All Briefs For 3rd Year

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BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6

Module Code: OUGD603

Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Celebrating 40 years of Centre Pompidou
Context: The Centre Pompidou is a gigantic, futuristic arts center located in
Beaubourg district of Paris and this year marks its 40th anniversary of the completion
of the building. The Centre Pompidou houses one of the most important museums in the
world, featuring the top collection of modern and contemporary art in Europe. Every
year the Centre Pompidou holds thirty or so public exhibitions as well international
events, one exhibition this year will be celebrating 40 years of the Pompidou being
Preparation/Research: Research must be undertaken into the construction and
architecture of the building but also the history of the events/exhibitions which have
taken place there.
Consider relevant formats and methods of interaction across the identity.
Consider web and app presence across all devices.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final promotional material.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Brand Guidelines
- Print Ephemera
- Web & app mock ups / Presentations
- Signage / Wayfinding
Brief: Produce an identity for the Centre Pompidou as a monumental architectural
achievement by Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Gianfranco Franchini but also as one of
Frances most famous center for modern art and culture. Create a fictional exhibition,
situated inside the Centre Pompidou, and consider range of promotional collateral,
uniforms, tickets, private invitations, signage, wayfinding, web and other relevant
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Editorial & Illustration design
Context: You will have to work quickly and communicate clearly, this brief is to
improve your layout, illustration, type, composition skills.
Preparation/Research: Research into studios which produce contemporary
illustration and layout designs.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final outcomes situated in an appropriate context.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- A minimum of 4 articles (16 DPS max.) Illustrated, design and relaid out.
- Transfer articles to a web layout.
Brief: This will be series of quick turn around brief where I will have to re-
illustrate and re-layout a series of double page spreads in Newspaper and magazines
such Monocle, The Guardian, The Independent, New Scientists, Sport, The New Yorker, etc
I will be required to take a maximum of 1 week on two articles (which could be a max of
4 DPS) and spend two weeks maximum on the brief.
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Hayley Lennon
Context: Hayley Lennon is a conceptually driven fashion communicator who is in
her final year of study at Leeds College of Art . She is in need of a strong, minimal
identity with a very limited colour palette. The identity needs compliment her work
across platforms such as video, web, mobile, tablet and print media.
- How does she want to be represented through her visual identity?
- How are current successful fashion communication professional being branded and
promoting themselves?
- What kind of studios / agencies within the fashion industry is she looking to send
her portfolio too?
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final promotional material.
- Written evaluation by both me and Hayley of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Branding and brand guidelines
- Business cards, invoice, letterhead, promotional pack, look book
- Live Website
Brief: The creative challenge is to design and produce an identity for Hayley Lennon
which can work seamlessly across both print and digital platforms. A website also needs
to be designed and developed to showcase her portfolio of work, CV and contact details.
The website should be upload via word-press so that Hayley can edit and update the
website herself. It also needs to work across desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Sustainable Coffee branding and packaging
Context: Coffee is worth 100 billion dollars world wide, which puts it ahead
of commodities like natural gas, gold, brent oil, sugar and corn. There has been an
increasing concern about the ethics of the coffee production and the coffee industry
in recent years and this has resulted in a number brands turning to abide by fair-trade
regulations in a bid to make themselves more ethically aware. To complete this brief I
will need a thorough understanding of the industry.
Preparation/Research: As coffee that UK consumers buy is usually exported
from foreign countries , research will have to be undertaken into the packaging of
existing coffee products, sustainable packaging solutions for other products and also
rules and regulations of packaging sizes for shipment containers.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final promotional material.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Brand Guidelines
- Packaging designs, nets, etc
- Print collatarel which informs the consumer about their decision to purchase this
particular brand of coffee.
- Presentation of the packaging system to be sent to existing coffee brands.
Brief: Using research undertaken during COP 3 module, design and produce a brand and
a sustainable packaging system for a fairtrade, ethically based coffee company. This
brief will require me to look at materials and production side to find, not just a
sustainable but efficient solution to the packaging problem, which also raises the bar
in terms of product protection and product aesthetics.
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: The Lamplighters
Context: The Lamplighters has been around 1760 but in the past four years it has
been closed and the local community have campaigned for it be reopened as used to be
social hub for Shirehampton and avonmouth community. The Lamplighters is now back open
however due to compromise and time restrictions the identity of the pub has been poorly
Preparation/Research: Research must be undertaken into the history of The
Lamplighters, also the historical context of lamplighters.
Look into the contemporary identities of gastronomique pubs and restaurants.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards or small issuu file documenting the concept and
identity show working consistantly across print, web and physical signage / mural.
- Photographs of final promotional material.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Brand Guidelines
- Presentation issuu file
- Web mock ups / presentations
- Food & drinks menu, invoice, letterhead, flyers, leaflets, promotional ephemera, etc
- Signage and exterior/interior murals.
Brief: To design and produce a rebrand The Lamplighters pub, Shirehampton which works
consistantly and seamlessly across print, digital and signage/murals. The team behind
the reopening of The Lamplighters aims for the pub to serve high quality, gastronomique
food local brews, the identity you will create must reflect this ambtion, the history
of the pub and must be inviting towards the local community. The client has already
provided the content for the food & drinks menus and also the website is up online.
The second part of the brief is a monthly costing report and research into materials
if the rebrand were to take place.
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Re-brand The Tour of Britain
Context: At the moment the branding of The Tour of Britain is inferior to its
competition Tour De France and the challenge for this brief will be to brand it in a
way which compete with this in an original and unique way.
Preparation/Research: Research into the British Olympic campaign, Tour De
France, Tour De France in England, Other cycling events.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final outcomes situated in an appropriate context.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- A range of printed ephemera appropriate to the solution.
- Branding guidelines
- Web & App presentation
- Programs, Flyers, Lanyards, Timetables
Brief: Design and produce a re-brand of UK cycling event The Tour of Britain which
can work consistently across print, digital and physical/wayfinding platforms.
Promotion - Newspaper / magazine adverts, posters, billboards, flyers, animation
Event (print) - event program / timetables / lanyards / whistle / t-shirts /
(physical/wayfinding) - Wayfinding for the cyclists & general public / Signage
Web - App proposal & presentation, Web proposal & presentation
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Re-work of Trove of London App
Context: Trove of London is a geo-locational app, which works in a similar way to
apps such as Hidden Bristol, The offical Glastonbury app 2014, etc. Using Google map
technology the user can navigate themselves through to the individually highlighted
spots, users are invited to review each of these destinations and a short summary is
provided by company.
Preparation/Research: Research will have to be taken into presenting the
App as a real proposition through the use of Video, mock ups and a slide show which
can be projected onto an iPad / iPhone to show how the app would work in context. More
research will have to be undertaken into making the concept of the app individual in
its own right.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Video presenting how the app would work in context.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Branding and brand Guidelines
- Print ephemera and promotional material
- App presentation
- Monthly publications which runs in conjunction with the app proposal.
Brief: A complete re-design of my concept for last years YCN entry for the Eastpak
brief. My concept was Trove of...London, which was an app which allows Eastpaks target
audience to discover fascinating and unique places in London. This brief is to re-work
the concept and re-design the app. This concet will be presented professionally by use
of design boards, video / animation.
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Green Man 2015 Festival Identity
Context: Located in the truly lovely Black Mountains, this intimate festival is
in the most beautiful festival site in the UK, with a 10 year tradition of championing
great music, good times and good causes. The identity must visualize the unique
atmosphere of the festival but also must legible, iconic and unique.
Last year, the identity for green man was featured on the D&AD website and book analyze
this identity.
Research will need to be undertaken into what the Welsh historical context of the
Green Man but also the history of Green man itself and the identities of contemporary
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final promotional material.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Branding and branding guidelines.
- Promotional material (Adverts, flyers, web ads,
- Festival program, tickets, parking permits, wristbands, lanyards, etc.
- A range of website mock ups and presentations to send to the client.
- Mock up of way finding signage.
Brief: Design and produce an identity for Green Man Festival 2015 based on the
typeface which was design in Brief 4. The identity has to work a across all platforms
including; digital, print and way-finding.
Another aspect of this is that it needs to be sustainable or more sustainable than last
years identity and range of printed ephemera.
BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level: 6
Module Code: OUGD603
Module Title: Extended Practice
Learning Outcomes:
Brief Title: Green Man 2015 Festival display typeface
Context: Located in the truly lovely Black Mountains, this intimate festival is
in the most beautiful festival site in the UK, with a 10 year tradition of championing
great music, good times and good causes. The typeface and set of icons must visualize
the unique atmosphere of the festival but also must legible, iconic and unique.
Last year, a custom typeface was built for the identity of the festival , and this
project was featured on the D&AD website and book. Research will need to be undertaken
into what the Welsh historical context of the Green Man but also the history of Green
man itself and the identities of contemporary festivals.
Evidence for Submission:
- On going documentation on blog of development research and final resolution.
- A minimum of 5 submission boards documenting the design process.
- Photographs of final promotional material.
- Written evaluation of the final outcomes of the brief.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Custom typeface and set of icons.
- Type specimen book, posters and promotional material.
- Fully functional typeface made in fontographer.
- A range of website mock ups and presentations to send to the client.
- Mock up of physical interior and exterior signage.
Brief: Design a fully functional custom display typeface and set of icons which can
work consistently across print, digital and way-finding formats. The typeface must be
designed with a rigid set of rules that are applied to all letters, glyphs and numbers.
The typeface must be unique and must reflect character, geographical location and
historical context of Green Man Festival.

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