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Research Questions Respondent 1 (BOP) Respondent 2 (Faysal Bank)

1. Educational Background Of Study Participants
a. Degrees Attained L.L.B. MBA
b. Factors In School No No
c. Additional Education
And Training
LLM and PhD ISQ examination by IBP
d. Subject Areas
Needing More
Emphasis In
Need to learn pure banking
Need to learn pure banking
2. Work history and development of study participants
a. Job Positions Held Unit Head Legal SAMD Branch Service Officer
b. Acquisition of Current
10 years professional
experience and performance
5 years of experience and
c. Job Responsibilities
To pursue all classified
accounts parked at SAMD for
To render legal advice and
impart legal opinion on
documents duly sought by SAM
& other branches and to
attend matters of legal
To provide assistance to the
branches/offices for filing of
suits and follow up of all legal
cases. Moreover defend the
bank in all the damages suits
filed against the bank.
To Draft legal documents
along with vetting of plaints of
all kinds of suits/criminal
applications, business
agreement of
Banking/Business promotion &
Other Groups as & when
To attend & represent the
bank before different offices
of courts in significant cases.
To keep liaison with the
advocates and follow up legal
cases vigorously.
To evaluate performance &
monitor progress of legal
counsels on regular basis.
To expedite the banks
pending cases with the courts
& other offices.
Timely handling of all front
office activities associated
with the opening of
customer accounts at the
branch to enhance customer
satisfaction and process
Handling different kinds of
branch operations.
Remittances, TRD issuance,
FCU accounts, Internal
transfers etc
Maintaining and improving
the service standards of the
bank to avoid incidence of
complaints related to
service issues from banks
Contributing towards
business acquisitions
through modern cross
selling skills.
d. Age Related to
Pursuing Career
Joined ABL in 2006 at the age of
29 years as a Law Officer
Wanted to join any bank
when she was doing in
2004 at the age of 21 years
e. Factors Influence
Their Choice To Enter
In The Career Of
Banking Field
There was a job opportunity in
a bank and it has also a good
job market. It is a female
supportive industry & as a
female lawyer practicing in a
corporate sector is secure and
Job opportunity and own
f. Career Plans
Wanted to achieve President
Wanted to become Country
Head Operations
g. Areas Needing
Improvement to
Continue to Progress
in Career
As a lawyer need to learn more
strong Negotiation Skills
1. Compliance and
internal control
2. Deposit mobilization
3. Life Experiences That Have Impacted The Career Development of Study Participants
a. Life Events That Have
Hindered Career
Favouritism, Organizational
Politics and Back biting
b. Life Events That Have
Assisted Career
Supportive family, education
and my profession itself in
corporate sector
Socialization by meeting
different professionals & by
understanding different
problems of people
c. Personal Sacrifices
Made For Career
Time spent with family and
friends, sacrifice of personal
time also
Ignoring social life, personal
and family time
4. Factors That Have Hindered The Career Development of Study Participants
a. Major Challenges
Encountered in
Male dominant society, women
cannot excel due to this easily,
female acceptance is low
Late sitting, work load,
female acceptance is low
b. Major Mistakes Too much a lawyer Not following SOPs regularly
5. Factors That Have Assisted The Career Development Of Study Participants
a. Role Models
Judges, Justice Kiyani , Justice
Cornideer....they are role
models because of judgement
skills and Standing justice of
Supreme court who is having a
strong grip on all issues
No Role Model
b. Mentors
Head SAMD and Group Head of
Commercial Banking, they both
guided the banking issues
Branch Distribution Head and
Operation Support Manager;
they both guided her in
c. Functions Performed
By Companies That
Have Assisted In
Career Development
One day training session is in
practice which has given to
them after the end of the
training of MTOs
Training on Compliance,
Mantra of Service Magic,
Consumer Products,
Customer service focused,
State Bank prudential
d. Factors Most
Important To Career
Hard work, Learning,
Commitment and Competency
Hard work and Commitment

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