Wirelace 1.0

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Belderol, Glairine L.
Paradela, Cindy Catherine P.
Ramas, Merjudhell Sajulga

March 23, 2014


Cover Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
The Organization 4
Existing System Description 4
Statement of the Problem 4
Purpose 5
Project Scope 5
Product Perspective 6
Product Features 6
Participants in the Systems Development 6
The Systems Investigation Phase 7
Costs 7
Benefits 7
Projected Income Statement 8
Economic Feasibility 9
Technical Feasibility 9
The Systems Analysis and Design Phase 10
Internal Sources of Data 10
External Sources of Data 10
Structural Modeling through ERD 10
Functional Modeling through Use Case Diagram 11
Behavioral Modeling through Activity Diagrams 16
Project Gantt Chart 21



Wirelace was founded on September 2009 by Jenelyn Cawaling and is dedicated to
bringing grooms/brides, debutants and other prospective customers for special occasion their
choice of fashion. In addition from sale transactions the business also provides variety of
services like gown repairs, gown orders and gown customizations. Currently, the business is
using manual operating procedures in recording and facilitating transactions. However, the
manager faces the disadvantages of poor inventory management, difficulty in tracking gown
orders and accounts due. Gown inventories are seldom restocked, that is when new items are
available from customized orders not bought.
To address the problems stated, this project aims to propose a database system for the
Wirelace using Microsoft Access aided with proper tables, forms and queries to regulate flow of
transactions and to enhance proper inventory management.
Given that the business would be using the proposed database system, it would then be
easier to update inflows and outflows of inventory stocks; it would also aid managers track due
account receivable and inform customers to return gowns rented.



The Organization
Wirelace is a tailoring shop located in Don Mariano Badelles Street, Iligan City. The
business offers different types services. They are classified as follows: gowns for rent; gown
labor (the customers provide for the raw materials); first user (the business provides the raw
materials but the gown will later be returned to the shop after rent); buy out (the business
provides the raw materials and the customer owns the gown afterwhich); and gown repairs. They
have an electric sewing machine, an edger and an iron to be used in the business. The customers
pick up the gown on an agreed date and pays on a cash basis.

Existing System Description
The entity currently uses a traditional manual system wherein all transactions are still
recorded in a log book. An order triggers the start of the recording process and shall remain
unclosed until the particular item is returned and/or fully paid. In that case, an invoice is issued
upon paying the required downpayment and bond depending on the business deal. However,
accounts are often updated bimonthly during payment of salaries to employees.

Statement of the problem
The market for gown rental business is already saturated in the area. In this kind of
market, the entity needs a competitive edge over its rivals in business. The manual operating
procedure currently used is an obstacle to update the gown inventory for new fashion trends.

Furthermore, it constitutes an additional inventory holding cost for the business and represents a
constant depreciation without proper return of capital. Moreover, the current system does not
have proper tracking procedures to determine accounts receivable and gowns rented due.

Wirelace System is designed to meet the business need of the detailed list of all the items
in stock. The system provides accurate and reliable information about its inventory and updates it
from time to time. The system is useful in a way that it can be used for other considerations later
on, like determining the business profit. It lessens error and can be accessed anytime.

Project Scope
The proponents are only designing for an effective conceptual system. The design of the
system would only be limited to the exclusive use of the management and is not to be exposed
publicly. The sales transaction process is the concentration of this project system. The
proponents are more concerned on providing the client a real-time item status of every
transaction that would affect the sales account. Moreover, the system will also maintain
information databases about the customers and deletion updates will be done every after 6
months of the transaction.Thus, the system will only focus on sales transactions: order, term of
service (rent or sale), payment, return of item.


Product perspective
Wirelace System is a database where transactions can be entered in an organized way to
facilitate tracking and update of data. The system also supports queries to extract information
with rentals and accounts due. Wirelace system yet provides forms to conveniently record, delete
and update new stocks in the gown inventory.

Product Features
The software includes the following functions:
Invenory Managament System
Data Retrieval System
Customer Information Update System

Participants in the System Development
The participants in the system development are as follows:
User refers to the person who would be using the developed system. All operations
regarding sale transactions will be keyed in by the user.
Client refers most probably to the owner. He/she will be the source of data processes in
order to form the system
Analyst the one who is responsible in dissecting all the data for the system
Designer who plans on what would be the outcome of the system
Software programmer the one who develops and satisfies all the system requirements

The System Investigation Phase

Quantifiable Costs:
Purchase of computer unit P15,000.00
Microsoft Access Installation 2,000.00
Maintenance 500,00
Total Quantifiable Cost P 17,500.00

No cost associated with personnel training since the software will be very easy to use

The Wirelace System provides an easy access to data records. Since its computerized,
data are listed and compiled accordingly and the exact record of inventory is achieved. The new
system dismisses the manual way of recording transactions which will help the business to
advance. Time and effort of recording transactions lessens. The record of inventory is regulated
occasionally and so it is achieved directly when needed. Finally, the new system helps the
business achieve efficiency in line with the developing phase of the business.


Projected Income Statement

Comparative Income Statement
For the year ended December 31, 2014
2014 2015
Sales 340000 390000
Operating Expenses 185000 206000
Administrative Expenses 42000
Gross Profit 113000 144500

This comparative projected income statement reflects the probable changes in the
business performance with and without the developed system. It can be inferred from the
amounts that the gross profit increases in the next accounting cycle due to the foreseen effects
considered after implementing the new system. The factors which were taken into consideration
include the quantitative and qualitative data which directly and indirectly affect the business
process. The predicted increase of sales is due to the greater accommodation of the customers
using the new system. However, at the start, the entity would be spendin an amount in buying
computers. But still, this would be a good investment though. Overall, the entity is expected to
experience greater benefit than cost.


Economic feasibility
The following are the activities, estimated time and average costs estimated to be saved in a
period if the entity would implement the Wirelace system.

Activity Est. Time Average Cost

Inventory Counting 24 hours P1, 000.00
Order Input 200 mins. P 300.00
Customer Query 200 mins. P 300.00
Data Retrieval 300 mins. P 500.00
Gown Rental Due Query 300 mins. P 500.00
Accounts Receivable Due Query 300 mins. P 500.00
TOTAL P3,100.00

The activities listed above are few of the advantages satisfied with the use of Wirelace
system. This means that expenses could be reduced by P3,100.00 every period if Wirelace
system will be implemented.

Technical Feasibility
Based on the projected income statements, Wirelace Tailoring Shop would benefit on the
new system with an increase in the gross profit in the next accounting cycle. There would be a
corresponding increase in operating expenses but not as much as the forecasted increase in sales
and decrease in administrative expenses.


Internal Sources of Data
Internal sources of data are the employees as well as the owner who provided enough
information about the existing system they are using. The sources gave the developers some
ideas on the downside of the traditional system. Through the interview of the sales attendant, the
developersfound out that the entity has difficulties in updating, organizing, correcting, and
managing data using the manual system. In addition, the proponents got to observe their previous
income statements and made some necessary attributes for the system development.

External sources of data
Comments from facebook page of Wirelace showed positive feedbacks about the business
efficacy. Nevertheless, gown stocks we not organized accordingly. It could also be deduced that
among the dress rental shops in Iligan City area, Wirelace is remotely situated. A customer
interviewed also stated that the only security that the Wirelace holds for the rented gowns are the
security deposits and the customer information; no further notice for gowns rented due.

Structuring Model through ERD
The entity relationship diagram below shows the relationship among elements existing in
the ordering and transaction recording phase. The diagram shows that the information regarding
the gowns existing in the gowns table is also parallel to the information shown in the rent and
sale sections of the database. The designers information is shown both in gown and designer
section; gown in rent and sale sections; customer in rent, sale, customer and delivery sections;

and order information in order and delivery sections. Information goes hand in hand in the
process as stated above since they would be needed in more than just one section of the database
as transaction continues from one phase to another.


Functional Model through Use Case Diagram

USE CASE NAME: Add/Edit Customer
ACTOR: Salesperson,Owner
DESCRIPTION: Add/Edit Customer function allows the user to add or modify customer
information in the database.
1. The user clicks on the add/edit customer button.
2. The user will now then be able to input the data to be added/edited.
PRE-CONDITION: User cant add customer information that already existed in the database to
avoid data duplication.
POST-CONDITION: The new customer information is added to the system
Add/Edit Customer
Delete Customer
Add/Edit Gown
Delete Gown
Transact Gown Order

ALTERNATE COURSE: Duplication of customer information will be prompted and system
will automatically let the user edit the details instead.

USE CASE NAME: Delete Customer
ACTOR: Salesperson,Owner
DESCRIPTION: Remove customer information permanently
1. The user must highlight the customer details.
2. The user will now then click the deleted button.
3. The user will be prompt with a deletion confirmation.
PRE-CONDITION: Customers to be deleted should not have any left rent transactions. If
customers will be deleted at this point, the owner would not be able to track down the rented
POST-CONDITION: The customer information is removed permanently from the system
ALTERNATE COURSE: The user will be prompt by an error to avoid deleting customers with
left rent transactions.

USE CASE NAME: Add/Edit Gown
ACTOR: Owner
DESCRIPTION: Add/Edit Gown function allows the user to add or modify gown information
in the database.

1. The user clicks on the add/edit gown button.
2. The user will now then be able to input the data to be added/edited.
PRE-CONDITION: User cant add gown information that already existed in the database to
avoid data duplication.
POST-CONDITION: The new gown information is added to the system
ALTERNATE COURSE: Duplication of gown information will be prompted and system will
automatically let the user edit the details instead.

USE CASE NAME: Delete Gown
ACTOR: Owner
DESCRIPTION: Remove gown information permanently
1. The user must highlight the gown details.
2. The user will now then click the deleted button.
3. The user will be prompt with a deletion confirmation.
PRE-CONDITION: Gowns to be deleted must not belong to any rent transactions. If gowns
will be deleted at this point, the owner might be able to have trouble on tracking the gown
POST-CONDITION: The gown information is removed permanently from the system
ALTERNATE COURSE: The user will be prompt by an error to avoid deleting gowns that
might still belong to any rent transactions.

USE CASE NAME: Transact Gown Order

ACTOR: Salesperson, Owner
DESCRIPTION: This function will be managing the gown transactions. There would be two
types of transactions: Sale and Order.
1. The user will go on to the transact gown order section
2. The user will be choosing from the list of gowns.
3. The user will be choosing the transaction type: sale or rent.
PRE-CONDITION: Gowns to be deleted must not belong to any rent transactions. If gowns
will be deleted at this point, the owner might be able to have trouble on tracking the gown
POST-CONDITION: After every sale transaction the gown will be automatically deleted.
While every after rent transaction the gown would be marked as rented (temporarily


Behavioral Modelling through Activity Diagram

Add/Edit Customer

Add Gown
Change Details
Check Gown Record
Input Data
Gown exists = Yes
Edit Gown
Gown exists = No
Data = Cancel
Data = Save

Delete Customer

Delete Customer
Check Rent Transactions
Remove Data
Pop-out Warning: will cause Error
Customer exists = Yes
Customer exists = No

Add/Edit Gown

Add Gown
Change Details
Check Gown Record
Input Data
Gown exists = Yes
Edit Gown
Gown exists = No
Data = Cancel
Data = Save

Delete Gown

Delete Gown
Check Rent Transactions
Remove Data
Pop-out Warning: will cause Error
Gown exists = Yes
Gown exists = No

Transact Gown Order

Transact Gown Order
Transaction Type
View Gown List
Remove Gown
Check: Gown Availability
mark as rented
[Call Function: Delete Gown]
Available = Yes Available = Yes
Available = No Available = No


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