2014-10-12 Letter to ACRI Chief Legal Counsel Dan Yakir: 1) Your October 11, 2014 response, and 2) Request for a statement for publication - ACRI's position on due Service and Notice in the Israeli courts. //  מכתב לדן יקיר - יועץ משפטי בכיר באגודה לזכויות האזרח: 1) תשובתך מיום 11 לאוקטובר, 2014, 2) בקשה לתגובה לפרסום - עמדת האגודה על המצאה והודעה כדין בבתי המשפט בישראל.

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Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD "

PO Box 334!, "e#$%&i&, 'sr(e# ") 334! *")+
,(x- !!$3.!/.01 23(i#- 4oseph56ernik7hr($n8o5or8
] [
October 12, 2014
Attorney Dan Yakir
Chief Legak Counsel
Association for Civil Rights in srael
!y e"ail# <dan@acri.org.il>
RE: 1) Your October 11, 201 res!onse, an" 2) Re#uest $or a statement $or !ublication % A&R'(s
!osition on "ue )er*ice an" Notice in the 'sraeli courts+
Your ti"ely res$onse %ithin & 'ays is kin'ly re(ueste' 'ue to $ublisher)s sche'ule*
Attorney Yakir#
1) Your October 11, 201 res!onse
Your "ost recent res$onse, co$ie' belo%, again raises concerns*
a+ ,-he &erti$icate o$ &ounsel $orms are the stan"ar" t.!e, use" b. 'sraeli attorne.s+,
+aving street '%ellers, so"e of %hich 'on)t even have sufficient un'erstan'ing of the +ebre%
language, to authori,e counsel, for e-a"$le, to $lea' guilty or not guilty in the $resence or in the
absence of client, %as unreasonable* .o %it, Attorney +agai /alai a$$eare' last night in the
Occu$y.L0 ca"$ %ith revise' for"s, 112 %here "ost of the offen'ing $aragra$hs %ere 'elete'*
b+ ,An. cam! resi"ent, /ho is intereste" in consi"ering court action against the e*iction,
shoul" tal0 about it /ith Hagai+,
.he 3shoul'3 here is ina$$ro$riate, co"ing fro" the Chief Legal Counsel of ACR* t again a$$ears
as an atte"$t to i"$ose on street $ersons re$resentation by a s$ecific counsel, %ho as clarifie' in
ACR)s Attorney 4il 4an56or)s res$onse, is not even un'er ACR)s su$ervision*
c+ Attorne. 1alai(s commitment to Human Rights % un/illing to claim )electi*e En$orcement
7vi'ence %as $rovi'e' to Attorney /alai of 8elective 7nforce"ent by the .el5Aviv "unici$ality last
year, 'uring actions, si"ilar to those %e are facing to'ay* 9ersons, %ho are 8hin5!et or security
authorities) i"$lants in the ca"$, %ere e-e"$te' fro" enforce"ent actions* 6unici$ality staff
e-$laine' the 8elective 7nforce"ent by the fact that such in'ivi'uals %ere 38tate 9ersons3*
t is by no% clear that in current actions by the "unici$ality against the ca"$, the sa"e $ersons
%oul' be again e-e"$te'* 8elective 7nforce"ent %oul' un'er"ine the "unici$ality)s clai"s
regar'ing a: urgency of the 'eclare' actions, an' b: the nee' for the 'rastic restriction of the ca"$)s
$er"itte' area*
;hen aske' if he %oul' inclu'e the clai" of 8elective 7nforce"ent in his $etition, Attorney /alai
ans%ere'# 3<o3* .he reason# 3.he courts 'on)t like to hear about it*3
8elective 7nforce"ent is a serious +u"an Rights violation*
"+ Attorne. 1alai(s commitment to Human Rights % !ublic access to court recor"s
ACR)s lengthy legal battle for $ublic access to court recor's =Association for Civil Rights in Israel v
Minister of Justice et al =>?1&@?&:: in'icates that the Association recogni,es such access as a basic
Civil Right an' a key for the safeguar' of court integrity*
n fact, the sraeli courts to'ay 'o not co"$ly even %ith the li"ite' access, %hich %as grante' at the
en' of the above reference' court action*
t is "y un'erstan'ing that Attorney /alai file' to'ay his court action relative to street '%ellers in the
Occu$y.L0 ca"$* 9ublic access to the full recor's of the case shoul' be $rovi'e' by Attorney /alai
Digitally signed
by Joseph
Zernik, PhD
an' the ACR* n case there are any concerns regar'ing the $rivacy of in'ivi'uals, a$$ro$riate
re'actions can be easily i"$le"ente'*
2) Re#uest $or a statement $or !ublication: A&R'(s !osition on "ue )er*ice an" Notice in the
'sraeli courts+
As $reviously note', Attorney /alai e-$licitly state' that in re$resenting street '%ellers fro" the
Occu$y.L0 ca"$, he ha' no intention to $ress the court to co"$ly %ith $rovisions of the la%
regar'ing 8ervice an' <otice of court 'ecisions*
Accor'ing to Attorney /alai, %hose state' e-$erience inclu'es interning in the sraeli 8u$re"e
i* 6ere 3kno%le'ge3 of court 'ecisions is sufficient*
ii* .here is no nee' for 'ue 8ervice an' <otice of court 'ecisions 5 signe' by the Au'icial
authorities an' authenticate' through a notice by the Office of the Clerk =acco"$anying letters 5
authentication: 5 since signe' co$ies of the recor's are "aintaine' in court files*
n your res$onse, also co$ie' belo%, on a $revious re(uest to o$ine on this "atter, you state'# 3.he
(uestion is unclear to "e3*
Co$ie' belo% is a re$ort, sub"itte' for $ublication, regar'ing the fin'ings u$on ins$ection of court
file recor's in Rotem v Baram and State of Israel =&B202@04: in the .el5Aviv 6agistrate Court* A
$aragra$h near the en' of the re$ort states that a re(uest for co""ents %as a''resse' to you as ACR
Chief Legal Counsel*
.herefore, your ti"ely co""ents on behalf of ACR are re(ueste' for $ublication in this re$ort,
i* Due 8ervice an' <otice in the sraeli Courts in general, in vie% of the state"ents "a'e by
Attorney /alai, outline' above ='etaile' in a $revious letter to you:, an'
ii* .he fin'ings regar'ing 8ervice an' <otice in Rotem v Baram in $articular, outline' in the re$ort,
co$ie' belo% =the full set of recor's that the re$ort is base' u$on is $oste' online in a link un'er
reference 142 at the en' of the re$ort:*
t shoul' be note' that the fin'ings in Rotem v Baram et al are not unusual* ns$ection of the recor's
in the ongoing, bogus cri"inal $rosecution of %histle5blo%er Rafi Rote" =State of Israel v Rotem
=10&450251B:, also in the .el5Aviv 6agistrate Court: reveale' si"ilar an' %orse $erversions* 125B2
Cri"inal co"$laint %as also file' against 6agistrate +agai !renner an' others of the sa"e court,
relative to con'uct, %hich %as 'iscovere' through ins$ection of the court files, relate' to the self5
i""olate' social $rotest activist 6oshe 8il"an ,3l* 142
ntegrity the courts an' the Au'icial $rocess is a $rere(uisite for the safeguar' of +u"an Rights, an'
about half of the first 'o,en articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 'irectly a''ress
con'uct of the courts* Concern is that ACR is not rea'y, %illing, able to recogni,e the central role of
the courts an' the legal $rofession, $articularly over the $ast 'eca'e, in the abuse of +u"an Rights in
Cose$h Dernik, 9hD
+u"an Rights Alert =<4O:
9.: ;.4$.$.. <e&ise= >o?nse# o@ <eAor= >erBi@iA(Be, pro&i=e= @or si8n(B?re Bo resi=enBs o@ Bhe OAA?pC"DE
A(3p FC %BBorneC G(8(i H(#(i
9;: ;.4$/$;V WhisB#e$F#oUer <(@i <oBe3, Presi=in8 J?sBiAe %sher Xr?nis, (n= or8(ni6e= Ari3e in Bhe 'sr(e#i
93: ;.4$.$. WhisB#e$F#oUer <(@i <oBe3- <epe(B re[?esB @or A#(ri@iA(Bions FC \B(Be O3F?=s3(n ]ose@
\h(pir( (n= ^(Bion(# P?F#iA De@en=er ]o(& \(pir re8(r=in8 Bhe n(B?re o@ =?Fio?s reAor=s @ro3 Bheir o@@iAes
94: ;.3$!$.1 DeBBer Bo Bhe %BBorneC Xener(# (n= Ari3in(# Ao3p#(inB, sB(3pe= areAei&e=a FC po#iAe, (8(insB
"e# %&i& J?=8e G(8(i Brenner (n= oBhers @or oFsBr?ABion o@ 4?sBiAe in Bhe A(se o@ se#@$i33o#(Be= soAi(# proBesB
(ABi&isB boshe \i#3(n
October 11, 201 res!onses b. Attorne. 3an Ya0ir, A&R'
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Yakir <dan@acri.org.il>
Date: 2014-10-11 16:54 !"#0$:00
%&'(ect: Demand t)at *+,- take immediate action to sto. an/ legal action '/ *ttorne/ 0agai 1alai in
t)e name o2 t)e street .ersons
"o: <(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org>
0agai4s integrit/ is a'o5e and 'e/ond an/ do&'t6 t)e +erti2icate o2 +o&nsel 2orms are t)e standard
t/.e6 &sed '/ -sraeli attorne/s.
*n/ o2 t)e cam. residents6 w)o is interested in considering co&rt action against t)e e5iction6 s)o&ld
talk a'o&t it wit) 0agai.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Yakir <dan@acri.org.il>
Date: 2014-10-11 10:10 !"#0$:00
%&'(ect: %)o&ld attorne/6 re2erred '/ *+,-6 .ress t)e co&rt to com.l/ wit) .ro5isions o2 t)e law6
.ertaining to t)e 2&ndamentals o2 D&e 7rocess8
"o: 9(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org9 <(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org>
")e :&estion is &nclear to me. ;ot) il and - are on 5acation &ntil t)e end o2 t)e "a'ernacles
0agai is an e<cellent attorne/6 committed to 0&man ,ig)ts. *s long as )e re.resents /o&6 it is rig)t
2or /o& to clari2/ an/ :&estions wit) )im in t)is matter.
12 , 2014
" !!
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: 1 ( 11 , 2014 , 2 ( ! " ! !
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1 ( 11 , 2014
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Yakir <dan@acri.org.il>
Date: 2014-10-11 16:54 !"#0$:00
"o: 9(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org9 <(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Yakir <dan@acri.org.il>
Date: 2014-10-11 10:10 !"#0$:00
"o: 9(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org9 <(ose.).3ernik@)ra-ngo.org>
Whistle-blower Rotem, Judge Almagor, and medieval-digital corruption of the Israeli courts
Inspection of an additional court file, related to Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem, again
shows evidence of the courts acting as part of a system of Organized tate !rime" !onditions in
the # are not much different"""
Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem in one of the numerous false arrests.
Judge Shoshana Almagor, then in Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt.

!ey re"ords are missing, in"luding# Summons, do"$et, any authenti"ation re"ords.
%ebruary &', &(() *nsigned Judge !obi +ardi ,nitial S"heduling -rder .only a//earan"e of this
0udge in this "ase, with no "onferen"e, from "hambers1 - 2The -ffi"e of the ler$ shall inform the
/arties2. Judges "onsistently avoided the use of the terms 2serve2, or 2servi"e2 in this "ase.
3ovember 45, &(() *nsigned, by an unnamed "ler$ 23oti"e to A//ear and 6emand for /ayment of
ourt %ees2.
3ovember 45, &(() *nsigned, by an unnamed "ler$ - Se"ond 23oti"e to A//ear2
6e"ember 5, &(() *nsigned .but bears the Seal of the ourt1, formatted as a letter to 6istri"t
Attorney Judge 6aliah Mar$ 6e"ision - to remove "ustoms re"ords, filed by 7laintiff Rotem as
eviden"e, under "laim of "onfidentiality by 6efendant State.
Mar"h 48, &((9 *nsigned Judge Shoshana Almagor 7roto"ol and 6e"ision on hearing of eviden"e.
July :, &((9 *nsigned Judge Shoshana Almagor 7roto"ol and 6e"ision on hearing of eviden"e.
July 48, &((5 *nsigned Senior Assistant to Tel-Aviv 6istri"t Attorney Mena"hem Mi;rahi <etter,
denying "orru/tion in the Tax Authority, filed by 6efendants as eviden"e in the July :, &((9
July &(, &((5 *nsigned Senior Assistant to Tel-Aviv 6istri"t Attorney Mena"hem Mi;rahi <etter,
denying "orru/tion in the Tax Authority, filed as eviden"e in the July :, &((9 =earing.
July 49, &((9 *nsigned Judge Shoshana Almagor 7roto"ol and 6e"ision on hearing of eviden"e.
Se/tember &8, &((> *nsigned, missing Seal of the ourt, un"ertified 3ational <abor ourt
Judgment denying Rotem?s A//eal, filed by 6efendant as eviden"e.
3ovember 8(, &((' Judge Shoshana Almagor Judgment - bears no Seal of the ourt, no eviden"e
of entry or of servi"e. 2,ssued in "hambers... -ffi"e of the ler$ shall forward "o/ies of the
Judgment to the /arties2. Judges "onsistently avoided the use of the terms 2serve2, or 2servi"e2 in
this "ase.
-""u/yT<+, -"tober 4( - on Se/tember &4, media re/orted that former Attorney @eneral
Mena"hem Ma;u; was ele"ted Justi"e of the ,sraeli Su/reme ourt. ,n a &(48 interview he stated
that the Tax Authority "orru/tion s"andal was the "losest to -rgani;ed rime in high government
offi"es. A4B
-n Se/tember &&, retired Justi"e Mishael hesin informed Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem
that a "ommittee hesin headed, ele"ted Rotem re"i/ient of the 2!night of Cuality @overnment2
award by the ,sraeli Cuality @overnment Movement. A&B
=owever, the ,sraeli "ourts see it differently...
As ,sraeli media /ut it# 2%or over a de"ade the "ourts have been abusing the 0usti"e advo"ate2. A8B
As Rotem, a serious so""er fan, /uts it, 2, lost 44#( in the "ourts2.
Dut were these true league gamesE
,ns/e"tion of the /a/er "ourt file in Rotem v $aram and tate of Israel in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate
ourt, A5B shows that the "ase was "ondu"ted more li$e the ba"$yard so""er games of the Tax
Authority ,nvestigationsF,ntelligen"e *nit staff... The eviden"e in the "ourt file shows that at the
end of one su"h game, Rotem reGuired hos/itali;ation and a year of "onvales"en"e after a serious
brain "on"ussion...
The re"ords found in Rotem v $aram, indi"ate that the "ase was "ondu"ted as a so""er game,
3o whistle was blown at the start .no Summons was dis"overed1H
S"oring of the goals was not registered in the game "ard .unsigned, unregistered,
unauthenti"ated de"isions1H
3o whistle was blown at the end .no eviden"e of entry, servi"e, authenti"ation of
The results were not re/orted to the So""er Asso"iation .no registration of the 0udgment1.
The digital s"ore board shows different results than those observed in the field... .the
hidden ele"troni" re"ords are different than what is seen in the /a/er "ourt file1.
,n Rotem v $aram and tate of Israel, 7laintiff Rotem sued 6efendant Daram .a su/ervisor in the
,nvestigationsF,ntelligen"e *nit1 for liable, regarding re/eat "omments of Daram to "o-wor$ers, on
site, whi"h de/i"ted Rotem, after he had blown the whistle on "orru/tion, as a "riminal and a
/sy"hiatri" "ase. The fa"ts were "onfirmed by witnesses, but the "laim was denied in Judge
Shoshana Almagor?s 3ovember 8(, &((' Judgment. A)B
Iith it, the testimonies and other eviden"e in this "ase de/i"t the Tax Authority as a State agen"y,
Senior offi"ers intervened to undermine the tax investigation of a senior "rime figure -
Reuven @avrieliH
Senior offi"ers intervened to undermine the tax investigation of a "or/oration - @ibor S/ort
- where $ey figures were related to the ruling /artyH
Ma0or investigation file - Terry 6e"$el @oldmine - disa//eared from a high se"urity offi"e,
but internal se"urity and senior offi"ers refused to investigate the matter or to attem/t
restoration of the missing dataH
lose /ersonal and business relationshi/s exist between senior offi"ers and senior "rime
figures, and
Staff of the ,nvestigationsF,ntelligen"e 6ivision is sub0e"t to harassment, intimidation, and
retaliation, as well as serious /hysi"al assault, when they try to honestly /erform their 0obs.
%ollowing the ins/e"tion, Rotem submitted this wee$ to hief ler$ Rahamim Asher of the Tel-Aviv
Magistrate ourt reGuests for#
o/y of the Summons, A9B and
ertified "o/y of the 3ovember 8(, &((' Judge Shoshana Almagor Judgment. A>B
,f /ast /erforman"e is any indi"ation, the hief ler$ would refuse to res/ond in any way on su"h
reGuests. That has been the "ase in the "urrently ongoing Rotem?s "riminal /rose"ution on "harges
of insulting /oli"emen .tate of Israel v Rotem in the same "ourt1. A'-4(B1 The "riminal
/rose"ution file also /resents alarming eviden"e of /erversion of 0usti"e and fraud u/on the "ourt.
=owever, the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt is not alone. The Su/reme ourt and its 7residing Justi"e
Asher @runis also refuse to /rovide a "ertified, 2True o/y of the -riginal2, "o/y of the Judgment
in Rotem?s /etition .Rotem v amet1 there... A4&B
,ns/e"tion of the Tel-Aviv Magistrate "ourt file in Rotem v $aram and tate of Israel also shows
that although the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt "laims during the litigation of the "ase, files were
administered on /a/er only, in fa"t, the ourt relied on ele"troni" re"ords in its ,T system .at that
time - 2Manat21. A""ess to the re"ords in the "ourt?s ,T system is denied. That is the "ase today
also in the ,sraeli Su/reme ourt.
om/rehensive review of the ,T systems of the ,sraeli "ourts indi"ates that the "ourts today
engage in a large-s"ale fraud through the em/loyment of se"retive ele"troni" re"ords - in fa"t a
double-boo$s system in the "ourts. A4&B Su"h "ondu"t "reated "onditions that were ty/i"al in the
medieval "ourts, but now are fa"ilitated by digital means.
,n"reasingly, the Tax Authority "orru/tion s"andal and the treatment of whistle-blower Rafi Rotem
are be"oming an indi"tment of the ,sraeli 0usti"e system. They do"ument "oordinated "orru/tion of
the ,sraeli 0usti"e system, from the Tel-Aviv <abor ourt to the ,sraeli Su/reme ourt, and the
State -mbudsman and 3ational 7ubli" 6efender?s offi"e in between. A48B
ombined, the the Tax Authority "orru/tion s"andal and the treatment of whistle-blower Rafi
Rotem by the "ourts /resent the ,sraeli 0usti"e system as a system of -rgani;ed State rimeJ
Attorney 6an Ka$ir, hief <egal ounsel of the Asso"iation of ivil Rights in ,srael, was as$ed to
"omment on this re/ort, and /revious re/orts, do"umenting /erversion of 0usti"e and fraud on the
"ourt in the ongoing "riminal /rose"ution of whistle-blower Rotem in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt.
onditions in the *nited States are not mu"h different.... A45B
A4B &(48-(9-(> ,nterview with former Attorney @eneral Mena"hem Ma;u;, %aaretz
http :// www .scribd .com / doc /218808147 F
A&B &(45-(:-&& Moshe <i"htman# 2Ihistle-blower Rafi Rotem announ"ed !night of Cuality
@overnment2, &lobes
A8B &(48-4(-(5 alman <iebes$ind# 23o 0usti"es in Jerusalem, for over a de"ade the "ourts have
been abusing 0usti"e advo"ate2, 'aariv
http :// www .scribd .com / doc /218831926 /
A5B &(45-4(-(4 Rotem v $aram .>8&(&F(51 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt - Re"ords dis"overed
through ins/e"tion of the "ourt file
A)B &(('-44-8( Rotem v $aram .>8&(&F(51 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt - Judge Shoshana
Almagor Judgment - as dis"overed during ins/e"tion of /a/er "ourt file
A9B &(45-4(-(9 Rotem v $aram .>8&(&-(51 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt - ReGuest for a "o/y
of the summons
A>B &(45-4(-(9 Rotem v $aram .>8&(&-(51 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt - ReGuest for
"ertifi"ation of Judge Shoshana Almagor 3ovember 8(, &((' Judgment, 2True o/y of the -riginal2
A'B &(45-(:-(: tate of Israel v Rafi Rotem .4(>5-(&-481 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt -
ReGuest for "ertifi"ation of May &9, &(45 7roto"ol and 6e"ision by Judge Kael 7radels$y 2True o/y
of the -riginal2
A:B &(45-4(-() tate of Israel v Rafi Rotem .4(>5-(&-481 in the Tel Aviv Magistrate ourt -
Re/eat reGuest for "ertifi"ation of May &9, &(45 7roto"ol and 6e"ision by Judge Kael 7radels$y
2True o/y of the -riginal22
A4(B &(45-4(-() tate of Israel v Rafi Rotem .4(>5-(&-481 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt
-reGuest for "o/ies of authenti"ation re"ords .A""om/anying <etters of servi"e by the ler$ of the
ourt1 of Judge 7radels$y?s six .91 7roto"ols and 6e"isions
A44B &(45-('-4> tate of Israel v Rafi Rotem .4(>5-(&-481 in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate ourt -
3oti"e of eviden"e of /erversion of 0usti"e and fraud on the "ourt, served on Su/reme ourt
7residing Justi"e Asher @runis and Tel Aviv Magistrate ourt 7residing Judge Livah =adassi
=erman - in"ludes all "ourt file re"ords
&(45-()-&9 Jose/h Lerni$, 2ReGuest filed with Amnesty ,nternational in the "ase of /erse"uted
,sraeli Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem2, Op(d)ews"com
&(45-(:-&: Jose/h Lerni$, 2,SRAM<# Attorneys from a non-existent law-firm a//eared as 7ubli"
6efenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem...2, Op(d)ews"com
A4&B &(48-(4-(4 The =uman Rights Alert .3@-1 submission, as in"or/orated into the *3 =uman
Rights oun"il *7R re/ort with the note 2<a"$ of integrity in the ele"troni" re"ords of the Su/reme
ourt, the distri"t "ourts and the detainees "ourts in ,srael2 ./age 5, /aragra/h &)1 #
A48B &(45-4(-(4 Ihistle-blower Rafi Rotem# Re/eat reGuest for "larifi"ations by State
-mbudsman Kosef Sha/ira and 3ational 7ubli" 6efender Koav Sa/ir regarding the nature of
dubious re"ords from their offi"es
A45B &(45-(:-&: Jose/h Lerni$, 2<arge-s"ale fraud in ,T systems of *S "ourts - unannoun"ed
regime "hange2, Op(d)ews"com

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