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-Malhotra & Bazerman (2007): Investigative Negotiation (Reprint R0709D)

-Sebenius (2001): Six Habits of Merely Effective Negotiators, Harvard Business Review (Reprint R0104E)

-Medvec & Galinsky (2005): Putting More on the Table, Harvard PON Negotiation Newsletter (Reprint N0504B).

-Brett, Friedman, & Behfar (2009): How to Manage Your Negotiating Team, Harvard Business Review (Reprint

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-Thompson & Leonardelli (2004): Why Negotiation is the Most Popular Business School Course, Ivey Business
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-Moore (2004): Deadline Pressure, Harvard PON Negotiation Newsletter (Reprint N0408A).

-Robinson (1995): Defusing the Exploding Offer, Negotiation Journal, pp. 277-285.

-Malhotra (2004): Smart Alternatives to Lying, PON Negotiation Newsletter (Reprint N0405C).

-Fortgang, Lax, & Sebenius (2003): Negotiating the Spirit of the Deal, Harvard Business Review (Reprint R0302E)

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-Ury, Brett, & Goldberg (1989). Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes: Interests, Rights, & Power. Chapter 1 (pp.
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Disputes. Negotiation Journal, 15(1), 31-51.

-Galinsky & Liljenquist (2004): Putting on the Pressure, Harvard PON Negotiation Newsletter (Reprint N0412B).

- Liljenquist & Galinsky (2006): How to Defuse Threats at the Bargaining Table, Harvard PON Negotiation Newsletter
(Volume 9, Number 9, pp. 1-3, September 2006).

- Swaab & Galinsky (2007): How to Negotiate When Youre Far Apart, Harvard PON Negotiation Newsletter (Volume
10, Number 2, pp. 1-3, February 2007).

-Babcock, Laschever, Gelfand, & Small (2003): Nice Girls Dont Ask, Harvard Business Review (Reprint F0310A).

-Pradel, Bowles, & McGinn (2005). When does gender matter in negotiation?, Harvard Business Review (Reprint

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