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Forecasts created in CMS do not alter commitments in Oracle Financials.

Actual expenditures replace forecasted numbers as the project

progresses, which allow fnancial managers to get an earl warning of
potential o!erdrafts, note con"icting commitments, plan future actions,
Checklist: Steps to Implement CMS to Forecast, Report, and
Reconcile PTAs
#. $earn about CMS at the CMS website %http&''
). Schedule a CMS O!er!iew *resentation for our management team
+. Ma,e certain e!erone is granted the appropriate authorit to use CMS
a. Managers grant indi!iduals authorit in the Authorit Manager
b. -ndi!iduals complete re.uired CMS training for /pdate Authorit
registering in S0A1S for O1A2##)3
4. 5nsure our computer is set up for CMS
6. /se CMS to forecast, report, and reconcile *0As
7. -mpro!e business processes and eliminate or reduce use of Shadow
1. Learn Abot CMS at the CMS !ebsite
$. Schedle a CMS %&er&ie' Presentation #or (or Mana)ement
Team *optional+
Contact *atti McCabe to schedule a #2hour
presentation for our team.
9our authorit dictates the updates ou can perform in CMS. 9ou can
update *0A lines o!er which ou ha!e been granted authorit. -f ou
share costs %salar or goods : ser!ices( with another Org, ou can !iew
the entire distribution in CMS e!en if ou do not ha!e authorit o!er all
the *0As. ;owe!er, ou will be able to update onl the lines for which ou
ha!e authorit. Stanford *olic on confdentialit of data applies.
Recei&in)",rantin) Athorit- . Re/ired Trainin)
1ecei!ing CMS Authorit is a two2step process&
#. 9ou must complete a training class which consists of an o!er!iew,
practice in the CMS 0raining 5n!ironment, and 6 authorit tests. 9ou
can ta,e the training either in a hands2on lab or online. You must
have approval from your manager to take CMS Training. CMS has
contextual help throughout the application to guide the user.
). <hen ou enroll in O1A2##)3, Overview of CMS, in S0A1S, a CMS
team member will contact our manager to ensure ou are
authori=ed to ta,e the training, determine which authorit role ou
will ha!e, and identif the Orgs and'or *roject20as,s to gi!e ou
authorit for in the CMS 0raining 5n!ironment.
Once ou complete the training, a CMS team member will notif our
manager that the can grant ou authorit !ia the Authorit Manager for the
Orgs and'or *roject20as,s ou need access to in CMS. 9ou can CMS
Commitment Mana)ement S-stem
CMS allows ou to modif all aspects of pa, including labor distribution :
salar update.
CMS allows ou to !iew the pa histor for all personnel > facult, sta?
and students.
CMS allows ou to forecast lea!e and other supplemental pa.
CMS allows ou to add @softA commitments, including burden.
CMS has direct lin,s to Oracle <eb -n.uir where ou can !iew and'or
suppress a *O.
CMS allows ou to !iew outstanding commitments and actual expenses
for Boods : Ser!ices which can ma,e reconciliation easier.
1educe time spent entering data manuall into Shadow Sstem%s( b
using CMS 1eports, or exporting data to spreadsheets.
0. Impro&e 1siness Processes
After e!erone in the wor, group, including the manager, has used CMS,
meet to discuss the following&
Can business processes be streamlined and impro!ed using CMSC
Are there was to eliminate manual data entr into Shadow SstemsC
-s it possible to eliminate some Shadow SstemsC
<hat are the best uses for CMS 1eportC
CMS 1ene2ts #or Administrators
1educed audit exposure as CMS allows ou to forecast and ma,e better fnancial
1educed time correcting errors as users ha!e a tool that will @do it right the frst
5liminates late cost transfers which can result in the *- ha!ing to absorb the cost.
1educed time spent to produce forecasts and reports.
1educed time spent manuall entering data and manual calculations.
1eliable CMS auto2calculations result in accurate data in forecasts and reports.
;ard commitment data feeds are timel, accurate, and reliable.
Abilit to easil manipulate data to create @what if scenariosA.
$ess time re.uired to pro!ide better fnancial management.
3. Learn Abot CMS at the CMS !ebsite
4. Schedle a CMS %&er&ie' Presentation #or (or Mana)ement
Team *optional+
Contact *atti McCabe to schedule a #2hour
presentation for our team.
5. 6nsre 6&er-one is ,ranted the Appropriate Athorit- . Completes
Re/ired Trainin) to 7se CMS *http:""cms.stan#ord.ed CMS
/sing the Stanford Authorit Manager, ou can be granted one of four
authorit roles in CMS. 9our authorit role controls whether ou can
create forecasts or just !iew forecasts others ha!e created. -t also
controls whether ou can !iew or update salar or are limited to non2
8ie' Athorit-
T'o le&els a&ailable:
CMS Salar- 8ie' 9 includes both salar and non2salar %i.e., goods
and ser!ices( transactions.
CMS :on9Salar- 8ie' 9 includes onl non2salar %i.e., goods and
ser!ices( transactions
Checklist: Steps to Implement CMS to Forecast, Report, and
Reconcile PTAs
D. $earn about CMS at the CMS website %http&''
E. Schedule a CMS O!er!iew *resentation for our management team
3. Ma,e certain e!erone is granted the appropriate authorit to use CMS
a. Managers grant indi!iduals authorit in the Authorit Manager
b. -ndi!iduals complete re.uired CMS training for /pdate Authorit
registering in S0A1S for O1A2##)3
#F. 5nsure our computer is set up for CMS
##. /se CMS to forecast, report, and reconcile *0As
#). -mpro!e business processes and eliminate or reduce use of Shadow
0. Learn Abot CMS at the CMS !ebsite
;. Schedle a CMS %&er&ie' Presentation #or (or Mana)ement
Team *optional+
Contact *atti McCabe to schedule a #2hour
presentation for our team.
<. 6nsre 6&er-one is ,ranted the Appropriate Athorit- . Completes
Re/ired Trainin) to 7se CMS *http:""cms.stan#ord.ed CMS
/sing the Stanford Authorit Manager, ou can be granted one of four
authorit roles in CMS. 9our authorit role controls whether ou can
create forecasts or just !iew forecasts others ha!e created. -t also
controls whether ou can !iew or update salar or are limited to non2
Cool Stu?
9ou can !iew people with multiple assignments.
9ou can !iew all allocations for people in our Org, being paid from an Org
outside our authorit.
9ou can clic, a *O to !iew an actual in!oice.
9ou can lin, directl to Oracle <eb -n.uir from CMS to @suppressA a
0ime Sa!ers
Giew salar histor showing 7 months of actual pa to insure people were
paid correctl.
Giew just the current ear for a Hlan,et *O that co!ers 6 ears of a grant 2
sa!es manuall remo!ing data from 1M+.
CMS is one2stop shopping for re!iewing hard commitments.
9ou can .uic,l suppress commitments.
5. 7se CMS to Forecast, Report, and Reconcile PTAs
Iiscuss *0A nic,name feature and nic,name con!entions with our group.
Iiscuss roles and responsibilities for *0As in CMS > remember, e!erone
who has authorit can update the same *0A.
CMS allows ou to !iew and report on the data from man source
sstems, i.e., *eopleSoft, BFS and i*rocurement.
CMS is a user interface for Oracle > in Oracle, ou pull data !ia
1eportMart+ 1eportsJ in CMS, data is pushed to ou b our search
criteria. Hecause of this, ou ma !iew data ou did not ,now existed or
thought was inacti!e. -f necessar, correct the data ou feel is old or
incorrect in the source sstem%s(.
CMS allows ou to modif all aspects of pa, including labor distribution :
salar update.
CMS allows ou to !iew the pa histor for all personnel > facult, sta?
and students.
CMS allows ou to forecast lea!e and other supplemental pa.
CMS allows ou to add @softA commitments, including burden.
CMS has direct lin,s to Oracle <eb -n.uir where ou can !iew and'or
suppress a *O.
CMS allows ou to !iew outstanding commitments and actual expenses
for Boods : Ser!ices which can ma,e reconciliation easier.
1educe time spent entering data manuall into Shadow Sstem%s( b
using CMS 1eports, or exporting data to spreadsheets.
9our authorit will control which screens or features ou can access. For
example, if ou do not ha!e salar authorit, ou will be able to access
total salaries rollup OK$9, and ou will not be able to access information
below the total salaries rollup.
CMS is a planning and forecasting tool.
;ard commitment : expenditure data from Oracle Financials is fed nightl
to CMS.
1e!enue data is not fed to CMS.
/sers with /pdate Authorit can forecast b&
o Modifing @hard commitmentsA
o Adding @soft commitmentsA
o Creating soft budgets
o Creating custom periods
Forecasts created in CMS do not alter commitments in Oracle Financials.
Actual expenditures replace forecasted numbers as the project
progresses, which allow fnancial managers to get an earl warning of
potential o!erdrafts, note con"icting commitments, plan future actions,
Checklist: Steps to Implement CMS to Forecast, Report, and
Reconcile PTAs
#+. $earn about CMS at the CMS website %http&''
#4. Schedule a CMS O!er!iew *resentation for our management team
#6. Ma,e certain e!erone is granted the appropriate authorit to use CMS
a. Managers grant indi!iduals authorit in the Authorit Manager
b. -ndi!iduals complete re.uired CMS training for /pdate Authorit
Four 0ools for Financial Management
0hose who manage accounts at Stanford ha!e abundant robust tools
a!ailable to them. -t is up to them to le!erage the features of each tool in
the wa that can best ser!e their business needs. <e pro!ide a brief
description of 1eportMart+, Facult Financial in.uir 0ool %FF-0(, and Shadow
Sstems, and discuss the Commitment Management Sstem%CMS( in detail.
CMS Commitment Mana)ement S-stem
CMS is a planning and forecasting tool.
;ard commitment : expenditure data from Oracle Financials is fed nightl
to CMS.
1e!enue data is not fed to CMS.
/sers with /pdate Authorit can forecast b&
o Modifing @hard commitmentsA
o Adding @soft commitmentsA
o Creating soft budgets
o Creating custom periods
=. 6nsre 6&er-one is ,ranted the Appropriate Athorit- . Completes
Re/ired Trainin) to 7se CMS *http:""cms.stan#ord.ed CMS
/sing the Stanford Authorit Manager, ou can be granted one of four
authorit roles in CMS. 9our authorit role controls whether ou can
create forecasts or just !iew forecasts others ha!e created. -t also
controls whether ou can !iew or update salar or are limited to non2
8ie' Athorit-
T'o le&els a&ailable:
CMS Salar- 8ie' 9 includes both salar and non2salar %i.e., goods
and ser!ices( transactions.
CMS :on9Salar- 8ie' 9 includes onl non2salar %i.e., goods and
ser!ices( transactions
Hoth must be granted b our manager
Matches our current 1M+ authorit
Allows ou to !iew forecasts created b others for our
7pdate Athorit-
T'o le&els a&ailable:
CMS Salar- 7pdate 9 includes both salar and non2salar %i.e.,
goods and ser!ices( transactions.
CMS :on9Salar- 7pdate 9 includes onl non2salar %i.e., goods
and ser!ices( transactions.
Hoth must be granted b our manager
Hoth re.uire ou to complete training before using CMS
Hoth allow ou to forecast for our *0As
Hoth include Giew Authorit
9our authorit will control which screens or features ou can access. For
example, if ou do not ha!e salar authorit, ou will be able to access
total salaries rollup OK$9, and ou will not be able to access information
below the total salaries rollup.
9our authorit dictates the updates ou can perform in CMS. 9ou can
update *0A lines o!er which ou ha!e been granted authorit. -f ou
share costs %salar or goods : ser!ices( with another Org, ou can !iew
the entire distribution in CMS e!en if ou do not ha!e authorit o!er all
the *0As. ;owe!er, ou will be able to update onl the lines for which ou
ha!e authorit. Stanford *olic on confdentialit of data applies.
Recei&in)",rantin) Athorit- . Re/ired Trainin)
1ecei!ing CMS Authorit is a two2step process&
+. 9ou must complete a training class which consists of an o!er!iew,
practice in the CMS 0raining 5n!ironment, and 6 authorit tests. 9ou
can ta,e the training either in a hands2on lab or online. You must
have approval from your manager to take CMS Training. CMS has
contextual help throughout the application to guide the user.
4. <hen ou enroll in O1A2##)3, Overview of CMS, in S0A1S, a CMS
team member will contact our manager to ensure ou are
authori=ed to ta,e the training, determine which authorit role ou
will ha!e, and identif the Orgs and'or *roject20as,s to gi!e ou
authorit for in the CMS 0raining 5n!ironment.
6. Once ou complete the training, a CMS team member will notif
our manager that the can grant ou authorit !ia the Authorit
Manager for the Orgs and'or *roject20as,s ou need access to in
CMS. 9ou can then begin using CMS.
Managers ha!e the option of allowing the CMS team to upload
the authorit on their behalf or performing the tas, manuall.
Contact *atti McCabe for further information on how authorit is
being performed in our school.
4. Compter Setp #or CMS
http:""cms.stan#ord.ed ,ettin) Started Compter Setp
For *C, use -nternet 5xplorer OK$9.
For MAC, use C-01-L
5. 7se CMS to Forecast, Report, and Reconcile PTAs
Iiscuss *0A nic,name feature and nic,name con!entions with our group.
Iiscuss roles and responsibilities for *0As in CMS > remember, e!erone
who has authorit can update the same *0A.
CMS allows ou to !iew and report on the data from man source
sstems, i.e., *eopleSoft, BFS and i*rocurement.
CMS is a user interface for Oracle > in Oracle, ou pull data !ia
1eportMart+ 1eportsJ in CMS, data is pushed to ou b our search
criteria. Hecause of this, ou ma !iew data ou did not ,now existed or
thought was inacti!e. -f necessar, correct the data ou feel is old or
incorrect in the source sstem%s(.
CMS allows ou to modif all aspects of pa, including labor distribution :
salar update.
CMS allows ou to !iew the pa histor for all personnel > facult, sta?
and students.
CMS allows ou to forecast lea!e and other supplemental pa.
CMS allows ou to add @softA commitments, including burden.
CMS has direct lin,s to Oracle <eb -n.uir where ou can !iew and'or
suppress a *O.
CMS allows ou to !iew outstanding commitments and actual expenses
for Boods : Ser!ices which can ma,e reconciliation easier.
1educe time spent entering data manuall into Shadow Sstem%s( b
using CMS 1eports, or exporting data to spreadsheets.
0. Impro&e 1siness Processes
After e!erone in the wor, group, including the manager, has used CMS,
meet to discuss the following&
Can business processes be streamlined and impro!ed using CMSC
Are there was to eliminate manual data entr into Shadow SstemsC
-s it possible to eliminate some Shadow SstemsC
<hat are the best uses for CMS 1eportC
CMS 1ene2ts #or Administrators
1educed audit exposure as CMS allows ou to forecast and ma,e better fnancial
1educed time correcting errors as users ha!e a tool that will @do it right the frst
5liminates late cost transfers which can result in the *- ha!ing to absorb the cost.
1educed time spent to produce forecasts and reports.
1educed time spent manuall entering data and manual calculations.
1eliable CMS auto2calculations result in accurate data in forecasts and reports.
;ard commitment data feeds are timel, accurate, and reliable.
Abilit to easil manipulate data to create @what if scenariosA.
$ess time re.uired to pro!ide better fnancial management.
*- satisfaction with the results of CMS analsisJ problems are identifed and
corrected earl and late transfers and o!erdrafts are reduced.
1ene2ts #or Faclt-
CMS forecasts and reports are eas to read and interpret.
Consistent reports from all departments and schools sa!e time and
reduce confusion.
Fewer unpleasant surprises at Closeout.
!hat 7sers Are Sa-in) Abot CMS
CMS 1eports
CMS allows administrators to pro!ide uniform and consistent reports to the entire
department'school'uni!ersit, which is a major beneft to those doing interdisciplinar
0he Month by Month Burn Rate by PTA report shows actual expenses and outstanding
1eports in CMS are clear, meaningful and eas for our *- to read.
Forecasts automaticall default to F9 for non2sponsored awards and *0I for
sponsored awards.
9ou can create a Custom *eriod pro!iding the abilit to report for a di?erent time
period then the default period.
9ou can create a Custom Hudget which allows ou to rearrange expenditure tpes
%with more or less detail( and ou can e!en modif the bottom line dollar amount.
0his feature is especiall powerful if ou anticipate more funding and want to forecast
using that fgure.
9ou can download report data to 5xcel in two formats %with header or data dump( so
ou can easil perform scenario analsis.
9our reports can be labeled with @nic,namesA, a more meaningful description for
some facult than the *0A > unli,e the $abor Schedule reportM
CMS Auto Calculations
9ou tell CMS when someone is going on !acation and CMS calculates !acation credits
ta,ing into consideration wee,ends, holidas and das in a gi!en month. CMS
distributes the lea!e credit to all *0As the emploee is charged to.
Hurden is automaticall calculated showing the actual rate on all soft commitments.
CMS is 5as to /se
9ou can retrie!e *0As b *-.
-t is eas to generate new soft commitments and modif existing hard commitments.
9ou can easil create alternati!e scenarios for *-s %e.g. cost of hiring one !s. two grad
9ou can easil chec, for outstanding commitments.
Assists in Closeout b allowing one to easil !iew outstanding commitments.
9ou can lin, to i*rocurement to re!iew and reconcile *urchase 1e.s'orders.
9ou can see data from *eopleSoft, ;1MS, BFS OF merged into one place.
9ou can get a *0A balance .uic,l.
Cool Stu?
9ou can !iew people with multiple assignments.
9ou can !iew all allocations for people in our Org, being paid from an Org
outside our authorit.
9ou can clic, a *O to !iew an actual in!oice.
9ou can lin, directl to Oracle <eb -n.uir from CMS to @suppressA a
0ime Sa!ers
Giew salar histor showing 7 months of actual pa to insure people were
paid correctl.
Giew just the current ear for a Hlan,et *O that co!ers 6 ears of a grant 2
sa!es manuall remo!ing data from 1M+.
CMS is one2stop shopping for re!iewing hard commitments.
9ou can .uic,l suppress commitments.
CMS Report Attribtes
>ata Feeds to CMS
%ther Tools
FFIT Faclt- Financial in/ir- Tool
;elps facult manage their /ni!ersit fnancial resources, which they
own as individuals.
A facult member can see all Awards, *rojects and 0as,s which he'she
*ro!ides balances and drill2down transaction details for a facultNs
indi!iduall owned Awards, *rojects, 0as,s.
Contains data that is refreshed dail.
Calculates balances using budget, re!enue, expenditure and commitment
*ro!ides online help in the form of tips and downloadable .uic, guides.
Optionall, shows allocations to others from the facult memberNs Awards.
-ncludes re!enue as well as budget data for *0As.
ReportMart 3
1eportMart+ %1M+( is the primar reporting tool and en!ironment for the
fnancial data in the %racle Financials sstem. Oe modules of the
Oracle Financials sstem %used b distributed users across campus(
-nternet *rocurement
iO/ , *Card
$abor Iistribution
Shado' S-stems
;ighl customi=ed 5xcel spreadsheets created b indi!idual administrators to
meet the !er specifc needs of the facult members the support.

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