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in commemoration of the
Sovereign Sanctuary of the Rose-Croix
Valley of Egypt
To those certain selected Initiates on the Path who
have attained the Fourth Degree of Advance
ment in the International J urisdiction of
The Americas, British Commonwealth,
France, Switzerland, Sweden, and
Salutem Punctis Trianguli!
I have the honor to communicate to you the greetings and
salutations of the Imperator of the Ancient Mystical Order
Itosae Cruris for the International Jurisdiction.
In ages past, it was the custom of the Grand Orient of the
Rose-Croix Order of Egypt to direct a communication similar
to this to all members who had attained a certain degree in
their studies. The Grand Orient was the exclusive and only
Rosicrucian administrative body of the Sovereign Sanctuary
of the Rose-Croix of the land of ancient Pyramids and Temples.
In commemoration of the achievements of the Veneraldes of
that ancient body, we carry on their wishes in this respect.
You have reached a point in your progress that enables us
to number you among those who have been carefully selected
by their Masters and Teachers to constitute an international
group of diligent workers and practical adepts who may assist
us and our brethren in various lands in carrying on the world
wide reformation that was originally decreed in the Manifestoes
issued by the High Council and the Hierophant of the Order
in Egypt.
You shall know, therefore, by this special message and
Manifesto that you have been made an associate member of all
the Grand Lodges of AMOltC, International, by virtue of your
progress in the studies and attainment in their understanding,
and that you shall hold this title for as long as you remain an
active, regular member in this Grand Lodge. A certificate to
this effect is attached hereto ami we trust that you will preserve
this certificate so that it may be shown to other members in
lower grades of study and thereby encourage them to seek that
degree of perfection and attainment in their work which will
bring to them similar recognition and affiliation from this or
other jurisdictions of the world-wide brotherhood of Rosicru-
cians. You are also privileged to show this certificate to any
of your friends who may not be members, for it is in no wise
a secret document. The honor of possessing this certificate is
dependent upon the honor that you continue to place on your
obligations of affiliation and your devotion to the ideals of the
organization, hut you may always feel that you have been espe
cially selected by the Officers of this jurisdiction as being
worthy of such recognition.
For centuries, rare teachings, esoteric knowledge, were care
fully preserved and secretly protected in the Treasure Chests
of our temples in Luxor, Memphis, Heliopolis, and in the Mys
tery Chambers of the Pyramids. Gradually, most of this
knowledge came to he released to adepts ready to carry on the
Greater Work of the Brotherhood in the new cycle of rebirth
and world-wide regeneration which began with the year known
in the vulgar calendar as 1933.
One of the great and secret studies is that relating to the
esoteric wisdom now contained in the true and ancient Kahala.
Many erroneous and false versions of this Sacred and impor
tant study have been issued in various parts of the world
under the guidance of those who were not Rosicrucian initiates
or truly instructed. In order that the true wisdom may reach
the worthy students, the Grand Master of this Grand Orient in
Egypt long ago instructed the Secretary in the Sovereign Sanc
tuary of this jurisdiction to issue to you and to those others
who are qualified, a series of well-prepared lessons containing
this special study of the Kahala.
These lessons concerning the Ancient Kahala will he sent to
you at the rate of two each monthon the first of the month.
There shall he no cost in the form of compulsory fees attached
to the transmission of these sacred lessons to you. However,
each and every one who receives them will be glad to make a
small monthly voluntary donation or contribution to the cost
of preparing and mailing them. This monthly voluntary dona
tion shall he a nominal amount decided by you in the gracious
ness of your heart and to such a degree as will work no
hardship and become no sacrifice, for these lessons are
intended to he free from any reward.
Experience has proved that the preparation, printing and
mailing of the special lectures, imposes an extra burden and
expense on AMORC unless the minimum donation made by
the member for these special lectures is at least $1.00 (7/3
sterling) a month. When the member receiving the Kahala
discourses can afford a larger donation, it is sincerely appre
ciated, for it makes up deficits.
These and future TREASURE-CHEST studies will in no wise
supplant the studies that you are receiving through your regu
lar membership and in the regular procedure of your graded
studies. They are entirely supplementary and should be read
ami analyzed each week in addition to your own regular pro
cedure of development. In other words, it is, of course, expect
ed that each member will keep up his active work in the regular
AMORC studies.
The following is all that is required of you:
A. Fill out in detail the attached Warrant for Special
B. Mail the Warrant and your voluntary donation to the
Secretary of A.M.O.R.C., Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,
California, U. S. A.
Upon receipt of that Warrant, the Secretary will know that you
have been selected to receive these special lectures and will
make arrangements for mailing them to you without further
delay. Do not make the mistake of sending the Certificate (on
the hack cover) to the Secretary. You should keep it among
your precious papers to show others and for identification.
This Manifesto, Request, and Warrant was originally pre
pared in a manner and form acceptable to the Keeper of the
Seals of the Grand Orient of Egypt in the name of the Mystical
Master, Christian Rosenkreuts, and with the permission of the
Supreme Hierophant and the Supreme Council of the Brother
hood. May it carry with it into your very hands the blessings
of prosperity and rich reward, and to your very heart and mind,
peace and happiness, and to your soul, everlasting life.
In the Bonds of the Order, I am
Separate the Form Below and Send it by Post (Mail) to
the Address Indicated.
Secretary, AMORC
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U.S.A.
Illustrious Frater:
From the Treasure Chest of the Archives of AMORC I have
received a Manifesto. I shall be happy to have the additional
instructions, and I shall be pleased to share in carrying some of
the costs of this marvelous work. I renew my allegiance to the
(Name)....................................................... ..........Key Number____________
(Street or Box Number) ....................... .....................................................
(City and State)................ .............................................................-........................
(Zone number, if part of your address)
Indicate the last AMORC monograph you have studied
Do you see any reason why you cannot conscientiously study
these rare manuscripts which are to be sent to you in addi
tion to your other studies at the rate of two a month?
Do you understand that these manuscripts are not to supplant
your official Rosicrucian teachings, but are in addition to
them ?
Do you solemnly promise before the God of your Heart and in
the name of the Order Rosae Crucis to keep sacred and
secret the content of these manuscripts being sent to you?
Your proposed voluntary monthly contribution. $
After you have carefully considered the above questions, an
swer them and mail this questionnaire to the address shown
above. Your first donation should accompany this questionnaire.
If you prefer you may send the donation for as many months
in advance as you desire.
G- 5 8 261
BE IT KNOWN TO ALL: Commemorative
That the Beloved Adept whose signature is inscribed below has been inducted into the Fourth
Degree of the world-wide rites of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. Therefore, the said Adept is
recorded in our Archives as an Associate Member of all the Grand Lodges of AMORC, Interna
tional, and is entitled to all of the benefits and considerations guaranteed to such associate mem
bers by virtue of their active membership in this Grand Lodge.
S - '
Pour le Souverain Sanctuaire:
Complete Signature of the Adept

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