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Sem / Branch : III /MCA
Subject code /Title: MC7302/ EMBEDDED SSTEMS
Name the various flag bits available in 8085 microprocessor.
Give the significance of SIM and RIM instructions available in Intel 8085.
Ho do the address and data lines are de!multiple"ed in Intel 8085#
$ist various instructions that can be used to clear accumulator in Intel 8085.
%hen is the R&'() signal of 8085 sampled b* the processor#
$ist out the similarities beteen the +'$$,R&- and ./SH,.0. instructions in Intel
%hat are the various addressing modes of Intel 8085#
$ist all the interrupt signals of Intel 8085.
%h* is multiple"ing process done in Intel 8085#
%hat is the need of '$& signal in Intel 8085#
%hat is an opcode and operand#
$ist the limitations of Intel 8085 microprocessor.
%hat is (M'#
(efine1 machine c*cle and instruction c*cle.
%h* address bus of Intel 8085 is unidirectional#
%hat is the function of N0. instruction#
Mention the poer suppl* 2 cloc3 fre4uenc* values of Intel 8085Microprocessor
%hen can e use 5R' ' instruction#
(istinguish beteen immediate and implied addressing modes of
%hat are the softare interrupts of Intel 8085 microprocessor#
&"plain the architecture of Intel 8085 microprocessor ith the help of its neat bloc3
diagram. 6789
&"plain: in detail: about the complete instruction set of Intel 8085 ith to
e"amples for each. 6789
&"plain: in detail: about the pin details and signals of Intel 8085 ith necessar*
e"amples. 6789
&"plain: the timing diagram of I;0 read and rite machine c*cle of 8085
&"plain the timing diagram of S-' 5000H instruction of Intel 8085 microprocessor.
$ist out the mas3able and non mas3able interrupts available in Intel 8085
microprocessor. 'lso: e"plain ho the interrupts are serviced b* the processor#
%hat is the use of addressing modes of Intel 8085 microprocessor# 'lso: mention
the different t*pes of the same ith e"amples.
&"plain: in detail: about the .rogramming model Intel 8085 microprocessor 2
organi<ation of a microcomputer.
%rite an assembl* language program to add and subtract to 8bit numbers using
8085 instruction set.
%rite an assembl* language program to arrange the given arra* of 8 b*tes in
ascending order for Intel 8085 microprocessor.
6a9 Ho does the instruction of 8085 classified based on their functions and
ord length# Give e"amples and e"plain. 689
6b9 (escribe the se4uence of event that ma* occur during the different - state in
the opcode fetch machine c*cle of 8085. 689
&"plain the use of a program counter: stac3 pointer and status flags in the
architecture of
8085 microprocessor.
%hat are the main components of an embedded s*stem#
Give fe e"amples for small scale embedded s*stems.
%hat are the various classifications of embedded s*stems#
(efine a Microcontroller.
%hat are the difference beteen the microprocessor and microcontrollers#
(ifferentiate RR' and RR+ ' instructions of Intel 8057 microcontroller.
%hat are the t*pes of addressing modes in the Intel 8057microcontroller#
Give the format of .S% register of Intel 8057microcontroller .
%hat is the range of =/M. instructions in Intel 8057microcontroller #
$ist the features of Intel 8057microcontroller .
%hat is the use of .+0N register#
State the function of RS0 and RS7 bits of .S% in Intel 8057microcontroller#
Give the interrupt priorities of Intel 8057microcontroller .
$ist the addressing modes of Intel 8057microcontroller .
%hat is the R'M and R0M si<e of Intel 8057microcontroller#
%hat are called nested interrupts#
Name the special function registers available in Intel 8057microcontroller.
%hat are the register ban3s in 8057 microcontroller#
%hat is the use of the pins .S&N and &' of Intel 8057microcontroller #
Ho can e double the baud rate in Intel 8057microcontroller #
$ist out the Hardare Resources available in Intel 8057microcontroller.
%hen 8057 microcontroller is reset: all interrupts are disabled. Ho to enable these
%hat is meant b* virtual Hardare and softare integration#
%hat is meant b* time to mar3et factor in an embedded s*stem product#
(iscuss: in detail about the embedded s*stem life c*cle and tools used in the design
Illustrate ho to code the hardare in the vie of Hardare and softare dualit*.
(escribe: in detail: about the architecture of 8057 ith neat diagram. 6789
&"plain the interrupt structure of 8057 microcontroller and e"plain ho the* are
&"plain: in detail about the functional pin diagram of 8057 Microcontroller. 6789
&"plain the memor* structure of Intel 8057 Microcontroller. 689
&"plain: in detail about the instruction set of Intel 8057 microcontroller.
%rite an assembl* language program to find the larger number from the given items
using Intel 8057 microcontroller.
%rite an assembl* language program to convert 8 bit binar* number to >+( using
Intel 8057 microcontroller.
%hat are the s3ills needed for an hardare and softare engineer to design an
embedded s*stem application.
Ho man* timers do e have in Intel 8057 microcontroller#
%hich pins are used as e"ternal count inputs in Intel 8057 microcontroller#
%hich of the timers can be used as event counters in Intel 8057 microcontroller#
%hich bits of the -+0N register as start bits of the timer in Intel 8057
%hich bits of the -+0N register are the timer rollover flags in Intel 8057
%hat is IS'#
Ho can an e"ternal fre4uenc* be counted using the Intel 8057 microcontroller #
%hen is -I raised in Intel 8057 microcontroller#
%hich pins are used for the second serial ports#
%hat is the advantage of serial communication over parallel communication#
(istinguish beteen s*nchronous and as*nchronous data transfer.
%hich are the voltage levels used in RS?@?+ connectors#
%hat are the functions of the M'5?@? chip#
Ho can data be transferred to the $+( from a port using onl* A port lines#
Ho does $+( distinguish beteen data and command#
%hat is .+I#
%hat is 'RM processor#
$ist the important features of 'RM processor.
%hat is the function of &0+ pulse#
Ho can a microcontroller be used to control automaticall* the speed of a (+ motor#
%hat is the advantage of placing an optoisolator beteen the motor and the
%h* do e need at least one timer device in an embedded s*stem#
$ist the different phases involved in the embedded s*stem life c*cle design.
%rite an assembl* language program to generate s4uare ave ith an 0N time of
@ms and an 0BB time of 70ms on all pins of port 0. 'ssume an 5-'$ of ??MH<
(ra the schematic diagram for interfacing a stepper motor ith 8057 microcontroller
and rite an 8057 based assembl* language program for
changing speed and direction of the motor.
(ra the schematic for interfacing a servo motor ith 8057 microcontroller and rite
8057 based assembl* language program for servo motor control application.
&"plain: in detail: about the I;0 port structure of Intel 8057 microcontroller.
&"plain three modes of serial communication Cs*nchronousC: Ciso!s*nchronousC: and
Das*nchronousC from the serial devices ith one e"ample for each#
$ist the features of 'RM processor and e"plain them in detail.
%rite an assembl* language program for 8057 microcontroller to displa* letters
EMF:F(FandF&F to the $+( using bus* flag method.
%rite an 8057 assembl* language program to toggle all bits of .? continuousl* ever*
500ms./se timer 7: mode 7 to create the dela*.
'ssume that a sitch is connected to pin .?.0.rite a program to monitor the sitch
and perform the folloing 1
If S%G0 send the message EhelloFto the serial H0 port.
If S%G7 send the message EGoodb*eFto the serial H7 port.
&"plain the folloing parallel communication devices1
IS' bus 689
.+I bus 689
%hat are the main obIectives of R-0S#
$ist the functions of 3ernel.
%hat is the importance of device management in an 0S for an embedded s*stem#
(efine1 process in operating s*stems.
(efine1 tas3 in operating s*stems.
(efine -as3 +ontrol >loc3 6-+>9 in operating s*stems.
%hat is a thread#
(efine 1 S*nchroni<ation in operating s*stems.
(efine1 Inter process communication
%hat is shared data problem#
(efine1 Semaphore.
(efine1 Mute".
%hat is counting semaphore#
(efine1 . and J semaphores.
%hat is .riorit* inversion#
%hat is (eadloc3 situation#
(efine1 Message Kueue.
(efine1 Mailbo" and .ipe.
(efine1 Soc3et.
(efine1 Remote .rocedure +all.
Give fe important e"amples for I;0 subs*stems.
=ustif* the need for necessit* of R-0S and hen is it not necessar* in the embedded
$ist ten e"amples: each of applications of semaphore: mailbo": and message 4ueue.
&"plain the goals and structure of operating s*stem services.
&"plain: in detail: about the management functions of 3ernel.
Ho R-0S schedules the multiple tas3s in real time# (escribe ith an e"ample.
Ho the interrupts are serviced in the R-0S environment#
(escribe: in detail: about ho the inter process communication is carried out in
%rite: in detail: the importance of memor* management unit in R-0S environment.
&"plain: in detail: about the management functions of device manager in 0S.
Give short notes about the folloing1 Mailbo" 689
.ipes 689
Name an* to important R-0S.
%hat are the various R-0S components#
%hat is meant b* ell tested and debugged R-0S#
%hat is sophisticated multitas3ing embedded s*stem#
Name fe applications for the M/+0S.
Name fe applications for the R-$inu".
%h* do e need R-0S for embedded application#
%hat are the tas3 service functions supported b* R-$IN/5#
%hat are the different t*pes of scheduling supported b* M/+0S#
State an* to distinguishing features of $IN/5 and R-$IN/5.
%h* rtl.m3 file is included in R-$IN/5 programming#
$ist at least four real time thread functions used in R-$IN/5.
%hat is the use of rtf,flush69 function in R-$IN/5#
%hat is the importance of BIB0 in R-$IN/5 environment#
(istinguish beteen hard and soft real time s*stems.
$ist out the memor* functions used in M/+0S environment.
%hat are the hardare units needed to design 'utomatic chocolate vending
$ist the softare components needed to design smart card.
%rite the name of the function used in M/+0S environment to create initiali<e
memor* partition.
?0.(efine the M'+R0 functions used in M/+0S environment.
$ist out the basic functions e"pected from 3ernel of R-0S environment.
&"plain in detail about the R-0S programming tool M/+0S environment.
&"plain in detail about the uses of M/+0S environment.
&"plain the features of R-$IN/5 environment.
(esign a table that gives M/+0S environmentCs features.
(iscuss the various factors to be considered for the selection of R-0S.
(escribe the essential properties of Real time operating S*stems.
(ra and e"plain basic s*stem of an 'utomatic chocolate vending s*stem.
&"plain the case stud* of an embedded s*stem for an adaptive cruise control
s*stem in a car.
Ho to code the 3ernel mode of R-$IN/5#
&"plain in detail about module and thread functions in R-$IN/5.

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