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Dear sons and daughters, I am so happy that you are growing and increasing in wisdom and stature and
in favor with God. I am wondering if we can be friends.
Do you know who am i?
Let me give you some clues:
I am a lamp to your feet and light to your path.
I can tell you secrets about Heaven and Kingdom of God.
Did you know who am I?

I am the Holy Bible; I have both Old Testament and New Testament.
Do you know what the difference between Old and New Testaments is?
Old Testament was written before the birth of Jesus Christ,
New Testament was written after Jesuss birth.

The Old Testament will tell you:
- How the world began, how God made the first man Adam and the first woman Eve
- Garden of Eden and why Adam and Eve had to go out of it and could not come back.
- It will also tell you about fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and how God took care of them
and his people in every single day over years and years.
- It tells prophecies about Gods plan for coming to our earth from St. Mary in the fullness of
time to save us, to make us his sons and daughters and to give us the Holy Spirit.
The New Testament will tell you:
- How Jesus was born from St. Mary.
- How Jesus served the people, healed the sick, gave sight to blind, and raised the dead.
- How Jesus saved us as he was crucified, died and risen.
- His ascension to Heaven and sending the Holy Spirit.
- His second coming to take us to His Kingdom and be with Him forever.
- Also the New Testament will tell us about the apostles preaching and letters.
I am sure you will enjoy and learn from these wonderful stories about the creator God who loves and
cares for his people.

Bible Questions For Week Of 10/12 to 10/18

1- Do you know how to read a Bible Reference?
(Books name x:y)
X and y are both numbers.
X is the chapters number
Y is the number of the verse.
Now let us try to find out some bible verses.
If you can find the verse write it down:

John 15:3

John 6:64

John 14:15

Psalm 119:162

Psalm 119:167

Matthew 13:23

2- Where can we find the following? Is it in Old Testament or New Testament?
Put the letter in the appropriate field in this table.
a- Fathers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
b- Adam and Eve
c- The sending of the Holy Spirit
d- How the world began
e- Jesus, disciples and their preaching.
f- The miracles that Jesus made.
g- Garden of Eden
h- Jesuss Birth.
Old Testament New Testament

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