1 2 Magazine-Format Fox-News-Channel: Kurdistan

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The necessity to educate the public regarding Kurdistan continues, despite enhanced public awareness

during recent days; BHO continues to withhold urgently-needed military support. Dr. Sherkoh Abbas [of
the Kurdish National Assembly of Syria] participated in a panel-discussion with Steve Malzberg [listen to
parts 1 and 2] and his concerns have been published in a Magazine-format; a few hours ago, he provided
the Kurdish point of view on the battle for Kobani on Fox-News-Channel. It is also desirable to recap a
major articles we have co-written during the past half-decade:

The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan - And Starts In Syria [4/15/2008]
The Kurds can lead a reborn Syria, at peace with all of her neighbors [8/30/2013]
America Must Recognize Kurdistan, published by the Jewish Policy Center [4/1/2014]
Arm Kurdistan to Defeat the Islamic State...ASAP! [9/23/2014]
Kurds [update]
Syrian Kurds Fight ISIL, Assad, With Little Help From United States
The Kurds Seek Israeli Assistance in the Struggle for Kobani

The military leader of the Free Syrian Army [being supported (financed, armed and trained) by the US
and Saudi Arabia] accused Kurds of being terrorists instead of viewing the Islamic State as terrorists.
Therefore, not only is BHO withholding vital support to people who are imminently to be slaughtered,
but he is also placing America behind opponents of the only pro-American fighting-force in the region.

Sherkoh provides translation of his quotation:

PYD/YPG are terrorists; we work only with honorable Kurds. In our eyes, we have three
types of Kurds: 1)Israel and Zionist Kurds; 2)PKK/YPG terrorists, and 3)Kurds who
are first Muslim and Second Syrian who deserve no rights, period.

Sherkoh provides this commentary:

Thus, General Abdulellah Albashir, in charge of FSA, accused the Kurdish PYD of being
terrorists; he said he will work only with those whom he considers to be honorable
Kurds, without specifying which Kurds would meet his criteria. If he is not willing to
accept Israel or Jews, for sure he will not accept the Kurds. Why does US trust these

When Sherkoh met him in D.C., he found him chauvinistic and fascistic, asserting the Kurds have no
right to ask for anything beyond citizenship.

We are pictured with a Local Syrian Arab opposition leader in D.C.
Therefore, enhanced publicity is needed ASAP, for BHO is BOTH withholding help from the Kurds AND
helping the Free Syrian Army that is infested with anti-American/anti-Israel Islamists.

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