Tips To Wake Up For Fajar

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Tips to wake up for Fajars Prayer

The majority of the Muslims in whole world face troubles to wake up for Fajars prayer. We
cannot make a continuous habit of waking up for Fajars prayer due to certain reasons. We wake
up one or two days and on 3
day we cannot wake up for fajars prayer. We do not have
realization regarding the importance of fajars prayer. Quran E Hakeem and Holy prophet
(PBUH) has put a lot of emphasize on to wake up for fajars prayer. But we still are not able to
realize the importance of fajars prayer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has said that:-

"During your sleep, Satan knots three knots at the back of the head of each of you, and he
breathes the following words at each knot, 'The night is, long, so keep on sleeping,' I f that
person wakes up and celebrates the praises of Allah, then one knot is undone, and when he
performs ablution the second knot is undone, and when he prays, all the knots are undone,
and he gets up in the morning lively and in good spirits, otherwise he gets up in low spirits and
lethargic." (Sahih Bukhari)

Some time we make plane very day to wake up next morning and to offer fajars prayer but we
cannot wake up. Later on we feel sorry whole day. Below are given some tips which can help
you to wake up for fajars prayer.

Sincere intention is very much important. This mean that every day before sleeping at
night try to make a pure intention that you will wake up in morning for fajars prayer.
You should give the priority to fajars prayer more t hen your sleep. You should not show
laziness about it.

Always try to wind up all the affairs on time and sleep earlier after offering Isshas
prayer. Do not sleep in day time. Technology is putting a negative effect on our lives. We
keep waking late at time and use cell phones and facebook etc. In result of this we cannot
wake up early for fajars prayer. These all are destructions so we should get rid from
these destructions. It is Sunnah to sleep earlier and to wake up earlier so we should keep
this thing in mind.

Before sleeping read some portion or Surahs of Quran E Hakeem. This recitation will set
your focus on to wake up for fajars prayer.

Try to have light food in evening because heavy food will create disturbance and in result
you cannot sleep well. When you will not sleep well you will feel difficulty in awaking
for fajars prayer on time.

Always set the Alarm and place the watch away from you. This will help you to get up
from your bed and you will get up to off the alarm. In this way you will get rid from sleep
and will offer fajars prayer.

Ask someone in your home to call you for fajars prayer. If you dont have any family
member then ask some friend to call you for Fajars prayer.

Make a proper schedule for sleep and follow it strictly. Simple is sleep on time and wake
on time. No work is important then prayer. Keep in mind that when you will leave Prayer
and give time to that work the whole effort will be useless. So sleep on time and
postponed that work. When you will give important to Allahs worship your work will be
done automatically. There is just the need of believe and strong believe on the mercy
of Allah.

I have a hope that these some tips will help you to wake up for fajars prayer. May Allah give
us strength to worship You with whole heartedly. (amen)

Authors Bio: - Ayesha Khan is young muslim writer from Asia. She likes to read about Islam in
dept and then she writes what he gain or realize after that reading. She started writing for
different magezines from the age of 15. Now a day she is a regular writer of different famous
Islamic magazines and blogs.

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