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EX27: Review Exercise (2)

It takes Jake twice as long to harvest a cornfield does Arthur. If Arthur and Jake
work together, they can harvest the field in 3 days. How many days would it take
each alone to harvest the crop?
If a weight of 13 pounds is 1! inches from the fulcrum, how far must a weight of
1! pounds "e placed from the fulcrum to maintain "alance?
#wo tuna "oats leave the same port traveling in opposite directions along the west
coast of the $nited %tates. &ne "oat travels ' miles per hour faster than the other. At
the end of one day(s travel they are 1,) miles apart. *hat is the speed of each
"oat per hour?
#he charge for admission to the natural history museum is +1.' for adults and 1
dollar for children. If ', people visited the museum in one day and the total
receipts were +,,', how many of each kind of ticket was sold?
A college student -ogs from his home to the "each at ) miles per hour. He visits with
his friends on the "each for ! hours, and then his friends drive him home at the rate
of ! miles per hour. If the student returns home after , hours, what is the distance
from his home to the "each?
A financial consultant invests +,, at a certain rate and +), at a rate that is 1.
less than twice the rate at +,,. If the total income from "oth investments is
+1,/!., find the rate of each investment
A canoeist paddled down a river a distance of / miles in !' minutes. 0addling up1
stream on his return, it took him 2 minutes. 3ind the rate of the canoe in still water.
A mason contractor needed to "uild a "rick warehouse in / days. #he first day he
hired ) "ricklayers and ! apprentices at a cost of +1,/) per day. #he second day he
hired 1 "ricklayers and , apprentices at a cost of +1,,) per day. *hat did it cost
him per day to pay each "ricklayer and each apprentice?
4r. 5andolph, a "usinessman, flew his -et plane from 6ewport 7each, 8alifornia to
%an 3rancisco, a distance of !) miles, in I(9i hours against the wind. &n his return
trip, he covered the same distance in 1 hour. If the speed of the wind was the same
going and returning, what was the speed of the tailwind?
#he perimeter of a triangle is 1:3 centimeters. #he first side is 1 inches greater
than the second side. #he third side is ' inches less than twice the first side. 3ind
the length of each side of the triangle.
*hen each side of a s;uare is decreased "y 1 centimeters, the area is decreased
3 centimeters
. 3ind the length of the original side of the s;uare.

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