Thesis Outline and Guidelines School Year 2004-2005

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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

Tacloban City
College of Engineering
Information Technology Department
Thesis Outline and Guidelines
School Year 2004-2005
(ote! this con"ense" instruction manual #as prepare" by the IT Department $"visers
of IT%&T' ( IT%)&' for the e*clusive use of EVSU IT stu"ents only+
I, Documentation -ui"elines
&,& .easurements an" style!
a, paper si/e 0 #hite stan"ar" short bon" paper si/e ),12 * &&2
b, har" boun" boo3 cover
c, cover color motif an" letter print 4 gol"en yello# boo3 color #ith
silver letter print an" &% font si/e,
", margins 4 left margin 5 &,126 right margin &,726 top margin &,726
bottom &,72,
e, font style bo"y te*t an" hea"ings 0 $rial
f, bo"y te*t font si/e 0 the general font si/e in the main "ocument te*t
is &8
g, page number 0 all pages e*cept the chapter pages shall be
chronologically numbere", The number page shall be situate" at
the top right corner of every page
h, no page number for chapter pages is provi"e"
i, line (sentence+ spaces 0 "ouble space
9, each paragraph must contain at least four (%+ but not more than
five (1+ sentences only
3, in"entations 0 single tab space must be provi"e" before every
beginning of a paragraph
l, .ain title hea"ings shoul" be in upper case in bol" letters (e,g,
m, Chapter hea"ings #ill be in normal format in bol" letters(e,g,
Chapter +
n, sub4title or sub hea"ings shoul" be #ritten in italics (e,g, Related
o, appen"ices6 e*hibits6 anne*es for the tables6 "ata flo# "iagram6
systems flo#chart6 :IP;6 graph6 figures6 illustrations6 cost
estimates etc, shall not be inclu"e" in the main bo"y of the
manuscript, They are labele" (titles+6 an" numbere" #ith page
numbers an" arrange" as separate reference pages
p, footnotes style 5 9ournalistic techni<ue (running footnotes+
<, reference materials 5 must have at least have &7 (ten+ reference
materials (boo3s or e4boo3s (#eb source+ unpublishe"=publishe"
manuscripts6 maga/ines etc,+
II, .anuscript Proper (.ain bo"y+
The main bo"y of the manuscript consists of planne" "issections of
the research paper, It "iscusses in chronology the pertinent segments of the
con"uct of the research,
The follo#ing items consists the outline of the content of the respective
chapters (at least )4&& pages+!
!" Chapter # 0 #$T%OD&CT#O$ ' (one or t#o pages+ the first page must
contain the general vie# of ICT as an applie" science focusing
specifically on the system un"er stu"y vis4>4vis the technology being
This chapter li3e#ise inclu"es the follo#ing "iscussions!
a, ?ac3groun" of the Stu"y0 (t#o pages+ the secon" an" thir" pages
must inclu"e the brief history=origin of the agency i"entifie" in the stu"y
such as the type of business organi/ation e,g, partnership6 corp,6 or
sole proprietorship6 the nature of the business6 location an" a brief
general "escription of the system of the agency un"er stu"y,
b, Statement of the Problem 0 (one or half page+ this portion states
clearly the general problem of the stu"y, It presents the specific
challenges bro3en "o#n into "etaile" sub problems,
c, Objective of the Study 0 (one or half page+ states in a single
statement the general an" specific ob9ectives of the research
proposal, It specifically asserts the a"vantages of the proposal
in <uantifiable terms an" other important features as an
e*pecte" outcome,
", Significance of the Study 0 (t#o4three pages+ i"entifies at least
five or more sectors=persons=organi/ations=institution etc, that
#oul" benefit in the stu"y, This portion also e*plains briefly #hy
an" ho# #oul" they be benefite",
e, Scope and Limitations 0 (t#o4three pages+ this section
"iscusses in "etails #hat are the specific coverage of the stu"y,
It also i"entifies an" e*plains the limitations of the stu"y,
2" Chapter ## 0 METHODOLOGY 0 (one page+ this section presents
briefly the research techni<ues an" proce"ures use" in the con"uct of
the stu"y, The follo#ing items forms part of the chapter (at least &84&%
a, Review of Related Literature 0 (minimum of four pages+ this section
presents "iscussions about the citations of the relate"=parallel
stu"ies con"ucte" an" or the relate" literatures available that #oul"
help enrich the un"erstan"ing of the stu"y being con"ucte", The
combine" relate" stu"ies or literary citations must not be less than
eight ()+,
b, Theoretical Framework 0 (t#o4three pages+ this section cites the
"etails of the input4process4output research mo"el, It specifically
e*plains ho# the specific technology or soft#are=system #oul"
complement the processes involve" in the "evelopment of the
propose" program,
c, ocumentation of !urrent System 0 (one page+ this section briefly
states the general operation of the current system, This segment
e*plains the systems flo#chart of the current system,
c,& Description of the Current System 4 (t#o pages+ this
section "iscusses in "etails the mechanics of the current practice, It
e*plains ho# the current system #or3s an" is operate", This
portion e*plains the "ata flo# "iagram of the current system,
c,8 Personnel"#$uipment used by the !urrent System 0
(t#o pages+ this section "iscusses the personnel involve" relate" to
its number (ho# many people+ an" the specific "etails of their 9obs
relative to the current system un"er stu"y,
", ata %athering Procedure 4 (one4t#o pages+ this portion e*plains
"ata6 it e*plains #hat metho" #as use" an" #hy #as it employe"
as it "ata gathering techni<ue, It also "iscusses in particulars ho#
the process #as a"ministere"6 inclu"ing the instruments use" if any
(" Chapter ### 0 %E)&#%EME$T *$*LYS#S S+EC#,#C*T#O$S4(one or
half page+ this portion intro"uces the contents of this chapter, It is the
most critical presentation of the stu"y, This segment presents the
general analysis of the research proposal, It e*plains the result of the
activities foun" in other chapters especially chapter II (.etho"ology+,
This chapter provi"es the "etaile" e*planation of the follo#ing (at
least @4) pages+!

A,&,& ans#ers an" e*planation to the Statement of the Problem (one4
t#o pages+B It shall ans#ers the follo#ing <uestions! Chat #as
the fin"ing of the stu"yD :o# #as the problem solve"D Chat
has been "oneD
A,&,8 ans#ers an" e*planation to the ;b9ectives of the Stu"y (one4t#o
pages+B :o# #as the ob9ective accomplishe"D
A,&,A result an" e*planation of the "ata gathere" an" its analysis (one4
t#o pages+B
A,&,% over4all analysis of the propose" system (t#o pages+, This
portion e*plains the "ata flo# "iagram an" the system flo#chart
of the propose" system,
A,8,& System esign Specification 4 (one4t#o pages or "epen"ing
upon the :IP;+ this section "iscusses the :IP; (:ierarchical Input
Process ;utput+ of the propose" system,
4" Chapter # 0 SYSTEM %E)&#%EME$T S+EC#,#C*T#O$ ' (one or
half page+ this chapter e*plains the physical "eployment of the system,
It "iscusses the optimum physical environment (e,g, voltage
re<uirement6 office space an" si/e6 tables an" chairs6 lightings etc,+
an" the soft#are an" har"#are specifications re<uire" of the propose"
%,& &ardware Re$uirement 0 (one page+ this section "iscusses
technically the specific har"#are specifications6 its purposes inclu"ing
the specific functions an" number of items=units to be use",
%,8 Software Re$uirements 0 (one page+ this portion specifies the
technical re<uirement of the specific soft#are nee"e"6 inclu"ing the
specific tas3 an" number of items=units to be utili/e",
%,A &uman Resources !omplement 0 (one or half page+ this segment
imparts the role of the manpo#er re<uirement of the systems, It
"iscusses the tas3s of the personnel involve" an" the number of
persons re<uire", It li3e#ise specifies the necessary "etails of the
training an" or the nee"e" s3ills vital to the proper e*ecution of their
"esignate" tas3s,
5" Chapter 4 %ECOMME$D*T#O$- CO$CL&S#O$- .&ST#,#C*T#O$
(one pages+ this chapter has t#o parts that shoul" be intro"uce" briefly
in this section,
1,& !onclusion and 'ustification 4 (one page+ this segment summari/es
the highlights an" the conclu"ing results of the stu"y, It shall inclu"e in
the "iscussion the effectiveness6 efficiency an" economic a"vantages
of the proposal,
1,8 Recommendation 4 (one or half page+ this portion cites the
compelling reasons for the "eployment of the system base" on the
fin"ings of the stu"y, This portion "iscusses the necessary measures
or steps to be un"erta3en in or"er to be able to ma3e the crucial
systems "eployment, The segment "iscusses also the capability of the
system for future upgra"e,
Prepare" by!
E,E, .orpos
F,E, $vestru/
(sample format+
Republic of the Philippines
Tacloban City
T:E .$'$G$ ;R-$IH$TI; ;F T:E P:I'IPPIES
.$$-E.ET IF;R.$TI; $D
$ Research Proposal
Presente" to the Faculty
College of Engineering
Information Technology Department
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Re<uirement for the Degree
?achelor of Science in Information Technology
Crus6 Tom T,
Ramos6 Cen"el' $,
Defensor6 .i3e .,
March 2004
(sample format)
Chapter #
The a"vent of information technology has change" the face of the ever4
competing #orl" of business, Strategic an" tactical managers #ant more an"
more information to support their inherent functions, It is more particular on
corporate "ecision ma3ing6 planning6 policy formulation6 monitoring an"
evaluation, Technologies6 both #ire" an" #ireless are being appreciate" for their
cost4effective contributions in arriving at profitable "elivery of services an"
pro"ucts to customers,
Information has been one of the vital aspects in success or failure of a
particular en"eavor6 efficient6 organi/e" an" accurate system #ill "efinitely assist
"ecisions6 #hich in the en" #ill propel the success of a particular business or
organi/ation, In the absence of such facility the result most li3ely is the other #ay
aroun", Every establishment either public or private loo3s for#ar" in having a
computeri/e" system, 'i3e a library system6 #e all 3no# librarians consume"
much time an" effort to "o such #or3,
Inventory of boo3s an" other library proce"ures6 having it "one manually6
thatIs #hy #e choose on having this 3in" of system to lessen the bur"en of the
sai" establishment an" employees, 'i3e#ise the boo3ing system of the PeopleIs
Center un"er the Presi"ential Commission on -oo" -overnment (PC--+
operates for almost many years, Its boo3ing officer has 9ust been relying on the
tra"itional #ay of pen an" paper recor"ing, ThatIs #hy the management loo3
for#ar" to the computeri/ation of the current boo3ing system use" by the PC--,
(sample format+
()*+ackground of the Study
Technology is the human activity involving the necessary processes that is
responsible in the "esire" changes the material #orl" aroun" us to satisfy our
nee"s, To"ay6 the a"vancements of technology opens up ne# possibilities for the
"evelopment of ma3ing the things #e use "o in our "aily lives even more
accurate an" effective an" convenient, The PeopleIs Center is a se<uestere"
establishment o#ne" by the .arcos Family, $fter the EDS$ Revolution in &J)@6
#hen the .arcos regime en"e" the Philippine -overnment specifically the
Presi"ential Commission on -oo" -overnment (PC--+ hel" the ill gotten #ealth
of the .arcos Family6 an" one of these is the People Center in Tacloban City6
The buil"ing is use" as a function center an" a library, ?ut the library
facility of the sai" establishment is not much functional because the boo3s an"
other rea"ing materials are alrea"y ol" an" most of it is not in goo" con"ition,
The groun" floor of the PeopleIs Center is reserve" for use of various social6
civic6 ( political functionsB li3e tra"e fairs6 school activities such as gra"uations6
ES Proms6 symposiums6 an" other activities as #ell as #e""ing receptions6
Christmas parties an" many more, .any companies use this also as a
sho#room because of its big space an" li3e#ise it is safe for users, It has
sufficient ventilation thus may accommo"ate more or less five thousan" persons,
The PeopleIs Center has been operating for several yearsB the PC--
managing the People Center is still relying on the tra"itional or pen an" paper
recor"ing, Its
(sample format+
Table of Contents
Title Page i
En"orsement ii
$c3no#le"gment iii
$bstract iv
Chapter Title Page
I Intro"uction
&,8 ?ac3groun" of the Stu"y
&,A Statement of the Problem
&,% ;b9ect of the Stu"y
&,%,& -eneral ;b9ect
&,%,8 Specific ;b9ect
&,1 Significance of the Stu"y
&,@ Scope an" Delimitation
II .etho"ology
8,& Revie# of Relate" Stu"ies
8,8 Theoretical Frame#or3
8,A Documentation of the Current System
8,A,&Description of the Current System
8,A,8 Personnel
8,% Data -athering Proce"ures an" ;utput
III Re<uirement $nalysis Specification
A,& System Design Specification
IV System Re<uirement Specification
%,& :ar"#are Re<uirements
%,8 Soft#are Re<uirements
%,A :uman Resources Re<uirements
V Conclusion6 Eustification an" Recommen"ation
1,& Conclusion an" Eustification
1,8 Recommen"ation
Personal Vitae
(sample format+ 1@
(sample format+
(sample format+ @@@
$4& Cor3 $ssignment for each .ember
$48 Sche"ule of $ctivity
$4A Communication an" $"viser 'etter
$4% Transcript of Intervie#
$41 Sample Forms an" ;utputs
$4@ Program Co"es
(sample format+
This systems proposal entitle" LThe -iant ;r"er Shop .anagement an"
Information System2 prepare" an" submitte" by $polinario E, .abini6 -regorio
Del Pilar6 an" Fernan"o Poe Er, in partial fulfillment of the re<uirement for the
"egree6 ?achelor of Science in Information Technology is hereby accepte" an"
recommen" for ;ral E*amination,
Evaluation PanelIs $pproval Sheet
$PPR;VED by the members of the evaluating panel in an ;ral E*amination #ith
the remar3 of P$SSED,
E-R, E;SEP: E$.I' S, .;RP;S E-R, EI..G G, ;STI$
C:$IR.$ .E.?ER
E-R, EI' ., P$SCU$' E-R, DID; C, ;?EDIECI$
.E.?ER .E.?ER
$CCEPTED as partial fulfillment of the re<uirement for the "egree6 ?achelor of
Science in Information Technology,
E-R, E;SEP: E$.I' S, .;RP;S E-R, -U$'?ERT; V, -$RI$D;
:ea"6 IT Department Dean6 College of Engineering
(sample format+
This stu"y #oul" not be "one #ithout the help of 3in" hearte" in"ivi"uals,
So #e cannot 9ust let this success be ours but rather #e #ish to sen" our
heartfelt than3s to them all,
To the 'or" $lmighty6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
To our parents6 frien"s an" benefactorsOOOOOOOOOOOOO,
To our classmates #ho unselfishly share" their i"eas OOOOOOOO
Than3 you an" -o" blessP
Proponents Initials of their name
(e,g, $,I,., etc,+
(sample format+
The abstract shall be #ritten in one #hole page, It shall "iscuss the
highlights of the research stu"y6 by highlightsB it means the important results an"
fin"ings of the stu"y, It shall li3e#ise inclu"e in the abstract the general
"escription of the propose" system, The relevant information an" "ata use" in
this stu"y #ere must be mentione" in this page,
(sample format+ @J
EK:I?IT &,8
(sample format+ J@
$EK &,A
(sample format) %&
L#ST O, E/H#0#TS
E*hibit & Current System Flo# Chart
E*hibit 8 Propose" System Flo# Chart
E*hibit A ?asic Stages in Developing
$ Typical Database System
(sample format+ %1
L#ST O, *++E$D#CES
$ppen"i* $ Cor3 $ssignment
$ppen"i* ? Sche"ule of $ctivities
$ppen"i* C Sample Forms an" Reports
$ppen"i* D Program 'istings

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