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THIS ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made at Kalyan this 1

day of
Octoe!" T#o Tho$sand and %o$!teen" et#een Mr. Anup Kumar Mishra A&ed ''
yea!s" !esidin& at C(#in&" %lat No) '" A!*$n(+a!shan A,a!tment" Chinch,ada Road
Kalyan -East.) +ist) Thane /01 123" Indian Inhaitant -he!einafte! !efe!!ed to fo!
!e4ity5s sa6e as 7the Licenso!8. of the One 9a!t and Dr.Atul N Shelare A&ed 12
yea!s" !esidin& at L(/" San&ha4i Estate" Sahyad!i Na&a!" Kalyan -:est. Indian
Inhaitant -he!einafte! fo! !e4ity5s sa6e !efe!!ed to as 7the Licensee8. of the Othe!
WHEREAS the Licenso! is a meme! of the Sh!ee S#ami Sama!th ;ha4an"
Santosh Na&a!" 9oona Lin6 Road" Tis&oan Na6a" Kalyan -E." +ist)Thane and as s$ch
,ossess" occ$,y and en*oy Sho, no)/ of the $ildin& 6no#n as Sh!ee S#ami Sama!th
AND WHEREAS the Sho, No) / admeas$!es ao$t A!ea 123 s<)ft) $ilt($,
AND WHEREAS the Liensee at ,!esent !esides at !esidin& at L(/" San&ha4i
Estate" Sahyad!i Na&a!" Kalyan -:est.)
AND WHEREAS the Liensee has in the ci!c$mstances !e<$ested the
Licenso! to ,e!mit the Licensee to $se the said Sho, No)/ fo! the ,e!iod of
Thi!ty(Si= months only i)e" f!om 1
Octoe!" 021/ till 12
Se,teme!" 021> )
AND WHEREAS the Licenso! #ith a 4ie# to accommodate the Licensee
&!anted lea4e license and ,e!mission to the Licensee to tem,o!a!ily occ$,y the
said Sho, No)/ fo! a ,e!iod of Thi!ty(Si= months commencin& f!om 1
021/ to 12
Se,teme!" 021> on the te!ms and conditions contained he!ein)
1) The Licenso! in the ci!c$mstances set o$t ao4e ha4e &!anted lea4e and
license and ,e!mission to the Licensee to tem,o!a!ily $se and occ$,y the said
Sho, fo! a ,e!iod of Thi!ty(Si= months commencin& f!om 1
Octoe!" 021/ till
Se,teme!" 021>)
0) In conside!ation of the Licenso! &!antin& s$ch lea4e and license and
,e!mission the Licensee shall ,ay to the Licenso! a s$m of Rs) 11"'22?( -R$,ees
Ele4en Tho$sand %i4e @$nd!ed only. ,e! month as the license fee?com,ensation
fo! $se of the said Sho,) S$ch fees shall e ,aid #ithin 12
of each month) The
Licensee #ill ,ay the monthly elect!icity ill d$!in& the ,ossession fo! Thi!ty(Si=
months) If the Licensee defa$lts in timely ,ayment of the monthly Licensee fees"
the Licenso! #ill ha4e the lie!ty to te!minate the Licensee fo!th#ith #itho$t
ein& any manne! liale o! !es,onsile fo! any dama&e o! loss that may e
ca$sed" e entitled to !emo4e the same)
1) The Licensed Sho, shall e $sed as a comme!cial ,$!,ose only and the
Licensee shall aide y the !$les and !e&$lations of the said ;$ildin& and shall
indemnify and 6ee, indemnified the Licenso! a&ainst any loss o! dama&e #hich
may e ca$sed to o! a&ainst any claim that may e made $,on the Licenso! as a
!es$lt of s$ch !each of non ose!4ance)
/) The Licensee shall a,,ly fo! necessa!y ,e!mission f!om the Kalyan +omi4ali
M$nici,al Co!,o!ation and othe! de,a!tments fo! ca!!yin& o$t $siness in the said
sho," ho#e4e! all ,e!mission #hich shall e !e<$i!ed f!om the Society" the
Licenso! shall assist the Licensee f!om otainin& f!om the Society)
') The Licensee shall 6ee, the inte!io! of the licensed sho, in &ood state of !e,ai!
and condition !easonale #ea! and tea! e=ce,ted) Any dama&e o! !ea6a&e ca$sed
y the Licensee shall e made &ood y him) No chan&es o! alte!ation of any
nat$!e #hatsoe4e! shall e ca!!ied o$t y the Licensee in the said Sho,)
3) The Licensee shall not in any manne! t!ansfe! assi&n s$ let $nde! let o! &!ant
any license o! ind$ct any thi!d ,a!ty into the said sho, o! allo# any othe! ,e!son?s
to e in occ$,ation of the said sho, e=ce,t himself)
>) Nothin& he!ein contained shall e conside!ed to c!eate any !i&ht othe! than a
,$!ely ,e!sonal ,e!mission &!anted y the Licenso! to the Licensee as mentioned
he!ein no! as confe!!in& $,on the Licensee the !i&ht to <$ite en*oyment o! any
!i&ht title o! inte!est in the said sho, o! any othe! !i&hts e=ce,t so fa! as a!e he!ein
&!anted) It is e=,!essly a&!eed and decla!ed that nothin& he!ein contained shall e
deemed to c!eate a demise o! s$ tenancy in fa4o$! of the Licensee these ,!esents
confe!!in& me!ely a ,e!sonal !i&ht on the Licensee)
A) The Licensee he!ey a&!ee and $nde!ta6es that he #ill at any time instit$te
any ,!oceedin&s in any Co$!t o! T!i$nal o! efo!e any a$tho!ity a&ainst the
Licenso! in !es,ect of any matte! di!ectly o! indi!ectly connected #ith the same)
B) C,on the e=,i!y of this License y effl$= of time o! the soone! dete!mination
he!eof as he!einafte! ,!o4ided the Licensee #ill fo!th#ith cease to occ$,y the
said sho, and shall !emo4e all his a!ticles the!ef!om fo!th#ith)
12) That at all mate!ial times" one set of 6eys of the sho, #o$ld e #ith the
Licenso!) That the Licenso! shall ha4e all ,o#e!s to ente! the ,!emises on any
#o!6in& day fo! ins,ection $,on intimatin& the Licensee and in that case the
Licensee shall f$lly co(o,e!ate #ith the Licenso!)
11) The Licensee has de,osited #ith the Licenso! a s$m of Rs) '2"222?( as a
sec$!ity de,osit fo! the d$e ,e!fo!mance and ose!4ance of the te!ms and
conditions of this A&!eement y the Licensee) In the e4ent of the !each of any of
the te!ms and conditions of this A&!eement y the Licensee" the said amo$nt
shall" #itho$t ,!e*$dice to the othe! !i&hts of the Licenso! stand fo!feited y the
Licenso!) If the Licensee does not cease to occ$,y the ,!emises on the te!mination
of this License" the said amo$nt shall also stand fo!feited) The said sec$!ity
de,osit of Rs) '2"222?( shall e !et$!ned to the Licensee #itho$t inte!est on his
ceasin& to occ$,y the said Sho, and handin& o4e! 4acant and ,eacef$l ,ossession
the!eof ,!o4ided that the!e a!e no o$tstandin& !eaches of this A&!eement and
afte! ad*$stin& the amo$nts to the Licenso!" if any)
10) That the Licensee shall !et$!n and hand o4e! the clea! and 4acant ,ossession
of the said office ,!emises #ith all fittin&s and fi=t$!es in &ood and ,e!fect
condition on te!mination of this a&!eement)
11) That the Licensee shall e o$nd to 4acate the said sho, and deli4e! 4acant
,ossession the!eof to the Licenso! o! his a$tho!iDed a&ent on the e=,i!y of this
a&!eement o! ea!lie! on ,!emat$!e te!mination of the Lea4e and Licence he!ey
&!anted) C,on the te!mination of this licence as afo!esaid o! $,on the e=,i!y of
the ,e!iod of this license" the licensee shall hand o4e! to the licenso! o! its
a$tho!iDed a&ent-s. the ,ossession of the said sho,)
1/) That immediately on the te!mination of the License" the Licensee shall !emo4e
all his &oods" a!ticles and elon&in&s f!om the said Office S,ace and if s$ch
&oods a!e not !emo4ed f!om the said Office S,ace" the Licenso! #ill e at lie!ty
to dis,ose the same #itho$t ta6in& any ,e!mission f!om the Licensee and the
Licensee cannot claim any s$m a!isin& o$t of s$ch dis,osal of the &oods?a!ticles)
1') That if the Licensee fails to 4acate and deli4e! $, the ,ossession of the said
Office S,ace afte! the te!mination of this A&!eement" the Licensee shall ha4e to
,ay dama&es to the Licenso! fo! s$ch $nla#f$l occ$,ation E Rs) '22?( -R$,ees
%i4e @$nd!ed Only. ,e! day fo! #!on&f$l and $na$tho!iDed $se till s$ch time the
said sho, is 4acated and ,ossession of the same is deli4e!ed $, to the Licenso!
and the Licenso! shall e at lie!ty to ad*$st the same f!om the de,osit made y
the Licensee)
13) That the Licensee shall not ind$l&e" $nde!ta6e" c!eate" ma6e" o,e!ate any
ille&al acti4ities" c!iminal acti4ities" immo!al t!affic" anti(social acti4ities #ithin
the ,!emises of the said sho, and shall 6ee, the Licenso! indemnified a&ainst any
non(ose!4ance o! !each the!eof) That if any !each is !o$&ht to the notice of
the Licenso!" the Licenso! shall ha4e the !i&ht to te!minate the License fo!th#ith)
1>) Altho$&h the life of this A&!eement sti,$lated he!ein is fo! 13 months" it can
e te!minated o! cancelled and !e,ealed at any time" y eithe! ,a!ty on se!4in& 1
month5s notice in #!itin& to that effect on the othe! ,a!ty) In that case the Licenso!
shall !ef$nd the sec$!ity de,osit to the Licensee fo!th#ith)
1A) In the said a&!eement afte! e4e!y 10 months ,e!iod" the !ent #ill s$se<$ently
inc!ease y 12F o! as ,e! ,!e4ailin& ma!6et !ate" #hiche4e! is hi&he! at the time)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the ,a!ties ha4e he!e$nto set and s$sc!ied thei!
!es,ecti4e hands and seals the day month and yea! fi!st ao4e #!itten)
y the #ithin named Licenso! .
Mr.Anup Kumar Mishra .


y the #ithin named Licensee .
Dr. Atul N Shelare .
ACKNOWLEGED to ha4e !ecei4ed of and f!om the Licensee
ao4e named the s$m of Rs) '2"222?( -R$,ees %ifty tho$sand only.
ein& the de,osit to me
Rs. %&'&&&()
I say !ecei4ed
-An$, K$ma! Mish!a.
Witnesses $)
+ated this 1

day of Octoe!" 021/

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