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Davis Langdons last tall
buildings cost model was
published in September
2002, when the Heron Tower
had been granted planning
permission. Other landmark
London towers, such as
the Leadenhall Building, the
Shard, 20 Fenchurch Street
and The Pinnacle, were due
to follow.
These stemmed from high
demand from the financial
industry and residential sectors
and increased developer
confidence in the value of high
rises. Tenants appreciate a
landmark address and politicians
are conscious of the symbolic
role of tall buildings. The
continued demand for residential
property as a result of the
buy-to-let phenomenon, low
interest rates, steady house price
growth and an imbalance
between supply and demand have
meant more than 130 residential
towers (more than 20 storeys) are
either being planned or are under
construction in the UK.
Most commercial towers (more
than 30 storeys) being developed
are in London, perhaps because
commercial rents in the regions
would not support office towers
and land values are lower.
Developers are more willing than ever to take
on tall buildings, thanks to high demand
and the benefits of high buildings, such as
increased density and higher rent. But for
the financials to stack up, the challenges
of high-rise development have to be
Income stream. Residents usually cannot
inhabit towers during construction owing to
single central core access, so developers can
not realise their full income until completion.
In commercial developments, phased
occupancy through multiple lift cores may
be possible, enabling an accelerated and
phased return (although problematic)
Floor area efficiencies. Efficiencies are
affected by height, as core and structural
zones expand relative to the overall floorplate
to satisfy the requirements of vertical
circulation and resist wind loads
Planning hurdles. The increased scrutiny
of a towers architectural, environmental and
economic impact means significant effort,
time and money has to be invested to help it
through planning and consultation processes
Procurement strategy. The current state
of the property and construction market
is crystallising procurement strategies for
large and complex projects. Capability
and availability of trade contractors has to
be considered. Particular attention should
be paid to early and continuing involvement
of specialists
Programme. Towers take longer to build
than short buildings. This costs money in
construction and developers costs, produces
uncertainty because of the difficulty in
predicting future costs, changes to
regulations and market demands
Technical challenges. Londons schemes
vary in shape and form, but all pose technical
challenges related to developing commercially
viable towers in constrained, sensitive
locations, while satisfying stakeholders. In
terms of safety and security, developers
are taking a pragmatic approach, focusing
on management issues and sensible
enhancements to the base building.
Design challenges
A tall building faces more scrutiny than a
lower-rise development owing to its visibility in
the urban landscape. Architectural quality and
iconic architecture are often cited as the main
contributors to the success of the planning
applications. This is recognised in PPS 1 and 3,
which states the importance of design quality,
and reinforced by Cabe and English Heritage.
In the UK, towers make headlines because
of their interesting forms, which range from
gherkins and cheese graters to lipsticks and
walkie-talkies. Iconic architecture is a holistic
term that should recognise the longevity of
the design and not only fashion. 3D
visualisation helps illustrate the impact of
towers and is a prerequisite for a planning
application. Standardising elements and high
quality repeated details can pay dividends.
It is difficult to quantify the value of iconic
architecture in securing planning permission
and attracting tenants and purchasers.
However, a building being associated with a
particular company limits secondary market
potential, as in the cases of 30 St Marys Axe
and the NatWest Tower (now Tower 42). While
the former was sold on for a profit, the latter
needed considerable refurbishment to make
it appeal to occupiers, though it provided a
successful second life.
Floorplate efficiency: The shape and
geometry of the building needs to satisfy
the value and cost of the development
equation. Floor area efficiencies go a long
way to help the financials and are determined
by the size of the floorplate and rationalised
Slimmer towers are more expensive to
build because of lateral restraints and
wall:floor ratios, so they suffer from adverse
floor areas efficiencies. Residential towers
tend to be slender because of unit size
requirements and daylight issues, and their
designs respond to this trait.
Cities throughout the UK are developing residential towers and landmark skyscrapers.
Steve Watts and Neal Kalita of Davis Langdon consider the design and construction challenges
of high-rise development and provide a cost model for a central London office tower
Cost model Tall buildings
01 Introduction
02 Development and design challenges
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Height comes at a cost and
programme premium. To optimise
both, new ideas need to be
encouraged and experience from
around the world should be taken
advantage of. There are a number
of issues that require thought
and analysis, including:
Towers are built floor by floor
so construction cannot be
accelerated easily. Pace needs to
be considered at the outset,
through strategic programming
and buildability reviews, to
mitigate sources of delay.
Procurement strategy is a critical
function, not only in programme
terms but to respond to market
The floor construction cycle
contributes to programme pace
and can be optimised by using
standardised, prefabricated
components that minimise the
number of trades operating
per cycle. Concurrent
programming of design,
procurement and construction
activities can also achieve
acceptable project durations.
The logistics of material supply
focus on adequate craneage and
hoisting. Co-ordinating deliveries
and craneage slots is critical. To
maximise labour efficiency,
generous hoisting and welfare
facilities must be supplied. This
means locating toilets and
canteens at regular intervals up
the tower to minimise downtime.
Investment in sufficient labour
resource is also essential. Work
on a tower enables trades to be
kept apart, so the site can be
flooded with workers.
Structural frame, cores and upper
floors amount to 15-25% of the
construction cost in a commercial
tower and 10-15% in a residential
one. The design of the building
(shape, massing and height)
determines the weight and
therefore the quantity of material
required, which affects cost.
However, complexity is as
important, with the number
of members, simplicity of
connections, ease of fabrication
and erection and other factors
affecting cost.
Core integrity and wind
Core layout and wind loading
also present challenges.
Core layout is critical to
development efficiency and
operational effectiveness
and affects how the structure
copes with wind. The elements
influencing design are:
Lifts. Factors include the
number of lifts and their speed,
size and arrangement, which
affect space use and cost. In
Broadgate tower, double-deck
lifts were chosen, a solution that
can reduce core size by 30%.
However, this requires two level
lift lobbies at ground and sky
corridor levels.
Structural integrity.
Maintaining core integrity by
positioning risers and duct
branches at the perimeter
minimises the number of
openings required, facilitating
services installation and
Air-conditioning. Air supply
for fan-coil units are lower, so
supply and extract riser ducts
are more space-efficient than
all-air systems.
Wind loads increase
disproportionately with height,
and slender towers are
particularly sensitive to sway. To
reduce this, a stiffer structural
frame is required. Swaying
can also be minimised by
manipulating shape, geometry,
surfaces and mass distribution.
Use of dampers is a last resort
on a structure below 200m.
The drag of airflow around
the structure creates wind at
pedestrian level, which can
be mitigated by the use of
additional elements such as
fins on the edge of the form
with canopies and planting at
ground level.
Most tall buildings adopt
unitised curtain walling. This
entails storey-height elements
fully assembled off site. Widths
are typically 1.5m, enabling
supply via hoists rather than
cranes and reducing demands
on hook time.
Part L says facade performance
should be considered along
with the mechanical and
03 Construction issues
The King Alfred mixed use scheme in Hove contains two tall residential towers. It was designed by Frank Gehry with HOK and CZWG
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economics.cost model
Initial costs and operational costs of towers
may be high, but it can be argued that
tall buildings are sustainable. They make
better use of land than a building of the
same capacity spread over a larger space
and locating the tower near a transport
hub can support the growth of a diverse
city-centre economy.
The Shard at London Bridge provides a mix
of uses over one of the busiest rail terminals
in the country, adding to its green credentials
(pictured, right).
The Greater London Authority prescribes
the need to generate 10% of energy on site,
which is set to be increased to 20%. Most
solutions currently being developed involve
a combination of sources ranging from
photovoltaics to biomass.
Biomass offers a one-source solution
but there are logistical issues such as
source, supply, storage and transportation
of sufficient woodchip to generate energy.
Eighty tonnes of woodchip are required
for every 1MW of energy generated.
A single articulated truck supplies 15
tonnes of woodchip, therefore to generate
1MW, six deliveries are required. For an
average tower, the 5-6MW of energy
required every week equates to about
30 deliveries a week.
Biofuels such as rapeseed oil are more
efficient in terms of volume, but their
use is curbed by the Clean Air Act, which
only allows biofuel generators of 300kW of
For residential towers, the Code for
Sustainable Homes specifies mandatory
minimum energy and water use levels at a
percentage better than those specified in
Part L (2006). For a Level 1 rating (the lowest)
the use of energy and water must be 10%
better than those specified in Part L.
The use of visible sustainable technologies
such as photovoltaics and wind turbines
are limited owing to small roof areas on
residential towers, however Vauxhall tower
and Castle House at Elephant & Castle
have integrated roof wind turbines into
their designs.
It is clear that a holistic approach needs
to be taken when considering a towers
performance in sustainability terms, as the
issues are wider than simply integrating
renewable technologies.
electrical systems that
comprise the buildings
environmental strategy.
Residential towers are subject to
Part L1, which concentrates on
heat loss, so the facade must
accommodate more solid panels
than glass. Part L2 relates to
commercial towers and
concentrates on solar gain,
which can be achieved by using
louvres and photovoltaics,
as in the Heron tower.
Facades contribute to
controlling heat loss and gain.
Active, ventilated facades afford
high thermal performance and
can respond to daily or seasonal
changes too. A facade that
enables natural ventilation or
mix mode (both natural
ventilation and air-conditioning),
will achieve a cool interior.
Where natural ventilation is the
predominant mode, the facade
can be designed to deal with the
high wind pressures. The cost
penalty is offset by reduced
energy costs.
The facade needs to let in
sufficient light while minimising
glare for occupants and
neighbouring buildings. It must
also keep out noise and control
Facades must be given
particular attention when
designing a tall building because
of their aesthetic qualities, their
contribution to environmental
strategy and the range of costs
possible. The costs vary for
two principal reasons:
The envelope, when expressed
as a cost per unit of floor area, is
sensitive to changes in wall:floor
ratio, determined by building
shape and floorplate size
The wide range of
architectural and specification
options. The route to cost
efficiency is through off-site
prefabrication, simplicity and
repetition of details.
M&E design
In tall buildings, M&E design is
focused on providing enough
capacity for the population
density and load. Maintaining
hydraulic pressure for water and
coolant requires pressure breaks
and multiple plant. Similarly,
Part B: Sprinkler requirements
now requires a shut-off valve on
the wet riser every third floor in
commercial use. In residential
buildings, the requirement is for
sprinklers in storeys above 20m.
Lift strategy affects design on
all towers. Furthermore, until
the lift strategy is resolved, core
and structure design cannot be
finalised. One driver is the
period of time for users to get
from the ground floor to their
destination. The British Council
for Offices rule of 30-second
waiting time for a lift is not
achievable in towers regardless
of the strategy used.
Another contributor to the
M&E design of commercial
towers is the impact of potential
tenant enhancements. In
conventional buildings, this is
not usually an issue as it is
often left to tenants to fit out
extra equipment in the roof or
basement at their own costs.
Furthermore, this usually
involves a small number
of tenants.
In a tower, retrofitting
distribution infrastructure along
with installing a new generator,
plant or chiller for one tenant
alone is costly. Multiply this
by the increased number of
tenants in a tower and the space
and distribution premium
throughout the building, and
this makes it unviable.
Future upgrades can be catered
for by designing in resilience.
This contributes to the cost
increase in M&E design, but is
the only way tenant facilities
can be catered for.
For residential towers
outside London, air-conditioning
has not been specified widely
as market values will not
support its installation.
In London, cooling is a
prerequisite in towers owing
to agents and sales advice,
the values achievable and
market expectations. This
is becoming harder to
achieve owing to the onsite
renewables requirement
prescribed by the Greater
London Authority (GLA).
04 Sustainability
The 72-storey Shard
of Glass has commercial
floorplates at the
bottom and residential
units at the top
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In comparison to the cost model overleaf,
which is a commercial tower in central London,
the average above-ground benchmark cost
for residential towers in London is considered
to be 2,960/m
with a range of 800.
The reasons for the large range are:
Differentials in floorplate size
Form, height and location
Interior specification.
On a national basis, the average cost will be
significantly lower owing to the varying cost
bases and market expectations.
Developing tall buildings involves a number
of challenges and the range of potential
costs is large. In Davis Langdons experience,
there are a number of general factors that
can lead to success:
Understand the cost and value drivers at
the feasibility stage
Keep a building interesting, but as simple
and buildable as possible
Squeeze every square foot out of the
Perfect the details and repetitive elements
Settle the core design early, considering all
factors that maximise efficiency
Get the early input of a constructor on
planning, programming and logistics
Involve the main specialist trade
contractors in the design process, obtaining
their advice and buy-in to design strategy,
detailing, methodology and so on
Encourage ideas and teamwork at
every level.
05 Summary
Key differences
Element Residential Commercial
Average floorplate (gross internal area above ground) 560-790m
Wall:floor ratio (above ground) 0.50-0.70 0.32-0.63 (usually >0.50)
Floor:floor heights (above ground) 2.90-3.15m 3.65-4.15m
Facade strategy Unitised curtain walling, Unitised externally
60:40 mix solid panels/ ventilated double wall
vision glass including facades (complexity varies)
openable windows
Structural frame and core material selection Frame-concrete, Frame-steel, core-steel or
core-concrete concrete (central or offset)
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox, the Heron
Tower has office space and a public restaurant
on the roof
06 Residential vs commercial
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a Cost breakdown
78 economics.cost model
Total cost /m
Substructure 20,038,300 205.42 7.65
Allowance for residual demolitions/adaptations, removal of temporary
supports, etc: item @ 350,000
Preparatory works including plunge columns, piling mat, temporary propping
to steel pile walls, dewatering all excavations etc: item @ 750,000
Excavate basement, including lifts pits and the like; break out existing RC
beds/raft; pile probing and removal of obstructions (including existing piles
where necessary): 29,700m
@ 110
Foundations: large diameter bored piles approximately 50m deep
(with some shallower piles on non-megaframe columns); secant pile walls
900-1200mm diameter, male/female 10-15m long; smaller diameter piles
to crane bases; test piles, integrity testing; RC basement raft slab
2-3m thick: 2,166m
@ 2,600
RC perimeter walls, including piers, infilling voids, blockwork and drained
cavity where necessary: 2,538m
@ 1,000
Allowance for underpinning adjoining structures: item @ 250,000
Drainage below basement slab, including pumping chambers, manholes and the
like, cavity connection channels, sumps, etc: item @ 300,000
Formation of basement structures: fire-protected steel frame including
megaframe bases/columns and all secondary steelwork; suspended concrete
slabs 200-400mm thick; internal walls combination of RC walls
300-500mm thick and 100mm blockwork: 6,500m
@ 900
Sundry items eg attendance on archaeologists; bwic service entries, earth
rods, etc; waterproofing; enhanced concrete finishes; etc: item @ 400,000
Allowance for trade contractors preliminaries/pre-construction fees not
included in above rates: item @ 700,000
Frame and upper floors 50,741,800 520.16 19.36
Structural steelwork to perimeter tube: beams, columns, diagonal members and
fittings (overall average 80 kg/m
gia): 7,284 t @ 2,300
Office floor beams, primary and secondary members (average 50 kg/m
4,552 t @ 1,850
Internal columns, box sections (average 10kg/m
gia): 910 t @ 2,000
Steel framing to cores (average 35 kg/m
): 3,190 t @ 1,900
Support structure for mast: item @ 75,000
Allowance for temporary steelwork for edge protection, tower cranes,
permanent structure, etc: item @ 700,000
Total cost /m
Secondary steelwork: cladding brackets, cleaning cradle supports, plant room
enclosures, lifting beams, etc: 300 t @ 2,500
Fire protection to steelwork, 90 minutes intumescent paint to all steelwork
(as an average): 15,936t @ 450
Extra for decorative finish in main lobby and other selected areas:
item @ 350,000
Composite floor slab: 130mm reinforced lightweight concrete on galvanised
steel decking: 88,880m
@ 75
Extra for enhance loading capacity to plant and other areas (say 10%):
@ 25
Allowance for knock-out panels in upper floor construction: item @ 225,000
Infilling slab edges with thermal insulation: 9,180m @ 60
Allowance for lift pits, escalator pits, etc in upper floors construction:
item @ 175,000
Allowance for trade contractors preliminaries/pre-construction fees
not included in above rates: item @ 800,000
Roof 1,112,500 11.40 0.42
Flat roof slab with finishes: 1,400m
@ 175
Balustrading and handrails: 75m @ 500
Allowance for plant bases and paved access routes: item @ 30,000
Open louvred roof to plant areas (including support structure): 500m
@ 600
Allowance for architectural mast approximately 50m high: item @ 500,000
Stairs 2,030,000 20.81 0.77
Painted mild steel escape stairs, comprising two straight flights & an
intermediate landing, including perimeter handrail and central balustrade
(3.9m rise per floor): 114nr @ 14,000
Ditto, basement levels: 6nr @ 14,000
Allowance for disabled refuge access provisions: item @ 150,000
Allowance for ladders and catwalks in plant rooms: item @ 200,000
07 Cost model
This cost model summarises the shell and
core construction costs for a notional
landmark high-rise office building in central
London. It totals 97,550m
gross internal floor area over 55 floors
(including ground) and three basement
levels. It provides a total net internal area
of 62,245m
. This is predominantly office
space, with about 1,860m
of retail and food
and drink space at the lower levels.
It achieves a net:gross floor area efficiency
of just under 64% and an above ground
net:gross efficiency of about 68%. The typical
floor to floor height is 3.90m and wall:floor
ratio is 0.55 (there are 55m
of facades for
every 100m
of above-ground gifa).
Location factors
Inner London 1.00
Outer London 0.96
South-east 0.94
South-west 0.90
East Midlands 0.90
West Midlands 0.90
East Anglia 0.90
Yorkshire & Humberside 0.91
North-west 0.90
Northern 0.91
Scotland 0.92
Wales 0.88
Unit rates are based on price levels in
central London in the first quarter of 2007
for competitively tendered packages under
a construction management arrangement
all assuming an immediate start on site.
All non-shell and core items are excluded
(demolitions and enabling works, external
works, incoming services and fitting out
works). Developers costs are also excluded
(professional and statutory fees, taxation,
insurances, finance charges, disposal costs),
as are the costs of surveys, monitoring works
and environmental impact assessments.
Also excluded are professional fees, VAT and
site abnormals. The rates may need to be
adjusted for specification, site conditions,
procurement route and programme.
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Total cost /m
External walls, windows
and doors 48,748,300 499.73 18.60
Unitised double wall facade 1.5m wide x 3.9m high, overall depth 250mm,
comprising double glazed unit internally (with laminated inner leaf and
e coating) and single-glazed laminated leaf externally, with 50mm venetian
blinds within cavity; facetted to follow the building s form; externally ventilated
via grilles, with cavity closed vertically every 3 storeys: 44,925m
@ 800
Extra for opening doors in DGUs for access to cavity: 864 nr@ 500
Extra for articulation to facades on some elevations, eg brise soleil system
via extended mullions to form fins: 10,530m
Louvred rainscreen to stair cores: 3,790m
@ 475
Full height single glazed frameless facades to lower levels: 1,360m
@ 1,100
Single glazed canopy cantilevered from building structure (including framing
and bracing): 250m
@ 1,500
Allowance for return visits for tower crane and hoist infills: item @ 125,000
Built-in guide rails for faade access cradles; fixing free-issue restraint
buttons for same: item @ 175,000
Performance tests and mock-ups (visual and working, for each major cladding
type): item @ 400,000
Allowance for facade access equipment: item @ 1,500,000
Allowance for trade contractors preliminaries/pre-construction fees not
included in above rates: item @ 2,000,000
High quality revolving entrance doors: 2 nr @ 45,000
Single leaf pass doors: 2 nr @ 4,500
Double doors from escape stairs, to match curtain walling: 2 nr @ 6,000
Other single leaf entrance doors: 8 nr @ 3,500
Glazed double doors to retail units: 4 nr @ 7,500
Allowance for motorised security shutters: 2 nr @ 50,000
Doors to lift motor rooms: 8 nr @ 3,000
Internal walls and
partitions 7,881,600 80.80 3.01
120 minutes fire-rated shaftwall to cores: 45,245m
@ 115
Non fire-rated drywall partitions to core areas: 5,700m
@ 85
Blockwork partitions to form cellular areas in basements and lower levels:
@ 85
120 mins fire-rated blockwork walls to enclose loading bay, fuel storage areas,
generator rooms, etc: 1,410m
@ 95
4 hour blockwork walls for EDF enclosure and other areas: 250m
@ 170
Allowance for acoustic linings where office floors are adjacent to plant areas:
item @ 250,000
High quality glazed balustrades to void edges (some curved): 300m @ 1,500
Internal doors 2,963,000 30.37 1.13
Full height glazed double doors to lift lobbies, with side screens:
108 nr @ 10,000
Single-leaf timber veneer solid doors, including frame & ironmongery, to
core areas: 610 nr @ 1,500
Double-leaf timber veneer solid doors, including frame & ironmongery, to
core areas: 85 nr @ 1,800
120 mins fire-rated doors to plant rooms and basement areas: 120 nr @
60 mins fire-rated doors to plant rooms and basement areas: 220 nr @ 1,400
Single-glazed doors to lobby/public areas: 20 nr @ 2,500
Steel doors to sub-station and other areas: 15 nr @ 1,000
Allowance for fire-rated access panels: item @ 250,000
Total cost /m
Wall finishes 4,366,200 44.76 1.67
Stone tiles to main entrance lobby walls: 575m
@ 300
Enhanced wall finish to lift lobbies: 5,600m
@ 200
Emulsion paint to stairs/stair lobbies, cores and circulation routes:
@ 10
Ceramic wall tiling to toilets: 3,200m
@ 140
Podwall framing, panelling and finishes to toilets: 3,300m
@ 650
Allowance for dust sealer/paint to blockwork walls: 9,030m
@ 7
Allowance for other wall finishes: chequerplate linings in high-use areas,
finish to plant and storage rooms, finishes to landlord management suites,
ceramic tiling to showers, cleaners cupboards, etc: item @ 250,000
Floor finishes 3,014,900 30.91 1.15
Stone flooring in main entrance lobby and lift lobbies (and some public areas):
@ 280
Good quality ceramic tiling in toilets: 2,750m
@ 140
Floor finish to landlord circulation in basement: 1,400m
@ 35
Carpet tiles to stair cores and core circulation areas: 4,050m
@ 30
Epoxy paint on screed to plant service areas: 3,200m
@ 40
Wearing course to loading bay, car parking areas: 2,850m
@ 75
Lightweight concrete to make up levels in core areas: 5,830m
@ 40
Entrance mats and matwells: item @ 50,000
Allowance for other floor finishes: sealer/hardener to exposed concrete
surfaces; making up levels in other areas, miscellaneous detailing; finishes
in landlord management suites, etc: item @ 300,000
Ceiling finishes 1,598,300 16.38 0.61
Feature ceilings in main entrance lobby, including perimeter detailing and
interfaces: 1,200m
@ 230
Plasterboard ceiling in lift lobbies, including bulkheads and detailing:
@ 175
Plasterboard and paint to soffits of stair cores: 3,000m
@ 45
Epoxy paint finish to ceilings in plant areas: 3,200m
@ 20
Paint finish to car park and loading bay: 2,850m
@ 15
Plasterboard ceilings in core circulation areas: 1,050m
@ 60
Ceiling finish to landlord circulation in basement: 1,400m
@ 40
Allowance for other ceiling finishes: insulation under ground floor slab where
appropriate; finishes to landlord management suites; access panels and other
detailing, etc: item @ 300,000
Furniture and fittings 3,520,200 36.09 1.34
Toilet vanity tops including stone worktops, hardwood panelling, detailing/
interfaces with fittings and mirrors: 460m @ 1,300
Fittings to toilets: mirrors, towel dispensers, modesty screens, etc:
103 nr @ 2,400
Full-height toilet cubicles and doors: 350 nr @ 3,100
Fittings to basement showers: item @ 50,000
Main reception desk plus security/back-of-house desks: item @ 225,000
Main entrance signage and other fittings: item @ 100,000
Statutory and general signage: item @ 125,000
Main entrance lobby turnstiles: 20 @ 20,000
Car park bollards, column guards, bay marking, cycle racks, traffic management
system, etc: item @ 300,000
Rubbish compactor / bailers: item @ 40,000
Allowance for fitting out landlord s management suites, control rooms, etc:
item @ 250,000
Allowance for all other fittings, sundry metalwork, etc: item @ 100,000
economics.cost model 79
a Cost breakdown
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80 economics.cost model
Total cost /m
Sanitary fittings 731,600 7.50 0.28
Sanitaryware and fittings; allowance: 97,550m
@ 8
Disposal installations 1,560,800 16.00 0.6
Waste, soil and vent pipework: 97,550m
@ 13
Rainwater installation: 97,550m
@ 3
Hot and cold water installations 1,853,500 19.00 0.71
Hot and cold water pipework to landlord s areas including mains water
service: 97,550m
@ 19
Space heating air treatment
and ventilation 16,583,500 170.00 6.33
Air handling units, chillers; ductwork, pipework, insulation: 97,550m
@ 150
Cooling and ventilation installations to common areas: 97,550m
@ 20
Electrical installation 12,779,100 131.00 4.88
Mains and sub-mains distribution: 97,550m
@ 126
Electrical supplies to mechanical plant: 97,550m
@ 2
External feature lighting: 97,550m
@ 3
Gas installations 97,600 1.00 0.04
Incoming gas supply: 97,550m
@ 1
Lift installations 18,924,700 194.00 7.22
10-person hydraulic lift serving two floors: 97,550m
@ 194
Protective installations 1,951,000 20.00 0.74
Lightning protection and earthing: 97,550m
@ 20
Communication installations 2,829,000 29.00 1.08
Fire alarm and smoke detection: 97,550m
@ 29
Sustainability enhancements 2,000,000 20.50 0.76
Allowance for sustainability measures and adoption of renewable
technologies, say: item @ 2,000,000
Specialist installations 2,829,000 29.00 1.08
BMS controls
Builders work in connection 1,755,900 18.00 0.67
Forming holes and chases etc, allowance @ 1%: 97,550m @ 18
Preliminaries and on-costs 52,162,257 534.72 19.90%
Construction manager s organisation and staff costs, including cranes, hoists
and other common items of plant @ 16%: item @ 33,594,957
Construction manager s fee @ 2.5%: item @ 6,087,600
Design and construction contingencies @ 5%: item @ 12,479,700
Total construction cost (building only) 262,000,000 2,687 100
(square metre rate based on gross internal floor area)
b Acknowledgments
Davis Langdon would like to thank the following for their valued input
into this article: Winston Huth-Wallis; Graham Stirk, Rogers Stirk
Harbour & Partners; Kamran Moazami and Ron Slade, WSP Cantor
Seinuk; David Richards and Joe Sumners, Arup; Gerard Cook, Davis
Langdon, Residential; Barry Nugent, Davis Langdon, MGW; Stephen
Mudie, Davis Langdon, Building Envelope Specialist Team; Philip
Esper, Davis Langdon, Professional Development
Data toolkit
Buildings database of cost data
is an essential resource for
anyone in the business of
procuring buildings. There is an
extensive archive of cost
models, market forecasts, whole-
life costings, specialist costs,
procurement and sustainability
articles and many more
besides.To gain access to
all this information, see
30 March Sustainability
13 April Specialist
cost update
20 April The tracker;
Coming up
4 May Market forecast
11 May Procurement
18 May The tracker
The 420,000ft
Broadgate Tower in the City of
London for client British Land is
due for completion in 2008
a Cost breakdown continued
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