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NAME______ CLASS ______

SCHOOL NAME ___________________

General questions of Environmental Ethics
Q1. Do you think all natural resources are meant for
human beings?
Yes or no
Q2. Earth is our mother do you agree with this
Yes or no
Q3. Should we best use and conserve the space
environment to secure and expand life?
Yes or no
Q4. Does earth exist entirely for humanity?
Yes or no
Q5. Should we continue to clear cut forests for the sake
of human consumption?
Yes or no
Q6. Do you have a duty towards environment to be
concerned with future generation?
Yes or no
Q7. Can man improve upon nature?
Yes or no
Q8. Should we continue to make gasoline powered
Yes or no
Q9. Do you think yourself is the master of earth?
Yes or no
Q10. Is it right for humans to knowingly cause the
extinction of a species for the convenience of
Yes or no

NAME _______ CLASS ________
SCHOOL NAME __________________
General questions of Environmental Awareness
Q1. Largest source of water:
a. River c. Oceans
b. Lakes d. Rain
Q2. What type of cancer cause by ultra violet
a. Blood cancer c. Lung cancer
b. Brain cancer d. Skin cancer
Q3. Amount of nitrogen present in the atmosphere?
a. 70% c. 75%
b. 70% d. 78%
Q4. Example of biodegradable waste:
a. Cattle dung c. Synthetic fibres
b. Polythene bag d. Glass object
Q5. Global warming leads to:
a. Increase in temperature
b. Decrease in temperature
c. Depletion of ozone layer
d. None of these
Q6. Soil erosion can be prevented by:
a. Overgrazing
b. Afforestation
c. Removal of vegetation
d. Increasing bird population

Q7. Which source of water is the purest form of water?
a. Oceans c. Rain
b. Ground water d. Lakes
Q8. Which of the following are greenhouse gases?
a. Air c. CO

b. Coal and oil d. Nitrogen
Q9. Spraying of DDT on crops causes pollution of:
a. Soil and Water c. Air and Soil
b. Crops and Air d. Air and Water
Q10. Which of the following is not a renewable
a. Timber c. Gold
b. Fish d. Wild mushroom
Q11. Forests are:
a. Exhaustible resources
b. Non-renewable resources
c. In-exhaustible resources
d. Non-degradable resources
Q12. Which of the following are most important natural
resources of energy?
a. Electricity c. bio-gas
b. Fossil fuels d. atomic fiss

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