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The Manager

Human Resources Department

Subject: Looking for position as Warehouse Associate .
Dear Sir,
With this letter and attached resume, I would like to offer myself for a suitable position as Warehouse
Associate in your esteemed organiation.
I am particularly interested in this position because I ha!e e"tensi!e skills in warehousing and clerical
tasks as well as ability to operate powered tools.
I am a strong candidate for this job because I ha!e:
# Demonstrated ability to perform the material handling and warehousing tasks re$uired in the
packing, storing, recei!ing, processing, mo!ing, and shipping of merchandise.
# Substantial knowledge of working from different source documents to !erify $uantities, count
merchandise and fill orders.
%urthermore, I am highly skilled in maintaining clerical records and operating a computer terminal to
access and fill in information for recei!ing, counting and order processing. &y enclosed resume gi!es
complete details about my $ualifications, skills and e"perience necessary to perform this job efficiently.
'y working with your company, I would bring a focus on $uality and ease of use to your business
de!elopment and management. &oreo!er, my ability to be an effecti!e communicator and to work with
seniors and other employees in a team en!ironment are the strengths of my e"pertise.
I would like to discuss in detail with you the !aluable contributions I would make to your company. I look
forward to an inter!iew call at a time con!enient for you. (hank you for your consideration.
)anesh (hapa
*es: +,-../ .01022.-3
4ell: +,-../ -531.6--5-7
Cell: (+977) 984-7399896
ee!ing a position to "tili#e m$ s!ills an% a&ilities in logistic an% s"ppl$ chain
in%"st'$( that o)e's *'o+essional g'o,th ,hile &eing 'eso"'ce+"l( inno-ati-e an%
Personal Information
Passport No. : 06911714 Vali Till: 13 2ec 1013 Nationalit!:
"iti#ens$ip No.: 391045-555 %ate of &irt$: 7
4cto&e' 1990 'arital Stat(s:
Place of &irt$: 6"m&ini 7one( 3epal
Permanent Aress: 8illage-9o"gha :"mha(;a'% no.: 04( *ost-4<ce:=ansen
2ist'ict:*alpa(6"m&ini 7one( 3epal
)esiential Aress: >ailash 3aga'(;a'% no.: 07(=ansen 2ist'ict: *alpa( 6"m&ini
Hi*$er Seconar! Sc$ool "erti+cate , 'ana*ement
*alpa ?,asi$a @ighe' econ%a'$ chool(=ansen(*alpa( 3epal
Seconar! Sc$ool "erti+cate
*alpa ?,asi$a @ighe' econ%a'$ chool(=ansen(*alpa( 3epal
"erti+cations An Trainin*s
1are$o(se 'ana*ement S!stem 'arc$ -./2,A(*
3"$ronos e,stoc4 car5
?!'i#a Anstit"te( 9"t,al( 3epal
PAN No.67.78.8797 )e*. No.60.99:.99:.90
Courses: 4reate new user, create new group and pri!ileges, assign user to group, add or delete rack, add or
delete column and le!el, changing properties, creating items, performing I; operation and !alidation,
performing <=( operation and !alidation, performing ><4? and =;><4? operation and !alidation, initiate
4@4>8 4<=;( ,adjustment and !alidation, 8A8;( setting and listing, performing S(<4?
(*A;S%8*,*8B<*(I;) +In!entory ,In!entory holding, cycle count, lock and unlock, alert, setting and others/
and S(<4? editing.
Pro+cienc! in Acco(nt Pac4a*e3Tall!5 Nov -./7,
;an -./2
3e, 2$namic Comp"te' ?ca%em$( 3epal
Regd. No.: 1699/065/066
Courses: 4reation of 4ompany, Alt the company, 4reation of password C security, <pening the company
making it acti!e, 4reating ledger ACc, Altering indi!idual ledger aCc, Aiewing C Altering multiple ledger on
screen, In!entory creation C Altering stock group Cstock items, 8ntering Aoucher, Bayment !oucher C *eceipt
Aoucher C 4ontra !oucher C Dournal !oucher, Burchase !oucher C Sales !oucher C Burchase return C Sales
*eturn, Burchase <rder C Sales order C Stock Dournal !oucher C physical, Stock !oucher C *ejection out
!oucher C *ejection In !oucher, 8asy Access to the !arious 'ooks of Account, 4ash 'ook C 'ank 'ook C
Burchase 'ook C sales 'ook, Dournal !oucher book C Debit ;ote book C 4redit ;ote 'ook, Day 'ook C >edger
'ook, Automatic 4reation of %inancial Accounting Statement, (rial 'alance, (rading ACc, Brofit E >oss ACc,
'alance Sheet, Stock Summary, *atio Analysis, Brinting !arious 'ook of Account and Brinting all %inancial
Pro+cienc! in 'S O<ce Pac4a*e ;(ne -..=,
%ec -..=
3e, 2$namic Comp"te' ?ca%em$( 3epal
Reg. No.: 1699/065/066
Courses: &S Word, &S 8"cel, &S1Bowerpoint and &S Access.
1are$o(se S(pervisor A(* -./- ?
@eb -./2
o+t,a'e 9"siness an% e'-ice *. 6t%. ( >athman%"( 3epal
%(ties an )esponsibilities6
o Direct warehousing acti!ities for commercial or industrial establishment.
o 8stablish operational procedures for acti!ities, like !erification of incoming and outgoing
shipments and keeping warehouse in!entory correctly.
o Inspect physical condition of warehouse E e$uipment and prepares work order for repairs
re$uisitions for replacement of e$uipment.
o 4onfer with department heads to make sure coordination of warehouse acti!ities with such
acti!ities as sales , records control, and purchasing.
o Screen and hires warehouse personnel issues work assignments.
o Direct sal!age of damaged or used material.
o Barticipate in planning personnel1safety acti!ities.
o De!eloping and maintaining departmental work instructions for all tasks.
o *ecommending measures to impro!e $uality of ser!ice, increasing efficiency of department
and work crew and e$uipment performance.
o &onitor stock going to e"pire in coming three months and report to &anager on monthly
o &onitor &inimum, &a"imum Stock le!el and in case of any drop in minimum le!el,
immediately report to &anager
o Felp in GuarterlyC@early Stock taking.
o &aintain record of all signed Deli!ery <rders and Sales In!oices.
"omp(ter Instr(ctor 'arc$ -./-,
;(l! -./-
*alpa ?,asi$a @ighe' ec. English 9oa'%ing chool( =ansen( *alpa( 3epal
%(ties an )esponsibilities6
prepare lessons, making them as interesting as possible
prepare homework, assignments and assessment
research information to ensure the knowledge they impart is current
mark homework and pieces of assessment
prepare resources for the classroom.
conduct parent1teacher inter!iews
attend professional de!elopment sessions to impro!e hisCher own teaching methods and
present a professional but caring persona at all times
pro!ide a sounding board +for both students and teachers/ and allow for open discussion
(reat students with respect, and teach them to treat others with respect
Lan*(a*e Pro+cienc!
Nepali 6 3ati-e 6ang"age
En*lis$ 6 Ante'me%iate (pea!ing(Bea%ing(;'iting)
Hini 6 Con-e'sational (pea!ing(Bea%ing(;'iting)
Hobbies An Interests
)eain*, Teac$in*, 1or4in* an Pla!in* *ames in rest time.
1. Er. '(#aAar B$an 1. Er. 'a$enra
&$anari C9E(DC?(DC=(CC3?E C9E in
"(rrent A<liations6 SoftCare &(siness An
Services P. Lt.
Antaglio ol"tions( 3epal >athman%"(3epal
9"t,al D"ltiple Camp"s( 3epal "ell6 (+977) 98 447 068 11
C'imson College o+ =echnolog$( 3epal Email6
"ell6 (+977) 98 119 119 51
Email6 !han.m"#a)a'1!

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