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M Krishnaiah
Customer Support Manager
M/S MGB Motor &Auto Agencies(Dealer for MAN TRCK!
Respected Sir,
Sub: Application for the post of Manager /Sr Manager
Please find enclosed here with my urriculum !ita" for your #ind perusal and
re$uest you to #indly consider me as a candidature for the abo%e post in your esteemed
organi&ation' ( ha%e done ) *ech +Mechanical, -egree and ha%ing ./ years e0perience'
)eing a hard wor#ing and result oriented person, ( am sure that ( can perform up to the
e0pectation of the Management 10pecting an opportunity to ser%e in your esteemed
*han#ing you
2ours faithfully
6%er ./ years e0perience in Automobile Ser%ice -epartment'
Present 7or#ing as a ustomer Support Manager at M8) Motor 9Auto Agencies -ealer
for MA5 *R:3S at 4yderabad
Customer satisfaction is top priorit#
Al/a#s touching /ith customers an$ 0isiting sites an$ sol0ing
Maintain goo$ relation /ith top le0el management an$ to m# staff
T*C"N'CA( 2A('3'CAT',N
B Tech +Mechanical 1ngineering, from 5agar;una :ni%ersity, A'P
+,RK *41*R'*NC*
From : <uly =>>? to oct =>..
ompany : M/S Ram#y (nfrastructure @'*'-
-esignation : Asst Manager+Maintenance,
Maintain good relation with the topAle%el management and to my staff'
-o the pre%enti%e maintenance at right time and maintain the proper records'
*a#e care about tippers, @ight !ehicles
Maintain good relation with the Mechanics and getting good results from them'
From : <uly =>>B to =>>?
ompany : M/S :A5R(@ C 8!R +<!,
-esignation : Maintenance Manager
Maintain good relation with the topAle%el management and to my staff'
-o the pre%enti%e maintenance at right time and maintain the proper records'
*a#e care about tippers, @ight !ehicles etc '
Maintain good relation with the Mechanics and getting good results from them
From : 6ct =>>D to <:@2 =>>B
ompany : M/s <asper (ndustries P%t @td +-ealer for *ata Motors,
-esignation : 7or#s Manager
Maintain good relation with the customer and gi%ing the top priority
for customer satisfaction'
Maintain good relation with the top le%el management and sending
reports to them at right time'
Maintain good relation with my staff or my sub ordinates and getting
reports or wor# results from them at right time'
Maintain good relation with the Mechanics and getting good wor#
result from them right time'
4andling warranty , A'M' ser%ices , general ser%ices
-ec =>>> to Sept =>>D : 7or#ed as a ser%ice technician at M/s !6@!6 (5-(A P%t @td'
+From onsultancy,
NATR* ,3 5,B.
Maintenance repair and trouble shooting of FMB, FM? *ruc#s
operation at oal Mines with committed %ehicle a%ailability'
4andling the o%erhaul of -B +FMB, 1ngine, 8ear )o0 and other
systems including 4ydraulic/Steering/)rea#s/ 1lectrical'
Ad%ance Planning and in%entory control of site stoc# during the site
4and o%er the completed ;ob cards to 7arehouse at right time'
FMB )asics
FMB 8ear )o0 6%erhauling
FMB 1ngine +-B, 6%erhauling
)ra#es and steering
)asic 1lectrical and 1lectronics
!A-S Pro'
AugE?B C April??: 7or#ed as a 7or#s 1ngineer for . F year at 5) at !i;ayawada
6n contact basis +A 8o%ernment of (ndia 1nterprises,
5A*:R1 6F <6): arried out maintenance for 10ca%ator
FebE?/ C AugE?D: 7or#ed as a super%isor +stores section, for . F year in S:53:
-(1S1@ A:*6 at 4yderabad
5A*:R1 6F <6): Maintaining S*5A (5

Maintaining S*5A 6:*
Maintaining )(5A AR-S
1*RS,NA( 'N3,RMAT',N.
5ame : M 3rishnaiah
FatherEs 5ame : M 2esudasu
-ate of )irth : =.A>GA.?DB
Marital Status : Married
orrespondence Address : M 3rishnaiah
)eramguda, Patancheru, 4yderabad'
Permanent address : 1theru+Po,,)apatla+Mandal,,8untur+dist,
Mobile : HB?>I/===>
1mail (d : #rishnam=>>GJindiatimes'com
@anguages 3nown : *elugu 1nglish and 4indi
1(AC* . (M&KR'S"NA'A"!

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