Synopsis: BANKS" Is Used To Identifying and Recover The Accessibility Issues in Banking Sectors. in

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BANKS is used to identifying and Recover the accessibility issues in banking sectors. In
existing system banking access is troublesome because of number branches availed and other
branches employees allocated to any other branch in same bank whether the absence of the
employee. It has lots of insecurities during transaction.
In proposed system is developed based on the access problem revival that the process
is employee allocation with the convenience of authorization during employee deficiency. As
well as it provides protection for particular transaction using the time based authentication
protocol. It allows only fastidious process for alternative employee over the period of time.
They should only work with that duration. Otherwise they cannot login into the others
working progress.
The secure and authentication working process is developed on online application
under the consideration nature work of alternative employee. They can maintain both the
work as parallel. The Presence of nonexistence employee also can get the information status
about transaction whether they got a leave by this website. This highly sheltered website
developed over the front end is ASP.Net and Back end is MS SQL Server.


The proposed system involves using a mobile phone as a software token for one
time password generation. The generated one time password is valid for only a short user-
defined period of time and is generated by factors that are unique to both, the user and the
mobile device itself. Additionally, an SMS-based mechanism is implemented as both a
backup mechanism for retrieving the password and as a possible mean of synchronization
This Project describes a method of implementing authentication process for alternative
user using mobile phones. The First factor is focus on the Request level authentication
that is when the alternative user request in to the administrator for the login code that will
be send to the alternative user mobile after that request is trusted. The second level is this
system will automatically detect the session period of user and disconnect the access and
block the login id if the session is expired. This project is aimed at developing by using
ASP.Net as front end and MS-SQLServer as Back end.

Processor - Pentium III
RAM - 128MB
Hard Disk - 40 GB
Floppy Disk Drive - 1.44 MB
Motherboard - Mercury Intel chipset board
Printer - HP Laser 6 plus
Mouse - logitech two buttons
Keyboard - 104 keys Keyboard
Monitor - 15 SVGA Colour monitor

Platform : Windows 7
Front end tool : ASP.Net
Backend tool : MS-SQLServer

ASP.NET is a powerful web technology which is widely used today for creating
dynamic web pages .It is a combination of two technologies: Active server page (ASP) and
.NET Framework. Asp, also called as powerful and effective way of building dynamic web
pages in the last few years.

On other hand, the .NET Framework is relatively a new technology developed by
Micro soft with the aim of revolutionizing the way all programming development is done.
ASP.NET is technology to create dynamic web pages by using the innovations present in the
.NET Framework.

ASP.NET provides services to allow the creation, deployment, and execution of
Web Applications and Web Services
Like ASP, ASP.NET is a server-side technology
Web Applications are built using Web Forms. ASP.NET comes with built-in Web
Forms controls, which are responsible for generating the user interface. They
mirror typical HTML widgets like text boxes or buttons. If these controls do not
fit your needs, you are free to create your own user controls.
Web Forms are designed to make building web-based applications as easy as
building Visual Basic applications

ASP.NET Architecture
ASP.NET is based on the fundamental architecture of .NET Framework. Visual studio
provide a uniform way to combine the various features of this Architecture.

Architecture is explained from bottom to top in the following:
At the bottom of the Architecture is Common Language Runtime .NET Framework
common language runtime resides on top of the operating system services. The common
language runtime loads and executes code that targets the runtime. This code is therefore
called managed code. The runtime gives you, for example, the ability for cross-language
.NET Framework provides a rich set of class libraries. These include base classes, like
networking and input/output classes, a data class library for data access, and classes for use
by programming tools, such as debugging services. All of them are brought together by the
Services Framework, which sits on top of the common language runtime.
ADO.NET is Microsofts ActiveX Data Object (ADO) model for the .NET
Framework. ADO.NET is not simply the migration of the popular ADO model to the
managed environment but a completely new paradigm for data access and manipulation.
ADO.NET is intended specifically for developing web applications.

This is evident from its two major design principles:
1. Disconnected DatasetsIn ADO.NET, almost all data manipulation is done outside
the context of an open database connection.
2. Effortless Data Exchange with XMLDatasets can converse in the universal data
format of the Web, namely XML.
The 4th layer of the framework consists of the Windows application model and, in
parallel, the Web application model. The Web application model-in the slide presented as
ASP.NET-includes Web Forms and Web Services.

ASP.NET comes with built-in Web Forms controls, which are responsible for
generating the user interface. They mirror typical HTML widgets like text boxes or buttons. If
these controls do not fit your needs, you are free to create your own user controls.

Web Services brings you a model to bind different applications over the Internet. This
model is based on existing infrastructure and applications and is therefore Standard-
based, simple, and adaptable.

Web Services are software solutions delivered via Internet to any device. Today, that
means Web browsers on computers, for the most part, but the device-agnostic design of .NET
will eliminate this limitation.

The CLR and the .NET Frameworks in general, however, are designed in such a way
that code written in one language can not only seamlessly be used by another language. Hence
ASP.NET can be programmed in any of the .NET compatible language whether it is VB.NET,
C#, Managed C++ or JScript.NET.

Components of .net framework

Common Language Runtime

The.NET Frameworks solution is called the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The
CLR provides capability such as memory management, security and robust error handling to
any language that work with the .NET Framework.

The CLR enables languages to interoperate with one another. Memory can be
allocated by code written in one language and can be freed by code written in another
language. Similarly errors can be raised in one language and processed in another language.

.NET Class Library

The.NET Framework provides many classes that help developers re-use code that
.NET Class library contain code for programming topics such as threading , File I/O,
database supports, XML parsing and data structure such as stacks and queues.

This entire class library is available for any programming languages that support the
.NET Framework.

ASP.NET Environment

Active Server Pages were released by Microsoft to enable the creation of dynamic
pages based on user input and interaction with the website.ASP.NET improves upon the
original ASP by providing code-behind.

With ASP.NET and code-behind, the code and HTML can be separated.ASP.NET
web services are XML - based services that are exposed on the internet that can be accessed
by other web services and web services clients.

ADO introduced a simple object model that made accessing data in MS Windows
program a straight - forward task in addition; ADO introduces the concept of disconnected
record sets as way to transport data between the tries of distributed applications.

The low level API behind ADO is called OLE DB.ADO.NET. It was designed with
the disconnected data in mind, because this stateless approach works best for distributed
internet applications.

ADO.NET contains two set of similar classes. One set is a generic set of classes that
can be used to access all databases that have OLEDB provider and a set of classes for
Microsofts SQL Server.

ADO.NET Components

The ADO.NET components have been designed to factor data access from data
manipulation. There are two central components of ADO.NET that accomplish the dataset,
and the .NET data provider, which is a set of components including the connection command,
Data Reader, and Data Adapter Object.

The ADO.NET Dataset is the core component of the disconnected architecture of
ADO.NET. The dataset is explicitly designed for data access independent of any data source.

Web Services
Web services are small units of code built to handle a limited task.
Web services uses XML based communicating protocols.
Its operating systems are independent. And programming languages also
Its connecting the people, system, and devices.
Web services use the standard web protocols HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL,
and UDDI.
Benefits of Web Services

Easy to communicate between the application.
Easy to reuse existing system.
Rapid development.
Easier to distribute information to more consumers.
It can create new possibilities for many business because it provides an easy way to a
large number of consumers.

Important Features of ASP.NET

Robust database-driven Functionality

ASP.NET is purely object-oriented makes it very powerful. ASP.NET allows
developers to develop web applications that interact with the database.

ADO.NET (ADO stands for Activex Data Objects) is especially launched for
ASP.NET for handling all types of database related queries.

Faster Web Applications

ASP.NET Web applications are faster due to two reasons: compiled code and caching.
Earlier, the code was interpreted into machine language when website visitor used to view the
Caching is the storing of information in a non-physical media for speeding up the
processing for the future use. Web pages that are commonly visited by end-users are cached
for a predefined period of time to improve the performance of website.

Memory Leak and Crash Protection

Now developers need not bother about error like deadlocks and memory leaks
because ASP.NET can automatically recover from these errors and your website always
remains available to the end-users.

Memory leak is a situation in which a program component fails to release the memory
when the memory is no longer needed it.

A deadlock is a situation where each out of the two or more processors is waiting for
some other process in the group to finish first and thus none of the processors finishes ever.

Easy Deployment

Development of web applications in is quiet easy because the configuration
information is of built-in type.

Multiple development Language support

Developers can write their code in different .NET languages for example Visual
Basic, Visual C#, Visual J#, etc.

Difference between ASP and ASP.NET


1. ASP is Interpreted language based on scripting languages like Jscript or VBScript.

2. ASP has Mixed HTML and coding logic.

3. Limited development and debugging tools available.

4 Limited OOPS support.

5. Limited session and application state management.

6. Poor Error handling system.

7. No in-built support for XML.

8. No fully distributed data source support.


1. ASP.NET is supported by compiler and has compiled language support.

2. Separate code and design logic possible.

3. Variety of compilers and tools available including the Visual Studio.NET.

4. Completely Object Oriented.

5. Complete session and application state management.

6. Full proof error handling possible.

7. Full XML Support for easy data exchange.

8. Fully distributed data source support.

Reason for Selecting the ASP.NET

Web applications created with ASP.NET are easier to create, debug, and deploy
because those tasks can all be performed within a single development environment
Visual Studio .NET.
Executable portions of a Web application compiled so they execute more
quickly than interpreted scripts.
On-the-fly updates of deployed Web applications without restarting the server.
Access to the .NET Framework, which extends the Windows API.

Use of the widely known Visual Basic programming language, which has been
enhanced to fully support object-oriented programming.
Introduction of the new Visual C# programming language, which provides a
type-safe, object-oriented version of the C programming language.
Automatic state management for controls on a Web page (called server
controls) so that they behave much more like Windows controls.
The ability to create new, customized server controls from existing controls.
Built-in security through the Windows server or through other
authentication/authorization methods.
Integration with Microsoft ADO.NET to provide database access and database
design tools from within Visual Studio .NET.
Full support for Extensible Markup Language (XML), cascading style sheets
(CSS), and other new and established Web standards.
Built-in features for caching frequently requested Web pages on the server,
localizing content for specific languages and cultures, and detecting browser

Microsoft SQL Server used as back end tool.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Microsoft SQL Server is an application used to create computer databases for the
Microsoft windows family of server operating system. It provides an environment used to
generate databases that can access workstations, the web or other media such as a Personal
Digital Assistant (PDA).

Microsoft SQL Server is a probably the most accessible and the most documentation
enterprise database environment right now. The following is a list of the features provided in
SQL Server 2005.

User-defined functions
Indexed views
Distributed partitioned views
Cascading RI constraints
Multiple SQL Server instances
XML support

User-Defined Functions

SQL Server has always provided the ability to store and execute SQL code routines
via stored procedures. In addition, SQL Server has always supplied a number of built-in
functions. Functions can be used almost anywhere. An expression can be specified in query.

SQL Server 2005introduces the long-awaited support for user-defined functions.
User-defined functions can take zero or more input parameters and return a single value like
the system-defined functions, or a table result.

Table valued functions can be used anywhere. Table or view expressions can be used
in queries, and they can perform more complex logic than is allowed in a view.
Indexed Views

Views are often used to simplify complex queries, and they can contain joins and
aggregate functions. However, in the past, queries against views were resolved to queries
against the underlying base table, and any aggregates were recalculated each time you ran a
query against the view.

Indexed views can improve performance for the following types of queries:

Joins and aggregate that process many rows.
Join and aggregation operations that performed frequently with in many
Decision support queries that rely on summarized, aggregated data that is
infrequently updated.

Distributed partitioned views

SQL server 7.0 provided the ability to create partitioned views using the UNION
ALL statement in a view definition. It was limited, however, in that all the tables had to
reside within the same SQL Server where the view was defined. SQL Server 2005expands
the ability to create partitioned views by allowing to horizontally partition tables across
multiple SQL Servers.

The features helps to scale out one database server to multiple database servers,
while making the data appear as if it comes from a single table on a single SQL Server. In
addition, partitioned views are now able to be updated.

Cascading RI Constraints

In previous versions of SQL Server, referential integrity (RI) constraints were
restrictive only. If an insert, update, or delete operation violated referential integrity, it was
aborted with an error message.

SQL Server 2005 provides the ability to specify the action to take when a column
referenced by a foreign key constrain is updated or deleted. You can still abort the update or
delete if related foreign key records exist by specifying the NO ACTION option, or you can
specify the new CASCADE option, which will cascade the update or delete operation to the
related foreign key records.

Multiple SQL Server Instances

Previous versions of SQL Server supported the running of only a single instance of
SQL Server at a time on a computer.

Running multiple instance or multiple versions of SQL Server required switching
back and forth between the instances, requiring changes in the Windows registry. (The SQL
Server Switch provides with 7.0 switches between 7.0 and 6.5 performed the registry changes
for us.)

SQL Server 2005 provides support for running multiple instances of SQL Server on
the same system. This allows you to simultaneously run one instance of SQL Server 6.5 or
7.0 along with one or more instances of SQL Server 2005.

Each SQL Server instance runs independently of the others and has its own set of
system and user databases, security configuration and so on. Applications can connect to the
different instance in the same way they connect to different SQL Servers on different

XML Support

Extensible Markup Language has became a standard in web-related programming to
describe the contents of a set of data and how the data should be output or displayed on a web
page. XML, like HTML, is derived from the Standard Generalize Markup Language

When linking a web application to SQL Server, a translation needs to take place from
the result set returned from SQL Server to a format that can be understood and displayed web
applications. Previously, this translation needed to be done in a client application.

SQL Server 2005 provides native support XML. These new features provide the
ability to do the following:

Return query result sets directly in XML format.

Retrieve data from an XML document as it were a SQL Server table.

Access SQL Server through a URL using HTTP. Through Internet Information
Services (IIS), you can define a virtual root that gives you HTTP access to the data
and XML functionality of SQL Server 2000.

The features of the SQL Server 2005
It is a client-server architecture and not shared-file application as access.

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) supports up to 32 simultaneous processors.

It can have database up to 1 terabyte (1024 GB) in size.

It can handle up to 32,767 simultaneous user connections.

It provides data integrity, data recovery and functionalities that are transparent to the

SQL Server optimizes network resources. Only the data requested by the client needs
to be sent across the network.

Security can be enforced at ones central location.

Benefits of SQL

SQL has become the database language of choice because it is flexible, powerful and
easy to learn.

SQL is a non-procedural language.

Process sets of records rather than just one at a time and provides automatic
navigation to the data.

SQL provides commands for a variety of tasks including: querying data, creating,
updating and replacing and inserting, updating and deleting rows.

All major relational database management systems support SQL thus one can transfer
all the skills gained with SQL from one RDBMS to another.

There is no specific tool in past developed for software developers to solve the issues
while on developing application. In the existing system, there are limitations like
inconsistency of data, lots of repetitive paper work and time consuming reference work. This
haphazard fashion in maintenance leads to the problem of integrating the various
departments. In general login request by the alternative user is very long process. They
should wait for an hour it has lots of inconsistency
Have minimum level of security
This transaction procedure has huge process and takes long time for virtual access
Expensive for start-up level companies
Lots of time is waste for wait for login.
Analysis of trusted alternative user is long process.
Alternative employees work as well as alternative work both are pending in few

To overcome some of the pitfalls in existing system, this proposed system has been
developed after careful study, as well as compared with existing system. Demerits in the
existing system analyzed and checked carefully, and then we found solutions for those
The proposed system integrates SMS gateway model in account accessing and
transaction module. To authenticate only the right person to access their online accounts, the
registration process stores the users IP address from account activation machine. In login
request process the administrator will be tested initially and the SMS will be sent if the user
found to access rights for some others machines.
High level of security is available.
Authenticated employee only can be allow to access for absence of other employee.
Time based login id only allowed for the alternative user access.
Alternative worker do both the work on online.
Response of login id from admin is fast access.
Alternative employees all job of allocated works is always monitored by admin.
All the work is reported to the whether they absent.

Internal design involves conceiving, planning out and specifying the internal structure
and processing details of the software product.
The goals of internal design are to specify the internal structure and processing
details, to record design decisions and indicate why certain alternatives and tradeoffs were
chosen, to elaborate the test and plan, and to provide a blueprint for implementation, testing
and maintenance activities. The work products of internal design include a specification of
architectural, the details of algorithms and data structures, and the test plan.
Login form
In this login form can allow the authorized person for entering and checking a
reporting process. It can block the unauthorized access from this page.
Employee Entry Details:
The employee details must have some basic information regarding the customer like,
employee id, employee name, and address and phone number and to details for future
reference. This will be associated with employee entry.
Branch entry
Various branch information can be provided for branch availability employee
allocation section. The main branches are recorded here for number of branches, number of
employee available in each branch, the location of branch and so on.
Computer output is the most important and direct information source to the user. Put
it designs is a process that involves designing necessary outputs in the form of reports that
should be given to users according to the requirements. Efficient, intelligible output design
should improve the systems relationship with the user and help in divisions making.
The details in the reports must be simple descriptive and clear to the user. So
while designing output the following things are to be considered.

Employee Request details
In this form shows the details of request available details for the accessing or for
processing purpose.
Session details
In this form the admin can watch their allocated details of alternative login account
information for authentication and integrity purpose.
The database design involves creation of tables. Tables are represented in physical
database as stored files. They have their own independent existence. A table consists of rows
and columns. Each column corresponds to a piece of information called field. A set of fields
constitutes a record. The record contains all the information, specific to a particular item.
Database is a collection of interrelated data, stored with minimum redundancy to
serve many users quickly and efficiently. The database is organized, normalized in order to
provide flexible manipulation of the files and quick retrieval of information. Database is
designed as user friendly and easy access. The organization of the data in a database aims
three major objectives namely data integration, data integrity and data dependence.
The major objectives for maintaining such a database are:
The database must reduce redundancy
Enforce standards
Share data and maintain integrity
The data must be independent and consistent
We must be able to apply security restrictions

Table: User Login
Foreign Key: user_login_id

Field Name Data Type Size Description
User_Login_ID numeric 12 Login ID
User_Password varchar 20 User Password
User_Level numeric 2 User Role
User_Login_IP char 15 Users Login IP
User_Last_Login smalldatetime 4 Users last Login
User_Creation_Date smalldatetime 4 User Creation Date

Primary Key: req_id
Foreign Key: user_login_id

Field Name Data Type Size Description
Req_ID Numeric 12 Requests ID
User_Login_ID Numeric 12 Login ID
Req_Date Smalldatetime 4 Request Date
Req_For text 50 Reason for Request
Req_MobileNumber vrchar 50 Requester Mobile
Req_Status varchar 10 Request status

Methodology is defined as,
The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a
The systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a
discipline or
A particular procedure or set of procedures
It should be noted that methodology is frequently used when method would be more
accurate. For example, "Since students were not available to complete the survey about
academic success, we changed our methodology and gathered data from instructors instead".
In this instance the methodology (gathering data via surveys, and the assumption that this
produces accurate results) did not change, but the method (asking teachers instead of
students) did.
Methodology includes the following concepts as they relate to a particular discipline or field
of inquiry:
A collection of theories, concepts or ideas;
Comparative study of different approaches; and
Critique of the individual methods
Methodology refers to more than a simple set of methods; rather it refers to the rationale
and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study. This is why scholarly
literature often includes a section on the methodology of the researchers. This section does
more than outline the researchers methods (as in, We conducted a survey of 50 people over
a two-week period and subjected the results to statistical analysis, etc.); it might explain
what the researchers ontological or epistemological views are.
Another key (though arguably imprecise) usage for methodology does not refer to
research or to the specific analysis techniques. This often refers to anything and everything
that can be encapsulated for a discipline or a series of processes, activities and tasks.
Examples of this are found in software development, project management and business
process fields. This use of the term is typified by the outline who, what, where, when, and
why. In the documentation of the processes that make up the discipline, that is being
supported by "this" methodology, that is where we would find the "methods" or processes.
The processes themselves are only part of the methodology along with the identification and
usage of the standards, policies, rules, etc.
a. Registration
b. Upload File
c. Admin Module
d. TPA Module
e. Download
f. Key Generation
This module is used to store the Customer Registration Details. The Registration
details includes user name, password, address, phone number, E-mail, etc.. The verification
code will be send to the customer mail id for authentication purpose. When the customer
wants to enter this system he must enter this code.
Upload File:
This module is used to upload files to the cloud server on any time. When
uploading the file the secret will be generated by using keygen algorithm. Each uploaded files
will have unique key and this key is forwarded to the user registered mail id.
Admin Module:
The administrator is a primary user called as cloud owner. He will manage the entire
application and storage device .He can monitor the entire files and users stored on the server
at any time. But he cannot download user files without user permission. He can view files and
content at any time but he cannot download file without user acceptance.If he want to
download the file he will send the request information to the user through this system. After
the response from the user only he can download the file because of privacy.
TPA Module:
The third party auditor is a user who verify the users and files stored on the cloud. He
can audit those things but he cannot view the content or download the files stored on the
The auditing is classified into two categories
1. Batch Auditing Module:
With the establishment of privacy-preserving public auditing in Cloud
Computing, TPA may concurrently handle multiple auditing delegations upon
different users requests. The individual auditing of these tasks for TPA can be
tedious and very inefficient. Batch auditing not only allows TPA to perform the
multiple auditing tasks simultaneously, but also greatly reduces the computation cost
on the TPA side.
2. Data Dynamics Module:
Hence, supporting data dynamics for privacy-preserving public risk auditing
is also of paramount importance. Now we show how our main scheme can be adapted
to build upon the existing work to support data dynamics, including block level
operations of modification, deletion and insertion. We can adopt this technique in our
design to achieve privacy-preserving public risk auditing with support of data

It is used to download files But without secret key this system will not allow download the
Key Generation:
It is used to generate the secret key by using keygen algorithm and swill send to the
personal mail is of the user. The secret key is must for uploading and download files on the
cloud server.


Reference books
Greg Black ZRK ASP.NET Developer Guide, Fifth Edition, Addition Weslay
Stephen Walher ASP.NET Unreleased Galgotia Publications, second Edition
Janathan Gordyear Debugging in ASP.NET First Edition, BPB Publications.
Roger S.Pressman,Software Engineering, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2000, Fifth Edition.
Ellias M.Award,System Analysis and Design Galgotia Publications PVT Ltd 1997,
Second Edition.
NITTs Education Research and Development Group, Structured System Analysis
and Design, Pace Education PVT Ltd 1993 Edition.
Davin Reader Master SQL Server 2000 Third Edition BPB Publications.

Web sites


Level 0

Level 1

Cloud Users
Sharing Document
Data sharing
process in



User Details
Files Details



and Verify

File Verification
Download File

File Details


Cloud User



Send Key to user

View Files




User Exists
Create Account
Key Generation
Upload Files
Download Files
Display The Files
Store into image
Store into File


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