe/ted she .ight be 2illing
to enroll Kenny in the sa.e sex edu/ation /lass she4d registered .e in3 Then1 2hen she
stared do2n at his 0eet 0or a brie0 .o.ent and in#ited hi. to sit do2n right next her on
the so0a1 $ 2as absolutely /ertain that things 2ere about to get really kinky3
Fhile looking deep into Kenny4s eyes1 7ina began to .assage his legs and said1
AFhen 2ere you born1 KennyBC
A!x/use .eBC he said in disbelie03
A:ou heard .e1 2hen4s your birthday Kenny3C
A$n May1C he said3
AThat .eans that you4re a ter.inally stubborn indi#idual1 but there is an ele.ent o0
hope 0or you3C
APlease tell .e .ore3C
She looked at Kenny4s pal.s 2hile he sat there in so.e sort o0 deep tran/e3 A%ased
on 2hat $4. seeing and 0eeling in the so0ter part o0 your hands1 you4ll be taking a long
trip soon and 2ill probably ha#e the /o.pany o0 .any young 2o.en along the 2ay3C
AThat4s great ne2s3 Fhat else /an you tell .eBC he said3
A%e/ause you4re so young1 it4s hard to get a /lear reading1 but $4ll keep trying3C
At that .o.ent1 7erry 2alked o#er s.iling and said1 A:ou see KennyE $ told you .y
.o. /ould help you out3 She4s the best 0riggin pal. reader in the Fest Kalley1 and lots
o0 0olks pay good .oney 0or her ad#i/e3C
All o0 us 2ound up do2ning ;uite a 0e2 .ore beers that night 2hile 7ina spoke
in/reasingly sedu/ti#e 2ords to Kenny about 0uture li0e3 $ kne2 e#erything 7ina said 2as
absolute bullshit1 but $ didn4t .ention she 2as an outright 2hore 2ho operated a
prostitution business out o0 her ho.e3
$n the 2eeks that 0ollo2ed1 and 0or reasons /o.pletely unkno2n at the ti.e1 7erry
2as /on#eniently una#ailable 2hen Kenny or $ telephoned to in#ite hi. 0or a party night
on the to2n3 More o0ten than not1 his grand0ather ans2ered the phone and said he 2as
either a2ay 0ro. the apart.ent or busy sitting on the /an extre.ely long periods o0 ti.e3
<eter.ined to 0ind out 2hy he 2as a#oiding us1 $ pi/ked up Kenny one Saturday night
and a0ter s/oring a 12+pa/k o0 suds1 dro#e o#er to 7erry4s apart.ent and 2aited 0or hi.
to .ake an appearan/e3
Fe sat in the /ar drinking groggers together 0or ;uite so.e ti.e1 and a0ter a 0e2
hours and t2i/e as .any e.pty beer /ans later1 7erry /a.e 2alking into the apart.ent
/o.plex4s /ourtyard3 $ =u.ped out o0 the /ar and grabbed hi. by the ar. be0ore he /ould
.ake a beeline 0or his 0ront door3 A6eyE Fhat4s up .anBC $ asked3
A&ot .u/h1C he said 2ith a look o0 be2ilder.ent3
A$ =ust stopped by to see 2hat .y best buddy4s up to3 Fhy ha#e you been a#oiding
.eBC $ asked3
A&ope1 you got it all 2rong3 $4. not a#oiding you?=ust been busy doing other stu003C
A$ /an see3 Fhat4s 2ith the rent+a+/op uni0or.BC
AA guy at .y ne2 /hur/h hooked .e up 2ith a =ob as a se/urity guard3 That4s good
lu/k1 2ouldn4t you sayBC
A:eah1 $ suppose3 So you4#e been going to /hur/hBC $ asked
A$ ha#e1 and that4s 2hy $4#e been so busy3 $ don4t ha#e ti.e to s/rat/h .y ass3C
ASo1 do you 2anna hit the boule#ard tonightB Kenny4s 2aiting in the $.pala3C
A&ope1 $4. a 2orking .an no21 and .y re#erend says boo@ing isn4t holy3C
AFhat do you .eanBC $ said 2hile looking at the /ru/i0ix ne/kla/e he 2as 2earing3
6e started patting .e on the ba/k and said1 AMy re#erend says boo@e is a tool o0 the
A<id he also tell you to dit/h all your 0riends be/ause they drinkB
A&o1 as a .atter o0 0a/t1 he didn4t3C
A:eah right1C $ said under .y breath3
!#en though our /on#ersation 2as headed no2here 0ast1 $ /ontinued to listen 2hile
7erry kept babbling about Christ the Sa#ior3 Then he subtly /on0essed it 2as his
grand0ather 2ho4d talked hi. into be/ a Desus 0reak3 $n bet2een his rants about
ho2 Desus 2as going to sa#e his soul 0ro. purgatory1 $ inter=e/ted ho2 li0e4s too short to
.iss out on so .u/h as a .inute o0 ;uality beer drinking in the /o.pany o0 great 0riends3
6o2e#er1 he didn4t buy .y ser.on and stubbornly re0used to =oin us in the $.pala3 As a
last dit/h e00ort1 $ e#en taunted hi. by o00ering to stop by the lo/al porno theater and spot
his ad.ission ti/ket1 but he re0used that too3 I0 /ourse1 his /hur/h /onsidered #ie2ing
pornography and pre.arital s/re2ing =ust as e#il boo@e3 $ndeed1 it appeared so.e sort o0
di#ine de/en/y pre#ented 7erry 0ro. su// to .y peer pressure1 and $ kne2 our
0riendship 2as probably on the ro/ks 0or good3
Fhile $ started to 2alk a2ay in 0rustration1 7erry suddenly said1 A6ey .an3 <on4t be
pissed3 %e0ore you pass =udg.ent1 2hy don4t you stop by .y /hur/h to.orro2 and /he/k
it out 0or yoursel0BC
A:ou4re prea/hing to the /hoir dude3 Chur/hes aren4t .y thing3C
ACo.e on .an3 $t4ll be good 0or you1 and you4ll see lots o0 /hi/ks 2ith ni/e ra/ks1C
he said3
A&o thanks3 They4re probably =ust a bun/h o0 2ido2ed grand.others3 %esides1
/hur/h girls don4t go out 2ith hard/ore sinners like .e any2ay3C
AFhat4s your proble.1 an/eB $ ne#er 0igured you to be a pussy3C
A%e0ore you /all .e a puss1 take a good look at yoursel0 dude3C
AFhate#er1 but you4re .issing so.e good s/enery at the /hur/h3 $0 you /hange your
.ind1 .eet .e at .y /hur/h to.orro23 $t4s the Kalley Chur/h o0 7od up on
A&ot a /han/e .an3 $ ha#en4t been to a /hur/h sin/e .y grade s/hool days1 and sure
as hell 2on4t start going no23C
$n a pissed+o00 rage1 $ rushed out o0 the /ourtyard in disgust be0ore into the
$.pala1 2here Kenny had /on#eniently polished o00 all our suds in the ba/k seat3 Then $
burned rubber all the 2ay do2n to our san/tuary1 Kentura %oule#ard3 In/e on that
sa/red road2ay1 $ stopped to s/ore so.e #odka and sipped it straight to ;uell .y 0eelings
o0 t2isted re=e/tion at the hands o0 .y best 0riend3 %y the ti.e 2e /rossed aurel Canyon
%oule#ard in Studio City1 $4d been 2ea#ing all o#er the road like a drunken .ania/1 but
0inally /a.e to the reali@ation $4d lost /ontrol o#er 7erry to likes o0 Desus Christ3
Jrustrated 2ith .y de0eat1 there 2as a o0 hope on the 2estern hori@on
during the slo2 return trip ho.e along Kentura1 near its interse/tion 2ith &oble A#enue3
$ started to think t2i/e about the 2ay 7erry des/ribed the /hi/ks 2ho attended his
/hur/h3 !#en though he .ust ha#e been exaggerating the Kenetian beauty o0 the 0e.ale
/ongregation1 $ reasoned that gi#en the odds1 so.e o0 the. 2ere probably attra/ti#e3
%etter yet1 sin/e his .inister prea/hed abstinen/e be0ore .arriage1 e#er last one o0 those
0e.ales 2ould be a horny bit/h in heat?and easy pi/kings 0or a super stud like .e3
There0ore1 $ relu/tantly de/ided to take up his /hur/h in#itation not to seek holy
sal#ation1 but to sedu/e one o0 those Desus 0reak girls to 0orni/ate on the 0loor like a dog3
%y the ti.e Kenny and $ 0inished our drunken /ruise1 $4d do2ned .ore than .y 0air
share o0 boo@e3 That1 /o.bined 2ith prospe/t o0 luring so.e easy /hur/h 2o.en into
sex1 had .e a.ped up like a =unkie on speed3 A0ter $ 2ent ho.e1 $ stayed 2ide a2ake in
bed staring at the ra0ters1 and e#entually the rising sun blasting through the blinds spurred
.e to a/tion3
As .y bloodshot eyes @eroed in at the /lo/k1 $ /ra2led out o0 bed1 got into the
$.pala1 and headed to the Kalley Chur/h o0 7od in sear/h o0 easy 2o.en to s/ore3
$roni/ally1 $ 2as so.e2hat hesitant during the dri#e1 2hi/h only lasted a 0e2 .inutes3
%ut a0ter pulling up to 7erry4s /hur/h 2hi/h 2as sand2i/hed bet2een a li;uor store and
a pa2n shop in a strip .all1 a sense o0 sinner4s ease engul0ed .y entire body3 A0ter $ shut
o00 the /ar1 7erry sprinted out1 yanked opened the door1 and nearly pulled .e into a sle2
o0 on/ tra00i/ speeding along Fay3
A7lad you de/ided to sho2 up1 an/e3 This .eans a lot to .e1C he said3
A$t4s .y pleasure dude3C
AFe4re al.ost late 0or the noon ser#i/e3 et4s head inside3 :ou4ll like 2hat you see1 $
pro.ise1C he said3
AIkay3 et4s 0ind out3C
6e dragged .y hung+o#er body dire/tly through the .ain entran/e and into the
san/tuary like a /ri.inal being hauled into /ourt3 And =ust a0ter $ sat do2n in a torn and
tattered 0olding /hair1 the entire /ongregation turned and began ga@ing at .e 2ith /rusty
eyes as i0 Satan hi.sel0 had =ust arri#ed3
AFhat are all those =a/kasses looking atBC $ asked hi.3
A<on4t pay attention to the.3 They =ust don4t kno2 you yet1C he said3
AThat4s easy 0or you to say dude3 :ou4re not the .ain attra/tion3C
AKeep seated and /hill out3C
Fhile $ /rossing .y ar.s in disgust1 the shapely1 busty blonde in the /hair
dire/tly in 0ront o0 .e turned around and said1 AMy na.e4s %obbie3 Fhat4s yoursBC
%e0ore $ /ould ans2er1 7erry interrupted and said1 ADust let hi. be3C
AFhere4s your .anners dudeB My na.e4s an/e1C $ said3
AFell1 7od bless you and 2el/o.e to our 2onder0ul /hur/h1 an/e1C she said3
%obbie 0a/ed 0or2ard atte.pting to shield hersel0 0ro. the sten/h o0 boo@e on .y
breath1 and a0ter $ noti/ed other parishioners taking turns staring at .y dishe#eled hair
and bloodshot eyes1 .y knee+=erk rea/tion 2as to es/ape their =udg.ent by sprinting 0or
the ba/k exit3 Thank0ully1 a0ter a 0e2 short1 agoni@ing .o.ents enduring their sneers1 the
ser#i/e started 2ith organ .usi/ blasting out o0 a boo. box that e/hoed throughout the
.inesha0t+like roo.3 &o21 2ith 7erry as .y guide1 $ 2as on .y 2ay to sal#ation 0ro.
the eternal tor.ent o0 hell3
Jollo2ing se#eral rounds o0 =oyous singing and dan/ing by the buxo. /hoir girls
2ho /ould ha#e easily passed 0or top+dollar strippers i0 they shed their robes1 a .inister
kno2n as the "e#erend o#e=oy .ethodi/ally 2alked to the pulpit and said1 AFel/o.e
brother and sistersEE et us 0eel the lo#e o0 the ord3C
A6allelu=ahE 6allelu=ahEC the /ongregation =oyously responded3
AThe ord is here1 and $ 0eel the po2er o0 6is spirit all about .eEC he yelled3
A6allelu=ahE 6allelu=ahEC the /ongregation =oyously responded again3
AAs $ look out into our /ongregation1 $ see the good ord has blessed our /hur/h 2ith
.any belie#ers1 and $ also see se#eral ne2 0a/es 2hi/h are here to learn the 2ay o0 our
ord Desus ChristEC
AIh yesE 6allelu=ah1 hallelu=ah1C e#eryone responded3
AFould any o0 these glorious ne2/o.ers /are to stand and introdu/e the.sel#esB $0
so1 rise no2 and prepare to re/ei#e the lo#e o0 the ordEC he said 2hile staring point+
blank at .e 0ro. the pulpit3
%obbie turned around in her seat and said to .e1 A6eyE :ou4re ne23 Stand no2 and
begin your sal#ation3C
$ looked dead ahead and su..arily ignored %obbie1 but the "e#erend o#e=oy
o#erhead her /o..ent and responded1 A:oung .an1 you4re the 0uture o0 our /hur/h3 $
/o..and you to stand no2 and tell us your na.e3C
Fhile "e#erend o#e=oy stared at .e in di#ine silen/e1 $ relu/tantly stood up1
shi#ering 0ro. head to toe1 and stuttered1 AMy na.e4sLL33 an/e3 $4. sort o0 ne23C
AFhat you =ust said is e;ui#alent to saying R$4. sort o0 pregnant34 !ither you are1 or
you aren4t3 Con0ess that you4re ne21 and 2e4ll beg the ord to 0orgi#e your sinner4s
A6allelu=ah1 hallelu=ah1C the /ongregation rang out3
AIkay sir3 $ /on0ess to being ne23C
A%less you brother 0or ha#ing the /ourage to seek the ord1 and in the na.e o0
sal#ation1 $ beg you to =oin our /ause3 This is your one and only /han/e to sa#e yoursel0
0ro. the 0iery eternity o0 hellE Pass the /olle/tion basket to our ne2 brother1 an/e3C
A0ter $ e.ptied .y po/ket /hange1 2hi/h also in/luded a 0e2 beer /aps1 into the
basket1 the .e.bers pro/eeded to repeatedly /hant A6allelu=ah an/e3C In/e this 2a/ky
theatri/s stopped1 the "e#erend o#e=oy pro/eeded to deli#er a short1 but .es.eri@ing
ser.on 2hi/h /ould ha#e /on#in/ed e#en the staun/hest atheist that he hi.sel0 2as a
prophet o0 the 6oly Trinity3
Fhile $ sat there and absorbed the roadside .inister4s inspirational 2ords o0 2isdo.1
$ began to take a /loser look at the 0e.ales around .e1 spe/i0i/ally the #oluptuous #ixen
%obbie3 6er body looked absolutely hea#enly1 and $ sur.ised this 2as probably 2hat
attra/ted 7erry to this ghetto .ission in the 0irst pla/e3 $t 2as easy to tune out the entire
ser.on 2hile 0antasi@ing about 2hat %obbie looked like stark naked1 and better yet1 ho2
she 2ould per0or. in bed Then1 2hen she suddenly dropped do2n onto her knees to
pray1 .y .outh opened as 2ide as the "i#er &ile3
Fhile she knelt on the 0loor in this .ost sub.issi#e position1 $ un2ittingly began to
drool3 7erry took noti/e and said1 A6eyE Fhat the he/k are you staring atBC
A&othing .an1C $ said3
A$ don4t belie#e that 0or a .inute3 et4s go to the 0ello2ship hall be0ore the rush1 and
snat/h so.e donuts3C
AFhat4s the hurryB $ 2as =ust starting to en=oy the s/enery you 2ere taking about3C
%e0ore 7erry /ould respond1 the ser#i/e abruptly ended1 and the "e#erend o#e=oy
blo/ked the door2ay leading to the 0ello2ship hall1 holding the /olle/tion basket in 0ront
o0 ea/h parishioner4s 0a/e3 6e en/ouraged ea/h and e#ery one o0 the. to .ake an extra
donation to help keep the /hur/h ali#e1 and 2hen %obbie 0inally .ade her 2ay to the
head on the line1 she bent o#er and 0lashed her /lea#age 2hile .aking her /ontribution3
&o21 $ 2as absolutely /on#in/ed %obbie 2ould be ga.e 0or all sorts o0 taboo inti.a/y1
so long as it 2as done in pri#ate3
I#er the next 0e2 2eeks1 $ .ade the Kalley Chur/h o0 7od a regular stop on .y
route to seek spirituality1 and better yet1 gain %obbie4s trust 0or the purpose o0 getting into
her pants3 Aside 0ro. taking the ob#ious approa/h and being dire/t1 $ shado2ed nearly
all o0 her a/ti#ities at the /hur/h3 >n0ortunately1 nothing $ did see.ed to attra/t her
attention in an inti.ate 2ay3 $n spite o0 this1 $ trudged on2ard and used a #ariety o0
ta/ti/s trying to break the i/e3 $ allo2ed her1 and the re#erend1 to bapti@e .e in 2ash
bu/ket1 and e#en ser#ed as an usher4s assistant during the Sunday ser#i/es3 6o2e#er1
nothing 2orked3
%obbie 2as al2ays pleasant and /ordial to2ard .e1 .u/h as /lerk 2ould be to a
/usto.er3 %ut $ yearned to see the 2ild side o0 that up /lose and personal3 Ine
Sunday a0ternoon 2hile 2e 2ere /leaning up the san/tuary together a0ter the ser#i/e1 $
.ustered up e#ery oun/e o0 /ourage $ had1 then de/ided to .ake .y .o#e3 Fhen she
2as /on#eniently on her hands and knees pi/king up trash 0ro. the 0loor1 te.ptation
/o.pelled .e to /ra2l up alongside her1 then rea/h up into her .iniskirt and tou/h her
pri#ates3 &o sooner than the so0t o0 .y 0ingertips .ade /onta/t 2ith her panty1 she bolted
to her 0eet as though the de#il had =ust grasped her under2ear3
Standing there 2ith /rossed ar.s1 she said1 AFhat the he/k 2ere you doing .isterBC
A$ =ust 2anted to see 2hat you4d do3C
AFell1 you 0ound out3C
A$t 2asn4t the rea/tion $ expe/ted1C $ said in disbelie03
A$4. sorry1 but you4#e got the 2rong idea about .e1C she said3
A0ter $ got up o00 the 0loor1 $ looked her in the eyes and said1 ADust look at the 2ay
you4re dressed 2o.an3 :ou4re begging to get taken 0or a bond3C
AFhat do you .ean1 bondBC she asked3
A:ou kno21 sex3 <on4t you like sexBC
Aike $ said1 $4. sorry1 but you got the 2rong idea3 $ don4t ha#e sex be0ore .arriage3
$t4s ungodly1C she said3
$ tou/hed her shoulder and said1 ACo.e on1 you4re =ust a born+again slut3 That4s easy
to see3C
A6ey1 $ gotta go3 Maybe you should too1C she said 2hile starting to 2alk a2ay3
A//epting re=e/tion 0ro. that /on/eited bit/h 2as not an option .y hor.ones 2ould
abide1 so $ grabbed %obbie4s bra strap 0ro. behind 2ith su/h 0or/e that it nearly snapped1
then 2ielded her into one o0 the nearby /hairs3 She i..ediately broke 0ree1 and a0ter
looking ba/k at .e 2ith eyes 2ide open1 $ /ould see a tunnel o0 0ear that led all the 2ay
into her soul3 $ /onte.plated grabbing hold o0 her again1 and =ust as $ raised .y ar. to do
so1 she s/rea.ed aloud in terror3
A6elp1 $4. being atta/kedEC she yelled1 her pleas e/hoing in the san/tuary3
$..ediately1 a 0e2 re.aining parishioners 2ho 2ere drinking /o00ee in the
0ello2ship hall burst in and .ar#eled at %obbie and .e in disbelie03 !#en though $ 2as
probably guilty o0 at least assault and battery1 things got a lot sti/kier 2hen du.bbell
7erry 2alked into the roo. and stood there 2ith a pu@@led look on his 0a/e3
AFhat going on in hereBC he said3
A:our 0riend4s a per#ert1 and he thre2 .e around like $ 2as a 2hore1C %obbie said3
$ shook a 0ist at her in anger1 and said1 AThat4s bullshit3C
Aan/e said he 2ants to take .e 0or a bond3C
A&o $ didn4tE $4d ha#e to be nuts to 2ant a da.e like you1C $ inter=e/ted3
A!#eryone1 shut up1 =ust shut up1C 7erry said3
:ou /ould hear a pin drop as the san/tuary ;uieted do2n3 $ 2alked o#er to 7erry and
said1 A6ey1 $ told you /hur/hes aren4t .y thing3 Are you satis0ied no2BC
AFhat do you 2ant .e to say1 an/eBC
A&othing1 but you kno2 7erry1 you4re a .eek1 patheti/ dude1 and by the 2ay1 your
.o.4s a hooker3 She s/re2ed .e a 2hole bun/h o0 ti.es1 and $ bet you ne#er kne2EC
To .y surprise1 7erry =ust stood there silently looking do2n at the /arpet 0or a
.o.ent then said1 A:eah1 you4re right3 $4. patheti/3 %ut at least1 $ /an look .ysel0 in the
.irror1 and like 2hat $ see3 %y the 2ay1 $ kno2 you 2ere 2ith .y .o.3C
A6o2BC $ asked3
ACo.e on .an3 $t 2as easy to 0igure out3 She has a naked Polaroid o0 you in her
dresser1 right next to our gy. tea/her 0ro. s/hool3C
A:eah1 she keeps naked pi/tures o0 her 0a#orite guysQthe ones she en=oyed the .ost3
She4s a 2ho s/re2s e#ery guy in Kalley1 0or .oney or anything else3 $t4s =ust
2hat she does best3 :ou better get out o0 here be0ore they de/ide to /all the /ops1 and $
don4t 2ant to e#er see you again3C
$ slo2ly 2alked to2ard the /hur/h4s 0ront door and said1 A<on4t 2orry asshole1 you
2on4t3 And ha#e yoursel0 a 0riggin s/re2ed up li0eEC
Chapter #
Shi$ "un
Follo2ing .y dra.ati/ 0alling out 2ith 7erry1 $ kept .y pro.ise and per.anently
dis.antled e#ery aspe/t o0 our 2eird 0riendship 0or keeps3 $ /ertainly 2asn4t interested in
hanging around a Desus 0reak 2ho depended on a store0ront /hur/h to bolster his sel0+
/on0iden/e3 %ut $4d gro2n a//usto.ed to /ontrolling hi. as a lo2er /o.panion to .ake
.e 0eel better about .ysel03 There0ore1 it 2as .andatory to 0ind a repla/e.ent to keep
.y sel0+estee. ele#ated to an a//eptable le#el3
$ didn4t ha#e to sear/h long or hard be/ause Kenny 2as a suitable /andidate 0or this
=ob1 and 0ortunately 0or .e1 his .any /hara/ter de0e/ts .ade hi. a per0e/t lo2+li0e
/o.rade3 Fhile the grand party /alled the 1(*0s raged on2ard1 Kenny and $ 2itnessed
history in the .aking as the Kalley4s spra2ling Cold Far .ilitary industrial /o.plex
di#erted ri#ers o0 untold 2ealth into the region1 stu00ing the 2allets o0 yuppies and blue+
/ollar lay.en alike3 $n parti/ular1 the area dire/tly neighboring Kentura %oule#ard oo@ed
2ith opulen/e as e#iden/ed by its .iles o0 rit@y restaurants1 /lubs1 and pi/k+up bars
/atering to a ne2 /lass o0 .ake+belie#e elitists3 Fe ;ui/kly =u.ped head0irst into this
Kalley so/ial s/ene 2hi/h see.ed to ha#e rendered the entire region intoxi/ated and
paraly@ed 0ro. the ne/k up3
!#en though they dressed 0or the part1 .ost o0 the gentle.en party+goers on the
Kentura %oule#ard bar /ir/uit 2ouldn4t ha#e been /lassi0ied as 2ealthy or upper+.iddle
/lass at all3 They 2ere .ostly ordinary guys 2ho 2orked regular /hu.p =obs by day1 but
had an ex/ess o0 dis/retionary in/o.e to spend at night3 Many tossed it at the Kalley girls
in the bars 2ith i.punity1 usually 0or the purpose o0 luring their young1 hard bodies into a
one+night stand3
All o0 this so/ial bullshit1 and the o0 /ourse1 the /orresponding 2ere
rather annoying to 2at/h as /ash+strapped bystanders3 And it didn4t take long to reali@e
.y "o/ket %urger 2ages 2ouldn4t buy so .u/h as a Shirley Te.ple 0or a thirsty Kalley
girl3 So gi#en those /ir/u.stan/es1 Kenny and $ agreed to start dri#ing the $.pala into the
nearby /ity o0 "eseda1 a pla/e 2hi/h represented a seedier so/ioe/ono.i/ di.ension o0
the Kalley4s party s/ene3 %oth o0 us 0ittingly ni/kna.ed this area Athe badlands1C be/ause
.any o0 its neighborhoods 2ere /ri.e riddled ha#ens 0or drug pushers1 addi/ts1 and
prostitutes1 in addition to ho.e 0or ne2 6ispani/ and Asian i..igrants3 As i/ing on this
nasty /ake1 all o0 the. li#ed under the ruthless s/rutiny o0 .urderous lo/al gangbangers3
$nterestingly enough1 Kenny and $ a/tually began to pre0er the adrenaline rush 2hi/h
a//o.panied /arousing on the 2rong side o0 the tra/ks3 %y 2ay o0 2ord on the street1 2e
2ere tipped o00 about a party spot s.a/k+dab in the .iddle o0 the badlands 2hi/h
unbekno2nst to us 2as one o0 the .ost notorious and do2nright deadly se/tions o0 the
San Jernando Kalley3 This thin1 /ra/ked alley2ay 2hi/h paralleled "eseda %oule#ard
bet2een Sati/oy Street to the north1 and Kalerio Street to the south1 2as /onsidered too
dangerous 0or the poli/e to patrol a0ter sunset3 Fe ni/kna.ed it the ASlotC be/ause its
road2ay narro2ly bise/ted the ba/k entran/es to /heesy used /ar lots and auto repair
shops to one side1 and ro2s o0 open and #a/ant apart.ent garages on the other3
Fith the ex/eption o0 a ghetto /hi/ken o//asionally 0lying o#erhead and boun/ing a
spotlight o00 the alley4s pa#e.ent1 the Slot 2as a la2less and se/luded pla/e 2hi/h
attra/ted a 2ide+s2ath o0 #isitors 0ro. all 2alks o0 li0e3 Most s/ored their drink or dope
and si.ply pulled their /ars into any one o0 the e.pty garage stalls to en=oy a #i/e1 or
.aybe t2o1 in pea/e3 In/e the Slot4s te.porary guests /onsu.ed their drug o0 /hoi/e1
and perhaps indulged in a good round o0 0ellatio 0ro. a street hooker1 they
abandoned their /ars and .ade a perilous 2alk up the alley to 2here it spilled out onto
Sati/oy Street3 There1 they /ould grab a drink in a /heap and dangerous biker =oint /alled
the Shi. "un3 This /utthroat bar usually had a 0e2 /hoppers sta/ked out 0ront1 and 2as a
/on#enient1 but risky pla/e 0or Slot partiers to 2et their 2histle be0ore dri#ing ho.e1 and
ba/k into their o2n #ersion o0 *0s reality3
Jor so.e 2eird reason1 the Shi. "un4s notorious reputation /aptured Kenny4s
/uriosity1 and 2hene#er 2e /ruised into the Slot to party1 he asked .e to dri#e the $.pala
past the s.oke pillo2ing ba/k door so he /ould sneak a peek inside 0ro. the sa0ety o0 the
/ar3 Ine /risp1 0all night1 $ pulled past the bar4s ba/k entran/e1 and a0ter seeing an outla2
biker 2ielding a pool sti/k1 Kenny asked1 AFhen are you gonna get the guts to 2alk into
that =ointBC
AFhene#er you do1 $ suppose3 :ou kno21 so.e hooker 2as i/ed in this parking lot a
0e2 days ago3C
A6o2 do you kno2BC he said3
A$ read it in the ne2spaper3 The paper said a =ohn stabbed her a do@en then
pushed her body out o0 his /ar3C
ASo 2hat an/e3 $4. not s/ared3 6ey1 speaking o0 hookers1 let4s pull into an
apart.ent stall and s/ope out so.e a/tion3C
A0ter $ /are0ully ba/ked the $.pala into a parking spa/e1 ass 0irst1 Kenny grabbed a
tall /an o0 .alt li;uor 0ro. the ba/k seat and do2ned it all in a &e2 :ork .inute3 I0
/ourse1 $ ripped o00 a /an 0or .ysel03 Fhile $ sipped .y beer1 Kenny said1 Aook at the
/ar next to us3 That dude4s getting so.ething3C
A:eah1 he4s a lu/ky guy1C $ said3
A$4. pissed she4s not in our /ar doing us1C he said 2hile grabbing another bre23
A:ou4re right3 That4s too bad3C
ASo 2hat are you gonna do about it1 assholeBC he said3
A&othing1 $ suppose3 $ don4t ha#e /ash 0or hookers3C
A6ey1 $4. not that stupid3 :ou4#e got a t2enty1 or t2o1 stu00ed in your 2allet3 %reak
it out1 asshole1C he said3
AMaybe later1 dude1 $ said3
<uring the past 0e2 2eeks1 $4d noti/ed ho2 beer drinking in the Slot see.ed to ha#e
a sinister e00e/t on Kenny3 $t trans0or.ed hi. 0ro. a ;uiet1 .eek kid into a loud1
obnoxious and insulting drunk3 Tonight see.ed to be the exasperation o0 this
.eta.orphosis1 and $ 2as seriously /onsidering ki/king his sorry ass out o0 the $.pala
and telling hi. to 0ind his o2n ride ho.e3
%ut 2hen the hooker in the auto.obile beside us suddenly sat up and got out o0 her
=ohn4s /ar1 Kenny opened the $.pala4s passenger door and said1 A6ey1 you bit/hE Fhy
don4t you get o#er here and start polishing .y pool sti/kBC
The 2hore stared hi. do2n and said1 A$ don4t s/re2 broke ;ueers3C
A6ey1 2e got .oney1 and 2ho are you /alling ;ueerBC Kenny said3
A%oth you1 and your /reepy 0riend1C she said3 AFhy else 2ould t2o guys be sitting in
a /ar here drinking beers togetherBC
A7et o#er here1 bit/h3 Fe4#e got .oney1C Kenny said3 ATell her you got s/rat/h
ASorry1 2e4re broke1C $ yelled out the 2indo23
A:ou seeB !#en your ho.eboy 2on4t spot your ga.e3 7otta go1C she said1 be0ore
slo2ly heading up the alley to2ard the Shi. "un3
A<id you hear that bit/hB She /alled us ;ueers3 Fhy4d you lie about being brokeBC
APaying 0or tail isn4t .y style3 Jorget about her3 6a#e another grogger1C $ said3
A:ou4re a 0riggin loser an/e3 $4. going up the alley to hit her up again3 7i#e .e
so.e .oney3C
A&ope1 $ don4t ha#e .oney 0or hookers3C
AThat4s bullshit1C he said3
AFhat do you .eanBC
A:ou4#e got a =ob1 and besides1 your parents are 0ilthy ri/h3 They should be paying
.e =ust to hang around your sorry ass3C
AShut upEC $ said3
!#en prior to that night1 Kenny had no bones about spending .y .oney 2ith
i.punity1 but talking about .y parents like they 2ere bankers 2ho should be 0unding his
#i/es irritated the hell out o0 .e3 Although .y knee+=erk rea/tion 2as to kno/k Kenny4s
0ront teeth out1 $ de/ided to ignore his intoxi/ated /ar/ass and 0ork out so.e dough to
keep the pea/e3
A0ter $ handed Kenny a t2enty 0ro. .y 2allet1 2e abandoned the $.pala and 2alked
the short distan/e up the alley to its end3 ike soldiers ready 0or battle1 2e .ustered up
enough /ourage to head straight through the ba/k door o0 the Shi. "un and sit at the bar3
Fhile Kenny s/anned the barroo. 0or any sign o0 the 2hore1 the bartender strutted
up to us and asked1 AFhat do you punks 2antBC
AT2o beers1C Kenny i..ediately said3
The bartender plopped t2o tall ne/ks up on the bar and said1 A&obody drinks 0or 0ree3
That4ll be t2o bu/ks3C
Fithout hesitation1 Kenny pulled the t2enty out o0 his shirt po/ket1 and by the ti.e
the bartender brought ba/k his /hange1 $4d do2ned at least hal0 o0 .y beer to /al. .y
rattled ner#es3
6olding onto .y barstool as i0 it 2ere a li0e preser#er1 $ studied the Shi. "un4s
interior dG/or ranging 0ro. its ni/otine+stained yello2ed 2alls to the Con0ederate 0lag
hanging behind the bar3 $ a/tually started to ad.ire its see.ingly dangerous1 seedy
/hara/ter3 A0ter a s.oke 0ro. a biker1 $ ea#esdropped 2hile Kenny shot+the+
shit about Kietna. 2ith the bartender1 2hose ni/kna.e 2as Sala.i3 Then a skinny in bla/k leather slipped up to the bar and a//identally bu.ped .e on the
shoulder3 $ o#erheard Sala.i /all this /ur#y /hi/k !sther1 but /usto.ers see.ed to pre0er
addressing her as Pork Chop3
She 2as a sli. brunette 2ith shapely legs 2ho didn4t ha#e too .u/h body
art1 and used a #o/abulary 2hi/h see. to /onsist o0 2ords greater than t2o syllables3 $
there0ore /on/luded she .ust ha#e so.e ele.ent o0 edu/ation under her belt3 Those
attributes1 /o.bined 2ith a ni/e ra/k1 /o.pelled .e to strike up /on#ersation 0or the
purpose o0 s/oring a ;ui/kie3
Fhile she sat at the bar 2ith her ba/k to .e1 $ .ustered enough /ourage to tap her on
the ar.3 A0ter she ;ui/kly spun around on the stool1 $ said1 A$4. not partial to turned
ba/ks3 6o24s it hanging tonightBC
A<epends 2ho 2ants to kno21 young stranger1C she said 2hile looking do2n at .y
o#ersi@e sneakers3
ASorry1 .y na.e4s an/e1 and $ 2anna kno23C
AFell1 /an4t you seeB !#ery in/h o0 .y body4s hanging per0e/t3 Say1 $4#e ne#er seen
you1 or your 0riend in the Shi. "un be0ore3 Fhere are you guys 0ro.BC
AFoodland 6ills1C $ said
AFhat the hell are you doing in the ar. pit o0 the Kalley /alled "esedaB Can4t you
0ind a better bar in Foodland 6illsBC she said3
A$ suppose1 but this pla/e has /hara/ter3 That4s 2hat .akes it interesting1C $ said3
Aook1 it4s really none o0 .y business1 but you green horns shouldn4t be in here1C she
2hispered into .y ear3
A:ou .ight get your ass killed in a biker =oint like this3 Fhat do you think your
parents 2ould say i0 they kne2 you 2ere getting ha..ered in the hoodB <o you think
they4d be /ool 2ith thatBC
AThey don4t /are1C $ said3
A%ullshit3 $4ll bet .o..y and daddy are 2at/hing TK and 2ondering i0 their boys
2ill .ake it ho.e ali#eEC she said3
At that point1 $ kne2 that Pork Chop had si@ed .e up per0e/tly1 but $ dis.issed her
/o..ents 2ith arrogant apathy be/ause .y .ission 2as to di#e into her pants3 Jo/using
on .y goal1 $ ;ui/kly /hanged the sub=e/t and said1 AThis pla/e is kind o0 s.oky3 <o you
2anna go out to .y /arB $t4s parked =ust do2n the alley and $4#e got beers too3C
AIh no1 don4t tell .e you4re hitting on .e1C she said3
A6ey girl1 you4#e got it all 2rong3C $ said in denial3
A$ doubt that3 Sorry1 but $4. not Chester the Molester1C she said3
$n a last dit/h e00ort to insult her into sex1 $ said1 AFell1 so 2hat i0 $ am hitting on
youB :ou4re good looking 0or an older /hi/k1 but $4d still be doing you a 0a#or3C
AIh1 you4re good1 you4re really good1C she said3
AThen 2hat do you sayB <o you 2anna get it onBC
She hesitated then said1 AIkay1 but $ don4t get it on in parked /ars3 %ut 0ollo2 .e3
$4#e got a better idea3C
Against .y better =udg.ent1 $ allo2ed Pork Chop to lead .e by the hand into a tiny
sto/kroo. 2hi/h s.elled like soggy /ardboard1 and on/e inside1 she sealed our 0ate by lat/hing the door3 The 2orld see.ed to .o#e in slo2 .otion 2hile $ stood there
and 2at/hed Pork Chop pull o00 her boots1 0ollo2ed by her pants1 then sit do2n on a /ase
o0 beer and spread her 0e.ininity 2ide open3
She started to pleasure hersel01 then said1 A$s this 2hat you 2anted to see .e doBC
AI0 /ourse1 but shouldn4t $ be the one sitting do2nBC
A&ot i0 you4re the one 0or .e1C she said 2hile /ontinuing to .assage
A:ou4re kidding .e1 rightB Fhy don4t you do .e 0irstBC $ said3C
Fe4ll get to that later3 7et do2n on your knees and get bet2een .y legs be0ore $
s/rea. rape and 2hole da.n bar piles in here like &oah4s Jlood3C
AIkay1C $ said relu/tantly3
Iut o0 0ear1 $ /o.plied and she grabbed .y hair 2hile gi#ing .e #ery pre/ise oral
instru/tions about 2hat to do3 This 2as .y #ery 0irst experien/e 2ith /unnilingus1 and
a0ter a 0e2 .inutes1 $ 0elt her ;ui#er 2ith ex/ite.ent3 A0ter sensing Pork Chop had
/li.axed1 $ stood up o00 the 0loor and tried to regain .y sel0+respe/t by dropping .y blue
=eans3 $ began praying she4d s2it/h positions 2ith .e3 %ut instead o0 dropping to her
knees in 0ront o0 .e1 she looked up and said1 AFhy4d you take your pants o001
A$4. 2aiting 0or you to get started on me1C $ said3
AStarted 2ith 2hatBC
A:ou kno21 going do2n3C
A:ou4re drea.ing1 ho.eboy3 $ /an4t bring .ysel0 to do that shit 0or guys1C she said
2hile rea/hing 0or her pants3
$n an to 0or/e the issue1 $ 2obbled /loser to her and said1 ACo.e on3 :ou said
you4d get to .e later3 Fhat4s your proble.BC
AS/re2 youE $0 you say one .ore 2ord1 $4ll s/rea. and you4ll ha#e a 2hole a lot
explaining to do3 $ suggest you /halk it up to bad experien/e and get the hell out1 no23C
6er 2ords stunned .e like a Taser gunshot s;uare at .y /hest3 And $ instantly pulled
.y pants up and popped ba/k into the barroo.3
A0ter $ sat do2n next to Kenny at the bar1 he asked1 AFhere the 0riggin hell ha#e you
A&e#er .ind1 2e gotta dit/h this =oint1 ;ui/k3C
6e laughed and said1 AFhyB <id you strike out 2ith the biker bit/h you 2ere talking
A:eah1 $ suppose3 She likes to use guys as Jren/h ti/klers1C $ said3
AThat ser#es you right1 assholeE 7i#e .e a /han/e to get it on 2ith herEC
A%elie#e .e1 she4s not your type3 et4s get the hell out o0 here1C $ said3
AIkay1 but $ 2anna hit the ne2 topless =oint /alled the Poison <elight on the 2ay
ho.e3 At least 2e4ll see so.e naked boobs o#er there3C
AFellL3 okay1C $ said relu/tantly3
Seeing another se.i+naked up 0ront and personal 2asn4t on .y 2ish list
/onsidering $4d =ust been hood2inked into gi#ing /unnilingus to a 2a/ko biker girl3 %ut $
2ent along 2ith Kenny4s idea and dro#e us o#er to the strip /lub to satis0y his lust3 All
during the dri#e1 $ endured Kenny4s /onstant nagging about .y inade;ua/ies as a .an1
and by the ti.e 2e arri#ed at the /lub4s neon lit 0ront door1 $ 2as ready to ki/k his teeth
do2n his throat3 So.eho21 $ .anaged to keep .y /ool1 and 2hile 2e stood in line
2aiting to pay the /o#er /harge and get our hand sta.ped by the boun/er1 a large
gathering o0 street2alkers popping in and out o0 the darkness dire/tly a/ross the street
/o..anded our attention3
$t 2as di00i/ult to turn a blind eye to this hare. o0 2hores yelling out /at /alls1 but 2e
did so 0or the ti.e being and pushed our 2ay inside the /lub1 grabbing t2o seats by the
.ain stage3 Fe4d arri#ed =ust in ti.e 0or the beginning o0 the next burles;ue set1 and
a0ter the .usi/ started1 a parade o0 hea#ily tattooed and body+pier/ed hood bit/hes 2ith
tits s.aller than our o2n trotted out onto the stage3 Ine by one1 they sho#ed their
/rot/hes in our 0a/es1 and taunted us trying to soli/it a /o#eted tip or a pri#ate lap dan/e3
Fe 2at/hed their pri/k teasing 0or hours until both o0 us sat there bu@@ed on testosterone
pushing ere/tions in our pants3
A0ter so.e ti.e1 2e reali@ed none o0 these /hi/ks 2ould do us1 e#er1 and a0ter
/at/hing on1 Kenny said1 A<ude1 this is a 0riggin 2aste o0 ti.e3 Fhy are 2e hereB These
ugly bit/hes aren4t gonna bang us3C
A$ think you4re right .an3 They =ust 2ant tips3C
A:eah1 let4s split3 Speaking o0 tips1 gi#e .e so.e s/rat/h1 asshole3 $4. 0lat broke3C
AFhate#er1C $ said 2hile 0orking o#er another bill or t2o3
AStay here3 $4ll be ba/k in a 0e21C he said be0ore standing up and darting out the ba/k
$ breathed a hea#y sigh o0 relie0 a0ter Kenny booked out 2ith his insults in to21 but
a0ter 2at/hing a 0e2 .ore sets o0 pole dan/ing 2ith no sign o0 his sorry ass in sight1 $
be/a.e 2orried3 !#en though $ /ertainly didn4t .iss Kenny4s bad attitude one da.n bit1
.y .ale loyalty /o.pelled .e to go botto.s up on .y beer and slip out into the
darkened parking lot to sear/h 0or hi.3
$ 2as /autiously opti.isti/ Kenny 2ould suddenly e.erge 0ro. the darkness a0ter
repeatedly /alling out his na.e1 but it didn4t happen3 Fith no #isible indi/ation o0 hi. in
the i..ediate #i/inity1 $ /on/luded he4d probably abandoned .e and /aught his o2n ride
ho.e3 6o2e#er1 .y inner /ons/ien/e 2as not /on#in/ed1 and a0ter taking a se/ond look
at the street2alkers taunting .e 2ith le2d gestures 0ro. a/ross the street1 $ de/ided to
2alk o#er and /ontinue the hunt3
Jro. the .o.ent .y sneakers landed on their side2alk1 se#eral o0 the 2hores
approa/hed .e and .ade grabs at .y gonads3 %ut /ra@y as it .ight see.1 $ ignored it all
and /ontinued to sear/h 0or Kenny3 A0ter looking do2n nu.erous dri#e2ays replete 2ith
&o Trespassing signs1 a teenage+looking 6ispani/ girl yelled out1 AIye3 :ou4re the
gaba/ho 2ho dro#e up 2ith that other 2eird dude1 rightBC
AFhatBC $ said3
A:ou4re looking 0or your bro1 rightBC she said a0ter 2alking up alongside .e3
AFhere is heBC $ asked3
A$4ll tell you1 but it4ll /ost you dinero1C she said 2hile pushing her breasts into .y
AIkay1 so 2here is heBC $ said a0ter opening .y 2allet and 0lashing a bill3
A6e4s 2ith so.e /hi/k do2n that dri#e2ay o#er there3C
A0ter handing the 2hore a bill1 $ 2alked do2n that darkened dri#e2ay1 one step at a
ti.e1 stopping 2here it abruptly dead+ended at a barrage o0 du.psters lit by a di.
streetlight3 The s/ent o0 urine 2as so strong $ began to gag3 And 2hile standing there in
the dead o0 night listening to the ba/kground noise o0 the /ity1 $ 2as startled by a loud
thu.p that /a.e 0ro. a portable shitter sand2i/hed bet2een t2o du.psters3
$ 0ro@e in pla/e and listened to 2hat sounded like extre.ely hea#y breathing1 and
then heard a say1 AFhy /an4t you keep it up ho.eyBC
The next sound $ heard brought .e so.e relie03 $ o#erheard Kenny say1 A7et ba/k
do2n there and keep going3 That4s 2hat $4. paying 0or1 bit/hEC
ATi.e4s up dude3 $4#e got other tri/ks1C the said3
A%ullshit3 7et do2n thereEC Kenny belted out3
A7et your hand o00 .y head1 or $4ll s/rea.EC the shouted in 0ear3
AShut up or $4ll ki/k your assEC Kenny yelled3
A6elpE 6elpE So.ebody1 please help .eEC the shouted out loud3
Suddenly1 $ heard another thu.p inside the shitter1 0ollo2ed by 2hat sounded like a
2hi.pering 2hee@ing sound3 $n denial1 $ /o#ered .y ears1 but kne2 deep do2n Kenny
2as /hoking the breath out o0 his 2hore 2ith bare hands3
$ stood there paraly@ed 2ith 0ear 0or the longest ti.e be0ore the shitter door bolted
open3 >pon 0irst sight o0 .e1 Kenny yelled out1 AFhat the hell are you doing hereBC
A$ 2as looking 0or you1 .an1C $ said 2hile shaking3
AFhy are you staring at .eBC
A$ heard you bee0ing 2ith so.e /hi/k1C $ said3
ACo.e on .an1 2e gotta haul ass out o0 here3C
AFait?hold on .an3C
$ started to 2alk o#er to the shitter to /he/k on the hooker inside1 but Kenny grabbed
.e by the shirt and insisted1 ACo.e on1 let4s go3 Fe gotta run be0ore so.eone /
do2n hereE Fe gotta runEC
AThat4s a du.b thing to do3 et4s /all the /ops and =ust tell the. it 2as an a//ident3C
Kenny re=e/ted .y idea and said1 A$t4ll ne#er 2ork3 They4ll ne#er belie#e .y story3
Co.e on1 2e4re 2asting ti.eE Fe gotta runEC
AIkay1 okay3 %ut running4s a du.b thing to do1C $ said3
A"e.e.ber1 2e4re in the hood3 $0 they see us running1 it4ll attra/t too .u/h attention3
Fe gotta 2alk out o0 here1 real slo21 =ust like nothing e#er happened3C
A:eah1 that4s a good idea dude3 et4s go3C
%e0ore 2e 2alked out o0 the dri#e2ay1 Kenny 2ent inside the shitter to retrie#e his
.oney3 Jortunately 0or us1 all o0 the hookers on the side2alk 2ere too busy leaning their
heads into =ohns4 /ars to noti/e us1 so 2e skill0ully /rossed o#er to the Poison <elight4s
parking lot and e#entually sped a2ay in the $.pala3
Fhile $ dro#e us ba/k to the Fest Kalley1 pa/ing a #ery un/o..on night 0reight
train heading 2est on the tra/ks o0 the %urbank %ran/h line1 $ asked Kenny1 AFas she
AFhatBC he said3
A<id you kill that hooker in the shitterBC
A6ey1 she 2as =ust so.e 0riggin 2hore3 Jorget about her3 She4s nobody3C
A$ heard you in the shitter 2ith her1 Kenny3 $ need to kno23C
Kenny lit a /igarette1 then looked straight 0or2ard through the 2indshield into
on/ tra00i/ and said1 A<o .e a 0a#or an/e3 Dust shut the hell up and dri#e us ho.e3
$ don4t 2ant to talk about the Poison <elight1 or that bit/h in the shitter e#er again3C
The !nd
The author 2ishes to thank long+ti.e Topanga Canyon and San Jernando Kalley
resident 63 Filson Cranston $$$ 0or his histori/al ad#i/e and assistan/e produ/ing this
book3 Fithout his help1 this 2ork 2ould not ha#e /o.e into existen/e3
Additionally1 the author 2ould like to thank the history <epart.ent at the
>ni#ersity o0 Cali0ornia1 os Angeles1 and the <epart.ent o0 7eography at Cali0ornia
State >ni#ersity1 &orthridge3 Fithout a//ess to their extensi#e /olle/tions o0 os
Angeles history and 0olk+/ulture1 in addition to 0re;uent /onsultation 2ith their suburb
0a/ulty1 this book 2ould not ha#e been produ/ed3

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