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H-7/ 428, Kedar, Lok Puram, Thane (W), Maharashtra, India
mai!" #aneshssu$#mai!%&om
Mo'i!e" 84()*4+*72
Professional Synopsis
, -inan&e .ro/essiona! 0ith 12 3ears o/ e4.erien&e in the 5e!ds o/ 6or.orate Mana#ement
and 7.erationa! -inan&e !ookin# /or o..ortunities to !e8era#e m3 &urrent ski!! sets, nurture
m3 ta!ents and !i8e throu#h m3 .assions there'3 a&hie8in# the or#ani9ationa! #oa!s%
Professional experience
Bennett Coleman & Co Ltd. (April, 2!! to Present"
Month!3 MI: .re.aration and ana!3sis o/ 8arious 'rands o/ Times .u'!ishin# house and
a!so the #rou. &om.anies ha8in# Internet, T;, <adio and other 'usinesses% Pre.aration
o/ re.orts /or the 6-7 and 677 (re8ie0ed '3 the seniors) on a re#u!ar / ,d Ho& 'asis
in8o!8in# the ke3 .arameters%
Ma4imi9in# the ,d attra&tin# .o0er o/ 'rands throu#h =rand ana!3sis%
<e&ommendations on ,d stru&tures to the &!ients !ike 'und!in#, 'arters et&% usin# a!!
the mediums%
Pre.aration o/ 4e&uti8e mana#ement re.orts in8o!8in# in/ormati8e #ra.hi&a!
sna.shots ,na!3sis /or <e8enue and 4.ense heads and Pre.aration o/ ;arian&e re.orts
to hi#h!i#ht dis& in o.erationa! .er/orman&e%
Pre.aration o/ Month!3/>uarter!3 Per/orman&e and ,na!3sis ?otes /or the =oard o/
@ire&tors and M@
<e8ie0in# 'ran&h .er/orman&e 0ith &!ose intera&tions 0ith the 'ran&h 5nan&e heads
Pre.aration o/ annua! re8enue and &ost =ud#ets in8o!8in# dis&ussions 0ith
8arious de.artments and &ontri'utin# to the .resentations /or the ,;P, ;P, and 6-7%
Pro8ide /un&tiona! insi#hts /or an3 t0eakin#s in :,P modu!es to #enerate ne0 / e4istin#
and modi/3in# re.orts%
:im.!e automations 0ith the he!. o/ ma&ros to /a&i!itate minimum human inter8entions
/or time &onsumin# .ro&esses%
#P $or%an Chase, $ana%ement Trainee & 'perations team leader (#(ly, 2! ) April,
Workin# /or Aser a&&e.tan&e testin# (A,T) 0hi&h is res.onsi'!e /or testin# the 'ankBs
.a3ment .ro&essin# s3stems /or its &ustomers in M, / ,P,6 re#ions% This manua! testin#
in8o!8es &!ose intera&tion and &oordination 0ith the te&hno!o#3 su..ort, teams that mana#e
the midd!e0are and inter/a&es &onne&ted to the main s3stem and the .rodu&t team%
ProCe&ts undertaken%
:P, (:in#!e uro.ean Pa3ments ,rea) ru!e'ook &han#es%
The s&o.e o/ this .roCe&t 0as to amend and u.#rade the e4istin# /un&tiona!ities to
&om.!3 0ith the !atest de8e!o.ments in :P,%
:P, @ire&t de'it indire&t .arti&i.ants%
This in8o!8ed testin# the intera&tion o/ DPM6Bs s3stems 0ith the s3stems o/ other 'anks
0hi&h .arti&i.ated 0ith the &!earin# throu#h DPM6%
This is re!ated to shi/tin# the .a3ment .ro&essin# /rom main /rame to 0e' 'ased
Indi8idua! .roCe&t undertaken as .art o/ mana#ement trainee .ro#ramme%
In8o!8es .er/ormin# a &om.arati8e ana!3sis o/ the 'est .ra&ti&es /o!!o0ed '3 the to.
.!a3ers in !iEuidit3 'usiness and re&ommend 0a3s to im.!ement them 0hi&h 0ou!d
!ead to &ost &uttin#% :ome o/ the .arameters are the 8endor en#a#ements, te&hno!o#3
su..ort, s.!it in the 0ork /or&e, entr3 and e4it &riteria, re.ortin# stru&tures, 'a&k#round
o/ 0ork /or&e, re&ruitment, trainin# .ro&edures et&%
A*A B(siness ser+ices, Claim processin% analyst (#(ly 2,- march 2."
Worked /or a team that 0as res.onsi'!e /or 8a!idatin# and .ro&essin# the reEuests /or
insuran&e .o!i&ies a/ter strin#ent due di!i#en&e% It in8o!8ed"
=ene5&iar3 rea!!o&ation
Workin# out 7* .!us diFerent &om'inations o/ the insured amount the num'er
o/ de.endants, .ro.ortion and re!ationshi.s as .arameters%
=ank assi#nments
,ssi#nin# and re8okin# 'ank assi#nments a#ainst the .o!i&3 do&uments%
<i#hts &han#es
Trans/er o/ ri#hts a/ter &he&kin# the &redentia!s o/ the .ros.e&ti8e ri#hts ho!der%
/d(cational credentials

M=, (-inan&e) /rom :ri :ath3a :ai Ani8ersit3 0ith a 6GP, - 1%8)/(%** (2**8-)*)
=%6om (Hons%) /rom :ri :ath3a :ai Ani8ersit3 0ith a 6GP, - 1%72/(%** (2**4-*7)
Passed 6!ass HII /rom :ri :ath3a :ai Loka :e8a Trust, Karnataka 0ith 8)%+7I in 2**4
Passed 6!ass H /rom @%T%%, :enior :e&ondar3 :&hoo!, ?e0 @e!hi 0ith 71I in 2**2
Academic pro0ect

JCorporate Strate%ies d(rin% recession for ser+ice sectorK
It in8o!8ed a &riti&a! ana!3sis o/ the &or.orate strate#ies ado.ted '3 se!e&ted &om.anies /rom
/our diFerent ser8i&e se&tors name!3 air!ines, te!e&om, hos.ita!it3 and 'ankin# 0ith a 8ie0 to
5nd the 'est set o/ strate#ies that &an sa8e 'usinesses in tur'u!ent times%
There &an ne8er 'e a set strate#3 that &an 'e used% It .ure!3 de.ends u.on the nature o/
'usiness &urrent en8ironment/interna! /a&tors in 0hi&h a .arti&u!ar &om.an3 is sai!in#% ?either
there is an3 ri#ht or 0ron# strate#3% The &ha!!en#es /a&ed are in8aria'!3 so uniEue '3 ea&h
'usiness that no e4tensi8e .rior .!annin# &an he!.% The strate#ies ado.ted '3 the !eaders
0ho dared to see the re&ession as an o..ortunit3 and &ame u. 0ith inno8ati8e 0a3s to
&ounter it, 0on the 'att!e 'ut the same strate#ies &an no 0a3 'e de.!o3ed a&ross%
1or2shops and Seminars Attended in colle%e camp(s.

J=usiness Inno8ationK (&ondu&ted '3 the 0e!! kno0n mana#ement #uru, 6%K Prah!ad%
The ke3 take a0a3 0as to a!0a3s !ook /or inno8ationL it &an &ome /rom an3'od3,
an3time, in an3 /orm% There are hi#h!3 .ro5ta'!e mu!ti'i!!ion do!!ar 0orth 'usiness
8entures in rura! India% The on!3 ke3 to ta. the same is inno8ation%
Jthi&s and the 0or!d o/ -inan&eK (some o/ the di#nitaries 0ere Ka!.na Mor.ariaL K%;%
KamathL <=I Go8ernor, @r% @% :u''arao and other !eadin# 'ankers and 5nan&ia!
The main !earnin# 0as that, ethi&s is the Euintessentia! as.e&t /or a sustaina'!e
de8e!o.ment o/ an3
=usiness or#ani9ation% 6ondu&tin# the 'usinesses '3 #i8in# due im.ortan&e and in mind
the 'est interests o/ a!! the stakeho!ders a!one he!.s in the !on# run% 6:< shou!d rather
'e seen
more !ike an o'!i#ation and it is to 'e understood that the so&iet3 and human re!ations,
to a #reat e4tent
he!.s &or.orates to
/xtra C(rric(lar Acti+ities and Achie+ements
Winners o/ the 7r&hestra 6om.etition at Ani8ersit3 !e8e! in 2**M%
Worked /or a se!/ re!ian&e a&ti8it3 in mu!timedia de.artment 0hi&h in8o!8ed 8ideo
shootin#, .i&tures and di#ita!!3 masterin# /or &ir&u!ation .ur.oses%
Liaisoned 0ith su..!iers o/ #oods and ser8i&es o/ 8arious natures and 0as a!so
res.onsi'!e /or ne#otiatin# 'u!k dea!s% ,&ted as the re.resentati8e o/ the hoste! to the
trust throu#h 0hi&h se!e&t .rodu&ts 0ere so!d in the market%
Had .er/ormed ad8enture s.orts !ike ram. Cum.s 0ith 'ikes as .art o/ annua! s.orts
and &u!tura! meet in &o!!e#e !e8e!%
Was .art o/ t0o da3s 'ikin# e4.editions &o8erin# a &ir&uit o/ o8er 4**kms%
Parti&i.ated in )* km ra&es and se&ured merit .ositions%
,0arded meda! /or Mum'ai Marathon (/u!! &ate#or3)%
4tensi8e trekker (,!so trekked to Hima!a3an #!a&ier)%
,&ti8e!3 .arti&i.ated in NBGram :a8aK &ondu&ted '3 the uni8ersit3 0here /ood and
&!othes are distri'uted to the need3 in 8er3 remote 8i!!a#es /or )* da3s in ,ndhra
Pradesh (,nnua! e8ent)%
<e#u!ar 8isits to 8i!!a#es oF Mum'ai a!on# 0ith the team to .ro8ide 'asi& medi&a! &are,
edu&ation in human 8a!ues, orientation to 'etter !i8in# &onditions and a!so ideas to set
u. sma!! s&a!e &ommer&ia! a&ti8ities%
<e#u!ar 8isits to o!d a#e home
Areas of interest
-inan&ia! /easi'i!ities
=rand ana!3sis
=rand .ositionin#
Personal 3etails
@ate o/ =irth " (
:e.tem'er, )M8+
MotherBs ?ame " Lakshmi% T
Lan#ua#es kno0n " n#!ish, Hindi, Tami!, Te!u#u, Kannada%
Ho''ies " Musi&, trekkin#, .oo!, <eadin#

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