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Lomaad, Johanna Gwenn T.

October 7, 2014
PI 10 S1-6R Prof. Lopega
Movie Review: Filipinos Naivety under Oppression
Mirroring of the Past
In the film Ganito kami Noon, Paano na Kayo Ngayon by Eddie Romero, the setup was
during the Spanish colonization in our country. It was portrayed in the film how the countrys
society runs and who controls it. Just like in the written text of the Philippine history, the setting
of the film was the oppression of the colonizers in our country. Our history of Spanish
oppression was well represented in the film, how government acted, how religion took control
and how Filipinos got abused.
Multi-face Countrymen
It was well represented in the film the types of people at our country during times of
Spanish colonization. First were the abusive clergy, Padre Corcuera, who used his power to gain
control of the follower of the catholic religion. Similar to our history, the priest controlled the
country for they know that our country have a great fear in God and other deity. Another was the
upper-clas men like Don Tibor who doesnt seem to be much affected by the colonization
because of his wealth. Next was nave Filipino which was tyrannized by foreigners, locked up in
their countrys upheavals. Lastly was the woman power represented by Diding which served as
the emblem of the virtuous womanhood, how woman was a clear eyed practical figure contrary
to the women in the past were they kept their mouth shut and ideas locked in
Who is the Filipino?
Throughout the film, it was constantly asked by Kulas: Who is the Filipino?. Upon
watching the film, I realized, there was never a particular Filipino. From the film, Kulas gets
different answer evertime he asks the question to different people. In my point of view, the film
wanted to tell the viewers that we are all Filipinos, acting differently under the same
circumstances. We are all flawed, incomparable, matchless Filipinos, he will never get a final
response. But the one who loved and will loved the changing Philippines is the true mark of a
In the End
Wrapping things up, it was a good movie that portrays a naivety without resorting to
stuttering and doing acts of stupidity. It is a good film to watch by the next generation to remind
them how their fellow countrymen did in the past and learn from them.

Lomaad, Johanna Gwenn T. October 7, 2014
PI 10 S1-6R Prof. Lopega
Movie Review: A Mans Thirst for Freedom
Countrymans Braveheart
At the start of the movie, Macario Sakay was captured by the American because of the
accusation of seditious activities but later was released. Sakay was a man who loves his own
country. From the time of Spanish colonization, he fought alongside with the Katipunan to win
the countrys freedom. In the movie, another foreign country was once again holding up the
freedom of his motherland. He tried to get back independence by the Nacioalista Party but it was
rejected. At that time any form of propaganda advocating independence is prohibited. This
shows how brave our hero was. He didnt fear the oppressors, expressing what he wants what
his country wants.
Tagalog Republic
In lieu of this event, he established the Tagalog Republic where it sought independence
against the Americans. Such assemblage symbolizes Sakays raging heart for love of his country.
He has this thirst and hunger for independence where he chose to fight against the giants. Using
guerrilla tactics, they were able to seize firearms in different places in Southern Luzon. They
used US military uniforms to confuse the enemy. For these reasons, Sakay posed a great threat to
the Americans. They viewed him and his men as a danger that should be seized.
Unlike Rizal and other Philippine hero, Sakay was considered as a folklore hero. The
reason behind this was because of his vest that was said to have powers which can resist bullets.
It was a rumour that he wore a vest that has religious images on it and Latin phrases which
protects the bearer of the said vest.
A Hero or Bandit
Just like any other hero story, Sakay was deceived by fake independence and was
captured. He was hanged in public with a statement left to his people. From the film that I have
watched, I can say that Sakay was not neither folklore nor a bandit. He is a hero. A hero who
sought for freedom. A hero who only wishes for his country to be freed from its oppressors. A
hero who loved his country so much, that he is ready to sacrifice anything for its freedom. Even
though others treat him as a bandit for what he have done, still, as a Filipino who also wants
freedom for her country, Macario Sakay is a hero that should be told in generations for his great
love for his motherland.

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