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Bi. William C.

!"#$#%&' !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'
l. lnLroducLlon: Move me!
Exhibit your problem: with some interesting example that proves exigence (that
this problem is important). Tailor your exigence to your audience. If your problem
is something that affects university students, how will you get the university
administrators (who are not directly affected by the problem) to care?
Address your audience directly: somewhere in your introduction you should
address your audience directly in some way. You dont have to write Dear Dr.
Kurlinkus but you should show your reader (and me) that you know who they
are. What will your specific audience get from following your advice?
Briefly preface your proposal: At the end of this section you should have one
sentence that briefly states your proposal.
ll. roblem: l don'L belleve Lhls ls even really a problem!
!"#$%&' )*&+,-,+).!"#/& 0#1" *"#$%&' ,) 2 *"#$%&'3 What is youi
pioblem. What is its histoiy. What is alieauy being uone to solve youi
pioblem. Who contiols youi pioblem. Who aie the numeious gioups
4/,5&6+&3 Foi each one of the questions above give an example, statistic,
quote, oi anecuote illustiating why this is a pioblem.
lll. roposal: Ck, l agree wlLh your problem, buL Lhls seems lmposslble Lo solve.
!"#*#)& 0#1" )#%17,#6: Youi solution shoulu have multiple steps;
8#2%): youi solution shoulu incluue shoit-teim (what is the fiist, smallest,
easiest thing we can uo iight now) anu long-teim (what is youi iueal) goals.
97:&") %,;& 0#1: Youi pioposal shoulu iefeience at least one if not seveial
people who aie auuiessing, have succeeueu, oi who have faileu to solve youi
pioblem. Analyze these successes anu failuies anu explain how youi solution
is similai oi uiffeient fiom these otheis. What can we leain fiom these othei
<&2),$,%,70: What !"#$%&%$ iesouices, people, time, plans will be iequiieu to
peifoim youi solution successfully. Bow will you get people to act when
people love to iesist change. What will you offei.
4/,5&6+&3 Foi each one of the above bullets give an example, statistic, quote,
oi anecuote illustiating it.
lv. 8ebuLLal: ?eah, ok, buL whaL abouL Lhls hole ln your argumenL?!?
9**#),6= ),5&3 Finu anu quote 2 opposing siues. This solution seems
expensive, we've always uone it this way, I hau to uo it so you shoulu have to
uo it, etc.
Bi. William C. Kuilinkus
>:,) 6#7 7:27: Why this specific solution anu not othei specific solutions.
?#6@7 "&-1)&: 0nless youi pieuicteu opposing siues aie huitfulhaimful
(sexist, iacist, uangeious, etc.) you neeu to think about ways you can tieat
that siue politely:
o $'($#)# + "'%(, (while I agiee with you on this, I uisagiee with you on
o !-(,.#!%/# (you'ie iight, anu I think we coulu incluue that point in oui
final plan);
o "0+- ,' ,.#%1 2+03#! (I unueistanu wheie you aie coming fiom, you
ieally valueieligion, tiauition, family, etc.anu heie's how this
change will benefit those values);
o 0%4%, -'31 +1534#(, (you'ie iight! But I'm actually talking about the
smallei scale, in this specific community, not countiy music as a whole
but Walmait countiy).
4/,5&6+&3 Foi each one of the above bullets give an example, statistic, quote,
oi anecuote illustiating it.
v. Concluslon: Maybe, l'm sLlll noL 100 on Lhls.
4A,=&6+&3 Refei back to youi pioblem; give us anothei specific example oi
callback youi opening example in even moie uigent uetail! "Remembei that
polai beai I spoke about in the beginning, it uieu!" Biing out the pathos big
B2%% 7# 2+7,#63 Refei back to youi small-scale, easy call to action. What can
youi ieauei uo 1%5., ('6 to changegive them something #+!- +() !"#$%&%$
to uo to get the ball iolling.

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