EQNM - fieldCoordSNM.jobdescription 6

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8eglonal lleld CoordlnaLor -
SouLhern nM -;<=9>?@76;>:

$18.30/hour, $173 monLhly healLhcare sLlpend
'9=;A7? 7;: LxecuLlve ulrecLor )BC9DE89: 30 hours/week, Mon-lrl (some weekend days)

)E<<@AF ;G 4;?676;>:
1he SouLhern new Mexlco 8eglonal lleld CoordlnaLor ls responslble for lmplemenLaLlon of LCnM's program agenda ln
Lhe SouLhern new Mexlco reglon, worklng under Lhe guldance and supervlslon of Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor.
1he lleld CoordlnaLor's prlorlLy asslgnmenL wlll be Lo develop and enhance LC81C and allled communlLy engagemenL
and moblllzaLlon Lo supporL LCnM's LC81C lmmlgranL !usLlce pro[ecL. 1he purpose of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo:
- lncrease publlc awareness of Lhe vlolence and oppresslon faced by LC81C lmmlgranLs,
- uevelop and supporL a communlLy-based advocacy presence for LC81C lmmlgranLs navlgaLlng and deLalned ln
Lhe lmmlgraLlon sysLem, as well as Lhose llvlng ln borderlands, and
- 8ulld a resourceful and LrusLed advocacy presence among LC81C organlzaLlons and communlLles Lo supporL Lhe
Comprehenslve lmmlgraLlon 8eform (Cl8) and border demlllLarlzaLlon movemenLs, as well as Lhe broader
lmmlgranL [usLlce communlLy.
!"#$ #$ & '(&)*+,- .)+/(01 .+$#1#+, 2#1" ,+ -3&)&,1(( +4 0+,1#,3&1#+,5

4A6<@AF ,E769? @>D '9?=;>?6H686769?:
8&(,9 :;$%(0(";%(#' (' :$#<$;= >0%(?(%(.-. Worklng wlLh parLners, organlzaLlons, buslnesses, communlLy
members, and allles, Lhe lleld CoordlnaLor wlll bulld and lncrease parLlclpaLlon ln communlLy educaLlon
opporLunlLles, rallles, demonsLraLlons, phone banks, meeLlngs, and oLher evenLs. 1he lleld CoordlnaLor wlll
develop approprlaLe moblllzaLlon LacLlcs Lo expand LCnM's ablllLy Lo creaLe larger, more creaLlve, and more
sLraLeglc LurnouL for organlzlng and solldarlLy acLlons.
8&(,9 ; @%$#'< >9?#0;0) :$.-.'0.. Worklng wlLh organlzaLlonal parLners, Lhe lleld CoordlnaLor wlll plan and
lmplemenL educaLlon and Lralnlng opporLunlLles for communlLy members Lo become effecLlve messengers and
advocaLes ln supporL of LCnM's program agenda, parLlcularly Lhe LC81C lmmlgranL !usLlce pro[ecL.
8&(,9 @&""#$% A#$ !$<;'(B('< ;'9 >0%(#'. 1he lleld CoordlnaLor wlll asslsL parLners and organlzaLlons ln
achlevlng Lhelr organlzlng goals. 1hls lncludes developlng leverage Lhrough Lhe LC81C communlLy and lLs allles,
Lralnlng for volunLeer organlzers, faclllLaLlng sharlng of resources, bulldlng a pool of blllngual organlzers, and
oLher acLlvlLles LhaL lncrease organlzlng capaclLy for acLlon.
+#;,(%(#' ;'9 C.,;%(#'-D("E8&(,9('< (' %D. +#==&'(%). 1he lleld CoordlnaLor wlll faclllLaLe Lhe developmenL of
closer Lles and effecLlve worklng relaLlonshlps beLween LCnM and llke-mlnded communlLy organlzaLlons. 1he
lleld CoordlnaLor wlll supporL Lhe work and expanslon of exlsLlng LC81C, lmmlgranL [usLlce, and oLher soclal
[usLlce CoallLlons, and wlll asslsL ln bulldlng new permanenL CoallLlons where none exlsL.
F;('%;(' ;'9 G$#H +#==&'(0;%(#'- :$.-.'0.. 1he lleld CoordlnaLor wlll be responslble for growlng LCnM's
emall llsL and soclal medla neLworks, and wlll be responslble for ensurlng Lhe wldesL reach of LCnM
communlcaLlons and markeLlng resources LhroughouL SouLhern new Mexlco. 1he lleld CoordlnaLor wlll also
produce perlodlc communlcaLlons relaLed Lo Lhe acLlvlLles and LCnM presence ln SouLhern new Mexlco.

'9IE6A9D JE@86G6B@76;>?:
8lllngual (Spanlsh and Lngllsh)
asslon for LC81C clvll rlghLs, soclal [usLlce, and grassrooLs organlzlng
lundamenLal undersLandlng of lmmlgranL [usLlce and lmmlgraLlon reform lssues
uemonsLrable relaLlonshlps ln SouLhern new Mexlco
AblllLy Lo self-manage, ablllLy Lo work remoLely/from home
LxcellenL wrlLLen and verbal communlcaLlon skllls
Mlnlmum Lhree (3) years professlonal experlence wlLh progresslve lncrease ln responslblllLy
Mlnlmum Lwo (2) years communlLy organlzlng, communlLy educaLlon, campalgn/lnlLlaLlve/program
developmenL, and/or campalgn/lnlLlaLlve/program managemenL experlence
Mlnlmum Lechnology: MlcrosofL sulLe, soclal medla (lacebook, 1wlLLer, blogglng, ?ou1ube), lnLerneL research

,9?6A9D JE@86G6B@76;>?:
8achelor's degree or hlgher
More Lhan Lwo (2) years experlence ln LC81C rlghLs and [usLlce organlzlng and/or dlrecL acLlon
Lxperlence ln lmmlgranL [usLlce, border demlllLarlzaLlon, and/or comprehenslve lmmlgraLlon reform organlzlng
and/or dlrecL acLlon
ro[ecL managemenL cerLlflcaLlon and/or experlence
1echnology: crowdsourclng, emall campalgns, vldeo conLenL developmenL (e.g. ulrecLr app), graphlc deslgn
(e.g. Adobe CreaLlve SulLe)

K;L 7; +==8F:
SubmlL Lhe followlng lnformaLlon vla emall or posLal mall Lo LquallLy new Mexlco:
LeLLer of lnLeresL deLalllng your ablllLy Lo meeL Lhe requlred and deslred quallflcaLlons
CurrenL resume
1hree professlonal references wlLh phone number and emall
6&1()#&*$ )(0(#7(8 &41() 901+:() ;<= >?<@ 2#** ,+1 :( 0+,$#8()(85

8y emall:

lnfo[eqnm.org, Sub[ecL Llne: SnM 8eglonal lleld CoordlnaLor

8y posLal mall:

LquallLy new Mexlco
ALLn: SnM 8eglonal lleld CoordlnaLor SelecLlon CommlLLee
623 Sllver Ave SW SulLe 310
Albuquerque, nM 87102

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