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A. Brief History

The strongest connections for the family are at home.

When PLDT was incorporated and given the franchise to establish and operate telephone services
in the country on November 28, 1928, a typhoon had just ravaged Eastern Visayas, Bicol Peninsula, and
Samar. The ability to communicate amongst loved ones and across the country became crucial. Sadly,
phone networks then were like disconnected intercom systems and you could only call people within your
own small city. Filipinos were disconnected from neighboring towns, disconnected from friends in the other
island and, needless to say, disconnected from the rest of the world. It was under this scenario that the law
was signed giving birth to PLDT.

The first president of PLDT was Theodore Vail Halsey while Major J.E. Hamilton Stevenot, who
represented the American firm General Telephone and Electronics Corp. (GTE), was elected executive vice
president and general manager.

In 1986, after President Marcos was overthrown, the company was re-privatized as Ramon's son,
Antonio "Tonyboy" Cojuangco assumed post as PLDT chief.
By 1995, with the passage of the
Telecommunications Act and the subsequent deregulation of the Philippine telecommunications industry,
the company has been de-monopolized. Later that year, Hong Kong-based First Pacific Company
Ltd. acquired a 17.5% stake in PLDT making it the majority owner of the conglomerate. The company's
CEO Manuel V. Pangilinanbecame the new conglomerate's President replacing Cojuangco, who assumed
post as Chairman until 2004, when Pangilinan became his successor.
PLDT was established on November 28, 1928, by an act of the Philippine legislature and approved
by then Governor-General Henry L. Stimson by means of a merger of four telephone companies under
operation of the American telephone company GTE. Known as Act 3436, the bill granted PLDT a 50-year
charter and the right to establish a Philippine telephone network linking major points nationwide.
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Under the American owners of PLDT, many small phone companies in the provinces were
acquired by the Company to help speed up the rollout and connection of these different phone systems all
over the country. The management of PLDT was then set to lay the groundwork towards linking Filipinos to
each other and, more importantly, to the world.

The late '90's was a time of formidable challenges for PLDT, especially after the 1997 Asian
financial crisis. Inauspicious as it may seem at the time, however, Manuel V. Pangilinan of Hong Kong-
based First Pacific Co. Ltd. saw a great opportunity in taking control of PLDT.

Company Profile
PLDT is the leading telecommunications service provider in the Philippines. Through its principal
business groups fixed line, wireless and others PLDT offers a wide range of telecommunications
services across the Philippines most extensive fiber optic backbone and fixed line and cellular networks.

PLDT is listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE:TEL) and its American Depositary Shares are listed
on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:PHI). PLDT has one of the largest market capitalizations among
Philippine-listed companies.

PLDTs Business
Wireless telecommunications services provided by Smart Communications, inc., or Smart, and
Pilipino Telephone Corporation, or Piltel, our cellular service providers; Smart Broadband, Inc., or Smart
Broadband (formerly known as Meridian Telekoms, Inc., or Meridian), our wireless broadband provider;
Wolfpac Mobile, Inc. , or Wolfpac, our wireless content operator ; Mabuhay Satellite Corporation, or
Mabuhay Satellite, ACeS Philippines Cellular Satellite Corporation, or ACeS Philippines, and Telesat, Inc.,
or Telesat, our satellite and very small aperture terminal . or VSAT, operators;
Fixed line telecommunications services are primarily provided through PLDT. Fixed line services
through PLDT's subsidiaries PLDT Clark Telecom, Inc., Subic Telecommunications Corporation and PLDT-
Maratel, Inc., Piltel, Bonifacio Communications Corporation and PLDT Global Corporation, or PLDT Global,
which together account for approximately 4% of our consolidated fixed line subscribers.
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Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and communications infrastructure and services for internet
applications, Internet protocol-based solutions and multimedia content delivery provided by PLDT's
subsidiary of ePLDT, Inc., or ePLDT, call center services provided under ePLDT Ventus, including Parlance
Systems, Inx., or parlance, and Vocativ Systems by SPi Technologies, Inc., or SPi ( consolidated on July
11, 2006) ; Internet access and gaming services provided by ePLDT's subsidiaries, Infocom Technologies,
Inc., or Infocom, Digital Paradise, Inc., or Digital Paradise, Digital Paradise Thailand, Ltd., or Digital
Paradise Thailand, netGames, inc., or netGames, Airborne Access Corporation, or Airborne Access, Level
Up!, Inc., or Level Up!; and e-commerce, and IT-related services provided by other investees of ePLDT.
PLDT Home Mission
We aspire to be the service provider of choice of every Filipino family in delivering a digitally connected
experience in every household. As we humanize technology, we keep families connected in a meaningful
way. By providing a compelling suite of multi-media services (voice, data, and video), relationships within
the family are strengthened and we are positively changing lives.

As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit, value creation allowing our people, our
shareholders, and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.

Accountability, Integrity, Fairness Transparency

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B. Inclusive dates of training

The trainee compile the 240 training hours requirements needed in the company, covered from April 15,
2014 to May 16, 2014. The following tables show the day, date, number of working hours and the
description of the accomplished tasks in a particular period.
B-A. Juan Carlos D. Gomez
April 15 2014 Tuesday 8 hrs Familiarize myself with the basic operations of Clarity.
Assign IDs (ANTIPOLO Area VOICE and DSL) to respective
FASTEL repairmen.
Obtain CAFAC (Cable Facility) of those assigned tickets.
April 16, 2014 Wednesday 8 hrs Assist Mr. JP Ausan in repairing voice lines.
Test and configure the lines of subscribers who have problems like
no dial tone, no incoming/outcoming and noisy lines.
April 17 2014 Thursday 8 hrs Learn the primary and secondary wirings of a cabinet and its
grounding and aerial connection.
Locate the exact location of the telephones CAFAC in the primary
and secondary terminal of the cabinet.
April 18 2014 Friday 8 hrs Training for identifying the cable facilities and the primary and
secondary connection for the connections of the lines in the field.
April 19 2014 Saturday 8 hrs Assign IDs (BINANGONAN Area VOICE and DSL) to respective
FASTEL repairmen.
Obtain CAFAC (Cable Facility) of those assigned tickets.
Report to respective repairmen their ticket (includes fault ticket
number, telephone number, customer name, address, CAFAC,
April 20 2014 Sunday 8 hrs Training for processing Identification files for the contractors and
closing contracts using a program and identifying the cable
April 21 2014 Monday 8 hrs Processing the identification files and the cable facilities for the
contractors on their respective areas of work.
April 22 2014 Tuesday 8 hrs Familiarize myself with the operations of IPMS
Assist Mr. Maliclic in assigning installers to different service
Learn the standards and most commonly use P-Clamps, Span,
Modem, Instrument types used.
April 23 2014 Wednesday 8 hrs Receive reports from installers (includes telephone number,
service orders, TOK, reference numbers)
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Record and update records in the IPMS based from the reports
received from installers.
April 24 2014 Thursday 8 hrs Processing the closing of the identification to be cleared and also
to closed the respective accounts or assignments of every
April 25 2014 Friday 8 hrs Learn how the telephone systems work from discussions of Mr.
Assign installers to different service orders.
Learn how to record RSO (Return Service Orders) in the IPMS
April 26 2014 Saturday 8 hrs Learn fiber optics from discussions of Engr. JB.
Assign installers to different service orders.
Receive reports from installers (includes telephone number,
service order numbers, modem type, p-clamps, span and reasons
for the return of service orders).
April 28 2014 Monday 8 hrs Processing the identification files and the cable facilities for the
contractors on their respective areas of work
April 29 2014 Tuesday 8 hrs Familiarize myself with the horizontal and vertical ports.
Learn from Ms. Judy how these ports are connected to the
different cabinets under the PLDT Antipolo branch.
Help in jumpering (includes verifying correct port and getting
necessary wires needed)
April 30 2014 Wednesday 8 hrs Processing the identification files and the cable facilities for the
contractors on their respective areas of work and closing of the
identification to be cleared
May 1, 2014 Thursday 8 hrs Receive reports from installers (includes telephone number,
service order numbers, modem type, p-clamps, span and reasons
for the return of service orders).
Record and update records in the IPMS based from the reports
received from installers.

May 2,2014 Friday 8 hrs Assign IDs (ANTIPOLO Area VOICE and DSL) to respective
FASTEL repairmen.
Obtain CAFAC (Cable Facility) of those assigned tickets.
May 3,2014 Saturday 8 hrs Processing the identification files and the cable facilities for the
contractors on their respective areas of work and closing of the
identification to be cleared
May 4, 2014 Sunday 8 hrs Learn the principles and basic operations of fiber optics
Learn how to read the CAFAC (cable facility) of FTTH
Determine the equipment used in installing fiber optics
May 5, 2014 Monday 8 hrs Assist Mr. Allarey in rerouting the fiber optics in the house of Mr.
Perform splicing the fiber optics.
Help in designing the conduit for the house.
May 6,2014 Tuesday 8 hrs Report to respective repairmen their ticket (includes fault ticket
number, telephone number, customer name, address, CAFAC,
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Receive reports from repairmen (telephone number, fault number,
May 7,2014 Wednesday 8 hrs Assign installers to different service orders.
Receive reports from installers (includes telephone number,
service order numbers, modem type, p-clamps, span and reasons
for the return of service orders).
May 8,2014 Thursday 8 hrs Assist the technician in connecting a fiber optic connection in
houses in rerouting its connection to other location.
May 9.2014 Friday 8 hrs Learn on how to connect a fiber cable by splicing and cutting it to
the right amount of glass.
May 10,2014 Saturday 8 hrs Install the Cignal TV to the house of Mr. Shimotori
Configure the IP address and settings of the IP TV.
Connect the IP TV to the fiber optics cable used in Fibr
May 11,2014 Sunday 8 hrs Report to respective repairmen their ticket (includes fault ticket
number, telephone number, customer name, address, CAFAC,
Receive reports from repairmen (telephone number, fault number,
May 12, 2014 Monday 8 hrs Processing the identification files and the cable facilities for the
contractors on their respective areas of work and closing of the
identification to be cleared
May 13,2014 Tuesday 8 hrs Assist Mr. Allarey in rerouting the fiber optics in the house of Mr.
Perform splicing the fiber optics.
Help in designing the conduit for the house.
May 14,2014 Wednesday 8 hrs Learn on how to connect a fiber cable by splicing and cutting it to
the right amount of glass.
May 15,2014 Thursday 8 hrs Assist the technician in connecting a fiber optic connection in
houses in rerouting its connection to other location.
May 16,2014 Friday 8 hrs Familiarize with the equipment used to test the horizontal and
vertical ports
Study the different functions of JDSU HST-3000c.

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B-B. Rholen R. Manuel
The dates and their corresponding activities are shown in the following table:
DATE Day No. Of
April 15,2014 Tuesday 8 hours Basic understanding of how fiber optic
cable is installed in telephone poles
April 16,2014 Wednesday 8 hours Understand the placing of primary and
secondary slots and telephony in cabinets
April 17,2014 Thursday 8 hours Basic knowledge of the tool kit for fiber
April 18,2014 Friday 8 hours See different equipment used in fiber
opticTroubleshooting for telephony problem
April 19,2014 Saturday 8 hours Count the spans between the subscribers
homes and Available port in a telephone post
April 20,2014 Sunday 8 hours Familiarization in a cabinet
April 21,2014 Monday 8 hours Changing of equipment to the subscriber
April 22,2014 Tuesday 8 hours Basic understanding on how to troubleshoot
the problem of the subscriber
April 23,2014 Wednesday 8 hours Test dial tones and understand basic
troubleshooting dealing with telephone and
internet connection
April 24,2014 Thursday 8 hours Familiarization with the SC connector
April 25,2014 Friday 8 hours Basic knowledge for the acterna equipment
April 26,2014 Saturday 8 hours We know the difference between the copper
and the fiber
April 27,2014 Sunday 8 hours We able to learn on how to install the fiber into
the subscriber home
April 28,2014 Monday 8 hours We install the copper wire for the telephone
April 29,2014 Tuesday 8 hours We learn on how to troubleshoot into the
cabinet using the handset
April 30,2014 Wednesday 8 hours Familiarization with the fiber optic cable, the
process of splicing and installing it into the IOO
(Indoor Optical Outlet)
May 1,2014 Thursday 8 hours We learn the difference between the primary
and the secondary slots in the cabinet
May 2,2014 Friday 8 hours Familiarization with the SC connector
May 3,2014 Saturday 8 hours Familiarization with the SC connector
May 4,2014 Sunday 8 hours Read the allocation of the subscribers line in
the post.
May 5,2014 Monday 8 hours Familiarization with the RJ 11 and RJ 45 in
the telephone set,

May 6,2014 Tuesday 8 hours Troubleshooting in cable vault
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May 7,2014 Wednesday 8 hours Installation of grounding to prevent electric
May 8,2014 Thursday 8 hours Read the allocation of the subscribers line
in the post.
May 9,2014 Friday 8 hours Test equipment for the cabinet using acterna
May 10,2014 Saturday 8 hours Familiarization on how to use the acterna
May 11,2014 Sunday 8 hours Familiarization with the two types of fiber optic
Conduit and Exposed
May 12,2014 Monday 8 hours Familiarization with the troubleshooting of dsl
May 13,2014 Tuesday 8 hours Familiarization between the fiber and copper
connection and equipments used
May 14,2014 Wednesday 8 hours Troubleshooting inside the cabinet using the
handset equipment
May 15,2014 Thursday 8 hours Coordination in office for the change port of the
May 16,2014 Friday 8 hours Familiarization of primary and secondary in the
May 17,2014 Saturday 8 hours Troubleshooting for zeta ring in the cabinet

B-C. Carlo Bonne M. Matienzo
The dates and their corresponding activities are shown in the following table:


Training Date:

No. of

April 15, 2014
Training for processing Identifications and


April 16, 2014
Making connections of copper cable and


April 17, 2014
Training for processing Identifications and


April 18, 2014
Training for processing Identifications and

Saturday Training for processing Identifications and
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April 19, 2014 contracts. 8

April 20, 2014
Training for processing Identifications and


April 21, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 22, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 23, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 24, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 25, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 26, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 28, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 29, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


April 30, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 1, 2014
Seminar in the types of connection from first to
the latest generation in P.L.D.T. when comes
from the Central Office up to subscribers.


May 2,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 3,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 4, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable

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May 5, 2014
Connecting a line of fiber optics, splicing and re
routing connections.


May 6,2014
Connecting a line of fiber optics, splicing and re
routing connections.
Distribute lines in all parts in the premises.


May 7,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 8,2014
Assist the technician in connecting a fiber optic


May 9.2014
Assist the technician in connecting a fiber optic


May 10,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 11,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 12, 2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 13,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 14,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 15,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


May 16,2014
Processing the identification files and the cable


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C. Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) Company Personnel
The personnel of Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) Company Antipolo City Branch include
staffs from PLDT and their contractor the FASTEL. We were assigned in the CTAABMT CSOZ Divison
P.L.D.T. Personnel
Name Position Area
Michael Bryan Romeo J. Madrio Field Service Supervisor(FSS)
Central Office
Apolinario C. Olayvar Senior Telecommunications Technician
Ronnie P. De Leon Senior Telecommunications Technician
Jose Michael G. Lopez Senior Telecommunications Technician
Alvic H. Maliclic FASTEL Area Coordinator
Oswaldo A. Orito Senior Telecommunications Technician
Bryan Ng Repairman DSL
Joseph Nido Mecono Repairman DSL
Randy Grande Repairman Voice
Rommel Helson Abuy Repairman Voice
Jimmy Rosario Repairman Voice
John Paul Ausan Repairman Voice
Nelson Solis Repairman ICT
Noel Raul D. Estrada Senior Telecommunications Technician
Roel T. Jaucian Senior Telecommunications Technician Fiber
Ronnel I. Allarey Senior Telecommunications Technician Fiber
Sonny H. Ong Plant Combination V
Reynaldo G. Santos Senior Telecommunications Technician -DSL
Sherwin Fermis Repairman Voice
Larry Cuenta Repairman Voice
Arnold Buen Repairman DSL
Joseph C. Penalosa Senior Telecommunications Technician
Wilfredo A. Paz Senior Telecommunications Technician
Tanay / Morong
Enrico L. Nimeno Senior Telecommunications Technician
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