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Chris Glenn 2305 Salamanca St, Navarre, FL 32566

850. 293. 0656 chrisaglenn1gmail.c!m

)&*ective To obtain a position that utilizes my experience in management, marketing, and
communications that allows growth in the company.
+',cati!n -achel!r !. /rts in C!mm,nicati!n /rts /"ril 2011
University of West Florida ensacola, F!
"a#or ublic $elations
C!m",ter )"erating S0stems
S1ills Windows %, &, 'T, (ista "acintosh )*&
2r!',ctivit0 S!.t%are
"icrosoft )ffice *uite Word, +xcel, oweroint
,dobe -reative *uite . /n0esign, hotoshop, /llustrator
S!cial 3e'ia
1ouTube, Facebook, "y*pace, !inked/n, Twitter
4!n!rs 5 0ean2s list entire senior year
/chievements "aintained full course load while working multiple #obs over 34 hours a week
$eceived 5right Futures *cholarship
2r!.essi!nal St!re 3anager !. 6he7"erience 5 G,s, 2a''les"!rts 8an 2013 9 "resent
0esigned and built the inside of the 6,444 s7 ft business
0id all buying of products for both retail store and fitness studio with a 89.4k budget
/ncreased sales from 8:44k the previous year to over 8.44k after one year of opening
5uilt and operated online store, website, ebay store ; all social media sites
*pearheaded numerous local community events
+stablished ,utism *urfs ; *pecial )lympics programs in . local counties
/ssistant 3anager !. /&ercr!m&ie 5 Fitch )ct 2012 : 8an 2013
"anaged over :. employees
-ontrol all inbound and outgoing shipping
)pen and closing responsibilities
5ank deposits and floor supervision
General 3anager !. /;,a S,r. Sh!" 8an 2012 9 )ct 2012
-ontrol all internal and external accounts
< "arketing director, built and maintained website=social media pages
< *taffing, purchasing, sales, merchandising, accounting, housekeeping and security
< /ncrease sales :4> from previous year
< "aintained and established customer relations to maximize service satisfaction
<ntern .!r the =niversit0 !. >est Fl!ri'a in S"!rts C!mm,nicati!n 2011
Worked over 300 hours my last semester at UWF
Wrote press releases ; feature stories for web and print
hotographer =editor for media releases ; feature stories online
5uilt archives containing UWF team records covering .4? years
-reated numerous student@athlete biographies and uploaded to online database
+dited and posted social media videos of events and games
(ideographer of athletics for online database
C!mm,nit0 (olunteered and provided e7uipment at all ,utism *urfs events 20139201?
-reated *pecial )lympics relationships and provided gear 20139201?
-oached :@. year old soccer at 1"-, Ft. Walton 5each, F! 2010
(olunteer for (acation 5ible *chool at FU"- 200@92009
-oached :
grade basketball at the -ommunity !ife -enter 200?

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