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Edexcel International Examinations

Enquiry about Results/Re-check

Request form
May/June 201 examinations
A request for an Enquiry about Results is a 5-step process. Please complete Steps 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4a before senin! in your EAR request to
t"e appropriate #ritis" $ouncil office. %ealine for submission of t"is EAR request form is 10 !e"tember for all qualification.
!te" 1& #andidate$s #onsent %&o be com"leted by the candidate only'
' "ereby !i(e my consent to t"e )ea of my E*amination $entre to ma+e an enquiry about t"e results of t"e e*aminations liste belo,. 'n
!i(in! consent ' unerstan t"at t"e final sub-ect !rae a,are to me may be confirmed( lo)ered or raised for t"is sub-ect.unit. ' certify
t"at t"e information on t"is form is complete an accurate to t"e best of my +no,le!e. ' a!ree to comply ,it" t"e Ee*cel 'nternational
E*aminations re!ulations an ,it" t"e arran!ements mae by t"e #ritis" $ouncil.
$aniate/s Si!nature& 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
!te" 2* #andidate +etails*
Please ensure that your contact details are accurate in order to prevent any delays in processing the EAR request.
$aniate name& 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1'2 #34$5 3E66ERS7
$entre no. . $aniate no.& 00000000. 0000000 3e(el& 'nternational 8$SE.8$E E*am session& 9ay :une 2;14
9ailin! aress& 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
6elep"one number& 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Email aress& 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
!te" ,%a'* Enquiry about Result %E-R' ! and /ee details* %/ee is "ayable in 0ak Ru"ees'
+escri"tion 3#E/ International/ 3#!E/ 04!# %/ee
0er #andidate 0er 5nit'
3#E /International - 4e.el %/ee
0er #andidate 0er 5nit'
1 $lerical re-c"ec+
2,2<; 2,2<;
2 Ser(ice 2P- Priority post results re(ie, of
mar+in! - <,54;
3 Ser(ice 2P- Post results re(ie, of mar+in!
4,<15 =,5>;
4 A6S-4ri!inal Scripts
2,2<; 2,2<;
5 A6S-$opy Scripts
Please (isit "ttp&..,,,.ee*,antto.Pa!es.results-enquiry.asp*?c!rp@EnquiriesA2;aboutA2;results for etails of
EAR ser(ices a(ailable. Some ser(ices may not be a(ailable to pri(ate caniates.
Please ensure t"at t"e sub-ect etails entere belo, are accurate in orer to pre(ent any elays in processin! t"e EAR request.
nit #ode
!ub6ect &itle 3rade -)arded as stated on
the !tatement of Results
! no7 1 -2 8 or
%Indicate in case of
0riority !'
Required fee for stated E-R
:ritish #ouncil 4ocal /ee Rs 2000/-
&otal E-R fee "ayable ; :ritish #ouncil local /ee Rs
' certify t"at t"e information on t"is form is complete an accurate to t"e best of my +no,le!e. ' a!ree to comply ,it" t"e $'E re!ulations
an ,it" t"e arran!ements mae by t"e #ritis" $ouncil. Also, ' unerstan t"at t"e final sub-ect !rae a,are to me may be lo,er t"an,
"i!"er t"an, or t"e same as t"e !rae ,"ic" ,as ori!inally a,are for t"e sub-ect.
Bour si!nature %ate
!te" %a'* E-R /ee +e"osit +etails*
6"e EAR fee must be eposite by t"e caniate at t"e respecti(e #ritis" $ouncil ban+ account, etails of ,"ic" are pro(ie belo,.
$aniates must fill out a #ritis" $ouncil %eposit Slip, a(ailable at t"ese ban+s, ,"en submittin! payment. 'f a caniate resies in a city
The United Kingdoms international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733
Edexcel International Examinations
Enquiry about Results/Re-check
Request form
May/June 201 examinations
,"ic" oes not "a(e a esi!nate Stanar $"artere #an+, t"en t"e e*aminations fee must be mae t"rou!" a ban+ raft. 6"e ban+ raft
must be ra,n in fa(our of t"e #ritis" $ouncil office of t"e city ,"ere t"e caniate ,is"es to sit for an e*am. Please ,rite C$'E EAR fee/ on
t"e #ritis" $ouncil eposit slip before ma+in! payment.
+ro"-box mailin< at !#:
6o facilitate pri(ate caniates re!isterin! for a D5 qualification, t"e #ritis" $ouncil Pa+istan "as si!ne an a!reement ,it" Stanar
$"artere #an+ 1S$#7 ,"ereby S$# ,ill collect forms an fees an later eli(er t"e rele(ant ocuments to t"eir local #ritis" $ouncil office.
6"is S$# rop-bo* mailin! ser(ice is free of c"ar!e an it only applies to caniates ,"o re!ister pri(ately ,it" t"eir local #ritis" $ouncil
office. 't is not offere to caniates re!isterin! ,it" outstation #ritis" $ouncil offices. Eor e.!. $aniates resiin! in 9ultan cannot use t"is
rop bo* mailin! ser(ice if t"ey ,ant to re!ister for an e*am at 3a"ore. )o,e(er, t"ey can use t"is ser(ice for a 9ultan base e*amination.
'n case any ban+ eposit slips an.or require forms.ocuments are not eli(ere to t"e #ritis" $ouncil, caniates ,oul resol(e t"e issue
irectly ,it" t"e respecti(e S$# branc" or courier . post office 1as for any ot"er postal.courier ser(ices7, base on t"eir proof of postin!. 6"e
#ritis" $ouncil cannot be "el liable for items lost in transit an, consequently, misse ealines for re!istrations.
6"e Stanar $"artere esi!nate branc"es operate from >&;; a.m. till 5&;; p.m. 9onay to Eriay, ,it" t,o "ours :uma prayer brea+
11&;;p.m F 3&;;p.m7. 4n Saturay some S$# branc"es operates from >&;; a.m. till 1&3; p.m.
6"e list of esi!nate S$# branc"es can be foun at "ttp&..,,,.britis"council.p+.e*"!ister.pri(ate uner =0ay for your exams>
6"e #ritis" $ouncil pries itself on pro(iin! a quality ser(ice an ,ill ta+e all reasonable steps to offer t"e state ser(ices. 6o "elp us o
t"is, please ensure t"at you are familiar ,it" t"e arran!ements an any rele(ant re!ulations concernin! EAR. 6"e #ritis" $ouncil cannot
"o,e(er be "el responsible for e(ents or circumstances, ,"ic" are outsie its control or for any error, fault or omission by an e*aminin!
boar or any ot"er t"ir party.
Please ensure t"e follo,in! etails are complete on t"is form&
Candidate name
Candidate number
Centre name
Centre number
Present address
Telephone number
Mobile number
E-mail address
as on a candidates statement of entry
as on statement of entry
e.g. British Council Karachi
as on statement of entry
Syllabus title(s)
Syllabus code(s)
Component code (s)
Service(s) required
Total fee paid (British
Council local fee C!E
Ban# deposit slip number
$ate of deposit
Si"nature of the candidate
'f t"e EAR form is not complete ,it" all t"e require etails, t"ere ,ill be a elay in t"e enquiry about e*amination results bein! processe.
6"e #ritis" $ouncil ,oul for,ar ac+no,le!ements to caniates/ e-mail aresses ,it"in one ,ee+ of receipt of complete EAR form.
%etails of requeste ser(ice s"oul be c"ec+e an respecti(e #ritis" $ouncil office must be notifie of iscrepancies.
Enquiry outcomes
Enquiries ,ill be ealt ,it" by Ee*cel strictly in t"e orer in ,"ic" t"ey are recei(e. Ge "ope to communicate an outcome by t"e 9i of
6"e #ritis" $ouncil ,ill pro(ie ,ritten notification of ini(iual Results of Enquiry to sc"ool principal.pri(ate caniates t"rou!" postal mail
on a ,ee+ly basis e(ery 9onay. G"ere an enquiry leas to a !rae c"an!e, $'E ,ill issue a re(ise statement of results an ensure t"at
t"e re(ise !rae is printe on t"e certificate. 'f certificates "a(e alreay been issue to centres.caniates, t"e ori!inal certificate must be
returne before a re(ise replacement can be issue. All certificates ,"ic" are to be replace s"oul be returne to #ritis" $ouncil.
Eor !eneral enquiries about t"e #ritis" $ouncil, call us toll-free on ;H;;-22;;; 19on-Sat >&;; a.m. to =&;; p.m.7 or ,rite to

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