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Week 6


The gentleman whom we are studying this week, is one of those behind the
scenes guys. And quite unlike our other heroes of faith, there is not one
significant accomplishment recorded about him in history or in Scripture...
well, not significant as the world measures significance. But in many
respects, this man Onesimus became a model and an example for us all.
The story of Onesimus is the sole subject of one entire book of the Bible, the
New Testament book of Philemon. If you have trouble finding the book of
Philemon in your Bible, that is understandable. It is so short, it takes up only
one page. It is only one chapter long. The whole book consists of only 25
verses. Some have referred to Paul's letter to Philemon as one of the New
Testament postcards.
Day 1
Read The whole book of Philemon
And check his story in this ink

Day 2

Read Philemon 1: 1-7
1- Can you have a church in your own house, Explain ?
2- To whom St Paul was talking from verse 4 to 7 ?

Day 3:
1-Who is Onsesimus?
2-Onesimus was Profitable to Phelimon at all times. T F

Day 4
St.Paul Often used a helper to write his letters, But he wrote Philemon with
his own had . Find the Verse that Proof that .

Day 5
Write down Verse 6 in your Bible 3 times.
That the sharing of your Faith May become effective by the
Acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

Day 6&7

Make a finger Puppets ,using wooden sticks, or other
Materials, and act out a play of Of the Story of
Onesimus to your family /Friends

Project, 3

If you have not done the following Poster Before,
Please Do this wek.

In a big font ,use a poster and write the following,

Let us sing with the angels saying:
"Glory be to God in the highest, on earth
peace, and goodwill to men." We praise
you; we bless you; we serve you; we
worship you; we confess to you; we
proclaim your glory. O Lord, King of the
Bring your poster to Sunday school class

You may listen and sing along with this Beautiful song
while you are working on your project,
The song in this link,

Project 4
In your Journal or in a poster write Holy, Holy, Holy
Prayer ( from the Agpeya), bring the poster to your Sunday
school Class.

You may listen and sing along with this Beautiful song
while you are working on your project,
The song in this link,

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