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KABUL: The Ministry of Wom-
ens Affairs (MoWA) on Sunday
pledged to take steps and empow-
er women. Marking the Interna-
tional Day of the Girl Child, the
ministry said the government has
initiated different measures to end
violence against women and girls.
Minister of Womens Affairs,
Husn Bano Ghazanfar, said that
in order to overcome violence
against women the ministry would
take all possible steps to empow-
er women in different sectors.
She said that economic devel-
opment and empowerment of
women would ultimately reduce
violence against women through-
out the country.
While expressing pleasure over
celebration of the International
Day of the Girl Child for the first
time in Afghanistan, Muzhgan, a
young girl, said the Ministry of
Womens Affairs should play vi-
brant role to provide different op-
portunities to women that could
help them to improve their life-
KABUL: As the Nawaz-led gov-
ernment in Pakistan is busy to ward
off the pressure created by Imran
Khan and Tehrul Qadri, the pro-
testing displaced residents of Khy-
ber Agency in Peshawar warned
the central government that they
would migrate to Afghanistan if it
has failed to provide them proper
financial support and ration as their
miseries go unnoticed for over four
The tribesmen continued their
protest camp for the 77th consec-
utive day against Islamabad. The
federal government has turned its
eye from the issues faced by the
tribal peopledisplaced by mili-
tary operationson daily basis
such as lack of food, proper shel-
ter, potable water, education, health
and other necessary services.
Narrating their ordeals the dis-
placed tribesmen told media, out-
side the Peshawar Press Club, that
they had been waiting for financial
and other imperative assistance
but the federal government had not
paid heed to resolve their prob-
Khyber IDPs threaten to migrate
to Afghanistan as their woes go
unaddressed AT Monitoring Desk
lems in the past five years.
The displaced tribesmen are
living in different IDP camps due
to the military operation in Khy-
ber Agency. This year, thousands
of tribesmen and women from
North Waziristan agency have mi-
grated to Afghanistan as the Paki-
stani government failed to provide
them life-sustaining facilities in
Bannu and other parts of Khyber
The protesting tribesmen said
that they would have no other
option but to leave for Afghani-
stan if the Pakistani government
failed to provide them sufficient
and quality food stuff. Iqbal Afri-
di, a tribesman who was protest-
ing against the cold-shoulder re-
sponse of Pakistani authorities,
said the central government has
utterly failed to honor its promis-
es, made when the operation was
launched in Khyber Agency, as the
displaced people of the agency
still to get enough edible items that
are essential to keep soul and body
Afridi said that displaced peo-
ple of Tirah and Bara were ignored
and not treated like IDPs of Swat
district and Waziristan agencies.
He said that for the past 77 days
they were protesting in support
of their demands but the concerned
authorities were not ready to pay
heed and resolve the problems.
Regarding the prolonged cur-
few in some parts of Khyber Agen-
cy which had made lives of the lo-
cal miserable, he said that it was
almost impossible for the locals to
move in their areas and do routine
jobs such as business, travel or
other activities.
Educational institutions had
been closed for nearly five years
and the new generation has been
deprived of the basic right to edu-
cation but the government was in
slumber and not ready to reopen
the closed schools and colleges, he
We want to see our children
educated and away from arms, but
the government is forcing our chil-
dren to grow uneducated, he said.
As a matter of fact women and
young girls are suffering from vio-
lence in different provinces par-
ticularly in remote districts of the
country. Head of the Legal Af-
fairs Department of MoWA, Azi-
za Adalatkhwah, said that violence
against women is still rampant.
Since beginning of the current year,
at least 1,700 cases of violence
against women were registered in
the ministry.
She said that violence cases
include beating, early and forced
marriages, mental torture, forbid-
ding girls from school and so on.
However, she did not say that
whether violence has increased or
decreased in the country.
It is pertinent to mention that
on December 19, 2011, the United
Nations General Assembly adopt-
ed a resolution to declare 11th Oc-
tober as the International Day of
the Girl Child, to recognize girls
rights and the unique challenges
girls face around the world.
As part of the new technolo-
gy the 3-G services now reached
to capital cities of 24 provinces,
being provided by state-owned and
private companies.
At least 2.5% of the total in-
come of the private companies
goes to a special Telecommunica-
tion Development Fund (TDF)
which is designed to improve tele-
communication services in rural
areas. Using fund from the TDF,
the ministry has already installed
200 towers. Moreover, contract
for installation of 700 towers was
also signed. The towers will be in-
stalled in the future in remote parts
of the country.
State-owned company, Afghan
Telecom, also provide multiple
services, out of all services the Fi-
ber Optic project is the most suc-
cessful which annually earns
around $60 million.
To extend media broadcasting
services, work on digital system
has already been started and is now
active in Kabul. TV channels are
reachable only in capital Kabul, but
after being digitalized, all TV chan-
nels would be accessible in through-
out the country. New digital sys-
tem has already inaugurated in
Kabul and in coming few months
it would be extended to other ma-
jor cities of the country. In coming
two or three years the digital ser-
vices will be available in all popu-
lated areas of the country.
To provide satellite based ser-
vices, the Afghansat-1 will extend
the broadcasting of the Afghan
TVs in all parts of the Asia, Mid-
dle East and some other parts of
the world. Currently, around 15
TV channels are broadcasting their
programs through the Afghansat-
1. The Minister for Communica-
tions and Information Technology
(MoCIT) is of the view that digi-
talizing the media sector will bring
an information revolution in the
country. The ministry pay $4 mil-
lion per year to Eutelsat for instal-
lation of the Afghansat-1, if the
ministry sends a new satellite into
the orbit at least it will cost $200
million to $300 million.
Afghanistan Times conducted
an exclusive interview with
Amirzai Sangin, Acting Minister
of the Ministry of Communica-
tions and Information Technology
(MoCIT). Following is the tran-
script of the interview.
AT: How much capital has
been invested in telecommunica-
tion and IT sectors?
Sangin: Around $2.5 billion has
been invested in telecommunica-
tion sector, which is the highest-
level Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) in Afghanistan when com-
pared with other sectors.
Five biggest telecommunica-
tion companies have been active
in the country. Out of the total four
are private and the one is state-run
(Salam). In addition we have 50
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
operating in various provinces. We
are providing telecom and IT ser-
vices in nearly all parts of the coun-
try. Our survey report shows that
an estimated 90 percent popula-
tion is covered by telecommunica-
tion and IT services in the coun-
AT: How much the govern-
ment earns per year from these
sectors as you said $2.5 billion were
invested so far?
Sangin: In recent three years
the annual income was around $250
million. Telecommunication firms
pay 14.5 percent tax on their total
income on annual bases to the gov-
ernment: 10 % as Business Receipt
Tax (BRT); 2 % as frequency tax-
es; and 2.5% for special Telecom-
munication Development Fund
(TDF) which is designed to im-
prove telecommunication services
in rural areas.
AT: Currently, how many
people have been covered by tele-
com and Information Technology
Sangin: Around 90 % of the
Afghan population is now covered
by mobile phone services, and we
left regional countries back in this
sector. At least 22 million citizens
now have cell-phones. In the sec-
ond phase we have been working
to expand internet services through
different ways including 3-G,
which is available through the cell-
phones for an estimated 50% pop-
ulation. As you know internet pro-
vide multiple services for the us-
ers than that of cellular services.
The 3-G services now available in
capital cities of 24 provinces.
The only factor that hinder
extension of the internet facilities
to more areas is the absence of the
Optic Fiber Network, which has
not been installed till date in some
areas due to insecurity.
We started work on Fiber Op-
tic Network (FON) around six
years ago. The project has covered
22 provinces at the moment. We
are now connected to all neighbor-
ing countries though the Fiber
Optic Network (FON). The Op-
tic fiber project helped us to bring
down the prices of internet servic-
es in the country, while few years
back only NGOs, foreign organi-
zations and some government de-
partments had access to net facili-
ties, but now common citizens
also have access to internet even
through their cellphones. Few
years back the monthly price of
1Mb/Sec internet was $4,000, but
in the past three years after instal-
lation of Fiber Optic Network the
prices gradually came down. We
will announce the new price soon
which is $20 for 1Mb/Sec. We ex-
pect the prices to be gradually de-
creased further in coming years.
We have been working to in-
stall the Fiber Optic Network in
remaining provinces as well and
the work is underway in some
provinces, but in some areas inse-
curity prevent the project from
completion. Six years ago we start-
ed the project in different
provinces.The project in Northern
provinces was completed in two
years after signing of the contracts,
but in southern provinces the
projects is still underway and has
not been completed even in five
If the security challenges were
resolved, then we will be able to
complete the Fiber Optic project
in all provinces within two years.
This way around 80 percent pop-
ulation will find access to internet
services in cities and populated
AT: Is there any body in the
ministry to monitor prices of the
internet, because most of ISPs
charged much in the past?
Sangin: We dont interfere di-
rectly in market to manage inter-
net prices as the prices of services
were declared based on competi-
tion between the companies.I think
some of the companies and cus-
tomers were still unaware of the
new prices and services being pro-
vided through the Fiber Optic
project and they continue to use
satellite based ISPs services, which
cost more. We are advertising the
new decreased prices through me-
dia outlets, but some of customers
and ISPs are unaware of these ser-
AT: As we see there is no pos-
itive and proper competition in
market between the telecommuni-
cation companies and ISPs, dont
you think there is need for a regu-
latory authority to manage such
Sangin: For such issues we
have the Afghanistan Telecommu-
nication Regulatory Authority
(ATRA). This body observes,
monitors the activities and quality
of the services of the telecommu-
nication companies based on the
rules and regulations. If any of the
company breaches the rules, they
are being fined by ATRA. ATRA
also prevent illegal services, pro-
vided by illegal companies, and
misuses by opportunists such as
usage of the illegal SIM-Boxes. We
have always been working to im-
prove capacity of ATRA in order
to enable it to manage activities and
services of the companies in bet-
ter manners. The authority is also
responding to complaints of the
customers, if they have any from
services providers. The special toll
number to register complaint in
ATRA against telecom services
providers is 999.
AT: In some areas the telecom-
munication companies temporary
suspend their services during night
time and in some areas the signal
strenght or coverage is weak and
customers face problems. Have
you taken any measure to resolve
these problems?
Sangin: We have been working
to expand telecommunication ser-
vices to remote areas as well for
this purpose we have inaugurated
the Telecommunication Develop-
ment Fund (TDF), in which 2.5 %
of the total annual income of the
companies being collected to ex-
tend services by installing new
towers in remote areas, where the
companies themselves dont want
to operate. Using TDF, we have
already installed 200 towers and
contract for installation of addi-
tional 700 towers was also signed.
In some areas insurgents
threaten the companies to suspend
their services during night time in
order to remain invisible from the
security forces as they fear that
someone would inform authorities
of their wheareabouts. In the case
of not suspending services, insur-
gents attack and destroy the tow-
ers of the companies as in the past
few years around 300 towers were
torched and destroyed by the mil-
itants in different parts of the coun-
try. Our policy is to keep the tow-
ers active and running. We contin-
uously asked the insurgetns not to
attack installation of the private
telecommunication companies.
AT: We see unregistered SIMs
are sold in market even by ped-
dlers, some of them are already
registered and activated, what steps
the ministry is taking in this re-
Sangin: According to the rules
and regulations the companies or
providers are responsible to regis-
ter their SIMs before activation,
but we know there are some prob-
lems. The ministry is trying to
prevent people from selling unreg-
istered SIMs or illegally registered.
The companies were selling their
SIMs through their contractors and
the contractors have sub-contrac-
tors and the chain reaches to shop-
keepers and peddlers. Most of the
violators, selling unregistered or
illegally registered SIMs, are shop-
keepers and peddlers, not the com-
panies. However, we took timely
measures in this regard, but we are
not fully able to prevent this ille-
gal practice.
Lack of regular and proper
identity cards paved the ground for
illegal registrations of SIMs. By
issuing electronic Identification
cards, we will resolve this prob-
lem. The entire system is ready
and preparations have been made
for distribution of the electronic
identity cards, but the related law
was not yet finalized and we hope
the new government would final-
ize the law soon and allow us to
start distribution of the new iden-
tity cards.
AT: As you mentioned the
ministry is fully prepared for dis-
tribution of the new identity
cards; then what is hindering the
Sangin: We are all prepared for
distribution of the cards, but wait-
ing for approval of the law. The
new electronic cards can help us
to ensure better security, deliver
better services, have transparent
and free of fraud elections and the
new identity cards can help us to
manage public services in various
areas in better manner.
This is a joint venture of the
MoCIT and Ministry of Interior
(MoI). we provide technical sup-
port and the MoI is practically
distributing the cards. At least 16
registration centers for distribution
of the new identity cards have al-
ready been established, 450 em-
ployees were also hired and trained
in this regard by the MoI. New
system including retina and finger-
print scanners have been installed
and is ready for use.
AT: Despite preventive mea-
sures, illegal SIM boxes still exists
and provide illegal services in the
country, what are the issues that
prevent the ministry from over-
coming the challenge. What chal-
lenges are created by illegal SIM
Sangin: This is a clear viola-
tion which also hurt income of the
telecom companies and the gov-
ernment. ATRA and private tele-
communication companies are
jointly working to find out such
SIM boxes and seize them. But
main problem is in our judicial or-
gans, because the violators are not
imprisoned by the judiciary. After
their release the violators bring
another SIM box and continue to
steal the income. As I know the
judicial organs claim that there is
no exact sentence for such crimi-
nals. We have directed the ATRA
to review the related law and plug
the loopholes. For long-term solu-
tion we want to install a new tech-
nology, Fraud Management Sys-
tem. The new system would auto-
matically identify and block such
SIMs of the illegal operators and
the new system we expect to be
active in coming few months.
AT: What is the reason that
the state-owned company (Af-
ghan Telecom) failed to properly
compete with other companies in
the market?
Sangin: Afghan Telecom pro-
vide multiple services, out of all
services the Fiber Optic project is
the most successful which annual-
ly earns around $60 million. DSL
is another project providing inter-
net services through cable system.
But the Code Division Multi-
ple Access (CDMA) system,
which was launched few years
back, was not a successful project
of mobile phones, because it was
not working based on Global Sys-
tem for Mobile (GSM) to com-
pete in market. Two years ago we
decided to launch GSM services
under the name of (Salam) as part
of the efforts to compete in mar-
ket and to bring down the charges
of calls. Salam also provide 3-G
services to the citizens. Salam ser-
vices were still not available in all
parts of the country. Even in some
areas of capital Kabul it doesnt
work due to lack of towers. In
first step we had signed contract
for 500 towers. So to extend Salam
coverage we have recently signed
contract for installation of 500
more towers, which will cost $60
million. After installation of the
new towers we will have more than
12,000 active towers with better
coverage in the country. Salam
started operations seven months
back and now have more than
800,000 subscribers.
AT: Could you please tell us
about the Afghansat-1 and the ser-
vices it delivers to the citizens?
Sangin: Over the past 13 years
we had tangible progress in tele-
communication sector and now
with installation of Afghansat-1,
we will revolutionalize digital me-
dia and extend our broadcastings
to the world.
Now most of the TV channels
are reachable only in capital Kab-
ul, but after being digitalized, all
TV channels would be accessible
throughout the country. With in-
stallation of new digital system all
TV channels would be available
throughout the country at afford-
able prices. Now if a TV channel
wants to be available in most parts
of the populated areas, it need
around $30 million, but in digital
system they dont need more in-
vestment to build more towers in
each city.
The digital system will reduce
expenses of the private TV chan-
nels that they were spending on
installation and maintenance of
transmitters. The new digital sys-
tem has already inaugurated in
Kabul and in coming few months
it would be extended to other big-
gest cities of the country.
In coming two or three years
the digital services will be avail-
able in all populated areas of the
Moreover, the Afghansat-1
will extend the broadcasting of the
Afghan TVs to all parts of Asia,
Middle East and some other parts
of the world. Currently, around 15
TV channels are available on the
Afghansat-1. So we can claim with
that after digitalizing the media
sector we will have information
revolution in the country.
We pay $4 million per year to
Eutelsat for installation and ser-
vices of the Afghansat-1, if we in-
stall a new satellite into orbit at
least it would cost $200 to $300
National treasury annually earns $200m from telecom sector: Minister
From P1
KABUL: Farkhunda Zahra Naderi, lawmaker in the lower house of parliament Wolesi Jirga, has said that only education and knowledge can turn the small window of Burqa into a
Window of Power. Speaking during an interview with the IPI Global Observatory in New York late in September, Ms. Naderi admitted that rates of unemployment in Afghanistan
are highest among women and young people. However, she emphasized that increasing opportunities for young people and women to participate in politics and shape the future of their
country as democracy takes hold. Ms. Naderi said democracy opens the door for the young people and women in Afghanistan and that they can come by means of their own power.
She called on politicians to bring democracy for the people of Afghanistan since they risked their lives to vote in the presidential election. Ms. Naderi admitted that traditional politics
is one of the main barriers that young people face in getting involved in the politics. The barriers are traditional politics. The root of politics is still very traditional, the power is very
traditional, the formation of power is very traditional too. There is a lot of corruption in the countrypeople get what they want through briberyso this is also a barrier to the younger
generation who comes by the power of knowledge and plans to do something, Ms. Naderi said. She also added, What is really needed is to recognize that positive change is already
taking place in Afghanistan, and we have to fight for this new phase of changes in the country. I think whats really important in politics is to challenge the traditional ideas when they
are wrong. It doesnt mean that all the traditional approaches are wrong, but the ones that dont serve peoples needs or have a very discriminatory mentality. (Khaama Press)
Educationcan turnBurqainto aWindow of Power: FarkhundaZahraNaderi
CHIGHCHIRAN: Security offi-
cials in western Ghor province said
Sunday that have thwarted major
terrorist attack this province.
Spokesman for Ghor police
chief, Naqibullah Amini, said two
terrorists were held with 250 kilo-
grams of explosives on Sunday,
adding that the explosives were
made in china and were placed in
five bags.
He said the terrorists were ar-
rested when they wanted to trans-
fer the explosives from a house in
Firoz Koh to other area.
According to the spokesman,
the arrested men intended to carry
out a huge attack in this province
but were prevented by the brave
policemen. It is said that the nabbed
men are residents of Ghor and
Daikundi provinces.
Security officials said the ar-
rested men were under police cus-
tody and were under investigation
by security officials.
Ghor is among relatively se-
cure provinces in west wherein the
Taliban are active in some of its
MAZAR-I-SHARIF: Local offi-
cials in northern Balkh province
said Sunday that at least 17 peo-
ple were killed and injured after a
group of militants attacked police
headquarter in Mazar-i-Sharif city.
Spokesman for Balkh gover-
nor, Munir Ahmad Farhad, con-
firmed the incident and said the
attack occurred at 12:30pm local
time and continued for one hour.
He said the attackers entered
the police headquarter when po-
licemen were eating lunch. The
spokesman said the attackers used
police uniform to enter the police
headquarter and open fire on po-
lice forces. He added that two po-
licemen were killed and 15 others
wounded in this gun battle. Accord-
ing to the spokesman, the exact
number of attackers is unknown
yet but according to latest infor-
mation from the spokesman, two
attackers have been shot dead by
security forces in this gun fire.
2 killed, 15 hurt
in attack on
Balkh police HQ
AT News Report
AT News Report
AT News Report
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