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The Timeline of DOOM!!!!

Use at own peril. May induce odd tendencies to look things up.
And you dont want that!
Compiled by David Heth and Mike Scofield
1877 Tales of Terror ToT Cyborgs CyB
ire and Brimstone B !oad "arriors !"
The Book of the Dead BoD The #ast Cr$saders T#C
%hostdancers %D Brainb$rners BB
Boomto&ns BT "asted "est ""
!ascal'(armit'Critters !(C Hell on )arth Ho)
** Martial +rts M+ Children of the +tom Cot+
** Th$amat$rgical Diff$sion TD The ,$nkman Cometh ,MC
** +$gmentation +$g Monsters' M$ties' Misfits MMM
#ost +ngels #+ -ron .asis -.
Back )ast/ So$th BeS Spirit "arriors S0
** (oodooists !B(
Back )ast/ *orth Be*
So$th of the Border SoB !ascal'(armit'Critters -- has no
players1 section' so no dates are
listed from that book2
!iver of Blood !oB
Deadlands D#
#a& Dogs #D Doomto&n or B$st has no dates
listed2 Smith and !obards S3!
City of %loom Co% .fficial !$ling4)5Mail .!)
6$ick and the Dead 63D
H$cksters and He7es HH
%reat Ma8e T%M
Pre !""s
The .lmec people pop$lated &hat &o$ld someday be Me7ico2
SoB pg2 8
The =apotec people lived in the state of .a7aca2 SoB pg2 8
The Toltec )mpire r$les central and northern Me7ico2 SoB pg2
>>1 The fo$rth Caliph of -slam' +li' has the position &rested
from him by the ?mavyyads' a ne& dynasty2 B pg @:
>8: +liAs son' H$sain' challenged the ne& dynastyB he lost and &as
e7ec$ted2 B pg @:
1:<9 The Templar cr$sades begin &ith a hoard led by 0eter the
Hermit2 The hoard is simply a mob of peasants2 T#C pg2 9
1:<< The real armies of cr$saders take ,er$salem and sla$ghter
the inhabitants2 T#C pg2 >
C51:::+2D2 Mayan )mpire controls the D$catan penins$la2 SoB pg2 1E
11::1s C 0rince Madog of "ales brings the last of the Dr$ids to
+merica and erects rings of bl$e gray stones in the hills near
&hat &o$ld one day be Mobile' +labama2 BeS pg2 9E
1118 The FnightsTemplar are fo$nded by H$gh De 0ayens and
%odfrey De St2.mer2 They &ere based in &hat &as r$mored
to be the temple of Solomon2 Th$s GTemplarsH T#C pg2 7
1E1I %randmaster ,acJ$es De Molay is b$rned at the stake ending
the Templars2 T#C pg2 7
1I::1s )arliest p$blic kno&n fo$nding date of The )7plorerAs
Society2 !(C pg 7>
1I@8 +8tec )mpire fo$nded2 SoB pg2 <
191E 0once de #eon discovers lorida2 BeS pg2 >E
191< Hernan Corte8 lands on the %$lf Coast of Me7ico and fo$nds
the city of (eracr$82 The +8tecs think he is a god2 Big
mistake2 SoB pg2 1E
191< #ate Corte8' after an initial defeat' finally conJ$ers the
+8tec )mpire2 SoB pg2 1I
19E@ The city of %$adalaKara' Me7ico is fo$nded2 SoB pg2 I:
19I1 Hernando de Soto passes thro$gh the area that &o$ld
someday be Memphis' Tennessee and makes enemies of
everyone he meets2 +fter crossing the Mississippi !iver' he
catches a fever and dies2 His men hold a secret mass and
d$mp him in the river2 !oB pg2 @E
199< The Spanish fo$nd the city of 0ensacola b$t a h$rricane
destroys it before it can be f$lly settled2 BeS pg2 >9
19>9 St2 +$g$stine fo$nded2 BeS pg2 >E
19>8 The Spanish try a second time to fo$nd 0ensacola and this
time it sticks2 BeS pg2 >9
1989 !oanoke -sland settled2 #ed by !alph #ane and !ichard
%renville' the 1:8 settlers b$ild ort !aleigh2 BeS pg2 @<
198> !oanoke -sland settlement abandoned &ith the colonists
ret$rning to )ngland &ith Sir rancis Drake2 BeS pg2 @<
1987 Second attempt at settling !oanoke -sland led by ,ohn "hite
and 1@: colonists2 ood is short so "hite ret$rns to )ngland
for food2 BeS pg2 @<
19<: +$g$st ,ohn "hite finally ret$rns to !oanoke -sland and
finds no settlers2 *o one kno&s &hat happened to this G#ost
ColonyH2 BeS pg2 @<
19<> The city of Monterrey' Me7ico is fo$nded2 SoB pg2 E7
1>:: The people of Monterrey' Me7ico begin constr$ction on a
large cathedral2 SoB pg2 E7
1>18 The Catedral in %$adalaKara' Me7ico is consecrated2 SoB pg2
1>>: )arliest &ell5keep records of the )7plorerAs Society2 !(C pg2
1>7: Charles To&n' no& Charleston' So$th Carolina fo$nded2 BeS
pg2 I9
1>7@ )dmond Hoyle born in #ondon2 HH pg2 9
1>81 "illiam 0enn receives 0hiladelphia from Fing Charles --2 Be*
pg2 I>
)dmond Hoyle arrives in *" -ndia as part of )ast -ndia
Company2 HH pg2 9
1><E Calc$tta is plag$ed by a man5eating tiger2 Hoyle discovers it
is a shapechanger and kills it2 HH pg2 9
1><> Hoyle leaves -ndia to ret$rn to #ondon2 HH pg2 >
1><< rench e7plorer' 0ierre le Moyne' a2k2a2 Sie$r d1-berville'
reaches the f$t$re site of Baton !o$ge2 !oB pg2 E7
Cent$ry )nd of the Middle +ges The .ld .nes sh$t off the H$nting
%ro$nds in the %reat Spirit "ar2 D#1 pg 17>
17::1s )arly )d&ard GBlackbeardH Teach raids $p and do&n the
.cracoke and 0ortsmo$th -slands2 BeS pg2 EE
17::1s )arly The rench Market opens in *e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 99
17::1s )arly rance cedes +cadia' land in eastern Canada' to the
British2 !oB pg2 E8
17::1s #ate The *atche8 tribe is finally &iped o$t by rench
soldiers2 !oB pg2 EI
17:9 Hoyle travels to Constantinople Lnot -stanb$lM b$t flees after
an e7periment goes poorly2 HH pg2 >
1711 Hoyle attempts another e7periment in (ienna2 He is foiled by
his apprentice )rnst ,ohann Biren &ho ca$ses the Black
0lag$e' HH pg2 7
1711 "ar starts bet&een Carolina settlers and the local T$scarora
tribe of indians2 BeS pg2 @<
1719 "ar bet&een Carolina settlers and the local T$scarora tribe
of -ndians finally ends2 BeS pg2 @<
171> The rench establish ort !osalie near the -ndian village if
"hite +pple2 !oB pg2 EI
1718 *ovember GBlackbeardH is capt$red by #ie$tenant Maynard
and beheaded2 BeS pg2 EI
1718 *e& .rleans is fo$nded by ,ean Baptiste le Moyne' a2k2a2
Sie$r de Bienville' yo$nger brother to 0ierre le Moyne'
fo$nder of Baton !o$ge2 !oB pg2 I9
17@: Hoyle travels to Marseilles after hearing of another plag$e
o$tbreak2 Hoyle confirms )rnst BirenAs hand in the plag$es'
HH pg2 8
17@@ )dmond Hoyle confronts Biren in Bavaria b$t is beaten and
left for dead2 HH pg2 8
17@< Bl$eprints for -ndependence Hall are dra&n $p2 Be* pg2 9:
17@< *ovember @< The indian chief' %reat S$n' leads a s$rprise
attack on the rench ort !osalie and sla$ghters over @::
soldiers2 The rench settlement of *e& .rleans declares &ar
on %reat S$n1s tribe' the *atche82 !oB pg2 EI
17E1 +fter a series of disasters' the Company of the -ndies'
o&ners of *e& .rleans' &as forced to sell the city to rance2
!oB pg2 I9
17EE The city of !ichmond' (irginia is fo$nded2 BeS pg2 1I
17EE "ilmington' *orth Carolina is fo$nded on the Cape ear !iver2
BeS pg2 EI
17EE ,ames .glethorpe fo$nds the city of Savannah2 BeS pg2 >@
17EI Constr$ction on -ndependence Hall is completed2 Be* pg2 9:
17E9 +ccording to legend' Ms2 #eeds of B$rlington' *e& ,ersey'
gives birth to a baby boy b$t he transforms into a monster
&ith the head of a horse' feet of a pig and the body of a
snake2 Be* pg2 IE
17I:1s -ndigo ind$stry develops in So$th Carolina2 BeS pg2 I9
17I: +n old friend of )dmond Hoyle1s &rote from !$ssia that he
needed HoyleAs help to overthro& )rnst Biren &ho &as no&
!$ssiaAs %rand Chamberlain2 HH pg2 <
17I: + !everend of 0hiladelphia and BenKamin ranklin fo$nd the
0hiladelphia +cademy2 Be* pg2 9@
17I1 Biren is e7iled to Siberia &here Hoyle follo&s and finally kills
him in a spectac$lar battle of Black Magic vs2 He7es2 HH pg2 <
17IE The old &ooden palisade s$rro$nding the St2 0eter Street
Cemetery in *e& .rleans is replaced by a stone &all2 !oB pg2
17I9 The S$sJ$ehannah shaman' !aven is born2 D#1 pg 178
17I9 The ?rs$line Convent is b$ilt on the !iverfront of *e&
.rleans2 !oB pg2 9<
179E 0ennsylvania commissions the casting of the #iberty Bell2 Be*
pg2 9:
17>E + rench f$r trader fo$nds the city of St2 #o$is' Misso$ri as
a small trading post2 !oB pg2 1E
17I@ .ne of HoyleAs nephe&s p$blishes a + Short Treatise on
"hist &hich contains early ro$gh He7es2 HH pg2 1:
17>@ Hoyle reads a book on *ative +merican tribes in +merica2 -n
it' he discovers reference to spirits called manito$s2 HH pg2
17>E )dmond Hoyle departs for +merica to learn more of Manito$s
from the -ndians2 HH pg2 1:
17>E The rench lose the Seven Dears "ar &ith Britain2 !oB pg2 1E
17>E !aven comes back to his village to find everyone killed by the
"hite Man2 He is no& the last S$sJ$ehannah and becomes
the #ast Son2 D#1 pg 178
17>8 The final draft of HoyleAs Book of %ames is delivered to his
family &ith a letter from Hoyle &ho &as dying in +merica2 HH
pg2 11
17>8 The citi8ens of *e& .rleans rebel against Spanish r$le b$t
the rebellion is J$ickly and violently p$t do&n2 !oB pg2 I9
17>< irst edition of HoyleAs Book of %ames is p$blished2 HH pg2 @<
177: !ebels b$ild Carpenter1s Hall to hold their meetings in secret2
Be* pg2 9:
177I September 9 ifty5five delegates from across the colonies
gather in Carpenter1s Hall to disc$ss their dissatisfaction &ith
British r$le2 Be* pg2 9:
1779 Spanish ,es$it missionaries arrive in &hat &ill be T$cson' +=2
BT pg2 1:
177> ,$ly I The Declaration of -ndependence is p$blicly read for
the first time2 Be* pg2 9:
177< The 0hiladelphia +cademy is renamed the ?niversity of
0ennsylvania2 Be* pg2 9@
178: !ichmond becomes the capitol of (irginia2 BeS pg2 1I
178: British forces try to sei8e the city of St2 #o$is b$t are
repelled2 !oB pg2 1E
1781 March 19 The Battle of %$ilford Co$rtho$se is fo$ght near
%reensboro' *orth Carolina &ith the British claiming a 0yretic
victory2 BeS pg2 E:
178@ The Spanish %overnor of #o$isiana passes a la& &hich forbids
the importation of slaves from the island of MartiniJ$e2 !oB
pg2 >I
1787 !aleigh' *orth Carolina fo$nded2 BeS pg2 E7
1788 + fleet of ten armed boats are sent o$t of *e& .rleans to
&ipe o$t the pirates raiding along the Mississippi !iver2 !oB
pg2 1:
178< ?niversity of *orth Carolina opens2 -t is the first state5
chartered $niversity on the continent2 BeS pg2 E<
178< The ?nited States Marshals are created by Congress and
%eorge "ashington appoints the first2 #D pg2 1@
17<1 The slaves on the -sland of Santo Domingo revolt against
their masters2 !oB pg2 >I
17<I + fire destroys m$ch of the 0resbytere Ch$rch in *e&
.rleans2 !oB pg2 9>
17<I Christmas )ve The St2 #o$is Cathedral is reb$ilt in *e&
.rleans after a fire destroys the first2 Bricks from
abandoned va$lts in a nearby cemetery &ere $sed in the
constr$ction of the &alls of the sanct$ary2 !oB pg2 98
17<9 Constr$ction begins on the Cabildo' a city co$ncil b$ilding' in
*e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 9>
17<< %old is fo$nd in the ?&harrie Mo$ntains in *orth Carolina2
BeS pg2 I:
%""s &this is 'ig(
18:: The Spanish give *e& .rleans back to *apoleon2 He &as b$sy
so he told the Spanish that they co$ld keep r$nning it for him2
!oB pg2 I9
18:: The St2 0eter Street Cemetery is f$ll2 The land' ho&ever' is
prime real estate so it is s$bdivided into lots and sold2 The
oldest and largest graves and tombs are moved to the St2
#o$is *o2 1 b$t most of the GresidentsH are left behind to lie
beneath the b$ildings that go $p &here the graveyard once
stood2 !oB 9E
18:@ The ?niversity of 0ennsylvania o$tgro&s its c$rrent location2
-t moves to the mansion originally b$ilt to ho$se the
0resident2 Be* pg2 9@
18:@ *apoleon Bonaparte gains all land &est of the Mississippi
!iver from Spain2 !oB pg2 1E
18:E *apoleon sells the ?S the land &est of the Mississippi2 This is
the #o$isiana 0$rchase2 !oB pg2 1I
18:E *ovember E: *e& .rleans is given to the rench by the
Spanish' again2 !oB pg2 I9
18:E December 1 rance GsellsH *e& .rleans to the ?S+ for less
than 9 cents an acre2 !oB pg2 I9
18:I March < The rench flag replaces the Spanish flag in St2
#o$is2 !oB pg2 1I
18:I March 1: The ?S+ flag replaces the rench flag in St2 #o$is2
!oB pg2 1I
18:I The slave revolt started 1E years earlier in Santo Domingo
finally ends &ith the slaves1 victory2 The island is renamed
Haiti2 !oB pg2 >I
18:7 ,efferson Davis is born2 BeS pg2 1@
18:8 *apoleon conJ$ers Spain2 SoB pg2 1I
18:8 %reensboro' *orth Carolina is fo$nded2 -t is the co$nty seat
for %$ilford Co$nty2 BeS pg2 E<
18:< Mike and David begin this horrible nightmare2 T0 pg2 77
181: Me7ico rebels against foreign Lrench4SpanishM r$le2 SoB pg2
181: *e& .rleans is the fifth largest city in the ?nited States2
!oB pg2 I9
1811 The #$ddite movement is beg$n in )ngland by angry te7tile
&orkers2 ,MC pg2 E:
181@ #o$isiana becomes the 18
state2 !oB pg2 I9
181@ The *e& .rleans is the first riverboat to arrive in *e&
.rleans2 !oB pg2 I>
181@ The creatively named "ar of 181@ begins bet&een the ?S+
and %reat Britain2 !oB pg2 I>
181@ ebr$ary 8 The to&n of *e& Madrid' Misso$ri is nearly
destroyed by one of the &orst earthJ$akes to hit *orth
+merica' second only to the %reat 6$ake of 1>82 !oB pg2 @1
181@ ebr$ary 8 The #ady of *e& .rleans is the first riverboat to
reach the confl$ence of the .hio and Mississippi !ivers2 #ocal
indians think this is a bad omen &hen co$pled &ith the
earthJ$ake in the same area on the same day2 !oB pg2 @@
181E The r$ins of the 0resbytere Ch$rch in *e& .rleans is reb$ilt
into a co$rtho$se2 !oB pg2 9>
181I The ?nited States is too poor to raise an army to stop the
British from invading *e& .rleans2 MaKor %eneral +ndre&
,ackson manages to raise one any&ay2 He is also able to hire
the pirate ,ean #afitte2 !oB pg2 I>
181I Christmas )ve The ?S+ and %reat Britain sign a peace treaty2
!oB pg2 I>
1819 ,an$ary 8 The British attack *e& .rleans' defended by MaK2
%eneral +ndre& ,ackson2 The 8::: man British force is
defeated by the E::: strong *e& .rleans militia2 T&o &eeks
later the British sail a&ay2 !oB pg2 I>
1819 "hite settlers started signing the first treaties &ith indians2
%D pg2 1:
1817 $t$re Te7as !anger "illiam +le7ander GBigfootH "allace is
born in (irginia2 #D pg2 18
1817 The Congo SJ$are in *e& .rleans is opened to local slaves to
meet and hold dances2 !oB pg2 99
1817 +ndre& ,ackson begins his campaign against the Seminole
-ndians in central lorida2 BeS pg2 >7
1817 Baton !o$ge' #o$isiana is incorporated2 !oB pg2 E7
181< Caha&aba is made the capital of +labama2 BeS pg2 9>
181< +ndre& ,ackson negotiates a settlement &ith the -ndians of
Tennessee and fo$nds the to&n of Memphis2 !oB pg2 @E
181< +llan 0inkerton born in Scotland2 #D pg2 <
18@: ,oseph Smith receives visions in 0almyra' *e& Dork2 Co% pg2 7
18@: Misso$ri is admitted into the ?nion2 !oB pg2 11
18@1 Me7ico finally &ins independence from Spain4rance2 +$g$stin
-t$rbide declares himself )mperor of Me7ico2 SoB pg2 1I
18@1 The Me7ican !evol$tion rocks California2 Spain is kicked o$t
and the ne& land allies &ith Me7ico ro$ghly2 The governors
from Me7ico are generally considered idiots2 T%M pg2 7
18@1 +ndre& ,ackson b$ys4conJ$ers lorida from Spain2 BeS pg2
Self appointed G!anging CompaniesH of men begin patrolling
the Te7as frontier to protect against -ndians and the like2
These become the Te7as !angers2 #D pg2 7
18@I +ntonio #ope8 de Santa +nna 0ere8 de #ebron leads a revolt in
Me7ico' e7iling -t$rbide2 -t$rbide later ret$rns and is shot by
firing sJ$ad2 Me7ico sets $p a government molded like the one
fo$nd in the ?nited States2 SoB pg2 1I
Dari$s Hellstromme born in #ondon )ngland2 Co% pg2 9>
18@I51899 Me7ico has over @I presidents2 Santa +nna serves as
president 11 times in this E15year period2 0op$lar g$y2 SoB pg2
,$dge !oy Bean is born in Fent$cky2 #D pg2 @I
18@> Caha&aba ' +labama is lost $nder the &aters of the al&ays5
flooding +labama !iver2 Montgomery is made the ne& capital
of +labama2 BeS pg2 9>
18@> Catherine "ashington' %eorge "ashington1s grandniece'
marries 0rince +chille M$rat' *apoleon1s nephe&' hoping to
someday be 6$een of Sicily2 *o& she lives in Belv$e Mansion
in Tallahassee and talks to her cats2 BeS pg2 >9
,oseph Smith $nearths the golden plates from a hill near
Manchester' *e& Dork Co% pg2 7
18@8 %old is fo$nd in the fields aro$nd Dahlonega' %eorgia2 The
local Cherokees are sent to reservations in .klahoma and a
ne& gold r$sh begins2 BeS pg2 98
18@8 ,$dge -saac 0arker is born in .hio2 #D pg2 @9
18@< Me7ican 0resident %$errero abolishes slavery2 SoB pg2 19
18E:1s *e& Dork City1s main prison facility is b$ilt near ive 0oints2
The place is called the Tomb2 Be* pg2 E8
18E:1s ear of the ne& religion' voodoo' ca$ses the city of *e&
.rleans to ban its practice in p$blic for$ms' even Congo
SJ$are2 !oB pg2 >I
18E:1s #ate Baron Simon #aCroi7 is born in Haiti2 !oB pg2 9:
18E: +fter E years of translating the golden plates' the first Book
of Mormon is p$blished2 Co% pg2 8
18E: Tom Horn is born in &hat &ill become the state of Misso$ri2
#D pg2 1<
18E: 0orfirio Dia8 born in .a7aca' Me7ico2 Sob pg2 @<
18E: Marie #evea$ becomes the voodoo J$een of *e& .rleans2 !oB
pg2 >9
18E1 Mormon leader ,oseph Smith and others move to Firtland'
.hio2 Co% pg2 8
18E1 +rchd$ke Ma7imillian von Hapsb$rg of +$stria is born2 SoB pg2
18E@ Cholera kills almost one5seventh of the pop$lation of *e&
.rleans2 !oB pg2 91
18EE !2 0ercy Sitgreaves is born2 TD pg2 1
18EE Firtland Temple of the #atter5day Saints is beg$n2 Co% pg2 8
18EE 0eter Dromgoole does not sho& $p to his d$el at 0iney
0rospect in Chapel Hill' *orth Carolina2 E<
18EE5E7 ,oseph Smith remains in .hio &hile the Mormons spread into
Misso$ri2 Co% pg2 8
18EI The modern name GThe Ch$rch of ,es$s Christ and the
#atter5day SaintsH is given to the organi8ation2 Co% pg2 8
18EI The Medical College of #o$isiana opens in *e& .rleans2 !oB
pg2 >@
18EI + fire starts in the #a#a$rie Mansion on !oyal Street in *e&
.rleans2 irefighters fo$nd a n$mber of slaves dead and
m$tilated or on the verge of death d$e to tort$re or
starvation locked in a room in the attic2 .ne of the slaves had
set the fire as a form of s$icide in preference to the tort$re
that the o&ner of the ho$se' Madame #a#a$rie' &as inflicting
on him and the other slaves2 Madame #a#a$rie escaped the
lynch mob that formed and &as never seen again2 !oB pg2 97
18EI The region that &ill become .klahoma is established as -ndian
Territory2 ToT pg2 8:
18E9 Me7ican 0resident Santa +nna n$llifies the Constit$tion of
18@I and ratifies a ne& one giving him more po&er2 SoB pg2 19
18E9 The G0ermanent Co$ncilH of Te7as revol$tionaries created
three companies of !angers to patrol the frontiers and rivers2
#D pg2 7
18E9 Te7as declares independence from Me7ico2 The rebels take
%oliad and San +ntonio from Me7ican defenders2 SoB pg2 19
18E> Te7as secedes from Me7ico2 63D pg2 97
18E> ebr$ary Santa +nna marches &ith >::: men into Te7as2 He
retakes San +ntonio LBattle of the +lamoM and %oliad2 He is
attacked near the San ,acinto !iver' shot in the left leg Lit
&as later amp$tatedM' capt$red' and forced into signing a
peace treaty2 !o$gh dayN SoB pg2 19
18E> Santa +nna ret$rns to Me7ico and holds an elaborate state
f$neral for his amp$tated leg2 He then declares his
retirement2 SoB pg2 19
18E> The +lta California revol$tion is attempted2 #os +ngeles and
San Diego side &ith the ederalis and after a fe& years
Me7ico still r$les the land2 T%M pg2 8
18E7 +ndre& ,ackson tricks the Seminole chief' .sceola' o$t of
hiding &ith a flag of tr$ce' capt$res him and some of his
follo&ers2 They are sent to a reservation in .klahoma2 BeS pg2
18E7 Mormon Bank of Firtland does so poorly it is forced to close2
Co% pg2 8
18E7 + mint for the ?S+ is b$ilt in *e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 99
18E7 $t$re co$nty Sheriff ,ohn Behan is born in Te7as2 #D pg2 @@
18E7 "illiam Brocka&ay' GThe Fing of Co$nterfeitersH' starts his
life as an apprentice printer2 #D pg2 E9
18E8 .ct @7 %ov2 ,ohn Boggs iss$es orders to militia that Mormons
are to be driven from the state as enemies2 Co% pg2 <
18E8 .ct E: 185E: Mormons in Misso$ri are h$nted do&n after a
battle and are killed in a cabin2 Co% pg2 <
18E8 Me7ico ref$ses to pay their debts to rance2 The rench
bombard and take the city of (eracr$82 Santa +nna comes o$t
of retirement and kicks their b$tts back home2 SoB pg2 1>
18E8 Danites are said to have started $nder he name ODa$ghters of
=ion2 O This &as changed several times2 Can yo$ blame AemC
Co% pg2 1<
18E< St2 ,ames Ch$rch in "ilmington' *orth Carolina b$ilt2 BeS pg2
18I:1s The 0ayne family b$ilds a mansion in the to&n of #afayette'
#o$isiana2 !oB pg2 >:
18I:1s The first te7tile mills are b$ilt in Boston2 Be* pg2 @I
18I:1s St2 #o$is dra&s a large n$mber of %erman immigrants2 !oB pg2
18I:1s #ate The 0otato Blight forces many -rish to immigrate to
+merica2 Be* pg2 @I
18I:1s "illiam GBigfootH "allace moves to Te7as and Koins the Te7as
!angers2 #D pg2 18
18I: $t$re ?S Marshall GBear;!iverH Tom Smith is born in *e&
Dork City2 L%et a ropeNM #D pg2 @1
18I: $t$re la&man Heck Thomas is born in %eorgia2 #D pg2 @>
18I: The cornerstone to a mon$ment commemorating the Battle of
*e& .rleans is set in place K$st o$tside the city of *e&
.rleans2 !oB pg2 >E
18I: Most -ndians have reali8ed that the &hite treaties are
&orthless2 "onder &hat the first cl$e &asC %D pg2 1:
18I: The pop$lation of -llinois &as I>7'18E2 Co% pg2 1:
18I:5I> +ro$nd I::: foreigners travel to *a$voo in the ne7t > years2
Co% pg2 <
18I1 ,oseph Smith comes &est and forms *a$voo after b$ying a
large tract of land in -llinois2 Co% pg2 <
18I1 + military revolt in Me7ico p$ts Santa +nna back into po&er2
SoB pg2 1>
18I1 Thomas B2 !yman born in Tennessee2 BeS pg2 @9
18I1 St2 #o$is is second only to *e& .rleans in vol$me of river
trade2 !oB pg2 1I
+llan 0inkerton emigrates to +merica and moves to Chicago
&ith his ne& &ife' ,oan' to escape an arrest &arrant in
%lasgo&2 #D pg2 <4MiBD pg2 8
18I@ St2 Mary1s' a college for &omen' opens in !aleigh' *orth
Carolina2 BeS pg2 E7
18I@ The So$th Carolina Military +cademy La2k2a2 GThe CitadelHM is
chartered2 BeS pg2 I8
%overnor Boggs' iss$er of the infamo$s )7termination .rder'
is shot by an $nkno&n assailant' b$t lives2 Co% pg2
18IE Santa +nna orders constr$ction of a stat$e of himself in the
central pla8a of Me7ico City2 -t is never finished2 SoB pg2 E8
+dobe "alls fo$nded by the trading company of Bent' St2
(rain 3 company2 63D pg2 >1
18IE rank ,ames is born2 #D pg2 E7
18IE $t$re To&n Marshall of Dead&ood' Seth B$llock' is born in
.hio2 #D pg2 @@
18II ,$ne @7 after -llinois becomes tired of the polygamy and
biased co$rts of *a$voo' ,oseph Smith and E others are shot
to death in Kail after they s$rrendered to the state2 Co% pg2
18II $t$re to&n Marshall Bill Tilghman is born in &hat &ill become
-o&a2 #D pg2 @E
18II Tom Horn r$ns a&ay from home after &hipping his father2 #D
pg2 1<
18II Me7ican Dictator Santa +nna is o$sted and flees to C$ba2 SoB
pg2 1>
18II 0resident 0olk elected to an e7pansionist ticket2 Begins
bl$ffing and boldly claiming more land for +merica2 T%M pg2 8
18II ?nited States offers Te7as statehood2 Me7ico obKects2 SoB
pg2 1>
18II $t$re Te7as !anger #eander H2 Mc*elly is born2 #D pg2 18
18I9 $t$re To&n Marshall of )l 0aso' Dallas Sto$denmire is born
in +labama2 #D pg2 @@
18I> +llan 0inkerton' carries o$t his o&n investigation of a
co$nterfeiting ring' alerts the la& and has them arrested2 The
Treas$ry department hires him and appoints him Dep$ty
Sheriff of Fane co$nty' -llinois2 #D pg2 <4MiBD pg2 <
18I> 7:: +mericanos arrive and settle illegally on land in +lta
California2 They ref$se to become Me7ican and Catholic to
get the land legally2 T%M pg2 8
+n -ndependent Te7as is anne7ed by 0resident 0olk and once
again Me7ico invades2 This ends &ith the +merican capt$re of
Me7ico city2 63D pg2 97
18I> The Me7ican;+merican "ar begins2 The ?S sneaks Santa
+nna back into Me7ico so he can negotiate a peace treaty on
?S terms2 Santa +nna agrees b$t breaks his promise soon
after arriving2 He raises a @::':::5man army and is GelectedH
president2 The ?nited States act$ally acts s$rprised2 SoB pg2
18I> "illiam 0inkerton' +llan 0inkerton1s first son is born2 #D pg2
18I> Montgomery becomes the capital of +labama2 BeS pg2 9I
18I7 )arly Mormons finish evac$ating *a$voo and flee &est2 Co%
pg2 1:
18I7 ,$ly @I The Mormons first arrive at the %reat Salt #ake2 Co%
pg2 1:
18I7 Salt #ake City fo$nded by Brigham Do$ng and the Mormons2
Co% pg2 1:
18I7 The Medical College of #o$isiana becomes the ?niversity of
#o$isiana2 !oB pg2 >@
18I7 The people of Monterrey' Me7ico finally finish their
cathedral2 SoB pg2 E7
,esse ,ames is born2 #D pg2 E7
irst Mormon ,$dgement Day2 *ah' things are going too &ell
Co% pg2 8
18I8 Santa +nna loses the battle of (eraCr$8 to the rench and is
deposed and e7iled2 63D pg2 97
18I8 Mormons sec$re eno$gh timber to start homes in Salt #ake
b$t are near5starved by lack of reso$rces2 Co% pg2 1:
18I8 The Treaty of %$adal$pe Hidalgo ends the Me7ican5+merican
"ar' giving the ?nited States most of its present Me7ico5
Confederate territories2 Santa +nna leaves Me7icoPagain2
SoB pg2 1>
18I8 Constr$ction begins on the "ashington Memorial2 Be* pg2 >8
18I8 !obert 0inkerton' second son of +llan 0inkerton is born2 #D
pg2 1<
18I< $t$re o$tla& Sherrill GHardrockH Holston born in (irginia2 #D
pg2 E7
18I< The %reat %old !$sh reaches its peakN T%M pg2 <
18I< Baton !o$ge is made the #o$isiana state capital2 !oB pg2 E7
18I< The B$rea$ of -ndian +ffairs is transferred from the
Department of the -nterior to the "ar Department2 %D pg2
18I< ,$dge -saac 0arker is admitted to the Bar and then emigrates
to Misso$ri and then Fansas2 #D pg2 @9
189:1s The gold mines in the ?&harrie Mo$ntains play o$t2 BeS pg2 I:
189:1s The Tammany Hall society has eno$gh political po&er to
control every election in *e& Dork2 Be* pg2 E9
189:1s The *e& Dork government cleans $p the beggars and
shantyto&ns in Central 0ark2 Be* pg2 I:
189:1s ear of voodoo fades and it becomes an accepted religion2 !oB
pg2 >I
189:1s Steamboats become pop$lar forms of floating entertainment
along the Mississippi !iver2 !oB pg2 <
189:1s )arly The #emp Bre&ery is fo$nded in St2 #o$is by #emp
family of immigrants2 !oB pg2 17
189:1s The "ichita tribe of -ndians is &iped o$t by smallpo7 and
Comanche &arbands2 %D pg2 @:
189: The territory of *e& Me7ico is created2 This area incl$des
&hat &ill event$ally become +ri8ona' *e& Me7ico' and parts
of *evada' ?tah' and Colorado2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
189: +llan 0inkerton and a Chicago attorney form the *orth5"est
0olice +gency2 -t is later renamed to the 0inkerton *ational
Detective +gency2 #D pg2 <4MiBD pg2 <
189: The High Hampton -nn opens in *orth Carolina2 BeS pg2 I1
189: 0at %arret is born in +labama2 #D pg2 @:
189: $t$re Te7as !anger ,ohn B2 +rmstrong is born2 #D pg2 17
1891 .$tla& "illiam 0reston #ongley is born2 #D pg2 E8
1891 0res2 illmore appoints Brigham Do$ng as %overnor of ?tah
territory2 "hen his term is over #t2 Colonel Steptoe is
appointed b$t is ignored by the people2 Co% pg2 1@
1891 The first stone of the Tabernacle are placed2 Co% pg2 @8
1891 Doc Holliday born in %eorgia to rich family2 #D pg2 E7
1891 $t$re o$tla& Sam Bass is born -ndiana2 #D pg2 EI
189@ #ong5Haired Tony born in California2 T%M pg2 EI
189@ *e& .rleans gro&s and s&allo&s $p the to&n of #afayette2
!oB pg2 >:
189E -mport broker ,osh$a +2 *orton loses a fort$ne after rice
importing prices crash2 He disappears and ret$rns years later'
cra8y' calling himself G)mperor *orton the first2H T%M pg2 I@
189E Constr$ction on the MormonTemple at Salt #ake is beg$n2 Co%
pg2 @<
,ohn "esley Hardin is born in Te7as2 He destined to become
one of the most dangero$s men in the &est2 #D pg2 E>
189E +fter a long series of revolts' Me7ico invites Santa +nna back
to restore peace2 Santa +nna p$ts himself into po&er and
gives himself the title of His Most Serene Highness2 He then
sells +ri8ona to the ?nited States for Q1: million2 SoB pg2 172
189E ,$ly to .ctober +lmost <::: people die of Dello& ever in
*e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 91
189I Benito ,$are8 serves as secretary to one of the leaders of
the !evol$tion of +y$tla in Me7ico2 SoB pg2 @7
0resident ranklin 0ierce signs the Fansas5*ebraska +ct'
opening the territory to settlement2 63% pg2 9:
$t$re o$tla& *ed Christie is born2 #D pg2 E9
T$cson is sold to the ?S as part of the %adsden 0$rchase2 BT
pg2 11
189I %eorge "2 G#afayetteH Bickley fo$nds the Fnights of the
%olden Circle2 BeS pg2 99
The Mormon ch$rch books &agon train passage for its ne&
converts b$t event$ally is forced to $se handcarts2 Co% pg2 1@
1899 Benito ,$are8 elected 0resident of Me7ico2 SoB pg2 @7
1899 The !evol$tion of +y$tla deposes Santa +nna from the
Me7ican throne and he leaves Me7icoPagain2 SoB pg2 17
1899 The 0inkerton *ational Detective +gency is hired by >
railroad companies for a yearly retainer of Q1:':::2 MiBD pg2
1899 The Secret Service is established to fight co$nterfeiting2 #D
pg2 1E
1899 The lo&er third of the "ashington Memorial is completed b$t
constr$ction ceases2 Be* pg2 >8
1899 +ct$al constr$ction begins on the Battle of *e& .rleans
memorial K$st o$tside *e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 >E
1899 The !evol$tion of +y$tla strikes at the $pper class and the
ch$rch of Me7ico2 This ca$ses f$rther revolts2 This leads to
t&o r$ling Me7ican governments in Me7ico/ the reform
government in (eracr$8 and the traditional government in
Me7ico City2 This is also called the G"ar of !eformH2 SoB pg2
189> 0lace d1+rmes' a sJ$are in *e& .rleans' is renamed ,ackson
SJ$are after the hero of the Battle of *e& .rleans in 18192
!oB pg2 9>
189> GDeaconH ,im Miller is born in +rkansas2 #D pg2 E8
1897 Sept 11 The Mo$ntain Meado&s Massacre occ$rs2 Co% pg2 1E
1897 + Glost1 band of Cheyenne called the S$htei are spotted
across a river b$t soon vanish2 %D pg2 1<
1897 *e& .rleans1 foremost d$elist' Senor ,ose #l$la' opens the
St2 (incent d$ 0a$l cemetery to cater to d$elist that come in
second place2 !oB pg2 >E
1897 0res2 B$chanan sends @9:: soldiers to ?tah to reinstate the
appointed %overnor2 B$t little happens d$e to mismanagement
of s$pplies2 Co% pg2 1@
1897 The +iken party' a band of settlers passing thro$gh Deseret'
are r$mored to have been killed by .202 !ock&ell' Co% pg2 1<
"ido& %rist arrives in Salt #ake City and event$ally creates
the city1s .rphanage2 Co% pg2 @8
1898 Baron Simon #aCroi71s father dies2 !oB pg2 9:
189< The Cortinas "ar2 Te7as !angers fight ,$an Cortinas after
he occ$pies Bro&nsville2 +fter an initial fail$re they ret$rn
and drive Cortinas back to Me7ico2 #D pg2 7
189< .il is discovered in 0ennsylvania' slo&ly killing the *e&
)ngland &haling ind$stry2 Be* pg2 @E
18>:1s #ate The rivalry bet&een 6$een Marie #evea$ and Baron
Simon #aCroi7 escalates2 !oB pg2>>
#ate 0rof2 !emington travels across +merica' compiling his
Definitive Modern Dictionary of Speech2 He records the story
of a !iver #eviathan attack2 !(C pg2 9E
0at %arretAs parents die and he drifts &est&ards2 #D pg2 @:
The elections of A>: creates the climate of conflict and the
Civil "ar is la$nchedN 63D pg2 I1
18>: +lmost 17:'::: people live in *e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 I>
18>: The "ar of !eform in Me7ico finally ends &ith a reformist
victory b$t the co$ntry is in r$ins2 SoB pg2 17
18>: December 17 Delegates in Charleston' So$th Carolina adopt
the .rdinance of Secession2 So$th Carolina is the first state
to secede2 BeS pg2 I9
18>1518>E !aven visits several tribes' recr$iting follo&ers2 D#1 pg 178
18>1 The Secret Service is created as a part of the Treas$ry
Department2 MiBD pg2 19
18>1 Me7ico decides to halt payment on its debts2 Britain' rance'
and Spain decide to invade Me7ico2 They J$ickly occ$py
(eracr$82 Spain and Britain get bored and go home2 SoB pg2 17
,an$ary Fansas admitted to ?nion as free state2 63D pg2 91
#TC ,ohn Baylor claims +ri8ona for the Confederacy' becomes
territorial governor2 Territory of Colorado is created2 .!)
18>1 (irginia secedes from the ?nion2 Be* pg2' >1
18>1 The ?S mint in *e& .rleans is taken over for $se by the
Confederacy2 !oB pg2 99
18>1 +pril 1@ ort S$mter is bombarded by So$th Carolina militia2
These are the first shots of the Civil "ar2 BeS pg2 I9
18>1 +pril 1E ort S$mter falls to the militia attack started the
day before2 BeS pg2 I9
Cochise is falsely acc$sed of kidnapping and cattle r$stling
and is almost capt$red $nder a false flag of peace2 He
escapes2 63D pg2 >8
18>1 The Baron Simon #aCroi7 arrives in *e& .rleans from Haiti2
!oB pg2 I<
+fter he prevents an attempt on #incoln1s life' +llan 0inkerton
is s$mmoned to "ashington to provide espionage and co$nter5
espionage services for the ?nion2 #D pg2 <4MiBD pg2 1:
+ plot to assassinate #incoln by Maryland pro5secessionists is
foiled by the ne&ly appointed +llan 0inkerton and his men2 #D
pg2 <
The &riter calling himself the So$thern Sentinel first arrives
in !ichmond2 ToT pg2 @@
18>1 #ate5year ?nion soldiers take the port cities in *orth and
So$th Carolina2 BeS pg2 E:
18>@ ,an$ary/ Confederate Congress declares +ri8ona a
Confederate territory' dependent on 0resident DavisAs
approval2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
18>@ eb 1I/ ,efferson Davis declares +ri8ona a Confederate
territory2 #tC ,ohn Baylor is granted the Territorial
%overnorship2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
18>@ March/ Baylor orders the e7termination of the +pache' and
the sale of their children in order to reco$p the financial
costs of the operation 5 claiming that the Confederacy
ordered it2 0res2 Davis personally revokes BaylorAs commission
and removes him from the governorship of +=2 .!)
+n e7ec$tive order appoints the Secret Service to
GBodyg$ardH the 0resident' (0' or any other federal politician2
#D pg2 1E
+pril 19th/ 0icacho 0eak Civil "ar battle2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
18>@ May 1 ?nion forces take the city of *e& .rleans after a
short naval bombardment2
18>@ May 9 The rench march on Me7ico City and are sent into
retreat2 SoB pg2 17
18>@ The Catedral in %$adalaKara' Me7ico is given a carved &hite
marble altar from -taly2 SoB pg2 I:
18>@ The &estern half of (irginia secedes from (irginia' Koins the
?nion and becomes "est (irginia2 Be* pg2 >1
?nion forces drive Confederates o$t of +ri8ona and *e&
Me7ico and then t$rn attentions to the +pache and *avaKo2
They are s$ccessf$l $ntil aro$nd 18>I &hen the +paches
begin to acJ$ire more &eapons2 63D pg2 >8
18>@ 0arson !eynold1s school in Montevallo' +labama becomes a
field hospital2 BeS pg2 97
18>@ The #ibby 3 Son &areho$se is converted into the #ibby 0rison'
in !ichmond' (irginia to hold ?nion prisoners2 BeS pg2 17
18>@ ?nion troops over r$n *ashville' Tennessee2 BeS pg2 @I
18>@ The ?nion #eag$e is fo$nded in 0hiladelphia to help f$nd the
&ar effort2 Be* pg2 I8
18>@ Sept/L,$lyCM ?nion drove the CS+ o$t of +=2 .!)
18>E )arly ?S %eneral ?lysses %rant lays siege to the city of
(icksb$rg' Mississippi2 (icksb$rg is defended by %eneral ,ohn
0emberton2 !oB pg2 E1
The $nion settles on one c$rrency2 The greenback2 #D pg2 1E
+ri8ona is proclaimed a territory2 BT pg2 11
?nion declares that +ri8ona is a territory2 Territory is split
into t&o sections' *e& Me7ico and +ri8ona2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
18>E The rench army in Me7ico is reinforced by the rench
oreign #egion2 They march on Me7ico City' finally taking it2
Me7ican 0resident ,$are8 flees north&est and %eneral Dia8
flees so$theast2 SoB pg2 17
18>E The ne&ly remodeled Capitol b$ilding in "ashington' D2C2 is
finished2 Be* pg2 >E
18>E %eneral ,2 H2 Morgan leads raids thro$gh -ndiana and .hio2
BeS pg2 @
18>E ,an$ary +llan 0inkerton leaves "ashington after loosing his
commission &ith the ?nion +rmy2 MiBD pg2 1@
18>E + detachment of ?nion cavalry retreating from (icksb$rg'
enter the Montevallo field hospital and sla$ghter the patients
and st$dent n$rses2 BeS pg2 97
18>E D$ring the *e& Dork Draft !iots' many ifth +ven$e homes
are destroyed2 Be* pg2 I@
GDeaconH ,im Miller moves in &ith his grandparents at age 72
#D pg2 E8
CS+ %en2 #eonidas 0olk fo$nds the Chaplain Corp of the CS+
army2 B pg2 17
Bill 6$antrill and gro$p b$rn the to&n of #a&rence' Fansas'
killing over 19: men' &omen' and children2 63D pg2 91
18>E ,$ly ?nion *aval and +rmy forces lay siege to Charleston2 BeS
pg2 I>
)uly * The +eckoning. D, pg. $
18>E ,$ly E
CS+ %en ,ohn 0emberton prepares his army for the
s$rrender of (icksb$rg to ?nion forces led by %en ?lysses
%rant2 B$t his army escapes the city that night2 ToT pg2 1<
RRCS+ %eneral 0emberton' defender of (icksb$rg' m$st
negotiate a s$rrender of the city to ?S %eneral %rant
beca$se the civilians of the city are starving to death2 ?nder
the cover of night 0emberton and his men sneak o$t of the
city2 !oB pg2 E1
,$ly E The citi8ens of *e& .rleans stage a rebellion against
the ?nion occ$pation forces2 The entire ?nion 9::: man
garrison of *e& .rleans is killed in a single night2 They then
defeated a ?nion relief flotilla that arrived &ithin the &eek2
!oB pg2 I7 4 ToT pg2 @:
18>E ,$ly I ?S %eneral %rant marches into and occ$pies the to&n
of (icksb$rg' Mississippi2 Soon after a disease' the G"astingH'
begins to creep thro$gh the civilian pop$lation and occ$pying
troops2 Before the city is evac$ated a fe& days later' over
1:'::: people have died2
Hank Fetch$m is &o$nded in battle and then loses an eye to
the B$tcher2 #D pg2 17
18>E +t the rate of abo$t one a month' small ships are being fo$nd
abandoned and adrift in the &aters off the coast of
0ennsylvania2 This contin$es $ntil at least December 187>2
Be* pg2 97
The Te7as !angers are removed from standard service and
start investigating vario$s reports of strange happenings2 #D
pg2 7
18>E ishing off the coast of 0ennsylvania increases in yield' at
least $ntil December of 187>2 Be* pg2 97
irst reports of Salt !attlers on the great salt flats of ?tah2
63D pg2 9@
(isitors to the Mormon Tabernacle claim to hear the
scratching of the trapped O#ost )lderO Co% pg2 @<
#ate CS+ %eneral 0atrick !2 Cleb$rneAs accomplishments had
granted him the rank of %eneral commanding an entire army
corp2 He is called OStone&all of the "estO ToT pg2 @8
The rench conJ$er Me7ico and place )mperor Ma7imillian in
control and ret$rn control of the Me7ican army to Santa
+nna2 63D pg2 97
18>E +$g$st ?nion %eneral B$rnside is killed in a rockslide &hile
leading an army across the mo$ntains into Fno7ville'
Tennessee2 His army retreats2 BeS pg2 @I
18>E .ctober ?SS *e& -ronsides s$nk by the CSS David' a
s$bmersible' raises the spirits of the people of Charleston2
BeS pg2 I>
ebr$ary 17
#t2 %eorge Di7on makes the last kno&n voyage
of the C2S2S H$nley as she vent$red into Charleston harbor
and sinks the ?SS Ho$satonic2 ToT pg2 @1
CS+ officially reclaims +=2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
Bill 6$antrill raids and b$rns Centralia' Fansas2 63D pg2 91
%ranny Smith developes the Mormon !ifle2 Co% pg2 E>
+t age 8 GDeaconH ,im Miller kills his grandparents and sets
o$t on his o&n2 )nds $p living &ith his sister2 #D pg2 E8
+pril <
%eneral %rant increases the responsibilities of the
0inkerton Detective agency on orders from #incoln to
investigate the G-nfernal creat$resH that had beg$n to sho&
$p2 #D pg2 1:
Spring %en2 %rant attempts to end the &ar &ith a strong p$sh
into !ichmond grinding #eeAs army as he &ent2 ToT pg2 @@
18>I Sand Creek Massacre2 >:: So$thern Cheyenne' led by chief
Black Fettle' agree to be led to a reservation by the ?nion
army2 The soldiers arrived dr$nk and attacked the &aiting
-ndians2 @:: helpless -ndians &ere sla$ghtered before the
rest co$ld escape2 %D pg2 @@
The Crater is created o$tside !ichmond &hen the ?nion
attempted to blo& their &ay thro$gh Confederate lines2 ToT
pg2 @E
18>I +pril ?nion *aval attack on Charleston' So$th Carolina ca$ses
no real damage BeS 0g2 I9
18>I +pril 1@ CS+ %eneral *athan Bedford orrest sei8es t2
0illo&' near Memphis' more than half of the 97> ?nion
defenders &ere mortally &o$nded' dro&ned' or o$tright killed
in the battle and Gescape attemptsH after&ard2 ?S %eneral
Sherman d$bs orrest &ith the name G the Devil orrestH2 !oB
pg2 @E
#incoln )7ec$tive .rder iss$ed that enforces #ocal and co$nty
la& to comply &ith 0inkertons2 #D pg2 1:
18>I The reemasons begin foc$sing on &inning the "ar for the
?nion2 Be* pg2 7@
18>I %eneral Sterling 0rice enters Misso$ri to liberate the state
from ?nion control2 He is relatively s$ccessf$l2 !oB pg2 1@
18>I The family of Mary Catherine %allagher moves to Salt #ake
City2 Co% pg2 I>
S$mmer CS+ %en2 Sterling 0rice enters Misso$ri and is Koined
by throngs of civilians against former ?nion %eneral
Schofield2 The state is confederate from the Misso$ri river
so$th2 ToT pg2 @1
irst battle of +dobe "alls fo$ght2 Fit Carson and company
enco$nter a large -ndian encampment and retreat to +dobe
"alls2 They later had to flee from the overr$n village2 63D
pg2 >1
18>I The ?nion *avy attacks ort isher to disr$pt shipping b$t
s$ffer a h$miliating defeat2 BeS pg2 E1
18>I *apoleon ---' )mperor of rance' places +rchd$ke
Ma7imillian von Hapsb$rg of +$stria and his &ife' Carlota' into
po&er as )mperor and )mpress of Me7ico2 SoB pg2 17
18>I )mperor Ma7imillian of Me7ico decides to bring Santa +nna
o$t of e7ile and p$t him in charge of the Me7ican5rench
army2 Santa +nna1s first orders are to take California before
moving on to retake +ri8ona and Te7as2 SoB pg2 17
18>I %eneral Morgan is ordered to stand before a Co$rt of -nJ$iry2
BeS pg2 @E
18>I + &eek before %eneral Morgan1s co$rt date' he is shot by
?nion soldiers and left for dead2 He s$rvives the incident and
goes renegade2 BeS pg2 @E
18>I #ate +ndersonville becomes the largest 0." camp so$th of
the Mason Di7on line2 ToT pg2 @I
18>I ,osiah ,ackson heads &est as a correspondent for the *e&
Dork Times2 Be* pg2 >
18>I +$g$st ?nion &arships led by +dmiral arrag$t' botch an
attack on Mobile' +labama2 BeS pg2 9E
18>I .ctober %eneral Bea$regard arrives in Charleston to lift the
siege2 BeS pg2 I>
18>I .ctober @ + hastily assembled force rep$lsed a ?nion
advance to&ard the St$art' B$chanan 3 Co2 Salt&orks in
Saltville' (irginia2 The defenders then m$rdered more than a
h$ndred of the ?nion1s &o$nded2 These people &ere co$rt5
martialed2 BeS pg2 @@
18>I .ctober 1<
@9 Confederates cross into (ermont from
Canada and rob a bank2 leeing back to Canada they are
p$rs$ed and Canadian gendarmes ref$se to hand over the
robbers2 ToT pg2 @I
18>I *ovember 11
The Confederate Congress enacts the
Man$mission #a&' first proposed by %eneral 0atric !2
Cleb$rne2 This allo&s the emancipation of its slaves and the
CS+ receives )$ropean recognition soon after2 ToT pg2 4 BeS
pg2 11
18>I5>9 The bandits Big 0$l and #ittle 0$l harass farmers and
travelers along the *evada border2 T%M pg2 I@
ebr$ary The Hampton roads conference2 The ?nion agrees to
lift the blockade of the confederacy in ret$rn for British and
rench vo&s of ne$trality2 ToT pg2 @9
+pril 1I 0resident #incoln assassinated by ,ohn "ilkes Booth2
D# pg2 1@4 MiBD pg2 1I
Bill 6$antrill ca$ght by ?nion soldiers and killed' scattering
his band along &ith rank and ,esse ,ames2 63D pg2 91
18>9 March ?nion soldiers besieging Charleston find themselves
o$t flanked by CS+ forces and are forced into naval
evac$ation2 BeS pg2 I>
March %eneral #eeAs men sei8e the $nion s$pply base at City
0oint2 The &asting soon appeared &ithin ?nion Troops and #ee
p$shes his advantage2 ToT pg2 @E
18>9 +pril < CS+ 0resident Davis frees all slaves2 BeS pg2 11
May The 0." camp +ndersonville is closed after %rant
res$mes the prisoner e7change2 .ver @:'::: have died &ithin
it2 ToT pg2 @I
18>9 mid5May The ?S+ and CS+ res$me prisoner e7changes2 The
+ndersonville' %eorgia prison is closed and the prisoners
march to the Mississippi !iver shore near the r$ins of
(icksb$rg2 +n estimated @I:: prisoners are loaded onto the
S$ltana' a riverboat &ith a capacity rating of E792 ?priver' @:
ho$rs later' the ship1s boilers overheat and e7plode2 .nly 8::
men s$rvive the disaster2 The accident is blamed on a single
boiler operator &ho died in the e7plosion2 !oB pg2 EE
18>9 Captain ,ohn B$ckner of the @8
So$th Carolina Colored
-nfantry !egiment s$ccessf$lly lobbies for black s$ffrage by
the 18>9 CS+ elections2 BeS pg2 11
18>9 Mid5year %osport *aval Dard ret$rned to CS+ control2 BeS
pg2 @:
18>9 ,osiah ,ackson looks for a &orm5&orshiping c$lt in the
Badlands2 Be* pg2 >
18>9 Captain Tomas B2 !yman invests in his first riverboat2 BeS pg2
18>9 The ?nion #eag$e b$ilds its H6 b$ilding in 0hiladelphia2 Be*
pg2 I<
Sio$7 tribes make the .ld "ays movement la& &ithin their
lands2 63D pg2 >>
18>9 The first Season estival is held in -ndiana2 -t is sponsored by
Smith 3 Smith Seed Co2 Be* pg2 @:
18>9 !everend ,2 %2 +rmstrong moves into !ichmond2 BeS pg2 >1
18>9 *ovember 7
%en2 Sherman begins his march to Savannah2 His
>: mile s&ath of destr$ction claims many more in the br$tal
&inter later that year2 ToT pg2 @E
18>9 #ate The s&eeping offensives and army movements begin to
stall into a stalemate2 ToT pg2 @9
18>> ebr$ary @ The to&n of 6$arryville' 0ennsylvania is attacked
by giant gro$ndhogs2 The to&n is attacked every year on this
date2 Be* pg2 98
18>> ebr$ary 1E
The first daylight bank robbery in +merican
history occ$rs &hen the ,ames %ang steals over Q>:':::
from the Clay Co$nty Savings Bank in #iberty' Misso$ri2 #D pg2
18>> Brigham Do$ng anno$nces that ?tah &ill operate as an
a$tonomo$s entity $ntil the Civil "ar ends2 Co% pg2 1@41I
18>> Ms2 !$by .A SheaAs father' Thomas .AShea' of "ishbone'
Fansas' dies2 !(C pg2 @<
18>> #eed1s o$ndry reopens after damages from the initial ?nion
occ$pation of *e& .rleans are repaired2 !oB pg2 >1
18>> The so$thern congress adopts a constit$tional amendment
that allo&s ,efferson Davis to be re5elected2 ToT pg2 E:
18>> The first +merica armed train robbery is p$lled off by the
!eno brothers &ho nab Q19'::: from the ?nion Bl$e in .hio2
#D pg2 I8
18>> ,$ly -n his famo$s ,$ly Memorand$m ,efferson Davis
a$thori8es the Te7as !angers to become a CS+ &ide 0olice
force &ith a$thority over local and state la& enforcement2 #D
pg2 7
18>> #eader of the Taiping !ebellion H$ng Hsi$5Ch1$an commits
s$icide after the !ebellion starts to fail2 Manch$s e7ec$te all
involved2 T%M pg2 II
The +pache are no& firmly in control of their lands &ith the
?nion troops forced to retreat to the safety of their forts2
63D pg2 >8
18>7 The Mormon Bank of Deseret in Salt lake is set $p2 Co% pg2 @E
Tennessee Central railroad tries to press$re Miles Devlin of
Black !iver !ails to sell off and &hen he ref$ses' he is killed2
Mina Devlin inherits the company2 63D pg2 E8
?nkno&n la&man is killed and ret$rns Harro&ed2 D$g $p by
the 0rospector in 187>2 D# pg2 9
18>7 Mrs2 +delicia +cklen marries prominent *ashville attorney
Ho&ell Beasley in a @:::5attendee &edding2 BeS pg2@>
+fter vice president and lone candidate for 0resident of the
CS+ declares his s$pport for reinstating slavery' ,efferson
Davis agrees to r$n again and &ins2 ToT pg2 E:
Sherrill GHardrockH Holston enrolls in the (irginia Military
-nstit$te' #D pg2 E7
18>7 Mrs2 +delicia +cklen marries prominent *ashville attorney
Ho&ell Beasley in a @:::5attendee &edding2 BeS pg2@>
18>7 Sm$ggling along the Mississippi !iver begins in earnest2 !oB
pg2 1>
18>7 Cholera hits Memphis' Tennessee2 ollo&ed by Dello& ever
later that same year2 !oB pg2 @I
MaKor %eneral %renville Dodge camps $nder a tree -ndians
marked as a Opl$gO to the H$nting %ro$nds2 The to&n of
#aramie' "yoming Territory is fo$nded on that spot2 BT pg2 19
18>8 BenKamin Strand discovers %host!ock in the "asatch
mo$ntains2 Co% pg2 1I
18>8 The %reat 6$ake claims large ch$nks of California as it
t$mbles into the sea2 D# pg2
18>8 The %reat 6$ake of 1>8 decimates the -ndian tribes of
California2 %D pg2 @8
18>8 "illiam Macy GBossH T&eed becomes the leader of Tammany
Hall and th$s the dictator of *e& Dork City2 Be* pg2 E9
18>8 The ?S +rmy ass$mes responsibility for la& enforcement in
"ashington' D2C2 Be* pg2 >>
18>8 -ndian shaman named Hasteli vanishes after the %reat 6$ake2
ToT pg2 >>
18>8 %eneral %rant is named as the (ice presidential candidate to
+ndre& ,ohnson2 ToT pg2 E1
18>8 ,ohn "esley Hardin kills his first man' a slave &ho ref$sed to
move o$t of his &ay2 #D pg2 E>
18>8 $t$re 0inkerton +rt$ro !ackham1s father ret$rns from
h$nting cannibalistic creat$res and inadvertently leads them
home2 His mother and ather are killed2 #D pg2 @1
18>8 #afayette Baker dies of meningitis leaving J$estions abo$t his
loyalties $nans&ered2 MiBD pg2 19
18>< ,efferson Davis declares California is no longer a ?nion state2
D# pg2 11
18>< The (atican convenes a special co$ncil to disc$ss the strange
happenings since 18>E2 This event$ally leads to the fo$ndation
of the .rder of Saint %eorge2 B pg2 1E
18>< +llan 0inkerton is forced to relinJ$ish control of the BM-
LB$rea$ of Military -ntelligenceM after he s$ffers a cerebral
stroke2 #D pg2 1:
18>< The !os&ell' *e& Me7ico research area is created to b$ild
&ar machines for the So$th2 63D pg2 E9
18>< )stablishment of t H$ach$ca and staffing of !os&ell
commences2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
18>< The FC 3 #! rail5line is fo$nded by !ichard Barney2 !oB pg2 1@
#ate ort H$ach$ca b$ilt to safeg$ard m$le trains on %host
trail2 63D pg2 8<
The %host Trail begins being $sed e7tensively by So$thern
forces from California2 63D pg2 >:
18>< all Sherrill GHardrockH Holston leaves the (irginia Military
-nstit$te after being acc$sed of another cadets death2 #D pg2
18>< %eneral M$5T1o$ F&an reaches the ma8e from Canton and soon
Koins $p &ith Big 0$l and #ittle 0$l2 T%M pg2 I@
18>< The Men of the %rid are driven off by %rimms follo&ers in
#ost +ngels2 They ret$rn to raid in 187: and 711 T%M pg2 >8
18>< ,acob Smith of f$t$re Smith and !obards is approached by
the Te7as !angers and offered a Kob at the Confederate
research facility in !os&ell2 S3! pg2 9
18>< "yoming Territory is the first in the ?nion to declare
&omenAs s$ffrage and eJ$al pay for eJ$al &ork2 BT pg2 1>
187:1s Mid5Decade The 0inkerton Detective +gency no& employs
nearly I::: people2 MiBD pg2 19
187:As ,enna Dean' a mail order bride goes &est b$t finds her
h$sband missing and is then attacked by the "endigo he had
become 2 + pack of p$re &hite &olves come to her aid and
event$ally kill the beast2 She learns to fight evil and becomes
a Templar Martyr2 Saint of "inter #C pg2 II
187: 0resident Davis ret$rns ,ohn BaylorAs commission and
promotes him to the rank of Colonel and grants him the
governorship of the +ri8ona territory2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
187: Sheriff Sam$el Meyers of #aramie s$ddenly retires and is
replaced by 0earl De%ranville2 BT pg2 1>
187: Dari$s Hellstromme arrives in Salt #ake &ith his invention of
the Steam "agon2 Co% pg2 1I
187: Dr2 Hellstromme1s actory S1 is constr$cted for b$ilding
Steam "agons2 Co% pg2 E>
187: The Secret Service &as granted the K$risdiction over all
forms of fra$d against the government2 #D pg2 1E
187: Sam Bass moves to Te7as and becomes Dep$ty Sheriff of
Denton b$t soon becomes an o$tla&2 #D pg2 EI
187: %host!ock boom of Salt #ake2 Co% pg2 EE
187: ,$ne E: ,ohn Cannon' captain of the !obert )2 #ee' and
Thomas #eathers' captain of the *atche8 both steam o$t of
*e& .rleans in a race to St2 #o$is' 1@:: miles a&ay2 !oB pg2 <
187: ,$ly E Captain ,ohn Cannon arrives in St2 #o$is E days' 18
ho$rs' and 1I min$tes after leaving *e& .rleans2 Captain
Thomas #eathers is I ho$rs behind Captain Cannon2 !oB pg2 1:
187: #ate5year %eneral !obert )2 #ee s$ffers a stroke &hile
cond$cting the o$rth Battle of Manassas2 C$red by Dr2
Moses Dr$ry Hoge of !ichmond2 BeS pg2 1< 4ToT pg2 @7
187: Martin (an Horn arrives and b$ilds the (an Horn lightho$se in
the ma8e2 He hopes to create a taller one b$t dies penniless
in 187I T%M pg2 @<
187: !$mors of the death of the 0ai$te chieftain Tavibo begin to
circ$late2 %D pg2 @9
The city of #ost +ngels reaches @:'::: people pop$lation2
63D pg2 99
187: +$t$mn +fter all the CS+ devices &ere shipped from !os&ell
several scientists' incl$ding ,acob Smith' escape the facility
in the aftermath of a planned e7plosion2 S3! pg2 >
187: #ate Sir Clifton !obards Koins a small band of escaped
scientists from the !os&ell site in the Ma8e2 S3! pg2 >
%eneral !obert )2 #ee retires to r$n Di7ie !ails2 63D pg2 I1
187: Sherrill GHardrockH Holston heads &est and becomes a bandit
robbing CS+ gold shipments2 #D pg2 E7
187: GBear5!iverH Tom Smith becomes the Sheriff of +bilene'
Fansas2 #D pg2 @1
187: Dallas Sto$denmire becomes the Marshal of )l 0aso2 #D pg2 @E
187: Second Mormon ,$dgement Day2 PHmm not J$ite yetPP Co%
pg2 8
ebr$ary OThe battle of "ashingtonO The So$th attacks
"ashington &ith ne&ly developed &ar machines and forces
the northern capitol to evac$ate2 63D pg2 E9
!onan #ynch' a northern soldier' leaves the service after the
Battle of "ashington and battles evil across the &est2 He
event$ally becomes a Templar Martyr' Saint of Death2 T#C pg2
The Battle of "ashington and other failings lead the ?nion to
impeach +ndre& ,ohnson and %rant becomes the ?S
president2 ToT pg2 E1
1871 The Secret Services d$ties are e7panded again to encompass
the monitoring and eval$ation of ne& technologies2 #D pg2 1E
1871 ,ohnson1s 0erf$me actory opens in *e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 >1
1871 ?nion %eneral %rant t$rns command over to %eneral Meade
and becomes 0resident of the ?nion2 ToT pg2 @7
1871 The Second *e& Dork Draft !iots destroy more ifth +ven$e
homes2 *e&' fortress like homes are b$ilt in their place by
architect 0ercy #a&ler2 Be* pg2 I@
1871 %eneral Sherman is appointed as ?nion %eneral in Chief2 ToT
pg2 @8
1871 Do #eng' former Taiping rebel' arrives in the Ma8e &ith H$ng
Hs$i5Ch1$ans decapitated head2 -t begins speaking to him2 He
is given the title "ang Ti50ing2 or Fing of the Hori8on2 T%M
pg2 II4I9
1871 "illiam Crosby leaves his entire Q7':::'::: estate to
Harvard &ith the stip$lation that it is to be $sed as f$nding
for $ncovering the deeper mysteries of the $niverse2 The
0sychic !esearch o$ndation is born2 Be* pg2 @<
Cal Dates goes missing from Salt #ake City2 Co% pg2 E>
+ man kno&n as Cra8y 0ete starts h$nting Salt !attlers &ith a
glider and dropped dynamite2 Co% pg2 99
S$mmer *ick (alentine' big game h$nter' e7plores a Ma8e
to&n named Hattiesport and enco$nters a gro$p of shado&y'
li8ard creat$res from the ocean2 !(C pg2 7:
1871 Thomas *ast' a cartoonist at Harper1s "eekly' p$blishes some
cartoons that are very critical of Boss T&eed and the depth
of his corr$ption2 -n a fe& days *ast disappeares and the
police investigation is cr$shed by T&eed2 Be* pg2 E9
!2 0ercy Sitgreaves arrives in Salt #ake City and gets a Kob at
Smith and !obards' ,MC pg2 7
,ohn Henry dies follo&ing famo$s contest &ith a Hellstromme
rock5drill po&ered by %host!ock2 !(C pg2 I:
0ete enner' a prospector' discovers a h$ge cavern and the
richest strike of %host !oc in ?tah2 Co% pg2 91
?S Marshall Doc *orman enco$nters a creat$re called T&o
ace2 The enco$nter ca$ses him to be nearly killed and
spirit$ally displaced2 He becomes a Templar Martyr2 Saint of
the #ost2 T#C pg2 I<
1871 .ctober Confederates attack the ?nion controlled city of
*e& Bern' *orth Carolina b$t fail miserably2 BeS pg2 E1
1871 #ate5.ctober ?nion troops march o$t of *e& Bern and attack
+tkins' *orth Carolina' taking the to&n2 BeS pg2 E@
1871 .ctober E:5E1 ?nion troops are attacked by CS+ troops o$t
of Charleston b$t beat the rebels into a &ithdra&al2 BeS pg2
1871 )arly5*ovember !etreating CS+ soldiers dig in near !aleigh'
*orth Carolina &ith reinforcements from the +lspa$gh
+rmory in %reensboro2 "hen the p$rs$ing ?nion forces finally
attack' they are J$ickly defeated and the CS+ troops march
on *e& Bern' easily taking the city2 BeS pg2 E@
1871 Charles T2 Ho&ard is blackballed from Koining the Metairie
,ockey Cl$b in *e& .rleans2 !oB pg2 9E
187@ Charles T2 Ho&ard b$ys the Metairie ,ockey Cl$b racetrack
and t$rns it into the Metairie Cemetery2 *o& members have
to die before he &ill let them back in2 !oB pg2 9E
Spring Dr2 (ictor Dates arrives in Salt #ake looking for his
son2 Co% pg2 E>
The Sio$7 *ations are fo$nded by Sitting B$ll and other
#akota elders2 %D pg2 11 4 D# pg2 11
0rospector and $nnamed -ndian create an eli7ir to help
Harro&ed &in Dominion2 D# pg2 >
Dr2 Hellstrommes actory S1 is converted into a rolling Stack
plant2 Co% pg2 E>
B$ffalo h$nting begins in earnest after %erman tanners find a
&ay to c$re B$ffalo hide into d$rable leather' Hides become
&orth QE29:T 63D pg2 8:
187@ !aids on the So$th Carolina to&ns of %reenville and +nderson
ends &hen %eneral Bea$regard sends a contingent of soldiers
to take care of it b$t heavy losses are inc$rred2 BeS pg2 I>
187@ Me7ican 0resident in hiding' Benito ,$are8' and a gro$p of his
follo&ers amb$sh and massacre nearly a h$ndred #egionnaires
near Santa -sabella' Me7ico2 SoB pg2 @8
187@ Doc Holliday contracts cons$mption2 #D pg2 E7
187@ +rt$ro !ackham J$its the 0inkertons to become the a ?S
dep$ty for the GStateH of ?tah2 #D pg2 @1
187@ "ilmington' *orth Carolina is hit by Dello& ever bro$ght by a
blockade5r$nner2 -t is event$ally stopped' b$t not before it
claims almost 9:: lives2 BeS pg2 E9
187@ +n attempt by a Canada based CS+ agent to falsify the 7@A
election res$lts is discovered2 0resident %rant then
rep$diates the 1817 !$sh5Bagot agreement2 ToT pg2 E:
187@ Sally O>:: po$nd SallyO Manners meets several Black Chaplins
near Devils Canyon2 Co% pg2 1<
187@ Dr2 Hellstromme makes a deal &ith 0ete ,enner and sets $p a
smelter in the prospectors strike2 +n accident later kills
almost all inside the cave2 Co% pg2 91
187@ Bill Hickman claims to be the leader of the Danites and
&rites a book abo$t his e7perience2 Co% pg2 @:
#ate 0resident %rant commissions ort 912 63D pg2 E9
Dello&stone is named a national 0ark by president %rant2 63D
pg2 I<
187@ %regor 0etrov arrives in the Ma8e to make money mining
%host !ock and selling it to !$ssia2 o$nds the settlement of
elicity 0eak2 T%M pg2 @8
187@ 0resident elect %rant easily &ins the elections in the ?S2 ToT
pg2 E1
187@ Madam %retchin !asm$ssen arrives in Salt #ake City after her
h$sband is killed by ?tah Starr2 Co% pg2 9>
187@ 0inkerton +gents Barth and Higgins Cr$cified2 Big 0$l and
#ittle 0$l s$spected of the crime2 T%M pg2 I@
187@ + r$mor that Baron Simon #aCroi7 had placed a c$rse on
6$een Marie #evea$ event$ally leads to street &arfare
bet&een the follo&ers of each voodoo leader2 The riots
stopped t&o days later &hen martial la& &as declared2 !oB pg2
187@ CS+ 0resident Davis declares !ichmond' (irginia the ne&
Capital District of the Confederacy2 BeS pg2 1I
187@ The provost g$ard of !ichmond' (irginia merges &ith the
civilian police to form the Capitol %$ard2 BeS pg2 1I
187@ The first t&o %reat ires rage across *ortheast Boston2 Be*
pg2 @7
187@ Dello& ever ret$rns to Memphis' Tennessee2 !oB pg2 @I
187@ The Demeter' captained by ,ack Mac%o&ran' disappears near
(icksb$rg' Mississippi2 + nearby to&n is also fo$nd deserted
&ith no sign of &hat happened to the people2 !oB pg2 E1
187@ The ?niversity of 0ennsylvania moves across the Sch$ykill
!iver to its c$rrent location in "est 0hiladelphia2 Be* pg2 9@
187@ Mid5year The CS+ sedition la&s sh$t do&n the !ichmond
)7aminer2 BeS pg2 19
187@ Mid5year The CS+1s first ghost steel s$bmersibles are
la$nched2 BeS pg2 @:
,ohn Henry Holliday +F+ GDoc HollidayH comes &est to help
&ith his T$berc$losis2 63D pg2 <E
,$ly !everend 0arker Davis is posted to the .8ark Mo$ntains
&here he learns of the Sin5)ater2 !(C pg2 97
187@ +fter the &ithdra&al of CS+ troops from "ashington' the
Society of 0eace is fo$nded by ,acob and Charlotte "inston2
Be* pg2 7:
187E %host rock is fo$nd at the Dello& Dog mine in the ?&harrie
Mo$ntains2 BeS pg2 I:
187E B$rton1s Drainage Company opens near *e& .rleans b$t their
eJ$ipment is to good and the b$ilding it is ho$sed in sinks into
the s&amps2 !oB pg2 >@
187E The third and fo$rth %reat ires destroy &hatAs left of
*ortheast Boston2 Be* pg2 @7
The mechanical cat cra8e s&eeps thro$gh Salt #ake City' Co%
pg2 I@
187@ all The sickness called Othe "alking DeathO appears among
the Chickasa&2 -ts spreads like &ild fire thro$gho$t the five
tribes of the -ndian Territories2 ToT pg2 @<
187@ #ate5year The Mary Celeste fo$nd adrift' near the +8ores'
&ith no sign of passengers2 ?nion Ko$rnalists first $se the
name GDevil1s TriangleH2 BeS pg2 @1
187E MaKor *icholas Trevalyan' a member of the )7plorerAs
Society' first arrives in *orth +merica2 !(C pg2 @:
187E Smith and !obards p$rchase the Denver 0acific rail line2 S3!
pg2 <
187E GDeaconH ,im Miller kills his brother5in5la& &ith a shotg$n2 #D
pg2 E8
187E Dr' +nthony Sp$n8o opens the Monkey&rench bar in ,$nkyard
after being kicked o$t of Deseret ?niversity2 Co% pg2 I1
187E Spring o$r of the five tribes of the -ndian Territories are
red$ced to h$ndreds after the Othe &alking deathO The
Cherokee are least affected2 ToT pg2 @<
187E F&an and the 0$l1s find )mperor *orton and &hisk him a&ay to
form the F&an 0rovince2 T%M pg2 I@
187E ?S 0resident %rant has all of the tenement b$ildings in
northeast "ashington' D2C2 torn do&n and replaced &ith
army5style barracks for the lo&er class to live in2 !eservists
are stationed there to help keep the peace2 Be* pg2 >I
,efferson DavisAs pop$larity &anes as the &ar stalemates and
some disagree &ith his actions2 ToT pg2 E:
M2T2 H$nter' the only opposing candidate to ,efferson Davis
is fo$nd dead days before the election2 ,efferson Davis
postpones the elections and then declares martial la&2 ToT pg2
The sad death of Mary Catherine %allagher sparks Lo$chM the
start of the ,$nkyard labor movement2 Co% pg2 I>
Three of Fangs Chinese spies in Hellstrommes factories are
revealed and later discovered st$ffed into > inch steampipes2
Co% pg2 >:
The ?S +nti5Sedition +ct is ratified2 !(C pg2 19
%reat ire of #incoln *ebraska2 0inkertons and the mysterio$s
%host arrive and b$rn entire to&n to the gro$nd &hile dealing
&ith 0rairie Ticks2 63D pg2 I9
Harold To&ers loses his da$ghter to a Salt !attler and starts
the Salt lats "orming Company to h$nt the beasts2 Co% pg2
Barbed "ire is invented2
187I + series of earthJ$akes in the *orth Carolina region of the
+ppalachian Mo$ntains creates the mo$ntain' !$mbling Bald2
BeS pg2 I@
187I Black !iver !ailroad absorbs the So$thern +tlantic !ailroad2
!oB pg2 @>
More tribes move into the depop$lated -ndian Territories and
the Coyote Confederation is formed2 ToT pg2 @< 4 %D pg2 11
)d Schieffelin comes east from California and stakes t&o
silver mines Tombstone and %raveyard2 .ne becomes the to&n
of Tombstone2 63D pg2 8<
)stablishment of Tombstone2 .!) :>4:@4@:::
!avens lying High' an -ndian intervie&ed in "ashington
Territory' enco$nters the Chinook' a h$ge &olverine creat$re
as large as a Fodiak2 !(C pg2 E:
Dr2 )r&in %ottleib' inventor of the mechanical cats that
spa&ned a cra8e in Salt #ake City' is fo$nd ripped to pieces2
Co% pg2 I@
Bill Tilghman becomes the to&n Marshal of "ichita2 #D pg2 @E
187I ,$ly I "ork begins on the 0hiladelphia Centennial )7position
gro$nds2 Be* pg2 9I
+ro$nd 9/:: p2m2 ,$ly 19
The )ast )nd Massacre occ$rs in
,$nkyard' killing 192 Co% pg2 I@
,$ne 82 Cochise reportedly dies in is mo$ntain stronghold2
Confederate %en2 ,oseph Sla$ghter offers Q@::: for proof2
63D pg2 7:
+ h$ge e7plosion in &est ,$nkyard leaves a pit < ft deep and
9: ft across creating the +rena for several bloodsports2 Co%
pg2 II
+fter Beef herds in *orth and So$th are hit by Te7as fever
and 0rairie ticks b$ffalo becomes &orth QE: a head2 H$nting
becomes &idespread again2 63D pg2 81
Second battle of +dobe "alls2 -ndians raid the settlement
b$t the to&nspeople are alerted early and fight' then escape
&ith Bat Mastersons help2 63D pg2 >@
The Coyote Confederation is formed a fe& months after the
second battle of +dobe "alls2 63D pg2 >7
Spring +nonymo$s a$thor enco$nters a Ch$pakabara near )l
0aso2 !(C pg2 E1
Ma7 oster Oreporter at largeO enco$nters a horned serpent2
!(C pg2 I1
1879 Caspar (an Dorn of (an Dorn "orks in *e& Dork passes a&ay
leaving no kno&n heirs b$t the "orks remain open2 Be* pg2 E<
1879 The Cloakroom 0hantom is spotted in the Capitol B$ilding for
the first time2 Be* pg2 >7
May @E ?nion Bl$es railroad crosses into Dodge city K$st E
days ahead of Black !ivers line2 63D pg2 8E
,$ne leeing rail5ganger ,$an Bonasco defeats his p$rs$ers in
the to&n he event$ally names after himself2 BT pg2 1<
S$mmer !ail &ars reach peak for the year2 ToT pg2 I1
1879 The stagecoach robber Black Bart' first appears2 He robs
Stages tho$gh o$t *evada and California2 #D pg2 EI
1879 Constr$ction on the "ashington Memorial contin$es b$t
instead of finishing it in stone' a steel frame&ork is $sed to
complete it2 Be* pg2 ><
1879 The FC 3 #! railroad reaches from Fansas City to *e&
.rleans2 !oB pg2 1@
1879 Men of the %rid rene& their bombing spree in #ost +ngels
$nder +nsel 0ascals leadership2 T%M pg2 >8
+$g$st %host!ock is discovered in the Black Hills of the Sio$7
*ations by rank Bryant and a fe& others &ho sn$ck into the
territories2 63D pg2 7@
The miners $nder rank Bryant s&ear an oath and form the
Dead&ood Miners +lliance that has each miner spending one
day in 7 as a militia &atching for Sio$72 63D pg2 7@
.ctober E
Dr2 +ndre& =erstoitan notes @ more -ndians
disappear from the site of his e7cavation proKect2 !(C pg2 >E
.ctober I
Dr2 =erstoitanAs assistant' "ells' sends more
-ndians into the lo&er caverns &ho do not ret$rn2 The -ndians
speak of earth devils2 !(C pg2 >E
.ctober 9
+ssistant "ells finds body parts of the missing
-ndians in the lo&er caverns2 Dr2 =erstoitan s$spends t$nnel
activities for a fe& days2 !(C pg2 >E
.ctober 1@
Dr2 =erstoitan discovers a lake deep
$ndergro$nd' along &ith insects the si8e of dogs2 The insects
kill several men2 !(C pg2 >E
.ctober 19
+ paraly8ed miner dies &hen the insectAs larvae
b$rst from his body2 Dr2 =erstoitan observes and takes
notes2 +lso' "ells dies after enco$ntering the insects2 !(C pg2
.ctober 17
Dr2 =erstoitan descends into the caverns again
to hopef$lly impregnate an -ndian &ith the insect eggs2 Some
natives escape from the site2 !(C pg2 >I
.ctober 18
*o f$rther giant insects fo$nd in the cave'
altho$gh ripples in the $ndergro$nd lake may indicate a larger
creat$re2 #ater that night' a gro$p of -ndians are seen in the
distance2 ,o$rnal ends2 !(C pg2 >I
)arly .ctober The Dead&ood Miners stockade is completed
and is home to over 1:: miners2 63D pg2 79
*ovember ,$an Bonasco rides o$t of Bonasco' *e& Me7ico
and is not seen again2 BT pg2 @:2
)arly *ovember The Sio$7 t$rn to starving the miners o$t2
+fter a skirmish a Sio$7 named !ed Bear la$nches an attack
on the stockade2 +ll b$t 1: of the 1:: miners are killed2 63D
pg2 7E
0inkertons investigating the Badlands report Ggiant condorsH
to be in the area and to be dangero$s2 63D pg2 I8
Seth B$llock arrives in Dead&ood and becomes To&n Marshall2
#D pg2 @@
#ate 0res2 %rant prepares to step do&n from the presidency
and r$n the ?nion army &hen %en2 Sherman and Sheridan
convince him to not to2 63D pg2 I1
The n$mber of Te7as !angers reaches @9::2 #D pg2 8
The n$mber of 0inkerton agents reach I:::59:::2 #D pg2 1:
There are I> federal districts of the ?S' each &ith a ederal
Marshal and several Dep$ty Marshals2 #D pg2 1@
The Secret Service n$mbers aro$nd 9:: members2 #D pg2 1I
Shaman Hasteli reappears' claiming he has strong allies in the
spirit &orld and &ill drive &hite men from California2 He soon
disappears &ith his follo&ers2 ToT pg2 >>
)7plorerAs Society p$blishes Bestiary of *orth +merica2 The
copies are soon sei8ed by 0inkertons2 !(C pg2 1
,an$ary "ebbekiah ,2 Trap is made mayor of Bonasco' *e&
Me7ico2 BT pg2 @@
March 1@
Capt2 +ndre& Bacon s$bmits a report on the so5
called OCalifornia H$mb$g'O !(C pg2 I@
+pril @:
State +dK$tant "illiam H2 Fing prepares a large
report on la& enforcement across the "est2 #D pg2 9
May "yatt )arp is hired by the Dodge City Marshall1s office2
May 0eople are fo$nd killed and partially eaten in several
to&ns near Bonasco' *e& Me7ico2 BT pg2 @:
May O)phemeral Compo$nds and +mb$latory Cadavers/ an
)7perience &ith a Th$nder #i8ardO' is p$blished in the ,o$rnal
of )soteric Sciences' vol$me U-' iss$e E2 This paper details
0rofessor .s&ald 02 Colders' --- enco$nter &ith an animated
th$nder li8ard fossil2 !(C pg2 ><
187> May 1: ?S+ 0resident %rant opens the 0hiladelphia Centennial
Celebration2 Be* pg2 9I
Middle Di7ie !ails gains gro$nd on Bayo$ (ermillion2 B(
attacks in retaliation2 %eneral #ee o$t&its B( and inflicts
heavy losses on them2 ToT pg2 9:
,$ne @:
"illiam S2 6$erty reports on a disappearance of a
gro$p of Di7ie !ail engineers bet&een +lb$J$erJ$e and
!os&ell2 !(C pg2 E@
187> +n illness spreads thro$gh the lo&er class and homeless of
Boston2 Be* pg2 E1
187> Dello& ever hits Memphis' Tennessee again2 Tho$sands die2
!oB pg2 @I
,$ly +rnold ,2 !ivers &itnesses the !iver .aks Massacre
&hen giant &asps attack the to&n2 !(C pg2 9:
,$ly 1 The Dead&ood treaty is formed and signed by Sitting
B$ll and %enerals Sheridan and Terry2 63D pg2 7E
,$ly @@
Dr2 )lias ranks receives telegram from a man named
.rville asking for his assistance and advice2 !(C pg2 @8
,$ly @<
Dr2 ranks e7amines the dead body of a local piano
player2 He finds a &orm5like creat$re connected to the manAs
spinal cord2 !(C pg2 @8
,$ly E:
Dr ranks finds another &orm5like creat$re after a
&oman goes on a shooting spree and is killed by dep$ties2 The
creat$re detaches itself from her spinal cord' b$t is capt$red
in a Kar2 !(C pg2 @8
,$ly E1
Mother of dead piano player leaps from roof' killing
herself2 + &orm is fo$nd on her neck2 !(C pg2 @8
+$g$st ?nion Bl$e accepts contract from ?S government to
ha$l s$pplies and troops to ort 912 ToT pg2 I1
"ild Bill Hickok arrives in Dead&ood2 63D pg2 78
+$g$st @
"ild Bill is shot in *$tall and Manns Saloon *o2 1:
by a drifter named ,ack McCall2 He &as holding the Gdead
manAs handH @ +ces @ )ights and ,ack of diamonds2 ToT pg2
+$g$st 1@
?ndercover )pitaph reporter arrives at Camp
%rimme in California2 ToT pg2 I9
+$g$st 1I
?ndercover reporter &itnesses recr$it given @:
lashes in Camp %rimme after J$estioning leadership ToT pg2
+$g$st 17
?ndercover reporter ret$rns from first Oethics
classO in Camp %rimme and is ama8ed at others reactions2 ToT
+$g$st 18
+ stomach ailment spreads thro$gh Camp %rimme
recr$its making almost half ill2 ToT pg2 I9
+$g$st @1
!ecr$it Marsh &as badly beaten for J$estioning
%rimmeAs doctrine in Camp %rimme2 ToT pg2 I9
+$g$st @E
!ecr$it Marsh &as e7ec$ted2 He &as said to be a
0inkerton agent2 ToT pg2 I9
+$g$st @9
#ast report from )pitaph reporter in Camp
%rimme2 He is said to have died in a training accident2 ToT pg2
187> S$mmer CS+ %en2 Stand "aite attack ort Scott in eastern
Fansas and sla$ghter the s$rrendering ?nion soldiers2 ToT pg2
187> S$mmer !ail &ars died do&n d$e to rail baronsA reaching limit
of their reso$rces ToT pg2 I1
187> ,ohn D2 #ee' &ho s$pposedly led the Mo$ntain Meado&
Massacre is finally bro$ght to trial2 He is fo$nd g$ilty and
e7ec$ted2 Co% pg2 1E
187> +$t$mn !2 0ercy Sitgreaves &rites Tha$mat$rgical Diff$sion2
TD pg2 1
September Dead&ood elects its first Mayor and To&n Co$ncil2
63D pg2 7I
September Confederate soldiers and a gro$p of &ell5armed
Comanches battle northeast of Dallas2 ToT pg2 >E
187> September 17
' 1<
+ person is killed each night in Salt
#ake City by the serial killer kno&n only as Black Hands2 Co%
pg2 E1
187> September 17
Dr2 ,ohn %2 C#emens &itnesses the ?nion
0ride ghost train scream into Fissinger' Fansas2 !(C pg2 >7
187> .ctober The Battle of the Ca$ldron begins to abate in
Colorado2 ToT pg2 IE
187> .ctober *e& rock paintings are fo$nd in the %reat Ma8e2 ToT
pg2 >9
187> #ate .ctober CS+ troops amb$sh ?nion in Shelb$rneAs %rove2
ToT pg2 71
187> .ctober E1
+$g$st ellheimer is cr$cified to the side of
ellheimerAs olly in the %reat Ma8e2 He is fo$nd the ne7t
morning2 ToT pg2 >9
187> .ctober E1
E/:: +M )very single mirror in ,ayha&k lats'
Fansas shatters2 ToT pg2 7I
+n +gency safeho$se in Denver is destroyed and !2 0ercy
Sitgreaves is ass$med killed2 ,MC pg2 <
#a&ly S$rrat' #a$ra Carlton and Montgomery Booth all flee
+gency agents after the Denver safeho$se incident2 ,MC pg2
*orthern presidential challenger Sam$el Tilden L%ov2 *e&
DorkM b$ilds moment$m for his peace movement2 63D pg2 I1
!obert )2 #ee comes o$t of retirement to r$n against
,efferson Davis in the elections2 63D pg2 I1
Colorado is ind$cted as a state to ?nion and Confederacy2
63D pg2 9@
)arly *ovember Dead&ood holds Sheriff elections2 ToT pg2 9>
187> *ovember The %eorge "ashington Memorial +ir Spire is
finally completed2 -t is $sed to la$nch the Meade' the #yon'
and the Sedge&ick in the *ovember .ffensives2 Be* pg2 ><
RRThe +rchaeology Department at the ?niversity of
0ennsylvania is robbed of several artifacts and relics2 The
most notable being some ancient Babylonian clay tablets2 Be*
pg2 9@
*ovemeber 1
The Si7th battle of Manassas starts the
feared A7> offensives2 ToT pg2 E1
RR?nion forces begin an early morning assa$lt on #o$isville
&ith the $se of prefabricated bridges to encircle the city2
%eneral Cleb$rne moves his forces o$t of #o$isville' only to
see %en2 Sherman b$rn the city to the gro$nd at d$sk2 ToT pg2
*ovember @
1@/E: +M The ?nion airship Meade starts the
aerial bombing of !ichmond2 T&o other +irships also bomb the
city2 ToT pg2 E@
RRBattle of ort #incoln begins &ith a volley of cannon fire
from CS+ ironclads2 ToT pg2 7:
*ovember E
The ret$rning p$nct$al ?nion forces enco$nter
a hastily formed Confederate air Corp that drives the
+irships off2 ToT pg2 EE
RR%eneral Cleb$rne gathers his army and falls back to
)li8abethto&n to fortify2 ToT pg2 E9
RRBattle of ort #incoln ends in CS+ defeat2 ToT pg2 71
*ovember E
%renadiers of the 18
(irginia $nleash the gas
&eapon $pon the ?nion forces at Manassas &ith horribly
effective res$lts2 ToT pg2 EI
*ovember I
The p$rs$ing forces of %en2 Sherman reach
)li8abethto&n and after a grinding assa$lt that cost @:':::
men their lives the CS+ forces fall back to the %reen !iver2
ToT pg2 E9
187> Boss T&eed moves into a ho$se on ifth +ven$e2 Ben pg2 I1
187> The *e& Dork Colise$m is moved brick by brick to
0hiladelphia2 Be* pg2 I<
187> + member of the sec$rity branch of the +gency L0inkertonsM
$ncovers the leaders of the GMolly Mag$iresH in &estern
0ennsylvania2 Be* pg2 98
%en2 Sherman poisons &ater and &ells' b$rns b$ildings and
destroys rail lines for 1:: miles $ntil reaching Bo&ling %reen2
ToT pg2 E9
*ovember 9
+ #ine division of British forces cross into
Detroit and begins to take the city against ?nion forces and
scattered attacks2 ToT pg2 E7
*ovember >
Morning The last telegraph from Col2 Harba$gh
in Detroit is received2 ToT pg2 E8
*ovember 7
%en2 Shermans men attack the d$g5in
Confederates at Bo&ling %reen2 The CS+ forces repel seven
attacks and then co$nterattack J$ickly2 The appearance of a
strange Black $niformed regiment t$rns the battle to the
CS+As side2 ToT pg2 E>
*ovember 7
(oting starts2 ToT pg2 E8
187> *ovember 8
%en2 orrest capt$res the city of Cairo and p$ts
it to the torch destroying the ?nion ship&orks and has all of
the capt$red ?nion soldiers skinned alive and thro&n into the
Mississippi !iver2 ToT pg2 E7 4 !oB pg2 @1
RR+ man is fo$nd m$tilated and nailed to the doors of the
0hiladelphia Masonic Temple2 Be* pg2 91
*ovember 1:
(otes are co$nted' ending the elections2 ToT
pg2 E8
187> December 1@ Sergeant ,ake McFay &rites the !anger1s Bible
+ddend$m S8I/ The (oodooists2 !B( pg2 1
*ovember ,efferson Davis &ins CS+ elections on d$bio$s
votes2 .nly personal appeals from #ee averts national
$prising2 %rant is elected in the ?S2 ToT pgE<
Bayo$ (ermillion only progresses 1: miles from Tombstone
$nder +pache attacks2 ToT pg2 I7
*ovember @I
The So$thern Sentinel &rites a long and
detailed report for the 1877 $pdate to the famed Tombstone
)pitaph2 ToT pg2 17
187> December Several homes in Boteto$rt Co$nty' (irginia &ere
robbed after some sort of gas attack2 BeS pg2 @1
December MaKor *icholas Trevalyan &rites the introd$ction
to !ascals' (armits and Critters2 !(C pg2 @1
December @
Bayo$ (ermillion !ail line reaches T$cson' +=2
BT pg2 1@
1877 ,an$ary 0resident %rant revokes the 0inkerton +gency1s
government contract to investigate the s$pernat$ral2 MiBD pg
,an$ary 19
The So$thern Sentinel &rites the second report
to the Tombstone )pitaph2 ToT pg2 @7
1877 ebr$ary 11 0resident %rant enacts )7ec$tive .rder EI72
MiBD pg >
18775188:C )7act Date ?nkno&n The Battle of 1:'::: +rro&s across the
Sio$7 *ation ending &ith the %reat S$mmoning2 S0 pg2 11
The +gency is believed to have kno&n the tr$th abo$t Manito$
inspiration of Mad ScientistAs device from this point2 ,MC pg2
188I The constr$ction of the 1
S$b5level of ,$nkyard is started2
-. pg2 11
188< "orlds air is held in 0aris' rance2 ,MC pg2 1:
188< .ctober The Sons of Sitgreaves is officially created2 ,MC pg2
18<:1s )7act Dear $nkno&n Border &ars in the Coyote Confederation
event$ally lead to the %reat "asting and the Confederation
entering the CS+ as a protected territory2 S0 pg2 19
18<: Third Mormon ,$dgment day2 Third timeAs the222 g$ess notP
Co% pg2 8
18<: The 1
s$b level of ,$nkyard is completed2 -. pg2 11
18<@ The 1
s$b level $nder ,$nkyard is e7panded to allo& for more
room2 -. pg2 11
18<E Dr2 Dari$s Hellstromme iss$es his famo$s O0$re ScienceO
essay that destroys the Sons of Sitgreaves gro&ing p$re
science movement2 ,MC pg2 1@
18<> The ,$nkyard s$b5level is e7panded once again2 -. pg2 112
1<::As Dr2 Hellstromme disappears in the first years of 1<::2 -. pg2
1<17 Dr2 Dari$s Hellstromme reappears in the body of an
+$tomaton after a long absence2 "" pg2 >I
1<17 The CS+ and ?S+ enter ""- BB pg2 7
1<17 Deseret Koins the +merican +lliance in ""- and Hellstromme
offered ne& tank designs and an entire 0latoon of
+$tomatons2 "" pg2 >I
1<18C CS+1s Sergeant Dork kills @9 %ermans and capt$res 1E@ &ith
Syker abilities2 The fact he is a Syker is hidden2 He event$ally
becomes the Templar Saint of Sykers2 T#C pg2 91
1<@:As ,$nkyards @
s$b5level is b$ilt2 -. pg2 11
1<@1 The ?S instit$tes 0rohibition2 This creates a h$ge market for
illegal &hisky from Canada and the Confederacy2 T#C pg2 I<
1<@1 )liot *ess investigates crime and occ$lt activities of the mob2
His $n&avering honesty event$ally makes him a Templar
Martyr2 Saint of Morality T#C pg2 I<
1<@I Sgt2 Dork becomes a teacher at the Confederate Syker
+cademy2 T#C pg2 I<
1<E:1s Hellstrommes pop$larity reaches its peak and his name
become synonymo$s &ith scientific advancement2 "" pg2 >I
1<E< ""-- begins2 BB pg2 1:
1<E< Syker instit$tes are do&n to a 1:519 year co$rse time2 BB pg2
1<I:As #ate +n elevator is finally b$ilt into The #edge bar in
,$nkyard2 -. pg2 @9
1<I1 Deseret creates the Mormon Battalion composed of priests
and special agents &ith 0sychic po&ers2 T#C pg2 I>
1<I8 ""-- ends2 BB pg2 1:
1<I8 Mad science falls into disfavor follo&ing the &ar and never
tr$ly regains its place in modern Technology2 ,MC pg2 1E
1<I8 S$pernat$ral 0henomena decreases after the end of ""--
and contin$es to do so slo&ly for the ne7t I: years $ntil the
millenni$ms end approaches2 Cyb pg2 8
1<9:As ,$nkyards factories r$n non5stop and the @
S$b5level is
e7panded &hile b$ilding &eapons to face the Soviet Menace2
-. pg2 1@
1<9:As )fforts are made to clean $p the Sl$dge creek in ,$nkyard
and by the end of the decade it r$ns clean and clear2 -. pg2
1<9:As The "asatch mo$ntain are believed to be tapped o$t of %host
!ock b$t shipments from the Ma8e keep this from effecting
ind$stry there2 -. pg2 EI
1<>:1s Hellstrommes pop$larity drops as the increased peace
movement clashes &ith his anno$ncement that he had
developed %host5!ock +tomic "eapons2 "" pg2 >9
1<>:As The +gency1s S$pernat$ral Containment Division LSCDM is
drastically scaled back d$e to perceived less threat from the
s$pernat$ral2 Cyb pg2 8
1<>: The CS+ space program is $nderf$nded and so opens the
Ho$ston Spaceport into an international la$nch center2 ""
pg2 <8
1<>: +nnabelle #ee Devlin p$blishes the &itchesA codebook GHo& to
Serve Do$r ManH b$t is soon after arrested2 "" pg2 1:E
1<>@ Smith and !obards finally closes its doors and is p$rchased by
Hellstromme -nd$stries2 ,MC pg2 1E
1<>8 The first lay5offs in Hellstromme ind$stry history happen as
the companies stance in s$pport of (ietnam proves $npop$lar2
-. pg2 1@
1<7: The .il crisis places more emphasis on %host !ock po&er and
H2-2 rebo$nds into the mid 8:As2 -. pg2 1@
1<77 ,ohn "ayne dies after a long career of films and fighting
little kno&n creat$res of the reckoners2 He became a
Templar Martyr2 The Saint of %rit2 T#C pg2 91
1<8I + ?S+ space craft detonates and after the incident agrees to
$se the CS+ comple7es at Ho$ston Space Center2 "" pg2 <8
1<87 +fter complaints from Colorado Dr2 Hellstromme begins the
constr$ction of the (anessa Hellstromme Memorial dome to
contain ,$nkyards air poll$tion2 -. pg2 1@
1<8958< Detective Dorsey %ates fo$ght a series of battles against
*osferat$ &ho &ere preying on the homeless of *e& Dork
City2 He destroyed many b$t &as killed by a lover t$rned
against him2 He became a Templar Martyr2 Saint of ,$stice2
T#C pg2 I9
1<<:As )arly Dr2 Hellstrommes research into %host !ock reactors
finally start to sho& progress2 ,MC pg2 1I
1<<:As + serial killer kno&n as The B$tcher kills several g$ards in the
*e& Dork City Comm$nity Hospital and then escapes2 He kills
Clara Clark' &ho becomes a Templar Martyr2 Martyr Dorsey
%ates is also involved2 T#C pg2 IE
1<<1 The constr$ction of the (enessa Hellstromme memorial dome
over ,$nkyard is complete2 -. pg2 1E
1<<9 ,$ne >2 The H2-2 -nternational +irport is opened for b$siness
atop the dome over ,$nkyard2 -. pg2 1E
1<<9T The $ps$rge of s$pernat$ral phenomena and ine7perienced
troops leads to 19: agent deaths from the ne&ly boosted
S$pernat$ral Containment Division LSCDM ranks2 Cyb pg2 <
1<<< + combined forces e7ercise &ith Cyborgs and +rmy !angers is
e7ec$ted against the C$lt of +theron in Bonan8a' Colorado2
D$e to &eather problems it becomes a three day r$nning
battle2 Cyb pg2 1E
@::: ebr$ary 1> "indo&s crashes and Mike Scofield looses ho$rs
of &ork on this fRRRRRg timeline2 !emember kids' &hen a
"indo&s system crashes a Mac $ser gets his &ings2 St$pid
Microsoft "indo&s2 Bill %ates is a servitor of the !eckoner of
@::: The pop$lation of ,$nkyard reaches @::':::2 -. pg2 1E
@:1@ 0resident )verett Sand$sky elected2 BB pg2 11
@:1I The first hydrofoil ocean liner' %igantic' sinks2 "" pg2 81
@:1> 0resident )verett Sand$sky killed by !$ssian Syker +kilina
Svetlova2 BB pg2 11
@:@:As )arly5 Tr$e (T.# aircraft first developed for the military2
-. pg2 97
@:@:1s Cell$loid ilm is phased o$t and replaced &ith f$ll digital
Datasl$gs2 "" pg2 81
@:@: 0aramilitary camps gain in pop$larity across the northern
states like -daho2 Cot+ pg2 E1
@:@: "omen become eligible for the draft2 "" pg2 9>
@:E1 The !$ssian spy Beredsky is discovered and reprogrammed by
+gency Sykers2 His is $sed to spread co$nterintelligence for
the ne7t @: years2 BB pg2 11
@:II T$nnel to ara&ay opened2 "" pg2 E@
@:II Mormon 0resident ,ames Snoddy deports Dr2 Hellstromme
after the scenes from ara&ay are broadcast2 -. pg2 1E
@:I7 The pop$lation of ,$nkyard has dropped to >:'::: and S$b5
level @ is officially closed off2 -. pg2 1I
@:I9 +pril <
The first %host rock Bomb is detonated2 ,MC pg2 19
@:I< Smith 3 !obards develops a high efficiency gas t$rbine engine
that makes civilian hoverbike models feasible and pop$lar2 !"
pg2 >>
@:9: )very maKor nation in the &orld comes to $se the ne$tral
Ho$ston Space Center2 "" pg2 <<
@:9: + n$mber of civilian $se (T.# +ircars become available2 -.
pg2 97
@:9@ %host !ock is discovered on Banshee by the )$ropean
Confederation2 BB pg2 1@
@:9E The Fing +rth$r based film +rth$rAs (engeance ---/ The
Bloodfest is released2 T#C pg2 7@
@:99 Me7ico1s government is taken over by a strongly *ationalistic
party and begins making noise abo$t the disp$ted border &ith
the CS+2 The Me7icans claim lands all the &ay north to
0hoeni72 Cyb pg2 @<
@:97 The H$man pop$lation on Banshee reaches E::':::2 BB pg2 1@
@:>:As )arly The infamo$s Ha$ptmann S$rvey is p$blished2 Cyb pg2 1<
@:>:As )arly The infamo$s Ha$ptmann S$rvey is p$blished2 Cyb pg2 1<
@:>: Britains S?S LSpecial ?ndead ServiceM serves in the alklands
disp$te &hen #at+m backed +rgentina1s claim to the small
islands2 Cyb pg2 E1
@:>: The pop$lation of ,$nkyard hits I:'::: people and S$b5#evel
1 is closed off as &ell2 -. pg2 1I
@:>: Cost$med crime fighter Faty Bla8e dies2 She becomes a
Templar Martyr2 Saint of Confidence2 She is s$rvived by her
da$ghter Fyla2 T#C pgIE
@:>:As #ate (T.# +ircars become so common that every maKor city
has dedicated (T.# traffic patterns2 -. pg2 97
@:>@ Britain is victorio$s in the alklands disp$te2 The sheep are
no& safeN Cyb pg2 E@
@:>E ,$ly E
The Hellstromme -nd$stries City5B$ster is $nveiled2
,MC pg2 19
@:>E ,$ly I
-ndependence day Lfor Manito$s any&ay2M The
Manito$s that have &hispered and hinted to Mad Scientists
for @:: years go silent2 ,MC pg2 1>
@:>9 The Congo %host !ock crisis2 +lmost e7actly 1:: years after
the first Congo crisis' Cyborgs are deployed and for the first
time face off against other Cyborgs2 Cyb pg2 1<
@:>95>8 )pitaph !eporter *athan 0l$nkett gets an intervie& &ith a live
LsortaM Cyborg2 S>9E tells of the Congo &ar and critici8es
&hat he called G+ giant field test for CyborgsH The report is
denied by %ovt2 involved2 Several Congressional investigations
into Cyborgs are la$nched2 Cyb pg2 @:
@:>7C The D0# sei8es ?* ambassadors and demands eJ$al rights
for deaders2 They are stormed by a Koint CS+4?S+ force
that are hailed as heroes2 The e7istence of Cyborgs is p$blicly
confirmed2 Cyb pg2 @:
@:>8 The Congo &ars end after the s$rveyed %host rock deposits
are fo$nd to be smaller than predicted2 Cyb pg2 1<
@:>8T Br$shfire &ars spread over limited %host!ock2 Cyborgs are
deployed by co$ntries all over the globe2 Cyb pg2 @1
@:>8 G@E7/Te7as !angerH -s the most pop$lar T( sho& in CS+2 Cyb
pg2 @1
@:>< OBlack T$esdayO The air filters in ,$nkyard are sabotaged by
people attacking a city B$ster plant and over @::: people die2
-. pg2 1@
@:7: The police in ,$nkyard cease patrolling the crime filled S$b5
#evel @2 -. pg2 1I
@:7@ #ate5 + MaKor Skirmish near the illegal settlement of
Stockade kills t&o H$mans and five +no$ks2 The ?* tries to
renegotiate the treaty2 The +no$ks ref$se2 BB pg2 1I
@:7E o$r +no$ks b$tchered near Crossto&n2 T&o days later a
miner opens the to&n gates and +no$ks rage in killing
everyone2 +cross the planet +no$ks go on the &arpath2 BB pg2
@:7I #ate5 The skirmishes and br$shfire fights bet&een the
+no$ks and H$mans becomes f$ll fledged &arN 1I
@:7I C2"2 McCoy starts drivinA rigs2 !" pg2 <
@:7I 0res2 !omeroAs first term2 "" pg2 E@
@:79 )arly ; %eneral 0a$l G.verkillH "arfield leaves earth for
Banshee leading the ?nited *ations )7peditionary orces or
?*)' or )U.! as they &ere called2 BB pg2 19
@:79 "ithin a &eek of arrival %en2 "arfield t$rned the tide of
battle &ith heavy &eaponry2 Then the Skinnies arrive and the
gains are lost J$ickly2 BB pg2 19
@:79 Dr2 ,ohn )agle Cla& --- finishes his residency and Koins the
C)0+ LCoyote )nvironmental 0reservation +gencyM2 S0 pg2 @:
@:7> The tide of battle on Banshee begins to shift &ith the
veteran forces there starting to gain the $pper hand against
the +no$ks and skinnies2 BB pg2 18
@:7> The horrendo$s !ed !iver Campaign starts on Banshee2 ""
pg2 E@
@:7> !idley (elmer' of the S.S' is killed &hile sabotaging %host
!ock Bomb prod$ction2 ,MC pg2 @:
@:7> #at+m forces first gain Cyborg technology after the
accidental capt$re of a CS+ C)+# team member2 Their
f$nctional Cyborgs aren1t ready $ntil aro$nd @:78 Cyb pg2 E:
@:77 #at+m asteroid miner )smeraldaAs S.S is heeded by CS+
ship then ignored2 Both then destroyed by asteroids2 "" pg2
@:77 The H$man pop$lation on Banshee reaches E':::'::: BB pg2
@:77 %ro$p of #at+m to$rists killed in Te7as leading to #at+m
demanding the ret$rn of SoCal2 "" pg2 9I
@:78 ?S govt2 discovers famed director )mille DeSalonta is a CS+
agent and is $sing his films for s$bliminal broadcasting2 ""
pg2 81
@:78 ebr$ary @@2 #at+m la$nches Koint land5air5sea attack on the
CS+2 "" pg2 9I
RRorces move thro$gh Te7as and California to 0hoeni7 +=
&ith massive +ir s$periority2 "" pg2 9I
RRSoCal ma8e is taken J$ickly by a massive Sea strike2 Then
tho$sands #at+m land in Ma8e2 "" pg2 9I
RR#at+m hits 0hoeni7 and after a long fight annihilates the
city &ith conventional forces2 "" pg2 99
RR#at+m hit #ost +ngels and cannot take the city' so they
besiege it2 "" pg2 99
@:78 May CS+ %eneral Harley Harlo& leads the CS+ response and
c$ts the #at+m s$pply lines &ith the CS+1s ne&est 0o&ered
+rmor S$its2 #at+m p$lls forces from #+ and move S) to
Colorado !iver bet&een +ri8ona and SoCal to meet the
remains and set a trap2 1
+rmored -nf2 Hits the traps and
both sides take heavy losses2 "" pg2 99
@:78 May -n a t&o &eek r$nning battle the #at+m army retreats to
#+ to meet freshly landed reinforcements2 CS+
reinforcements had arrived as &ell2 + final battle is fo$ght
>: miles so$th of #+2 #at+m retreats into the ma8e and is
cr$shed by ne&ly attained CS+ +ir s$periority2 "" pg2 99
RR+fter&ard it is #earned the ?nion s$pplied arms and
eJ$ipment to #at+m2 0resident !omero had also sanctioned
the poisoning of &ells and creating creat$res to $nleash
against the so$th2 "" pg2 99
@:78 September 0resident !omero is impeached2 B$t So$thern
forces &ant *orCal as reparation and &o$ld occ$py northern
#+' a divided city $ntil then2 "" pg2 9>
@:78 The last "ar starts2 ?nion 0resident Tremane ref$ses the
CS+ demands and after a small strike against the so$th CS+
president +llan Sothby declares &ar on the ?S2 -n the first
year the cas$alties &ere 9:V2 +ll the &orlds maKor po&ers
became involved2 "" pg2 9>
@:8: British orces land in Corp$s Christy to aid the CS+ against
the #at+m invasion2 They are sabotaged by ?S Sykers and
attempt landing in a mined harbor2 BB pg2 E1
@:8: Mid December + cease fire is called and peace negotiation
have beg$n2 "" pg2 9>
@:81 o$rth Land finalM Mormon ,$dgement day2 They finally got it
right2 DayC Co% 0g2 8
@:81 ,an 1 +irforce .ne disappears over the !ockies2 (ice0res
+ndre& Bates takes over2 0eace talks fall apart2 0res2 Bates
threatens the CS+ &ith a *$ke a &eek $ntil they t$rn over
SoCal for the presidents death2 He is called +5Bomb +ndy2
"" pg2 97
@:81 ,an$ary !aiders are defeated by the Fansas City chiefs in the
S$perbo&l2 "" pg2 <7
@:81 %erman orces land and take Me7ico City2 They attack and
after a seven5day battle take the rench embassy2
RRDays later rance marches across the !hine and invades
%ermany2 T&o "eeks after that British attempt a landing at
*ormandy to assist the %ermans b$t are rep$lsed2
RR,apan and !$ssia invade China2 So$th +frica moves north
$nstopped $ntil hitting )gypt2
RR-ran and -raJ go at it2 *o& thereAs a s$rprise2 "" pg97
@:81 0akistan la$nches a single Tac5*$ke at -ndia called Shiva2
RR@5E "eeks later Britain re5attempts the *ormandy landing
b$t $ses Tac5*$kes to soften defenses as the %ermans stage
a massive co$nter attack thro$gh Belgi$m2 "" pg2 97
RR!$ssia s$ddenly changes sides and comes to the renchies
aid2 "" pg2 97498
RRCanada la$nches Tac5*$kes against northern border
positions2 "ithin @ &eeks they take Boston2 "" pg2 98
@:81 March Battle of #a&rence' Fansas2 "" pg2 9>
@:81 +pril 1
#aJ$ita ,ackson' a CS+ s$persoldier engaged in a
covert attack against the civilians of Denver t$rns against her
o&n $nit rather than attack the civilians2 She is g$nned do&n
by a police officer and becomes a Templar Martyr2 Saint of
!age T#C pg2 I72
@:81 September 1>
2 The battle for ort #ongstreet and the
betrayal by Col2 )d&in GHammerH Hamrick2 .f the 1:::
Cyborgs involved only @9: s$rvived after fleeing to so$thern
Colorado2 @I4@9
@:81 September @E' 11/:: +M2 Salt #ake City and ,$nkyard opted
for the early bombingCN 9 city b$sters hit the city &ithin a
fe& min$tes of each other2 -. pg2 1I
."% /eptem'er .*0 #1$ PM 2/T. The 'om's dropped.
@:81 September @E
+n errant ghost rock bomb hits the small
-daho to&n of Coe$r d1+lene and starts the -daho fire &hich
event$ally b$rns across most of the northern end of the
state2 Cot+ pg2 E72
@:81 September The S5Mart overlord rallies his former fans and
takes control of the old Sam Dalton S5Mart factory o$tlet2
"" pg2 1::
@:81 )arthJ$akes r$mble across the planet and in the *orth&est
Mt St2 Helens and Mt2 !ainer er$pt for nearly > months2 ""
pg2 89
@:81 *ovember 1E
+ mob of Darders assemble o$tside H2-2
headJ$arters in ,$nkyard and a riot ens$es2 -. pg2 17
@:81 *ovember 17
-ke Taylor arms the hiding H2-2 employees and
leads an attack against the rioters and event$ally disperses
them2 -. pg2 17
@:8158E The heaviest battles of !oad &arriors are fo$ght' thinning o$t
the ranks2 !" pg2 94>
@:8@ +$g$st 1E
The order to ret$rn home to earth is received on
Banshee2 Lrom &hoNC The &orld ble& $p a year earlierN
0erhaps the date &as in @:81CNM BB pg2 @1
@:8@ *ovember @E
The ?nity reaches earth orbit and is s$ddenly
attacked by some $nkno&n force or creat$res2 The order to
abandon ship is given2 BB pg2 @E
@:8@ #a& Dogs form2 "" pg2 E@
@:8@ %eneral Throckmorton fo$nds the Combine2 "" pg2 E@
@:8E58> The Ggood ole daysH of !oad "arriors2 %as' cars and ammo
&ere still plentif$l as &ere victims2 !" pg2 >
@:8E Silas !asm$ssen &anders into #as (egas2 Cot+ pg2 8
@:8E *ovember 1<
The C$lt of %rendel declares Silas !asm$ssen
to be the creat$res ne7t Sacrifice b$t they are $nable to find
him2 Cot+ pg2 <
@:8E *ovember @@
+ rally is held to condemn Silas &hen %rendel
attacks and rips into the cro&d only to be stopped by Silas
and his ne& po&ers2 Cot+ pg<
@:8E *ovember @<
Silas !$sm$ssen enters the Tropicana b$ilding
and kills the monster %rendel that terrori8ed #as (egas2 Cot+
pg2 1E2
@:8E + scavenger in 0ocatello' -daho begins the ard$o$s d$ty of
maintaining the perfect post apocalypse la&n at the behest of
a fate eater2 MMM pg2 1>
@:8E ,$nker #a8lo H$ber meets %ibson' another K$nker at *ear
"ichita2 ,MC pg2 @>
@:8I -n *ear 0$eblo' Colorado Simon Mercer &atches ,enny Hise
try to help a to&n and then get g$nned do&n by Black Hats2
The to&n is sla$ghtered and Simon is left for dead2 T#C pg8
@:8I Simon Mercer arrives in Boise' -daho and st$mbles into an old
Masons #odge2 He dreams abo$t the Fnights Templar2 T#C pg2
@:8I ,$ne >2 The convoy is created &ith the Koining of three
tr$ckers for protection2 $ller G%ooseH Matto7' "ayne
G,ackrabbitH Hollins' and Calvin G0reacherH )llis2 !" pg2 11
@:89 Bo Fn$dsen discovers #ibrarian Harrison Tyler and helps him
escape from the road gang Bo formerly rode &ith2 Bo goes on
to become a #ibrarian2 -. pg2 <
@:8> March @:
+n $nkno&n man finally frees himself from a fate
eater that &as enco$ntered near 0ocatello' -daho2 MMM pg2
@:8> MaKor D&ight 0rice +F+ !aptor' takes over the dreaded Sky
0irates and begins to shape them into good g$ys2 -. pg2 9:
@:87 ebr$ary 1<
S$spected 0redavore attack claims a traveler
named #efferts in the Ma8e region2 MMM pg2 1I
@:87 ,$ly 1
+ scavenger is almost killed &hen a Ogore stormO of
s&irling blood kills his attackers2 Then is destroyed before
getting to him2 MMM pg2 1>417
@:87588 ,erico academy is fo$nded in ,ericho' *evada for the training
of Sykers by Daniel Marin2 BB pg2 @<
@:87 .ctober @E
Belo& -5E in the Ma8e a boat is torn apart by a
h$ge &ave creat$re of bloody &ater2 MMM pg2 17
@:87 *ovember 1:
+ party of scavengers begin looking for the
r$mored Black Mesa of p$re ghost rock2 MMM pg2 18
@:87 *ovember 1@
The black mesa is e7plored by a party of
scavengers &ho barely escape &ith their lives after battling
&hat they called Otar creat$resO MMM pg2 18
@:87 *ovember 1E
The ,o$rnal of the $nkno&n scavenger is
$pdated to incl$de the attack at the Black Mesa2 MMM pg2 18
@:87 December I
The scavengers of the Black mesa reach Mesa
0rada and are enlisted in a h$nt against something ha$nting a
nearby mine2 MMM pg2 1<
@:87 December 7
+ day that &ill live in infamy2 The Black mesa
scavengers record the attack of a glo&ing ghostly fig$re
seemingly made of radioactive fire2 MMM pg2 1<
@:87 December <
T&o members of the Black Mesa posse fall
leaving only t&o to face the glo&ing ghost creat$re2 MMM pg2
@:87 December 1:
The last Ko$rnal entry for the black mesa
posse2 The &riter is pres$med dead at the hands of the 0rada
Mesa beast2 MMM pg2 1<
@:88 The Temple of the Templars is completed in Boise2 T#C pg2 18
@:88 ,$ne @
The first gro$p of Templars grad$ate and leave Boise2
,o and +8rael Marks leaves &ith them2 T#C @E
@:88 ,$ne 8
+ ne& gro$p of &annabe Templars moves into Boise2
T#C @E
@:88 ,$ly I
2 The body of sJ$ire in training ,eanette "illis is
missing in Boise2 She is fo$nd three days later2 She is the
first victim of the Boise Horror2 T#C pg2 @I
@:88 ,$ly @@
The Boise Horror strikes again and kills a trainee
named Sally Merchant2 T#C pg2 @9
@:88 ,$ly @<
.n a f$ll moon a 0osse that incl$ded Teller and some
others stake o$t some pigs near Boise2 They discover and
chase a Blood&olf o$t onto the plains and event$ally kill it2
Believing it to be the Boise Horror2 T#C pg2 @9
@:8< The Templar hospice in Boise is restored2 T#C pg2 1<2
@:8< The $88y Dice Massacre2 + coalition of road gangs attacks
.il To&n &ith some old artillery b$t &ere sla$ghtered by the
!egiment of the @9
+rmored Division living there2 !" pg2
@:8< The 1: mile )7cl$sion =one aro$nd .il to&n is declared
follo&ing the $88y Dice Massacre2 !" pg2 EE
@:<: Simon Mercer and #ibrarian Biletnikoff have intervie&ed all
active Templars and compiled a list of Martyrs and discover
the saints connections to certain deeds2 T#C pg@E
@:<: Fyle Bla8e' da$ghter of Martyr Faty Bla8e' Koins the Templar
.rder2 T#C pg2 IE
@:<: The Chamber' a gro$p of ,$nkers' is formed2 ,MC pg2 @8
@:<: The Battle of B$rnt Tires2 The combine strikes the convoy
b$t gets a bloody nose2 There1ve been no maKor combine
attacks since2 !" pg2 19
@:<1 ,an$ary Simon Mercer calls the %reat Co$ncil of <1 and
declares every Templar m$st learn all they can abo$t any
Saints they follo&2 #ibrarian Biletnikoff is named chronicler
of the Martyrs2 T#C pg2 @E
@:<@ Tainted ,$nker Malcolm !hinehart &alks o$t of Denver and
Throckmortons service2 ,MC pg2 @7
@:<E !$mors s$rface in the Templar comm$nity that !onan #ynch
still &alks the &est2 T#C pg2 I8
@:<I ,$ly 1I
The To&n of )ly' *evada is attacked by Silas1s C$lt
of Doom b$t repelled2 Cot+ pg2 9
@:<I ,$ly 19
Schismatic Trevor Banes is taken captive by the
people of )ly' *evada s$specting him to be another Silas ally2
Cot+ pg2 9

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