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Center For Advanced Studies In Engineering

Department Of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Power System Protection
Fall 2014
Assignment No. 2
Due Date: 15/10/2014 for All Students

Problem No. 1
For the system shown in figure below, construct the

by direct calculation i.e. building algorithm. The

parameters for the various elements are provided in the table below.

Branch Series Reactance p.u.
1-2 j0.04
1-6 j0.06
2-4 j0.03
2-3 j0.02
3-4 j0.08
4-5 j0.06
5-6 j0.05

Problem No. 2
A single line diagram of a power system is shown below where negative and zero sequence reactances are
also given. The neutrals of the generator and Y transformers are solidly grounded. The motor neutral
is grounded through a reactance

per unit on the motor base. Faults at buses 1 and 2 are of

interest. The pre-fault voltage is 1.05 per unit. Pre-fault load current is neglected.

a) Draw the per unit zero- , positive-, and negative-sequence networks on a 100 MVA, 13.8 kV
base in the zone of the generator.
b) Determine the per unit zero-, positive-, and negative- sequence bus impedance matrices.
c) Find the sub-transient fault current in per unit for a bolted single line to ground fault from phase a
to ground at bus 1 and bus 2 using the impedance matrices.
d) Find the per unit line to ground voltages at bus 1 and bus 2 during the single line to ground fault
at bus 1 using the impedance matrices.
Problem No. 3
Knowledge of the fault voltages and fault currents are important for estimating the rating of over voltage,
under voltage and over current relays. The one-line diagram of a simple power system is shown below.
The neutral of each generator is grounded through a current-limiting reactor of 0.25/3 per unit on a 100
MVA base. The system data expressed in per unit on a common 100 MVA base is tabulated below. The
generators are running on no-load at their rated voltage and rated frequency with their emfs in phase.

Component Base MVA Voltage Rating

100 20 kV 0.15 0.15 0.05

100 20 kV 0.15 0.15 0.05

100 20/220 kV 0.10 0.10 0.10

100 20/220 kV 0.10 0.10 0.10

100 220 kV 0.125 0.125 0.30

100 220 kV 0.15 0.15 0.35

100 220 kV 0.25 0.25 0.7125

1. Construct the Bus Impedance Matrices for the positive, negative and zero sequence networks.
2. Using the bus impedance matrices obtained in part 1, determine the fault current for the following
a) A balanced three phase fault at bus 3 through a fault impedance

per unit.
b) A single line-to-ground fault at bus 3 through a fault impedance

per unit.
c) A line-to-line fault at bus 3 though a fault impedance

per unit.
d) A double line-to-ground fault at bus 3 through a fault impedance

per unit.
Problem No. 4
Using the building algorithm, construct the Bus Impedance Matrices for the system shown below,
choosing bus 4 as reference.

Problem No. 5
For each of the cases [a d] of the Problem No. 3, determine the bus voltages and line currents during

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