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Please click HERE to book your stand today!

David Kirby Photography

Capture your customers with the right image

David Kirby Photography
Commercial photography specialists
Call David on 0411 883 913

Tiling specialists providing a
professional service
Call Bernardo today on
0413 182 253

We sell a wide range of beverages to
suit everyones tastes!

From fruit flavoured coolers, bubble milk/iced teas to RAW Juices,
fruit smoothies & freshly made coffee!
Theres a lot more so come visit and check out our menu
T!s Available in "tore
Fruity Spin Shop 90, 2-24 Wembley Rd, Logan City Centre
Pin Point Health Centre
Suite 1, 18 Pickwick St Cannon Hill
(07) 3899 6911

Massage available on Bartercard at Pinpoint Health Centre
Relaxation, Remedial, Lymphatic Drainage, Pregnancy Massage

Health fund Rebates applicable

Health Benefits of Massage
Increased circulation & flexibility, enhanced sleep quality, greater energy, improed
concentration, reduced fatigue and stress, decreased anxiety, enhanced immunity, improes
body motion, reliees tension related headaches, reduces heart rate, helps !ith in"ury

Gift Vouchers Available

#all $% &'(( )(** or email "ulie+pinpointhealth,com,au to ma-e your appointment

Is your clothesline in need of upgrade? #lothesline #onnection !ill get the "ob done. /e
supply & Install /all Mounted & Rotary #lotheslines, !ith remoal of preious clothesline if
required, /e serice all areas bet!een #aboolture, Ips!ich /est & the 01/ 2oarder, #all Rod
today. $3** 3%4 444

Shop 2/1-5 Sarah Street, Loganlea
07 3200 7558 07 3200 7558 07 3200 7558 07 3200 7558
Ladies & Mens Hairdressing
Style !ts, olo!rs, "or#al & $edding Styles
he#i%al Straightening & More

&ea!ty Ser'i%es also a'aila(le

onta%t o!r )riendly sta)) to (oo* yo!r appoint#ent+

5ery year 6ustralians un!ittingly donate millions of their hard earned dollars to the 7oernment8s coffers and they
don8t een -no! it, I8m not tal-ing about being oer9taxed: this is money the 7oernment is ta-ing from under your nose
!ithout you -no!ing it, 6nyone !ho has a ban- account is liable to donate its entire contents to the ;reasurer8s cigar
fund at any time,

0e! rules came into effect this year regarding <delinquent8 ban- accounts and superannuation, If your ban- account or
1uper has been inactie for & years the ban-=super fund !ill send you a letter adising you that if you do not contact
them and <reactiate8 your account they are required by la! to hand all your money oer to the 7ot, !here it is placed
in consolidated reenue,

2ut it isn8t "ust ban- accounts> ?nclaimed rental bonds, bonds lodged !ith #ouncils, 5lectricity 1uppliers and more @ een
unclaimed Lotto /innings AI8d ma-e damned sure I claimed my !inningsB, ;here are hundreds of places you or your
business can lose money and it happens eery day. ;he 7oernment currently holds oer C)$$ million of DE?R money.
Most of it is 05F5R claimed by its rightful o!ner for t!o reasons: *, ;hey don8t -no! it is missing, G, ;hey hae no idea
ho! to get it bac- @ but !e do, Ef course sometimes the original o!ner is dead, or changed their name, moed and
forgot to update their ban- account and "ust opened a ne! one, forgetting about all the money in the old one, 1ocial
clubs lose thousands of dollars a year by changing their name or treasurer: simple mista-es that cost you money, 2ut hey,
!e all forget things,

here are over !"# plu$bing businesses that have lost fro$ %ust a fe& dollars up to '!()*+", -l$ost .##
electrical businesses) one of &hich has lost nearly '/##)###!!!! he biggest 01234 a$ount &e have found is
over '/ $illion! Is it yours? 5ant to find out if 627 have 0lost $oney4 &aiting to be found? Ho& $uch have
you lost? 5ould you like it back?

/e are registered money recovery agents so !e -no! ho! to get it bac- for you, ;he process can be quite inoled and
most businesses simply don8t hae the time and resources to chase it but !e do, it is !hat !e specialise in,

It doesn8t matter !here you are located, Hor a small fee !e can conduct an in9depth search of many 7oernment and
utility records to see if you o!n some of that C)$$ million, If !e find money !e thin- is yours !e can submit a claim on
your behalf, Eur fee is payable full trade and tax deductible, ;C become C,

#ontact Hinders of the Lost Dollar e>lostdollars8outlook,co$

600 bottles
T$20/ bottle
Melville Hill `Ltd Release` Tempranillo 200! "#$%
$&rew&ap &losure%
T'e 200 vintage 'as allowed t'is Limited Release
Tempranillo ma(imum varietal e(pression%
*enerous fruit flavours of ripe plums
and bla&+ &urrant are en'an&ed by 'its of spi&e%

,ood Mat&'ing
T'e balan&e between fruit sweetness and soft
provide t'e perfe&t red wine for -talian food! bb.`s
and all meals full of flavour%
/01 "l& 2ol

Melville Hill
Melville Hill mountain range wit' its gentle slopes!
tree &overed ridges and brown &lay soils provides a
perfe&t ba&+drop for Melville Hill 3state vineyards%

9ictoria Borg
#! *("*#!/##

Contact Danny on for dates,
availabilities, and prices


Resort and Spa

The sun is out and the Q1 is available!
If you want to keep away fro the rain and spend your tie in the sun,
Contact Danny on now for
!ll dates, availabilities, and prices.
!lso "ow !vailable#
CI$C%& '" C!(I%%

Availability this weekend! Great weather coming, if you want to
get away.
If you need any further information or help with booking, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look
forward to hearing from you again shortly.
Additional Facilities Available at Saltwater Villas:
Kayak Hire
Tinny Hire (motorised boat)

For more information on these available services, please view our website.
Regards Alison
Saltwater Villas
0409 088 073

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