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Feasibility Report


Rebranding Artline

Imran Teo
14 August 2007
Executive Summary
This report is a feasibility report for the proposal to rebrand Artline. It includes the
description about the project, background information about artline and rebranding,
and possible solutions on how to rebrand successfully.

We will be discussing:

• The feasibility of the project

• Background information
• Possible solutions
• The most feasible solution

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary.......................................................................................................2
1. Project Description.....................................................................................................4
2. Background information.............................................................................................4
2.1 On Rebranding.................................................................................................4
2.2 On Artline.........................................................................................................4
3. Possible Solutions.......................................................................................................4
4. Evaluation of Solutions..............................................................................................5
4.1 Redesigning the logo........................................................................................5
4.2 Think of a new the slogan................................................................................5
5. Most Feasible Solution...............................................................................................6
6. Conclusion..................................................................................................................7
7. References..................................................................................................................7
8. Appendix....................................................................................................................7
8.1 SWOT Analysis................................................................................................7

List of Figures
Figure 1. Current Artline Logo………………………………………………………6

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1. Project Description
Artline has approached me to discuss the rebranding in the company image. After
holding talks with Artline and putting forward my proposal complete with a SWOT
analysis (Appendix 8.1) to rebrand, they have given me the go ahead to do a
feasibility report.

The project will include a number of things. Much research will go into finding out
what our consumers want. This can be achieved a few ways, holding focus groups
being one way. Once the research has been done and we understand what the market
is looking for and what Artline wants, we need take the necessary steps to implement
the solution.

2. Background information

2.1 On Rebranding
Re-branding is the process by which a product developed with one brand is marketed
or distributed with a different identity.

This may involve radical changes to the brand's logo, brand name, image, marketing
strategy, and advertising themes. On the other hand, it might involve merely
superficial changes.

2.2 On Artline
Artline is an international brand made by Japanese organization, Shachihata. From its
humble beginnings in 1925 with a range of stamping products, Shachihata is now
renowned the world over for making premium pens, markers and stamp pads (1)

3. Possible Solutions
There are several possible solutions that we can utilize to rebrand Artline to it’s
improve its image. Here are just some possibilities of what we can do to rebrand:

Redesigning the logo

Think of a new slogan
Changing the style of the stationary

These are just 3 solutions on how to update and improve the Artline image.

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4. Evaluation of Solutions
Evaluate the various solutions you have generated for the purpose of reducing the list
to only the most feasible solutions.

4.1 Redesigning the logo

Currently the Artline logo is just the word Artline in a blue font. This leaves plenty of
room for improvement in that an actual logo can be implemented or at least spice up
the font a little.

4.2 Think of a new the slogan

The current Artline slogan is “Make an impression with… Artline”. (1)

I think that this is actually quite a good slogan and doesn’t need to be changed or
redone. It clearly outlines what the message that Artline wants and displays how high
the quality of their products is in comparison to other companies.

4.3 Changing the style of stationary

This could be as simple as just changing the colour scheme on its stationary, or could
go as far as complete changes to the designs on the entire range of pens stationary.

Artline stationary looks good very appealing already so exploring this option would
only produce a little bit of improvement. This could be rather expensive and time

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5. Most Feasible Solution
Out of all the possible rebranding solutions, I think the best one to explore the
possibilities of redoing the logo.

Fig 1. Current Logo

As said previously, the logo is just the words Artline written in blue so that leaves
plenty of unexplored potential in creating a logo that fits the company. This can be
done in a variety of ways.

By changing the font to a more modern or flashier font it’s possible to catch the eye of
a younger audience who are looking for fun or creative things to do. The colour could
also be changed, maybe even multi-coloured.

Another possibility is to actually create a logo, such as using a shape etc.

Implementing a simple background shape such as a brush swish, a pen swish etc
would add some movement and life to the logo.

Combining a different font, plus a simple shape could give the logo what it needs to
catch the attention and appeal of a wider audience.

It will take approximately 2 months to rebrand the company. This will involve us
conducting research and holding focus groups towards our customer base as well as
our intended target audience. We will take our time and design a new Artline logo and
refine it until we produce a good quality logo.

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6. Conclusion
Rebranding is a great opportunity to move your company up in the market. It will
make Artline and competitive force against other stationary companies.

If done correctly it has the potential to boost profits and increase the consumer base
from a larger target audience. It will refresh and modernise your company and will
make u look up to date with the best and latest products.

The major hurdles to overcome would be designing the right logo which will not only
attract a new customer base, but also hold onto our existing customers. We don’t want
to gain new customers at the cost of existing ones.

There is always a risk that rebranding the Artline image might not work and we could
lose a lot of money but our team will ensure that we come out with a positive result

7. References
1. Accessed 14 August 07

8. Appendix

8.1 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Good slogan. Good quality pens. Boring logo. Colours need a bit more
Reliable. work.

Opportunities Threats

Target a wider demographic with a more If they don’t modernize, they might lose
modernized logo out to their competitors such as Pilot and
Staedtler who have flashier eye catching

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