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Spalling of Concrete slab due to
Spalling of a Brick
Spalling of Concrete Causes, Prevention & Repair
ingress of moisture of air into concrete causes corrosion of reinforcement and results in the volum
e expansion of steel bars, consequently causing cracks & spalling of concrete cover
The word Spall in engineering, describes the chips or
fragments of a material that is broken off a bigger object. The
process of spalling also known as spallation is the surface
failure that occurs when a material such as concrete, brick, or
limestone is subjected to excess moisture, corrosion,
weathering, and much more. Concrete spalling commonly
known as (concrete cancer) is an eye-sore and has the
potential to be an extreme hazard. Left untreated and
exposed to the elements will cause extensive structural
damage and may cause it to break away from the faade,
potentially injuring the public and damaging property.
Spalling, at a low level, is mainly a cosmetic problem but it
can lead to structural damage if not dealt with immediately. If
left untreated, damage can occur to the reinforcing bars
within the concrete. Also, large enough fragments could fall off which could lead to serious consequences.
Prevention of Spalling Concrete
1. Corrosion protection is provided by the amount of concrete cover protecting the steel
2. Preventing spallation is usually done at the outset of mixing the concrete, by using air-entrained concrete,
curing well,
3. making sure to apply a water-repellant sealer after the slab is cured. The water-repellant sealer is probably the
most essential ingredient needed to prevent spallation.
4. After the concrete is done though, one can use a Concrete Treat as a sealer on outdoor and indoor concrete in
order to prevent moisture from entering.
The most common source of spalling in brick, for example, is from excess moisture in which water enters into the
brick material causing pieces of it to
crumble. Causes of excess moisture may include consistent, heavy rainfall coming
into contact with outdoor brick, or dark, damp areas such as basements in which the
humidity and also salt will affect the walls.
Spalling of Concrete in Detail
A common but not well understood problem with older concrete structures is
spalling. Concrete spalling is usually caused by corrosion of the steel reinforcement
bars embedded in the concrete matrix, but can be caused by other ferrous elements
either fully or partially embedded inthe structure. Steel frame window systems,
handrails, structural I-beams, metal pipes and conduits are among the most common
of the damage causing building components. Corrosion of the reinforcement steel
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Mechanism of Spalling due to moisture
however, is by far the most common cause of spalling and splitting in older concrete structures. Steel
reinforcement bar (rebar) is used in concrete to provide strength to a material that is extremely high in
compressive strength but has very limited flexural or tensile strength. One of the principles of reinforced concrete
is that the high alkaline content of the concrete passivates and protects the
Mechanism of Spalling of Concrete slab due to corrosion
embedded steel from corrosion. One of the main components of this corrosion protection is provided by the
amount of concrete cover protecting the steel. As a general rule of thumb one inch of cover is required to protect
the steel rebar, in other words, no rebar should be nearer than one inch of the concrete surface. Another important
factor for the protection rebar is to make sure that the concrete is properly consolidated during installation.
Besides environmental factors, poor installation also induces spall to form in concrete or limestone such as
through structural overloading of the stone or not taking care to have the proper mixture of ingredients while
pouring the concrete.
Good consolidation is achieved by installing concrete that is the proper consistency, and by vibration of the wet
concrete before it begins to set. Concrete that is too stiff (has too little water) is often not consolidated properly
which allows air bubbles and voids to be left in the finished matrix. If these voids (commonly known as rock
pockets) are large enough or extend all the way through the wall structure, water can easily penetrate the finished
wall and/or contact the rebar and cause corrosion.
Repair of Spalled Concrete Slab
Remove the concrete at the spalled areas to expose the
corroded steel bars.
Scrape and clean the exposed steel bars and use a wire
brush to remove the rust.
Apply two coats of anti-rust paint to the steel bars.
Before patching the area, apply a bonding agent to the
affected surface to ensure proper adhesion.
Patch up the hacked area using polymer modified cement
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