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February 23,2007
David Anderson
Parlimentary Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
Dear Mr. Anderson
RE: Funding for Project to Convert Septage/Biosolids and Agricultural Waste into
Electricity and Environmentalll Friendl) Waste
The Townships of Chatsworth and Georgian Bluf are located in Grey County, which
has the 4tl' largest number of acres farmed in Ontario, the #l producer of beef cattle,
sheep and lambs, and apples and the # 2 producer of hay, rnixed grain and barley (based
on Stats Canada and OMAFRA statistics as compiled by the Grey-Bruce Federation of
Agriculture). Being highly rural, the Townships also have over 7,300 septic systems
generating more than 10,000 m3 of septage per year. Current septage treatment practices
have been highlighted by the Provincial Ministry of the Environment as an area of
concem, which intends to ban the current low-cost practice of spreading untreated
septage on farm fields.
The Townships propose to build an anaerobic digester at an estimated cost of $ I
which would accept both agricultural and septage waste streams, convert these waste
streams into biogas for electricity production, and provide an essentially odourless and
valuable nutrient digestate with 99.9Y0 of the pathogens removed. We expect the project
to provide a seven-year payback, 80yo through tipping fees and 20o/o through sale of
electricity to Ontario Power Generation. This project will provide financial support to
local farmers without market-distorting subsidies, by buying more than 500 tonnes of
low-value agricultural waste such as corn stalks each year.
In order to bring this important initiative into being we would need financial assistance
and ask that the Minister support our request for funding. We believe this solution,
which will provide an important revenue stream to farmers while solving the Townships'
septage problem in this post Walkerton era may provide a template for other agricultural
municipalities in Canada.
Attached please find an executive summary report prepared by Henderson Paddon &
Associates which provides a technical and financial overview of this project. If we can
provide further details to assist your decision making please contact us.
Yours very truly,
Alan Barfoot, Mayor Howard Greig, Mayor
Township of Georgian Bluffs Township of Chatsworth
R.R.#3 R.R.#l
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N5 Chatsworth, Ontario NOH 1G0

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